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0001 #ifndef MuonReco_MuonIsolation_h
0002 #define MuonReco_MuonIsolation_h
0004 namespace reco {
0005   struct MuonIsolation {
0006     float sumPt;          //!< sum-pt of tracks

0007     float emEt;           //!< ecal sum-Et

0008     float hadEt;          //!< hcal sum-Et

0009     float hoEt;           //!< ho sum-Et

0010     int nTracks;          //!< number of tracks in the cone (excluding veto region)

0011     int nJets;            //!< number of jets in the cone

0012     float trackerVetoPt;  //!< (sum-)pt inside the veto region in r-phi

0013     float emVetoEt;       //!< ecal sum-et in the veto region in r-phi

0014     float hadVetoEt;      //!< hcal sum-et in the veto region in r-phi

0015     float hoVetoEt;       //!< ho sum-et in the veto region in r-phi

0016     MuonIsolation()
0017         : sumPt(0),
0018           emEt(0),
0019           hadEt(0),
0020           hoEt(0),
0021           nTracks(0),
0022           nJets(0),
0023           trackerVetoPt(0),
0024           emVetoEt(0),
0025           hadVetoEt(0),
0026           hoVetoEt(0){};
0027   };
0028 }  // namespace reco

0029 #endif