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0001 #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
0002 #include <algorithm>
0003 #include <iterator>
0004 #include <iostream>
0005 #include <iomanip>
0007 #include "DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/PackedCandidate.h"
0009 class testPackedCandidate : public CppUnit::TestFixture {
0010   CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(testPackedCandidate);
0012   CPPUNIT_TEST(testDefaultConstructor);
0013   CPPUNIT_TEST(testCopyConstructor);
0014   CPPUNIT_TEST(testPackUnpack);
0015   CPPUNIT_TEST(testSimulateReadFromRoot);
0016   CPPUNIT_TEST(testPackUnpackTime);
0017   CPPUNIT_TEST(testQualityFlags);
0021 public:
0022   void setUp() {}
0023   void tearDown() {}
0025   void testDefaultConstructor();
0026   void testCopyConstructor();
0027   void testPackUnpack();
0028   void testSimulateReadFromRoot();
0030   void testPackUnpackTime();
0031   void testQualityFlags();
0033 private:
0034 };
0038 void testPackedCandidate::testDefaultConstructor() {
0039   pat::PackedCandidate pc;
0041   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.polarP4() == pat::PackedCandidate::PolarLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0));
0042   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.p4() == pat::PackedCandidate::LorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0));
0043   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.vertex() == pat::PackedCandidate::Point(0, 0, 0));
0044 }
0046 static bool tolerance(double iLHS, double iRHS, double fraction) {
0047   return std::abs(iLHS - iRHS) <= fraction * std::abs(iLHS + iRHS) / 2.;
0048 }
0050 void testPackedCandidate::testCopyConstructor() {
0051   pat::PackedCandidate::LorentzVector lv(1., 0.5, 0., std::sqrt(1. + 0.25 + 0.120 * 0.120));
0052   pat::PackedCandidate::PolarLorentzVector plv(lv.Pt(), lv.Eta(), lv.Phi(), lv.M());
0054   pat::PackedCandidate::Point v(0.01, 0.02, 0.);
0056   //invalid Refs use a special key
0057   pat::PackedCandidate pc(lv, v, 1., 1., 1., 11, reco::VertexRefProd(), reco::VertexRef().key());
0059   //these by design do not work
0060   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.polarP4() == plv);
0061   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.p4() == lv);
0062   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.vertex() == v);
0064   pat::PackedCandidate copy_pc(pc);
0066   //CPPUNIT_ASSERT(copy_pc.polarP4() == plv);
0067   //CPPUNIT_ASSERT(copy_pc.p4() == lv);
0068   //CPPUNIT_ASSERT(copy_pc.vertex() == v);
0070   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(&copy_pc.polarP4() != &pc.polarP4());
0071   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(&copy_pc.p4() != &pc.p4());
0072   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(&copy_pc.vertex() != &pc.vertex());
0074   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.vertex().X(), copy_pc.vertex().X(), 0.001));
0075   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.vertex().Y(), copy_pc.vertex().Y(), 0.001));
0076   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.vertex().Z(), copy_pc.vertex().Z(), 0.01));
0077   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.dxy(), copy_pc.dxy(), 0.001));
0078   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.dzAssociatedPV(), copy_pc.dzAssociatedPV(), 0.01));
0079   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.phiAtVtx(), copy_pc.phiAtVtx(), 0.001));
0080   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.etaAtVtx(), copy_pc.etaAtVtx(), 0.001));
0081   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.ptTrk(), copy_pc.ptTrk(), 0.001));
0083   {
0084     //Test copy of default constructed candidate
0085     pat::PackedCandidate def;
0086     pat::PackedCandidate copy_def(def);
0088     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(copy_def.polarP4() == pat::PackedCandidate::PolarLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0));
0089     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(copy_def.p4() == pat::PackedCandidate::LorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0));
0090     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(copy_def.vertex() == pat::PackedCandidate::Point(0, 0, 0));
0091   }
0092 }
0094 void testPackedCandidate::testPackUnpack() {
0095   pat::PackedCandidate::LorentzVector lv(1., 1., 0., std::sqrt(2. + 0.120 * 0.120));
0096   pat::PackedCandidate::PolarLorentzVector plv(lv.Pt(), lv.Eta(), lv.Phi(), lv.M());
0098   pat::PackedCandidate::Point v(-0.005, 0.005, 0.1);
0099   float trkPt = plv.Pt() + 0.5;
0100   float trkEta = plv.Eta() - 0.1;
