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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:05:31

0004 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/interface/DDLSAX2ExpressionHandler.h"
0005 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/interface/DDLSAX2FileHandler.h"
0006 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/interface/DDLSAX2Handler.h"
0007 #include "Utilities/Xerces/interface/Xerces.h"
0008 #include <xercesc/sax/SAXException.hpp>
0009 #include <xercesc/sax2/SAX2XMLReader.hpp>
0010 #include <xercesc/sax2/XMLReaderFactory.hpp>
0011 #include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
0012 #include <xercesc/util/XercesVersion.hpp>
0013 #include <iosfwd>
0014 #include <map>
0015 #include <string>
0016 #include <utility>
0017 #include <vector>
0018 #include <cstddef>
0020 class DDCompactView;
0021 class DDLDocumentProvider;
0022 class DDLElementRegistry;
0024 /// DDLParser is the main class of Detector Description Language Parser.
0025 /** @class DDLParser
0026  * @author Michael Case
0027  *
0028  *  DDLParser.h  -  description
0029  *  -------------------
0030  *  begin: Mon Oct 22 2001
0031  *  email:
0032  *
0033  *  Singleton which controls the parsing of XML files (DDL).  It guarantees
0034  *  that a given filename will only be parsed once regardless of its path.
0035  *  It now relies on a DDLDocumentProvider class which provides a list of
0036  *  file names and URLs to be parsed.
0037  *
0038  *  It uses the Xerces C++ Parser from the Apache Group straight-forwardly.
0039  *  One main thing to note is that only one DDLParser can ever be made.  This
0040  *  allows for sub-components of the parser to easily find out information from
0041  *  the parser during run-time.
0042  *
0043  *  There is an interface to parse just one file.  If one uses this method
0044  *  and does not use the default DDLDocumentProvider 
0045  *  user is responsible for also setting the DDRootDef.
0046  *  
0047  *  Modification:
0048  *    2003-02-13: Michael Case, Stepan Wynhoff and Martin Liendl
0049  *    2003-02-24: same.
0050  *         DDLParser will use DDLDocumentProvider (abstract).  One of these
0051  *         and will be defaulted to DDLConfiguration.  This will read
0052  *         the "configuration.xml" file provided and will be used by the Parser
0053  *         to "get" the files.
0054  *   2005-11-13:  Michael Case
0055  *         removed some of the un-necessary methods that were deprecated.
0056  *   2010-01 to 2010-04 sometime: Michael Case
0057  *         removed singleton-ness.  MUST have a DDCompactView to refer to
0058  *         and no more default constructor at the moment.
0059  *   2010-07-29:  removed DDLConfiguration; use FIPConfiguration, it is easier.
0060  *         for CMSSW Framework example see XMLIdealGeometryESSource (different
0061  *         DDLDocumentProvider completely
0062  */
0063 class DDLParser {
0064 public:
0065   typedef XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAX2XMLReader SAX2XMLReader;
0067   typedef std::map<int, std::pair<std::string, std::string> > FileNameHolder;
0069   DDLParser(DDCompactView& cpv);
0071   DDLParser() = delete;
0073   ~DDLParser();
0075   /// Parse all files. Return is meaningless.
0076   int parse(const DDLDocumentProvider& dp);
0078   /// Process a single files.
0079   /** 
0080    *  This method allows a user to add to an existing DDD by
0081    *  parsing a new XML file.  Ideally, these would be in addition
0082    *  to an existing DDD configuration which was processed using
0083    *  Parse(...).  
0084    *
0085    *  The idea is based on whether users decide that the configuration
0086    *  will only hold "standard geometry files" and that any ancillary 
0087    *  parameter files, filters and so forth will be unknown to the main
0088    *  configuration file.  For me, this seems to go against the principle
0089    *  of knowing what files are relevant because now, there is no central
0090    *  way to find out (externally) what XML files generate the DDD in memory.
0091    *
0092    *  On the other hand, if on any run, a dumpFileList is run, then 
0093    *  the user will at least know what files were used from where in 
0094    *  a given run.
0095    *
0096    *  2007-04-06:  filename is now relative to src directory of checkout
0097    *               (or share).  edm:FileInPath used internally.
0098    **/
0099   bool parseOneFile(const std::string& filename);
0101   // I ASSUME I take ownership of this blob
0102   //  void parse( std::vector<unsigned char>* ablob, unsigned int bsize ) ;
0103   //old way  void parse( const std::vector<unsigned char>& ablob, unsigned int bsize ) ;
0104   void parse(const std::vector<unsigned char>& ablob, unsigned int bsize);
0106   /// Get the SAX2Parser from the DDLParser.  USE WITH CAUTION.  Set your own handler, etc.
0107   SAX2XMLReader* getXMLParser();
0109   /// To get the parent this class allows access to the handler.
0110   /**
0111    *  In order to retrieve the name of the parent element from DDLSAX2Handlers.
0112    */
0113   DDLSAX2FileHandler* getDDLSAX2FileHandler();
0115   /// Clear the file list - see Warning!
0116   /**
0117    *  This could result in mangled geometry if the Core has not been cleared.
0118    **/
0119   void clearFiles();
0121 private:
0122   /// Parse File.  Just to hold some common looking code.
0123   void parseFile(const int& numtoproc);
0125   /// Is the file already known by the DDLParser?  Returns 0 if not found, and index if found.
0126   size_t isFound(const std::string& filename);
0128   /// Is the file already parsed?
0129   bool isParsed(const std::string& filename);
0131   std::string const extractFileName(const std::string& fullname);
0133   std::string const getNameSpace(const std::string& fname);
0135   /// reference to storage
0136   DDCompactView& cpv_;
0138   /// List of files to be processed, obtained from the DDLDocumentProvider.
0139   FileNameHolder fileNames_;
0141   /// Parse status of a given file.
0142   std::map<int, bool> parsed_;
0144   /// Number of files + 1.
0145   size_t nFiles_;
0147   /// Which file is currently being processed.
0148   std::string currFileName_;
0150   /// SAX2XMLReader is one way of parsing.
0151   SAX2XMLReader* SAX2Parser_;
0153   DDLElementRegistry* elementRegistry_;
0154   DDLSAX2FileHandler* fileHandler_;
0155   DDLSAX2ExpressionHandler* expHandler_;
0156   DDLSAX2Handler* errHandler_;
0157 };
0159 #endif