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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # Import from the generic cfi file for CSC unpacking
0004 from EventFilter.CSCRawToDigi.muonCSCDCCUnpacker_cfi import muonCSCDCCUnpacker
0006 muonCSCDigis = muonCSCDCCUnpacker.clone(
0007     # This mask is needed by the examiner
0008     ExaminerMask = 0x1FEBF7F6
0009 )
0011 ## in Run-3 include GEMs
0012 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_GEM_cff import run3_GEM
0013 run3_GEM.toModify( muonCSCDigis,
0014                    useGEMs = True,
0015                    useCSCShowers = True
0016 )