0101   float trkPhi = -3. / 4. * 3.1416;
0103   //invalid Refs use a special key
0104   pat::PackedCandidate pc(lv, v, trkPt, trkEta, trkPhi, 11, reco::VertexRefProd(), reco::VertexRef().key());
0106   pc.pack(true);
0107   pc.packVtx(true);
0109   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.polarP4().Pt(), plv.Pt(), 0.001));
0110   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.polarP4().Eta(), plv.Eta(), 0.001));
0111   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.polarP4().Phi(), plv.Phi(), 0.001));
0112   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.polarP4().M(), plv.M(), 0.001));
0113   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.p4().X(), lv.X(), 0.001));
0114   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.p4().Y(), lv.Y(), 0.001));
0115   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.p4().Z(), lv.Z(), 0.001));
0116   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.p4().E(), lv.E(), 0.001));
0117   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.vertex().X(), v.X(), 0.001));
0118   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.vertex().Y(), v.Y(), 0.001));
0119   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.vertex().Z(), v.Z(), 0.01));
0120   //AR : this cannot be called unless track details are set
0121   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.pseudoTrack().pt(),trkPt,0.001));
0122   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.pseudoTrack().eta(),trkEta,0.001));
0123   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.pseudoTrack().phi(),trkPhi,0.001));
0124   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.ptTrk(), trkPt, 0.001));
0125   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.etaAtVtx(), trkEta, 0.001));
0126   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.phiAtVtx(), trkPhi, 0.001));
0127   //Check again after a setP4
0128   pc.setP4(plv * 2);
0129   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.ptTrk(), trkPt, 0.001));
0130   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.etaAtVtx(), trkEta, 0.001));
0131   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.phiAtVtx(), trkPhi, 0.001));
0132   pc.setP4(lv * 3);
0133   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.ptTrk(), trkPt, 0.001));
0134   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.etaAtVtx(), trkEta, 0.001));
0135   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.phiAtVtx(), trkPhi, 0.001));
0136   pc.setPz(pc.p4().Pz() + 3.3);
0137   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.ptTrk(), trkPt, 0.005));
0138   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.etaAtVtx(), trkEta, 0.005));
0139   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.phiAtVtx(), trkPhi, 0.005));
0140 }
0142 void testPackedCandidate::testSimulateReadFromRoot() {
0143   pat::PackedCandidate::LorentzVector lv(1., 1., 0., std::sqrt(2. + 0.120 * 0.120));
0144   pat::PackedCandidate::PolarLorentzVector plv(lv.Pt(), lv.Eta(), lv.Phi(), lv.M());
0145   pat::PackedCandidate::Point v(-0.005, 0.005, 0.1);
0147   float trkPt = plv.Pt() + 0.5;
0148   float trkEta = plv.Eta() - 0.1;
0149   float trkPhi = -3. / 4. * 3.1416;
0151   //invalid Refs use a special key
0152   pat::PackedCandidate pc(lv, v, trkPt, trkEta, trkPhi, 11, reco::VertexRefProd(), reco::VertexRef().key());
0154   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.polarP4() == plv);
0155   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.p4() == lv);
0156   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.vertex() == v);
0157   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pc.pseudoTrack().p() == lv.P());
0159   //When reading back from ROOT, these were not stored and are nulled out
0160   delete;
0161   delete;
0162   delete;
0163   delete;
0164   delete;
0166   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.polarP4().Pt(), plv.Pt(), 0.001));
0167   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.polarP4().Eta(), plv.Eta(), 0.001));
0168   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.polarP4().Phi(), plv.Phi(), 0.001));
0169   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.polarP4().M(), plv.M(), 0.001));
0170   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.p4().X(), lv.X(), 0.001));
0171   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.p4().Y(), lv.Y(), 0.001));
0172   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.p4().Z(), lv.Z(), 0.001));
0173   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.p4().E(), lv.E(), 0.001));
0174   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.vertex().X(), v.X(), 0.001));
