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Warning, /EventFilter/CSCRawToDigi/test/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 The Python configuration `` contains options to include the CSC packer, unpacker, reconstruction and/or validation modules on real or simulated data. Presently it is configured for Run-3.
0003 Other options:
0004 pack - enable packing
0005 unpack - enable unpacking
0006 view - enable digi view dumping
0008 usePreTriggers - enable/disable use of preTriggers from sim for packing (enabled by default). Disable for real data repacking (will set packEverything option)
0009 useGEMs - enable/disable Run3 GEM data packing (disabled by default)
0010 useCSCShowers - enable/disable Run3 CSC Shower HMT objects packing
0012 Example how to run it:
0013 1) run WF 11650.0
0014 2) `cmsRun EventFilter/CSCRawToDigi/test/ mc=True reconstruct=True validate=True inputFiles=file:step2.root`