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0001 #include <ostream>
0002 #include <string>
0003 #include <vector>
0005 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDBase.h"
0006 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDMaterial.h"
0007 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDName.h"
0008 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/Material.h"
0009 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/GeantUnits.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0012 using DDI::Material;
0013 using namespace geant_units::operators;
0015 DDMaterial::DDMaterial() : DDBase<DDName, std::unique_ptr<Material>>() {}
0017 /**
0018    If a DDMaterial with \a name was already defined, this constructor creates a
0019    reference object to the defined material. Otherwise it creates a (default)
0020    initialized reference-object to a material with DDName \a name. 
0022    For further details concerning the usage of reference-objects refere
0023    to the documentation of DDLogicalPart.
0024 */
0025 DDMaterial::DDMaterial(const DDName &name) : DDBase<DDName, std::unique_ptr<Material>>() { create(name); }
0027 /** 
0028    \arg \c z atomic number
0029    \arg \c a atomic mass
0030    \arg \c density density
0032    Example:
0033    \code
0034      DDMaterial hydrogen("Hydrogen", 
0035                           double z=1, 
0036                       double a=1.1*g/mole, 
0037                           density=2*g/cm3);
0038    \endcode  
0039 */
0040 DDMaterial::DDMaterial(const DDName &name, double z, double a, double d) : DDBase<DDName, std::unique_ptr<Material>>() {
0041   create(name, std::make_unique<Material>(z, a, d));
0042 }
0044 /** 
0045    For a mixture material it is sufficient to specify the \a density of the
0046    mixture (in addition to the \a name). The compounds are added by
0047    using the addMaterial(..) method. 
0049    The result of this constructor is a reference-object. One can use the
0050    mixture material immidiately (without specifying the compund materials).
0051    Compound materials can be added at any later stage.
0053    For further details concerning the usage of reference-objects refere
0054    to the documentation of DDLogicalPart.      
0055 */
0056 DDMaterial::DDMaterial(const DDName &name, double density) : DDBase<DDName, std::unique_ptr<Material>>() {
0057   create(name, std::make_unique<Material>(0, 0, density));
0058 }
0060 /** 
0061   The fraction-masses of all compounds must sum up to 1
0062 */
0063 int DDMaterial::addMaterial(const DDMaterial &m, double fm) {
0064   if (m.ddname() == ddname()) {
0065     throw cms::Exception("DDException") << "DDMaterial::addMaterial(..): name-clash\n        trying to add material "
0066                                         << m << " to itself! ";
0067   }
0068   rep().addMaterial(m, fm);
0069   return rep().noOfConstituents();
0070 }
0072 int DDMaterial::noOfConstituents() const { return rep().noOfConstituents(); }
0074 DDMaterial::FractionV::value_type DDMaterial::constituent(int i) const { return rep().constituent(i); }
0076 double DDMaterial::a() const { return rep().a(); }
0078 double DDMaterial::z() const { return rep().z(); }
0080 double DDMaterial::density() const { return rep().density(); }
0082 namespace {
0083   std::ostream &doStream(std::ostream &os, const DDMaterial &mat, int level) {
0084     ++level;
0085     if (mat) {
0086       os << '[' << << ']' << " z=" << mat.z() << " a=" << convertUnitsTo(1._g_per_mole, mat.a()) << "*g/mole"
0087          << " d=" << convertUnitsTo(1._g_per_cm3, mat.density()) << "*g/cm3";
0088       std::string s(2 * level, ' ');
0089       for (int i = 0; i < mat.noOfConstituents(); ++i) {
0090         DDMaterial::FractionV::value_type f = mat.constituent(i);
0091         os << std::endl << s << i + 1 << " : fm=" << f.second << " : ";
0092         doStream(os, f.first, level);
0093       }
0094     } else
0095       os << "* material not declared * ";
0096     --level;
0097     return os;
0098   }
0099 }  // namespace
0101 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const DDMaterial &mat) { return doStream(os, mat, 0); }