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0001 #ifndef MuonReco_MuonQuality_h
0002 #define MuonReco_MuonQuality_h
0004 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/Point3D.h"
0005 namespace reco {
0006   struct MuonQuality {
0007     ///

0008     /// bool returns true if standAloneMuon_updatedAtVtx was used in the fit

0009     bool updatedSta;
0010     /// value of the kink algorithm applied to the inner track stub

0011     float trkKink;
0012     /// value of the kink algorithm applied to the global track

0013     float glbKink;
0014     /// chi2 value for the inner track stub with respect to the global track

0015     float trkRelChi2;
0016     /// chi2 value for the outer track stub with respect to the global track

0017     float staRelChi2;
0018     /// chi2 value for the STA-TK matching of local position

0019     float chi2LocalPosition;
0020     /// chi2 value for the STA-TK matching of local momentum

0021     float chi2LocalMomentum;
0022     /// local distance seperation for STA-TK TSOS matching on same surface

0023     float localDistance;
0024     /// global delta-Eta-Phi of STA-TK matching

0025     float globalDeltaEtaPhi;
0026     /// if the STA-TK matching passed the tighter matching criteria

0027     bool tightMatch;
0028     /// the tail probability (-ln(P)) of the global fit

0029     float glbTrackProbability;
0031     /// Kink position for the tracker stub and global track

0032     math::XYZPoint tkKink_position;
0033     math::XYZPoint glbKink_position;
0035     MuonQuality()
0036         : updatedSta(false),
0037           trkKink(0),
0038           glbKink(0),
0039           trkRelChi2(0),
0040           staRelChi2(0),
0041           chi2LocalPosition(0),
0042           chi2LocalMomentum(0),
0043           localDistance(0),
0044           globalDeltaEtaPhi(0),
0045           tightMatch(false),
0046           glbTrackProbability(0) {}
0047   };
0048 }  // namespace reco

0049 #endif