0175   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.vertex().Y(), v.Y(), 0.001));
0176   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.vertex().Z(), v.Z(), 0.01));
0177   //AR : this cannot be called unless track details are set
0178   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.pseudoTrack().pt(),trkPt,0.001));
0179   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.pseudoTrack().eta(),trkEta,0.001));
0180   //  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.pseudoTrack().phi(),trkPhi,0.001));
0181   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.ptTrk(), trkPt, 0.001));
0182   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.etaAtVtx(), trkEta, 0.001));
0183   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tolerance(pc.phiAtVtx(), trkPhi, 0.001));
0184 }
0186 void testPackedCandidate::testPackUnpackTime() {
0187   bool debug =
0188       false;  // turn this on in order to get a printout of the numerical precision you get for the timing in the various encodings
0190   if (debug)
0191     std::cout << std::endl;
0192   if (debug)
0193     std::cout << "Minimum time error: " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeError(1) << std::endl;
0194   if (debug)
0195     std::cout << "Maximum time error: " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeError(255) << std::endl;
0196   float avgres = 0;
0197   int navg = 0;
0198   for (int i = 2; i < 255; ++i) {
0199     float unp = pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeError(i);
0200     float res = 0.5 * (pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeError(i + 1) - pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeError(i - 1));
0201     avgres += (res / unp);
0202     navg++;
0203     if (debug)
0204       std::cout << " i = " << i << " unp = " << unp << " quant error = " << res
0205                 << "  packed = " << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeError(unp + 0.3 * res)) << " and "
0206                 << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeError(unp - 0.3 * res)) << std::endl;
0207     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeError(unp + 0.3 * res) == i);
0208     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeError(unp - 0.3 * res) == i);
0209   }
0210   if (debug)
0211     std::cout << "Average rel uncertainty: " << (avgres / navg) << std::endl;
0212   if (debug)
0213     std::cout << std::endl;
0215   if (debug)
0216     std::cout << "Zero time standalone (pos): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(0) << std::endl;
0217   if (debug)
0218     std::cout << "Minimum time standalone (pos): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(+1) << std::endl;
0219   if (debug)
0220     std::cout << "Minimum time standalone (neg): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(-1) << std::endl;
0221   if (debug)
0222     std::cout << "Maximum time standalone, 8 bits (pos): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(+255)
0223               << std::endl;
0224   if (debug)
0225     std::cout << "Maximum time standalone, 8 bits (neg): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(-255)
0226               << std::endl;
0227   if (debug)
0228     std::cout << "Maximum time standalone, 10 bits (pos): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(+1023)
0229               << std::endl;
0230   if (debug)
0231     std::cout << "Maximum time standalone, 10 bits (neg): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(-1023)
0232               << std::endl;
0233   if (debug)
0234     std::cout << "Maximum time standalone, 11 bits (pos): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(+2047)
0235               << std::endl;
0236   if (debug)
0237     std::cout << "Maximum time standalone, 11 bits (neg): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(-2047)
0238               << std::endl;
0239   avgres = 0;
0240   navg = 0;
0241   for (int i = 2; i < 2040; i *= 1.5) {
0242     float unp = pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(i);
0243     float res = 0.5 * (pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(i + 1) - pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(i - 1));
0244     avgres += (res / unp);
0245     navg++;
0246     if (debug)
0247       std::cout << " i = +" << i << " unp = +" << unp << " quant error = " << res
0248                 << "  packed = " << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeNoError(unp + 0.3 * res)) << " and +"
0249                 << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeNoError(unp - 0.3 * res)) << std::endl;
