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0001 #ifndef EventFilter_CSCRawToDigi_CSCALCTHeader_h
0002 #define EventFilter_CSCRawToDigi_CSCALCTHeader_h
0004 /** documented in  flags
0006 */
0007 #include <bitset>
0008 #include <vector>
0009 #include <iosfwd>
0010 #ifndef LOCAL_UNPACK
0011 #include <atomic>
0012 #endif
0013 #include "DataFormats/CSCDigi/interface/CSCALCTDigi.h"
0014 #include "DataFormats/CSCDigi/interface/CSCALCTStatusDigi.h"
0015 #include "DataFormats/CSCDigi/interface/CSCShowerDigi.h"
0016 #include "EventFilter/CSCRawToDigi/interface/CSCALCTHeader2006.h"
0017 #include "EventFilter/CSCRawToDigi/interface/CSCALCTHeader2007.h"
0018 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0019 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0020 #include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
0022 class CSCALCTHeader {
0023 public:
0024   explicit CSCALCTHeader(int chamberType);  ///for packing
0026   explicit CSCALCTHeader(const unsigned short *buf);
0028   CSCALCTHeader(const CSCALCTStatusDigi &digi);  /// to access data by via status digis
0030   /// turns on the debug flag for this class
0031   static void setDebug(bool value) { debug = value; };
0033   void setEventInformation(const CSCDMBHeader &);  ///for packing
0034   unsigned short int nLCTChipRead() const;
0036   std::vector<CSCALCTDigi> ALCTDigis() const;
0038   ///some accessors here are only applicable to 2006 header
0039   ///some to both 2006 and 2007
0042   unsigned short int FIFOMode() const { return header2006.fifoMode; }
0043   unsigned short int NTBins() const {
0044 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0045     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0046 #else
0047     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0048 #endif
0049       case 2006:
0050         return header2006.nTBins;
0051       case 2007:
0052         return header2007.rawBins;
0053       default:
0054         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi")
0055             << "trying to access NTBINs: ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0056         return 0;
0057     }
0058   }
0059   unsigned short int BoardID() const { return header2006.boardID; }
0060   unsigned short int ExtTrig() const { return header2006.extTrig; }
0061   unsigned short int CSCID() const { return header2006.cscID; }
0062   unsigned short int BXNCount() const {
0063 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0064     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0065 #else
0066     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0067 #endif
0068       case 2006:
0069         return header2006.bxnCount;
0070       case 2007:
0071         return header2007.bxnCount;
0072       default:
0073         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi")
0074             << "trying to access BXNcount: ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0075         return 0;
0076     }
0077   }
0079   void setBXNCount(unsigned int bxn) {
0080 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0081     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0082 #else
0083     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0084 #endif
0085       case 2006:
0086         header2006.bxnCount = bxn % 0xFFF;
0087         break;
0088       case 2007:
0089         header2007.bxnCount = bxn % 0xFFF;
0090         break;
0091       default:
0092         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi")
0093             << "trying to set BXNcount: ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0094         break;
0095     }
0096   }
0098   unsigned short int L1Acc() const {
0099 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0100     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0101 #else
0102     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0103 #endif
0104       case 2006:
0105         return header2006.l1Acc;
0106       case 2007:
0107         return header2007.l1aCounter;
0108       default:
0109         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi")
0110             << "trying to access L1Acc: ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0111         return 0;
0112     }
0113   }
0115   void setL1Acc(unsigned int l1a) {
0116 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0117     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0118 #else
0119     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0120 #endif
0121       case 2006:
0122         header2006.l1Acc = l1a % 0xF;
0123         break;
0124       case 2007:
0125         header2007.l1aCounter = l1a % 0xFFF;
0126         break;
0127       default:
0128         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi") << "trying to set L1Acc: ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0129         break;
0130     }
0131   }
0133   unsigned short int L1AMatch() const { return header2006.l1aMatch; }
0134   unsigned short int ActiveFEBs() const { return header2006.activeFEBs; }
0135   unsigned short int Promote1() const { return header2006.promote1; }
0136   unsigned short int Promote2() const { return header2006.promote2; }
0137   unsigned short int LCTChipRead() const { return header2006.lctChipRead; }
0138   unsigned short int alctFirmwareVersion() const { return firmwareVersion; }
0139   unsigned short int alctFirmwareRevision() const {
0140 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0141     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0142 #else
0143     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0144 #endif
0145       case 2006:
