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0001 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCompactView.h"
0003 #include <cstdlib>
0005 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDRotationMatrix.h"
0006 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDBase.h"
0007 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCompactViewImpl.h"
0008 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDLogicalPart.h"
0009 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDMaterial.h"
0010 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDPosData.h"
0011 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSolid.h"
0012 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSpecifics.h"
0013 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDVector.h"
0014 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/LogicalPart.h"
0015 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/Material.h"
0016 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/Solid.h"
0017 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/Specific.h"
0019 class DDDivision;
0021 /** 
0022    Compact-views can be created only after an appropriate geometrical hierarchy
0023    has been defined using DDpos(). 
0025    Further it is assumed that the DDLogicalPart defining the root of the
0026    geometrical hierarchy has been defined using DDRootDef - singleton.
0027    It will be extracted from this singleton using DDRootDef::instance().root()!
0029    The first time this constructor gets called, the internal graph representation
0030    is build up. Subsequent calls will return immidiately providing access to
0031    the already built up compact-view representation.
0033    Currently the only usefull methods are DDCompactView::graph(), DDCompactView::root() !
0035    \todo define a stable interface for navigation (don't expose the user to the graph!)
0036 */
0037 //
0038 DDCompactView::DDCompactView(const DDLogicalPart& rootnodedata)
0039     : rep_(std::make_unique<DDCompactViewImpl>(rootnodedata)),
0040       worldpos_(std::make_unique<DDPosData>(DDTranslation(), DDRotation(), 0)) {}
0042 DDCompactView::DDCompactView(const DDName& name) {
0043   DDMaterial::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0044   DDSolid::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0045   DDLogicalPart::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0046   DDSpecifics::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0047   DDRotation::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0048   rep_ = std::make_unique<DDCompactViewImpl>(DDLogicalPart(name));
0049   worldpos_ = std::make_unique<DDPosData>(DDTranslation(), DDRotation(), 0);
0050 }
0052 DDCompactView::~DDCompactView() = default;
0054 /** 
0055    The compact-view is kept in an acyclic directed multigraph represented
0056    by an instance of class Graph<DDLogicalPart, DDPosData*). 
0057    Graph provides methods for navigating its content.
0058 */
0059 const DDCompactView::Graph& DDCompactView::graph() const { return rep_->graph(); }
0061 DDCompactView::GraphWalker DDCompactView::walker() const { return rep_->walker(); }
0063 const DDLogicalPart& DDCompactView::root() const { return rep_->root(); }
0065 const DDPosData* DDCompactView::worldPosition() const { return worldpos_.get(); }
0067 const std::vector<double>& DDCompactView::vector(std::string_view iKey) const {
0068   auto itFind = vectors_.find(std::string(iKey));
0069   if (itFind != vectors_.end()) {
0070     return itFind->second;
0071   }
0072   static const std::vector<double> s_empty;
0073   return s_empty;
0074 }
0076 void DDCompactView::position(const DDLogicalPart& self,
0077                              const DDLogicalPart& parent,
0078                              const std::string& copyno,
0079                              const DDTranslation& trans,
0080                              const DDRotation& rot,
0081                              const DDDivision* div) {
0082   int cpno = atoi(copyno.c_str());
0083   position(self, parent, cpno, trans, rot, div);
0084 }
0086 void DDCompactView::position(const DDLogicalPart& self,
0087                              const DDLogicalPart& parent,
0088                              int copyno,
0089                              const DDTranslation& trans,
0090                              const DDRotation& rot,
0091                              const DDDivision* div) {
0092   rep_->position(self, parent, copyno, trans, rot, div);
0093 }
0095 // UNSTABLE STUFF below ...
0096 void DDCompactView::setRoot(const DDLogicalPart& root) { rep_->setRoot(root); }
0098 void DDCompactView::swap(DDCompactView& repToSwap) { rep_->swap(*(repToSwap.rep_)); }
0100 DDCompactView::DDCompactView()
0101     : rep_(std::make_unique<DDCompactViewImpl>()),
0102       worldpos_(std::make_unique<DDPosData>(DDTranslation(), DDRotation(), 0)) {}
0104 void DDCompactView::lockdown() {
0105   // at this point we should have a valid store of DDObjects and we will move these
0106   // to the local storage area using swaps with the existing Singleton<Store...>'s
0107   DDMaterial::StoreT::instance().swap(matStore_);
0108   DDSolid::StoreT::instance().swap(solidStore_);
0109   DDLogicalPart::StoreT::instance().swap(lpStore_);
0110   DDSpecifics::StoreT::instance().swap(specStore_);
0111   DDRotation::StoreT::instance().swap(rotStore_);
0113   //Deal with DDVectors
0114   DDVector::iterator<DDVector> vit;
0115   DDVector::iterator<DDVector> ved(DDVector::end());
0117   for (; vit != ved; ++vit) {
0118     if (vit->isDefined().second) {
0119       DDName vname(vit->name());
0120       vectors_.emplace(, vit->values());
0121     }
0122   }
0123   // NOTE: would be good to clear DDVector's container at this time
0124   // to avoid mixing with other DDCompactViews. Unclear if that is
0125   // safe to do.
0127   // FIXME: lock the global stores.
0128   DDMaterial::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0129   DDSolid::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0130   DDLogicalPart::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0131   DDSpecifics::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0132   DDRotation::StoreT::instance().setReadOnly(false);
0133 }