0250     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeNoError(unp + 0.3 * res) == i);
0251     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeNoError(unp - 0.3 * res) == i);
0252     unp = pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(-i);
0253     res = 0.5 * (pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(-i + 1) - pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeNoError(-i - 1));
0254     avgres += std::abs(res / unp);
0255     navg++;
0256     if (debug)
0257       std::cout << " i = " << -i << " unp = " << unp << " quant error = " << res
0258                 << "  packed = " << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeNoError(unp + 0.3 * res)) << " and "
0259                 << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeNoError(unp - 0.3 * res)) << std::endl;
0260     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeNoError(unp + 0.3 * res) == -i);
0261     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeNoError(unp - 0.3 * res) == -i);
0262   }
0263   if (debug)
0264     std::cout << "Average rel uncertainty: " << (avgres / navg) << std::endl;
0265   if (debug)
0266     std::cout << std::endl;
0268   for (float aTimeErr = 2.0e-3; aTimeErr <= 1000e-3; aTimeErr *= std::sqrt(5.f)) {
0269     uint8_t packedTimeErr = pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeError(aTimeErr);
0270     float unpackedTimeErr = pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeError(packedTimeErr);
0271     if (debug)
0272       std::cout << "For a timeError of " << aTimeErr << " ns (uint8: " << unsigned(packedTimeErr) << ", unpack "
0273                 << unpackedTimeErr << ")" << std::endl;
0274     if (debug)
0275       std::cout << "Minimum time (pos): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(+1, packedTimeErr) << std::endl;
0276     if (debug)
0277       std::cout << "Minimum time (neg): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(-1, packedTimeErr) << std::endl;
0278     if (debug)
0279       std::cout << "Maximum time 8 bits (pos): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(+254, packedTimeErr)
0280                 << std::endl;
0281     if (debug)
0282       std::cout << "Maximum time 8 bits (neg): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(-254, packedTimeErr)
0283                 << std::endl;
0284     if (debug)
0285       std::cout << "Maximum time 10 bits (pos): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(+1022, packedTimeErr)
0286                 << std::endl;
0287     if (debug)
0288       std::cout << "Maximum time 10 bits (neg): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(-1022, packedTimeErr)
0289                 << std::endl;
0290     if (debug)
0291       std::cout << "Maximum time 12 bits (pos): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(+4094, packedTimeErr)
0292                 << std::endl;
0293     if (debug)
0294       std::cout << "Maximum time 12 bits (neg): " << pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(-4094, packedTimeErr)
0295                 << std::endl;
0296     avgres = 0;
0297     navg = 0;
0298     for (int i = 2; i < 4096; i *= 3) {
0299       float unp = pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(i, packedTimeErr);
0300       float res = 0.5 * (pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(i + 2, packedTimeErr) -
0301                          pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(i - 2, packedTimeErr));
0302       avgres += (res);
0303       navg++;
0304       if (debug)
0305         std::cout << " i = +" << i << " unp = +" << unp << " quant error = " << res << "  packed = +"
0306                   << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(unp + 0.2 * res, unpackedTimeErr)) << " and +"
0307                   << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(unp - 0.2 * res, unpackedTimeErr)) << std::endl;
0308       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(unp + 0.2 * res, unpackedTimeErr) == i);
0309       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(unp - 0.2 * res, unpackedTimeErr) == i);
0310       unp = pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(-i, packedTimeErr);
0311       res = 0.5 * (pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(-i + 2, packedTimeErr) -
0312                    pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(-i - 2, packedTimeErr));
0313       avgres += std::abs(res);
0314       navg++;
0315       if (debug)
0316         std::cout << " i = " << -i << " unp = " << unp << " quant error = " << res
0317                   << "  packed = " << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(unp + 0.2 * res, unpackedTimeErr))