0146         return 0;
0147       case 2007:
0148         return header2007.firmwareVersion;
0149       default:
0150         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi")
0151             << "trying to access ALCT firmware revision bits: ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0152         return 0;
0153     }
0154   }
0156   std::vector<CSCShowerDigi> alctShowerDigis() const {
0157     std::vector<CSCShowerDigi> results;
0158     results.clear();
0159 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0160     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0161 #else
0162     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0163 #endif
0164       case 2006:
0165         return results;
0166       case 2007:
0167         // if (alctFirmwareRevision() >= 0) // TODO: Need ALCT Run3 firmware revision to properly detect presense of HMT bits in data format
0168         // {
0169         if ((!theALCTs.empty()) && (theALCTs.size() == unsigned(header2007.lctBins * 2))) {
0170           for (unsigned bx = 0; bx < header2007.lctBins; bx++) {
0171             //CSCID is set to be 0
0172             //ALCTshower, showerType_= 1, wireNHits and ComparatorNHits are not available in data
0173             results.push_back(
0174                 CSCShowerDigi(theALCTs[bx * 2].reserved & 0x3, 0, 0, bx, CSCShowerDigi::ShowerType::kALCTShower, 0, 0));
0175           }
0176           return results;
0177         } else
0178           return results;
0179         // } else return results;
0180       default:
0181         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi")
0182             << "trying to access ALCT HMT Shower Digis bits: ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0183         return results;
0184     }
0185   }
0187   std::vector<unsigned short int> alctHMTs() const {
0188     std::vector<unsigned short int> results;
0189     results.clear();
0190 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0191     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0192 #else
0193     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0194 #endif
0195       case 2006:
0196         return results;
0197       case 2007:
0198         // if (alctFirmwareRevision() >= 0) // TODO: Need ALCT Run3 firmware revision to properly detect presense of HMT bits in data format
0199         // {
0200         if ((!theALCTs.empty()) && (theALCTs.size() == unsigned(header2007.lctBins * 2))) {
0201           for (unsigned bx = 0; bx < header2007.lctBins; bx++) {
0202             results.push_back(theALCTs[bx * 2].reserved & 0x3);
0203           }
0204           return results;
0205         } else
0206           return results;
0207         // } else return results;
0208       default:
0209         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi")
0210             << "trying to access ALCT HMT bits: ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0211         return results;
0212     }
0213   }
0215   void setDAVForChannel(int wireGroup) {
0216     if (firmwareVersion == 2006) {
0217       header2006.setDAV((wireGroup - 1) / 16);
0218     }
0219   }
0221   CSCALCTHeader2007 alctHeader2007() const { return header2007; }
0222   CSCALCTHeader2006 alctHeader2006() const { return header2006; }
0224   unsigned short int *data() { return theOriginalBuffer; }
0226   /// in 16-bit words
0227   int sizeInWords() {
0228 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0229     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0230 #else
0231     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0232 #endif
0233       case 2006:
0234         return 8;
0235       case 2007:
0236         return sizeInWords2007_;
0237       default:
0238         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi") << "SizeInWords(): ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0239         return 0;
0240     }
0241   }
0243   bool check() const {
0244 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0245     switch (firmwareVersion) {
0246 #else
0247     switch (firmwareVersion.load()) {
0248 #endif
0249       case 2006:
0250         return header2006.flag_0 == 0xC;
0251       case 2007:
0252         return header2007.flag1 == 0xDB0A;
0253       default:
0254         edm::LogError("CSCALCTHeader|CSCRawToDigi") << "check(): ALCT firmware version is bad/not defined!";
0255         return false;
0256     }
0257   }
0259   void add(const std::vector<CSCALCTDigi> &digis);
0260   /// Add Run3 ALCT HMT shower bits
0261   void addShower(const std::vector<CSCShowerDigi> &digis);
0263   boost::dynamic_bitset<> pack();
0265   /// tests that we unpack what we packed
0266   static void selfTest(int firmware);
0268 private:
0269   CSCALCTHeader2006 header2006;
0270   CSCALCTHeader2007 header2007;
0271   std::vector<CSCALCT> theALCTs;
0272   CSCALCTs2006 alcts2006;
0273   CSCVirtexID virtexID;
0274   CSCConfigurationRegister configRegister;
0275   std::vector<CSCCollisionMask> collisionMasks;
0276   std::vector<CSCHotChannelMask> hotChannelMasks;
0278   //raw data also stored in this buffer
0279   //maximum header size is 116 words
0280   unsigned short int theOriginalBuffer[116];
0282 #ifdef LOCAL_UNPACK
0283   static bool debug;
0284   static unsigned short int firmwareVersion;
0285 #else
0286   static std::atomic<bool> debug;
0287   static std::atomic<unsigned short int> firmwareVersion;
0288 #endif
0290   ///size of the 2007 header in words
0291   unsigned short int sizeInWords2007_, bxn0, bxn1;
0292 };
0294 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CSCALCTHeader &header);
0296 #endif