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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from EventFilter.CTPPSRawToDigi.totemVFATRawToDigi_cfi import totemVFATRawToDigi
0005 totemT2Digis = totemVFATRawToDigi.clone(
0006     subSystem = 'TotemT2',
0007     RawToDigi = totemVFATRawToDigi.RawToDigi.clone(
0008         testID = 0, #Some ID mismatch in test sample
0009         testCRC = 0, # no need to test CRC for diamond frames
0010         testECMostFrequent = 0, # show error in the DQM and then DAQ is sending resync, no need to test in the unpacker
0011         testBCMostFrequent = 0, # no need to test in the unpacker, footprint test is enough
0012         useOlderT2TestFile = False # March '23 version with two 8-bit ID fields
0013     )
0014 )