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0001 //_________________________________________________________
0002 //
0003 //  CSCTMBBlockedCFEB July 2010  Alexander Sakharov
0004 //  Unpacks TMB Logic Blocked CFEB Analyzer and stores in CSCTMBBlockedCFEB.h
0005 //_________________________________________________________
0006 //
0007 #include "EventFilter/CSCRawToDigi/interface/CSCTMBBlockedCFEB.h"
0008 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0009 #include <iostream>
0011 CSCTMBBlockedCFEB::CSCTMBBlockedCFEB(const uint16_t *buf, int Line6BCB, int Line6ECB) {
0012   size_ = UnpackBlockedCFEB(buf, Line6BCB, Line6ECB);
0014 }  ///CSCTMBMiniScope
0016 int CSCTMBBlockedCFEB::UnpackBlockedCFEB(const uint16_t *buf, int Line6BCB, int Line6ECB) {
0017   if ((Line6ECB - Line6BCB) != 0) {
0018     for (int i = 0; i < (Line6ECB - Line6BCB - 1); i++) {
0019       BlockedCFEBdata.push_back(buf[Line6BCB + 1 + i]);
0020     }
0021   }
0023   //print();
0024   return (Line6ECB - Line6BCB + 1);
0026 }  ///UnpackBlockedCFEB
0028 std::vector<std::vector<int> > CSCTMBBlockedCFEB::getSingleCFEBList(int CFEBn) const {
0029   std::vector<std::vector<int> > CFEBnByLayers;
0030   CFEBnByLayers.clear();
0031   std::vector<int> CFEBnData;
0032   CFEBnData.clear();
0033   int idCFEB = -1;
0035   /// Get 4 words for a particular CFEB (CFEBn)
0036   for (int i = 0; i < (int)getData().size(); ++i) {
0037     idCFEB = (getData()[i] >> 12) & 0x7;
0038     if (idCFEB == CFEBn) {
0039       CFEBnData.push_back(getData()[i] & 0xFFF);
0040     }
0041     // idCFEB = -1; /* =VB= Commented out to please static analyzer */
0042   }
0044   std::vector<int> Layer0, Layer1, Layer2, Layer3, Layer4, Layer5;
0045   Layer0.clear();
0046   Layer1.clear();
0047   Layer2.clear();
0048   Layer3.clear();
0049   Layer4.clear();
0050   Layer5.clear();
0052   for (int k = 0; k < (int)CFEBnData.size(); ++k) {
0053     for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
0054       int DiStr = 0;
0055       DiStr = (CFEBnData[k] >> j) & 0x1;
0056       if ((DiStr != 0) && (j < 8) && (k == 0)) {
0057         Layer0.push_back(j);
0058       }
0059       if ((DiStr != 0) && (j > 7) && (j < 12) && (k == 0)) {
0060         Layer1.push_back(j);
0061       }
0062       if ((DiStr != 0) && (j < 4) && (k == 1)) {
0063         Layer1.push_back(j);
0064       }
0065       if ((DiStr != 0) && (j > 3) && (j < 12) && (k == 1)) {
0066         Layer2.push_back(j);
0067       }
0068       if ((DiStr != 0) && (j < 8) && (k == 2)) {
0069         Layer3.push_back(j);
0070       }
0071       if ((DiStr != 0) && (j > 7) && (j < 12) && (k == 2)) {
0072         Layer4.push_back(j);
0073       }
0074       if ((DiStr != 0) && (j < 4) && (k == 3)) {
0075         Layer4.push_back(j);
0076       }
0077       if ((DiStr != 0) && (j > 3) && (j < 12) && (k == 3)) {
0078         Layer5.push_back(j);
0079       }
0080     }
0081   }
0083   CFEBnByLayers.push_back(Layer0);
0084   CFEBnByLayers.push_back(Layer1);
0085   CFEBnByLayers.push_back(Layer2);
0086   CFEBnByLayers.push_back(Layer3);
0087   CFEBnByLayers.push_back(Layer4);
0088   CFEBnByLayers.push_back(Layer5);
0090   return CFEBnByLayers;
0091 }
0093 void CSCTMBBlockedCFEB::print() const {
0094   std::cout << " Blocked CFEB DiStrips List Content " << std::endl;
0095   for (int i = 0; i < (int)getData().size(); ++i) {
0096     std::cout << " word " << i << " : " << std::hex << getData()[i] << std::dec << std::endl;
0097   }
0099   std::vector<std::vector<int> > anyCFEB;
0100   anyCFEB.clear();
0101   std::vector<int> anyLayer;
0102   anyLayer.clear();
0103   std::cout << std::endl;
0104   std::cout << " Blocked DiStrips by CFEB and Layers unpacked " << std::endl;
0105   for (int z = 0; z < 5; ++z) {
0106     anyCFEB = getSingleCFEBList(z);
0107     std::cout << " CFEB# " << z << std::endl;
0108     int LayerCnt = 0;
0109     for (std::vector<std::vector<int> >::const_iterator layerIt = anyCFEB.begin(); layerIt != anyCFEB.end();
0110          layerIt++) {
0111       anyLayer = *layerIt;
0112       std::cout << " Layer: " << LayerCnt;
0113       if (!anyLayer.empty()) {
0114         for (int i = 0; i < (int)anyLayer.size(); i++) {
0115           std::cout << " " << anyLayer[i];
0116         }
0117       } else
0118         std::cout << " No Blocked DiStrips on the Layer ";
0119       std::cout << std::endl;
0120       LayerCnt++;
0121       anyLayer.clear();
0122     }
0123     anyCFEB.clear();
0124   }
0125 }