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0002 #ifndef DataFormats_SiStripCommon_ConstantsForRunType_H
0003 #define DataFormats_SiStripCommon_ConstantsForRunType_H
0005 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/Constants.h"
0007 /** 
0008     @file ConstantsForRunType.h
0010     @brief Constants and enumerated type for sistrip::RunType
0011 */
0013 namespace sistrip {
0015   // ---------- Constants ----------
0017   static const char unknownRunType_[] = "UnknownRunType";
0018   static const char undefinedRunType_[] = "UndefinedRunType";
0020   static const char fastCablingRun_[] = "FastCabling";
0021   static const char fedCablingRun_[] = "FedCabling";
0022   static const char apvTimingRun_[] = "ApvTiming";
0023   static const char fedTimingRun_[] = "FedTiming";
0024   static const char optoScanRun_[] = "OptoScan";
0025   static const char vpspScanRun_[] = "VpspScan";
0026   static const char pedestalsRun_[] = "Pedestals";
0027   static const char pedsOnlyRun_[] = "PedsOnly";
0028   static const char noiseRun_[] = "Noise";
0029   static const char pedsFullNoiseRun_[] = "PedsFullNoise";
0030   static const char apvLatencyRun_[] = "ApvLatency";
0031   static const char fineDelayRun_[] = "FineDelay";
0032   static const char calibPeakRun_[] = "CalibrationPeak";
0033   static const char calibDeconRun_[] = "CalibrationDeco";
0034   static const char calibScanPeakRun_[] = "CalibrationScanPeak";
0035   static const char calibScanDeconRun_[] = "CalibrationScanDeco";
0036   static const char daqScopeModeRun_[] = "DaqScopeMode";
0037   static const char physicsRun_[] = "Physics";
0039   // ---------- Enumerated type ----------
0041   /** 
0042    * Run types: (equivalent "TrackerSupervisor" enums in brackets): 
0043    * unknown run type,
0044    * undefined run type,
0045    * physics data-taking run                  (1 = PHYSICS), 
0046    * FED calibration run for peds and noise   (2 = PEDS_AND_NOISE), 
0047    * pulse shape tuning using peak mode       (3 = CALIBRATION), 
0048    * bias and gain scan for LLD device        (4 = GAINSCAN),  
0049    * relative synch                           (5 = TIMING), 
0050    * coarse (25ns) latency scan for beam      (6 = LATENCY),
0051    * fine (1ns) PLL delay scan for beam       (7 = DELAY), 
0052    * fine (1ns) TTC delay scan for beam       (8 = DELAY_TTC), 
0053    * multi mode operation                     (10 = PHYSIC10), 
0054    * connection run                           (11 = CONNECTION),
0055    * relative APV synch using FED delays      (12 = TIMING_FED), 
0056    * connection run                           (13 = BARE_CONNECTION), 
0057    * baseline scan                            (14 = VPSPSCAN), 
0058    * scope mode running                       (15 = SCOPE) 
0059    * connection run                           (16 = FAST_CONNECTION),
0060    * fine delay at for layer                  (17 = DELAY_LAYER) 
0061    * physics run in ZS mode                   (18 = PHYSIC_ZS) 
0062    * isha/vfs scan using peak mode            (19 = CALIBRATION_SCAN), 
0063    * isha/vfs scan using decon mode           (20 = CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO), 
0064    * "fast" connection run                    (21 = XTOFS_CONNECTION), 
0065    * FED calibration run for pedestals (only) (22 = PEDESTAL), 
0066    * FED calibration run for noise (only)     (23 = NOISE),
0067    * FED calib. for peds and detailed noise   (24 = PEDS_FULL_NOISE),
0068    * pulse shape tuning using decon mode      (33 = CALIBRATION_DECO), 
0069    */
0070   enum RunType {
0071     PHYSICS = 1,
0072     PEDESTALS = 2,
0073     CALIBRATION = 3,
0074     OPTO_SCAN = 4,
0075     APV_TIMING = 5,
0076     APV_LATENCY = 6,
0077     FINE_DELAY_PLL = 7,
0078     FINE_DELAY_TTC = 8,
0079     MULTI_MODE = 10,
0080     FED_TIMING = 12,
0081     FED_CABLING = 13,
0082     VPSP_SCAN = 14,
0083     DAQ_SCOPE_MODE = 15,
0084     QUITE_FAST_CABLING = 16,
0085     FINE_DELAY = 17,
0086     PHYSICS_ZS = 18,
0087     CALIBRATION_SCAN = 19,
0089     FAST_CABLING = 21,
0090     PEDS_ONLY = 22,
0091     NOISE = 23,
0092     PEDS_FULL_NOISE = 24,
0093     CALIBRATION_DECO = 33,
0094     UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE = sistrip::unknown_,
0095     UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE = sistrip::invalid_
0096   };
0098 }  // namespace sistrip
0100 #endif  // DataFormats_SiStripCommon_ConstantsForRunType_H