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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ## baseline configuration in the class itself
0004 from EventFilter.CSCRawToDigi.cscPackerDef_cfi import cscPackerDef
0005 cscpacker = cscPackerDef.clone()
0007 ## In Run-2 common: update the format version for new OTMBs in ME1/1
0008 ## Note: in the past, the packing with triggers and pretriggers was disabled
0009 ## for Run-2, Run-3 and Phase-2 scenarios. This should no longer be the case
0010 ## as of CMSSW_12_0_0_pre5
0011 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run2_common_cff import run2_common
0012 run2_common.toModify( cscpacker,
0013                       formatVersion = 2013)
0015 ## in Run-3 scenarios with GEM: pack GEM clusters
0016 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_GEM_cff import run3_GEM
0017 run3_GEM.toModify( cscpacker,
0018                    formatVersion = 2020,
0019                    useCSCShowers = True,
0020                    useGEMs = True)