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0001 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLDivision.h"
0002 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDAxes.h"
0003 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDLogicalPart.h"
0004 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDName.h"
0005 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSolid.h"
0006 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSolidShapes.h"
0007 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/ClhepEvaluator.h"
0008 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/interface/DDLElementRegistry.h"
0009 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDDividedBox.h"
0010 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDDividedCons.h"
0011 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDDividedGeometryObject.h"
0012 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDDividedPolycone.h"
0013 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDDividedPolyhedra.h"
0014 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDDividedTrd.h"
0015 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDDividedTubs.h"
0016 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDXMLElement.h"
0017 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0019 #include <cstddef>
0020 #include <map>
0021 #include <ostream>
0022 #include <utility>
0024 class DDCompactView;
0026 DDLDivision::DDLDivision(DDLElementRegistry* myreg) : DDXMLElement(myreg) {}
0028 void DDLDivision::preProcessElement(const std::string& name, const std::string& nmspace, DDCompactView& cpv) {}
0030 void DDLDivision::processElement(const std::string& name, const std::string& nmspace, DDCompactView& cpv) {
0031   DDXMLAttribute atts = getAttributeSet();
0033   DDName parent = getDDName(nmspace, "parent");
0034   ClhepEvaluator& ev = myRegistry_->evaluator();
0035   size_t ax = 0;
0036   while (DDAxesNames::name(DDAxes(ax)) != atts.find("axis")->second && DDAxesNames::name(DDAxes(ax)) != "undefined")
0037     ++ax;
0039   DDLogicalPart lp(parent);
0040   if (!lp.isDefined().second || !lp.solid().isDefined().second) {
0041     std::string em("DetectorDescription Parser DDLDivision::processElement(...) failed.");
0042     em += "  The solid of the parent logical part MUST be defined before the Division is made.";
0043     em += "\n    name= " + getDDName(nmspace).ns() + ":" + getDDName(nmspace).name();
0044     em += "\n    parent= " + parent.ns() + ":" +;
0045     throwError(em);
0046   }
0048   DDDivision div;
0050   if (atts.find("nReplicas") != atts.end() && atts.find("width") != atts.end() && atts.find("offset") != atts.end()) {
0051     div = DDDivision(getDDName(nmspace),
0052                      parent,
0053                      DDAxes(ax),
0054                      int(ev.eval(nmspace, atts.find("nReplicas")->second)),
0055                      ev.eval(nmspace, atts.find("width")->second),
0056                      ev.eval(nmspace, atts.find("offset")->second));
0057   } else if (atts.find("nReplicas") != atts.end() && atts.find("offset") != atts.end()) {
0058     div = DDDivision(getDDName(nmspace),
0059                      parent,
0060                      DDAxes(ax),
0061                      int(ev.eval(nmspace, atts.find("nReplicas")->second)),
0062                      ev.eval(nmspace, atts.find("offset")->second));
0063   } else if (atts.find("width") != atts.end() && atts.find("offset") != atts.end()) {
0064     div = DDDivision(getDDName(nmspace),
0065                      parent,
0066                      DDAxes(ax),
0067                      ev.eval(nmspace, atts.find("width")->second),
0068                      ev.eval(nmspace, atts.find("offset")->second));
0069   } else {
0070     std::string em("DetectorDescription Parser DDLDivision::processElement(...) failed.");
0071     em += "  Allowed combinations are attributes width&offset OR nReplicas&offset OR nReplicas&width&offset.";
0072     em += "\n    name= " + getDDName(nmspace).ns() + ":" + getDDName(nmspace).name();
0073     em += "\n    parent= " + parent.ns() + ":" +;
0074     throwError(em);
0075   }
0076   DDDividedGeometryObject* dg = makeDivider(div, &cpv);
0077   dg->execute();
0078   delete dg;
0080   clear();
0081 }
0083 DDDividedGeometryObject* DDLDivision::makeDivider(const DDDivision& div, DDCompactView* cpv) {
0084   DDDividedGeometryObject* dg = nullptr;
0086   switch (div.parent().solid().shape()) {
0087     case DDSolidShape::ddbox:
0088       if (div.axis() == DDAxes::x)
0089         dg = new DDDividedBoxX(div, cpv);
0090       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::y)
0091         dg = new DDDividedBoxY(div, cpv);
0092       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::z)
0093         dg = new DDDividedBoxZ(div, cpv);
0094       else {
0095         std::string s = "DDLDivision can not divide a ";
0096         s += DDSolidShapesName::name(div.parent().solid().shape());
0097         s += " along axis " + DDAxesNames::name(div.axis());
0098         s += ".";
0099         s += "\n    name= " + + ":" +;
0100         s += "\n    parent= " + div.parent().name().ns() + ":" + div.parent().name().name();
0101         throwError(s);
0102       }
