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0001 #ifndef DataFormats_TrackSoA_interface_TracksSoA_h
0002 #define DataFormats_TrackSoA_interface_TracksSoA_h
0004 #include <alpaka/alpaka.hpp>
0006 #include <Eigen/Core>
0008 #include "HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaInterface/interface/OneToManyAssoc.h"
0009 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/SimplePixelTopology.h"
0010 #include "DataFormats/SoATemplate/interface/SoALayout.h"
0011 #include "DataFormats/TrackSoA/interface/TrackDefinitions.h"
0013 namespace reco {
0015   template <typename TrackerTraits>
0016   struct TrackSoA {
0017     static constexpr int32_t S = TrackerTraits::maxNumberOfTuples;
0018     static constexpr int32_t H = TrackerTraits::avgHitsPerTrack;
0019     // Aliases in order to not confuse the GENERATE_SOA_LAYOUT
0020     // macro with weird colons and angled brackets.
0021     using Vector5f = Eigen::Matrix<float, 5, 1>;
0022     using Vector15f = Eigen::Matrix<float, 15, 1>;
0023     using Quality = pixelTrack::Quality;
0025     using hindex_type = uint32_t;
0027     using HitContainer = cms::alpakatools::OneToManyAssocSequential<hindex_type, S + 1, H * S>;
0029     GENERATE_SOA_LAYOUT(Layout,
0030                         SOA_COLUMN(Quality, quality),
0031                         SOA_COLUMN(float, chi2),
0032                         SOA_COLUMN(int8_t, nLayers),
0033                         SOA_COLUMN(float, eta),
0034                         SOA_COLUMN(float, pt),
0035                         // state at the beam spot: {phi, tip, 1/pt, cotan(theta), zip}
0036                         SOA_EIGEN_COLUMN(Vector5f, state),
0037                         SOA_EIGEN_COLUMN(Vector15f, covariance),
0038                         SOA_SCALAR(int, nTracks),
0039                         SOA_SCALAR(HitContainer, hitIndices),
0040                         SOA_SCALAR(HitContainer, detIndices))
0041   };
0043   template <typename TrackerTraits>
0044   using TrackLayout = typename reco::TrackSoA<TrackerTraits>::template Layout<>;
0045   template <typename TrackerTraits>
0046   using TrackSoAView = typename reco::TrackSoA<TrackerTraits>::template Layout<>::View;
0047   template <typename TrackerTraits>
0048   using TrackSoAConstView = typename reco::TrackSoA<TrackerTraits>::template Layout<>::ConstView;
0050   /* Implement a type trait to identify the specialisations of TrackSoAConstView<TrackerTraits>
0051    *
0052    * This is done explicitly for all possible pixel topologies, because we did not find a way
0053    * to use template deduction with a partial specialisation.
0054    */
0055   template <typename T>
0056   struct IsTrackSoAConstView : std::false_type {};
0057   template <>
0058   struct IsTrackSoAConstView<TrackSoAConstView<pixelTopology::Phase1>> : std::true_type {};
0059   template <>
0060   struct IsTrackSoAConstView<TrackSoAView<pixelTopology::Phase1>> : std::true_type {};
0061   template <>
0062   struct IsTrackSoAConstView<TrackSoAConstView<pixelTopology::Phase2>> : std::true_type {};
0063   template <>
0064   struct IsTrackSoAConstView<TrackSoAView<pixelTopology::Phase2>> : std::true_type {};
0065   template <>
0066   struct IsTrackSoAConstView<TrackSoAConstView<pixelTopology::HIonPhase1>> : std::true_type {};
0067   template <>
0068   struct IsTrackSoAConstView<TrackSoAView<pixelTopology::HIonPhase1>> : std::true_type {};
0070   template <typename T>
0071   constexpr bool isTrackSoAConstView = IsTrackSoAConstView<T>::value;
0073   template <typename ConstView, typename = std::enable_if_t<isTrackSoAConstView<ConstView>>>
0074   ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE constexpr float charge(ConstView const& tracks, int32_t i) {
0075     //was: std::copysign(1.f, tracks[i].state()(2)). Will be constexpr with C++23
0076     float v = tracks[i].state()(2);
0077     return float((0.0f < v) - (v < 0.0f));
0078   }
0080   template <typename ConstView, typename = std::enable_if_t<isTrackSoAConstView<ConstView>>>
0081   ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE constexpr float phi(ConstView const& tracks, int32_t i) {
0082     return tracks[i].state()(0);
0083   }
0085   template <typename ConstView, typename = std::enable_if_t<isTrackSoAConstView<ConstView>>>
0086   ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE constexpr float tip(ConstView const& tracks, int32_t i) {
0087     return tracks[i].state()(1);
0088   }
0090   template <typename ConstView, typename = std::enable_if_t<isTrackSoAConstView<ConstView>>>
0091   ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE constexpr float zip(ConstView const& tracks, int32_t i) {
0092     return tracks[i].state()(4);
0093   }
0095   template <typename ConstView, typename = std::enable_if_t<isTrackSoAConstView<ConstView>>>
0096   ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE constexpr bool isTriplet(ConstView const& tracks, int32_t i) {
0097     return tracks[i].nLayers() == 3;
0098   }
0100 }  // namespace reco
0102 #endif  // DataFormats_TrackSoA_interface_TracksSoA_h