0318                   << " and " << int(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(unp - 0.2 * res, unpackedTimeErr))
0319                   << std::endl;
0320       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(unp + 0.2 * res, unpackedTimeErr) == -i);
0321       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(unp - 0.2 * res, unpackedTimeErr) == -i);
0322     }
0323     if (debug)
0324       std::cout << "Average abs uncertainty: " << (avgres / navg) << std::endl;
0325     if (debug)
0326       std::cout << "Now testing overflows: " << std::endl;
0327     avgres = 0;
0328     navg = 0;
0329     for (float aTime = aTimeErr; aTime <= 200; aTime *= std::sqrt(5.f)) {
0330       int i = pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(aTime, unpackedTimeErr);
0331       float res = 0.5 * std::abs(pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(i + 2, packedTimeErr) -
0332                                  pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(i - 2, packedTimeErr));
0333       float unp = pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(i, packedTimeErr);
0334       if (debug)
0335         std::cout << " t = +" << aTime << " i = +" << i << "   quant error = " << res << " unpacked = +" << unp
0336                   << "   diff/res = " << (aTime - unp) / res << std::endl;
0337       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(std::abs(unp - aTime) < res);
0338       avgres = std::max(avgres, std::abs(res / unp));
0339       i = pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(-aTime, unpackedTimeErr);
0340       res = 0.5 * std::abs(pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(i + 2, packedTimeErr) -
0341                            pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(i - 2, packedTimeErr));
0342       unp = pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(i, packedTimeErr);
0343       if (debug)
0344         std::cout << " t = " << -aTime << " i = " << i << "   quant error = " << res << " unpacked = " << unp
0345                   << "   diff/res = " << (-aTime - unp) / res << std::endl;
0346       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(std::abs(unp + aTime) < res);
0347       avgres = std::max(avgres, std::abs(res / unp));
0348     }
0349     if (debug)
0350       std::cout << "Worst rel uncertainty: " << (avgres) << std::endl;
0351     if (debug)
0352       std::cout << std::endl;
0353   }
0354   if (debug)
0355     std::cout << std::endl;
0356 }
0358 void testPackedCandidate::testQualityFlags() {
0359   const std::vector<pat::PackedCandidate::PVAssociationQuality> pvAssocVals = {
0360       pat::PackedCandidate::NotReconstructedPrimary,
0361       pat::PackedCandidate::OtherDeltaZ,
0362       pat::PackedCandidate::CompatibilityBTag,
0363       pat::PackedCandidate::CompatibilityDz,
0364       pat::PackedCandidate::UsedInFitLoose,
0365       pat::PackedCandidate::UsedInFitTight};
0366   const std::vector<pat::PackedCandidate::LostInnerHits> lostHitsVals = {
0367       pat::PackedCandidate::validHitInFirstPixelBarrelLayer,
0368       pat::PackedCandidate::noLostInnerHits,
0369       pat::PackedCandidate::oneLostInnerHit,
0370       pat::PackedCandidate::moreLostInnerHits};
0371   const std::vector<bool> trackQualVals = {false, true};
0372   const std::vector<bool> glbMuonVals = {false, true};
0373   const std::vector<bool> staMuonVals = {false, true};
0374   const std::vector<bool> goodEGVals = {false, true};
0376   pat::PackedCandidate cand;
0378   for (auto pvAssoc : pvAssocVals) {
0379     for (auto lostHits : lostHitsVals) {
0380       for (auto trackQual : trackQualVals) {
0381         for (auto glbMuon : glbMuonVals) {
0382           for (auto staMuon : staMuonVals) {
0383             for (auto goodEGamma : goodEGVals) {
0384               cand.setMuonID(staMuon, glbMuon);
0385               cand.setGoodEgamma(goodEGamma);
0386               cand.setAssociationQuality(pvAssoc);
0387               cand.setLostInnerHits(lostHits);
0388               cand.setTrackHighPurity(trackQual);
0390               CPPUNIT_ASSERT(lostHits == cand.lostInnerHits());
0391               CPPUNIT_ASSERT(goodEGamma == cand.isGoodEgamma());
0392               CPPUNIT_ASSERT(staMuon == cand.isStandAloneMuon());
0393               CPPUNIT_ASSERT(glbMuon == cand.isGlobalMuon());
0394               CPPUNIT_ASSERT(trackQual == cand.trackHighPurity());
0395               CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pvAssoc == cand.pvAssociationQuality());
0396             }
0397           }
0398         }
0399       }
0400     }
0401   }
0402 }