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0001 #ifndef DataFormats_Provenance_EventProcessHistoryID_h
0002 #define DataFormats_Provenance_EventProcessHistoryID_h
0004 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventID.h"
0005 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProcessHistoryID.h"
0007 // This class needed for backward compatibility only.
0008 // It is relevant if and only if fileFormatVersion.eventHistoryBranch() is true.
0010 namespace edm {
0011   class EventProcessHistoryID {
0012   public:
0013     EventProcessHistoryID() : eventID_(), processHistoryID_() {}
0014     EventProcessHistoryID(EventID const& id, ProcessHistoryID const& ph) : eventID_(id), processHistoryID_(ph) {}
0015     EventID const& eventID() const { return eventID_; }
0016     ProcessHistoryID const& processHistoryID() const { return processHistoryID_; }
0018   private:
0019     EventID eventID_;
0020     ProcessHistoryID processHistoryID_;
0021   };
0022   inline bool operator<(EventProcessHistoryID const& lh, EventProcessHistoryID const& rh) {
0023     return lh.eventID() < rh.eventID();
0024   }
0025 }  // namespace edm
0027 #endif