0103       break;
0105     case DDSolidShape::ddtubs:
0106       if (div.axis() == DDAxes::rho)
0107         dg = new DDDividedTubsRho(div, cpv);
0108       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::phi)
0109         dg = new DDDividedTubsPhi(div, cpv);
0110       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::z)
0111         dg = new DDDividedTubsZ(div, cpv);
0112       else {
0113         std::string s = "DDLDivision can not divide a ";
0114         s += DDSolidShapesName::name(div.parent().solid().shape());
0115         s += " along axis " + DDAxesNames::name(div.axis());
0116         s += ".";
0117         s += "\n    name= " + + ":" +;
0118         s += "\n    parent= " + div.parent().name().ns() + ":" + div.parent().name().name();
0119         throwError(s);
0120       }
0121       break;
0123     case DDSolidShape::ddtrap:
0124       if (div.axis() == DDAxes::x)
0125         dg = new DDDividedTrdX(div, cpv);
0126       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::y)
0127         dg = new DDDividedTrdY(div, cpv);
0128       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::z)
0129         dg = new DDDividedTrdZ(div, cpv);
0130       else {
0131         std::string s = "DDLDivision can not divide a ";
0132         s += DDSolidShapesName::name(div.parent().solid().shape());
0133         s += " along axis ";
0134         s += DDAxesNames::name(div.axis());
0135         s += ".";
0136         s += "\n    name= " + + ":" +;
0137         s += "\n    parent= " + div.parent().name().ns() + ":" + div.parent().name().name();
0138         throwError(s);
0139       }
0140       break;
0142     case DDSolidShape::ddcons:
0143       if (div.axis() == DDAxes::rho)
0144         dg = new DDDividedConsRho(div, cpv);
0145       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::phi)
0146         dg = new DDDividedConsPhi(div, cpv);
0147       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::z)
0148         dg = new DDDividedConsZ(div, cpv);
0149       else {
0150         std::string s = "DDLDivision can not divide a ";
0151         s += DDSolidShapesName::name(div.parent().solid().shape());
0152         s += " along axis " + DDAxesNames::name(div.axis());
0153         s += ".";
0154         s += "\n    name= " + + ":" +;
0155         s += "\n    parent= " + div.parent().name().ns() + ":" + div.parent().name().name();
0156         throwError(s);
0157       }
0158       break;
0160     case DDSolidShape::ddpolycone_rrz:
0161       if (div.axis() == DDAxes::rho)
0162         dg = new DDDividedPolyconeRho(div, cpv);
0163       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::phi)
0164         dg = new DDDividedPolyconePhi(div, cpv);
0165       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::z)
0166         dg = new DDDividedPolyconeZ(div, cpv);
0167       else {
0168         std::string s = "DDLDivision can not divide a ";
0169         s += DDSolidShapesName::name(div.parent().solid().shape());
0170         s += " along axis ";
0171         s += DDAxesNames::name(div.axis());
0172         s += ".";
0173         s += "\n    name= " + + ":" +;
0174         s += "\n    parent= " + div.parent().name().ns() + ":" + div.parent().name().name();
0175         throwError(s);
0176       }
0177       break;
0179     case DDSolidShape::ddpolyhedra_rrz:
0180       if (div.axis() == DDAxes::rho)
0181         dg = new DDDividedPolyhedraRho(div, cpv);
0182       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::phi)
0183         dg = new DDDividedPolyhedraPhi(div, cpv);
0184       else if (div.axis() == DDAxes::z)
0185         dg = new DDDividedPolyhedraZ(div, cpv);
0186       else {
0187         std::string s = "DDLDivision can not divide a ";
0188         s += DDSolidShapesName::name(div.parent().solid().shape());
0189         s += " along axis ";
0190         s += DDAxesNames::name(div.axis());
0191         s += ".";
0192         s += "\n    name= " + + ":" +;
0193         s += "\n    parent= " + div.parent().name().ns() + ":" + div.parent().name().name();
0194         throwError(s);
0195       }
0196       break;
0198     case DDSolidShape::ddpolycone_rz:
0199     case DDSolidShape::ddpolyhedra_rz: {
0200       std::string s = "ERROR:  A Polycone or Polyhedra can not be divided on any axis if it's\n";
0201       s += "original definition used r and z instead of ZSections. This has\n";
0202       s += "not (yet) been implemented.";
0203       s += "\n    name= " + + ":" +;
0204       s += "\n    parent= " + div.parent().name().ns() + ":" + div.parent().name().name();
0205     } break;
0207     case DDSolidShape::ddunion:
0208     case DDSolidShape::ddsubtraction:
0209     case DDSolidShape::ddintersection:
0210     case DDSolidShape::ddshapeless:
0211     case DDSolidShape::ddpseudotrap:
0212     case DDSolidShape::ddtrunctubs:
0213     case DDSolidShape::dd_not_init: {
0214       std::string s = "DDLDivision can not divide a ";
0215       s += DDSolidShapesName::name(div.parent().solid().shape());
0216       s += " at all (yet?).  Requested axis was ";
0217       s += DDAxesNames::name(div.axis());
0218       s += ".\n";
0219       throwError(s);
0220     } break;
0221     default:
0222       break;
0223   }
0224   return dg;
0225 }