File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:10:34
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 ecalMatacq = cms.EDProducer("MatacqProducer", 0004 #List of matacq data file path patterns. %run_number% can be used 0005 #in place of the run number. 0006 #E.g. fileNames = { '/data/matacq_dir1/matacq.%run_number%.dat', 0007 # '/data/matacq_dir2/matacq.%run_number%.dat'} 0008 #the first pattern than fits is used. In above example if the file 0009 #is in both matacq_dir1 and matacq_dir2 directories the one in the former 0010 #directory is used. 0011 fileNames = cms.vstring(), 0012 0013 #Instance name to assign to the produced matacq digis 0014 digiInstanceName = cms.string(''), 0015 0016 #Instance name to assign to the produced matacq raw data collection 0017 rawInstanceName = cms.string(''), 0018 0019 #Swicth for matacq digi production 0020 produceDigis = cms.bool(True), 0021 0022 #Switch for matacq raw data collection production 0023 produceRaw = cms.bool(False), 0024 0025 #Switch to enable module timing 0026 timing = cms.untracked.bool(False), 0027 0028 #debug verbosity level 0029 verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0), 0030 0031 #Switch to disable any collection production. For test purpose. 0032 disabled = cms.bool(False), 0033 0034 #Name of raw data collection the Matacq data must be merge to 0035 inputRawCollection = cms.InputTag('rawDataCollector'), 0036 0037 # Switch for merging Matacq raw data with existing raw data 0038 # within the same collection. If disabled the new collection will 0039 # contains only matacq data 0040 mergeRaw = cms.bool(True), 0041 0042 # Swicth for disabling trigger type check. When false, matacq data 0043 # is looked for whatever is the event trigger type. To be use for 0044 # data with corrupted DCC header detailed trigger type fields. 0045 ignoreTriggerType = cms.bool(True), 0046 0047 # Name of output file for the logs. 0048 logFileName = cms.untracked.string("matacqProducer.log"), 0049 0050 # Name of log file for execution timing. If empty, timing logging is disabled. 0051 timeLogFile = cms.untracked.string("matacqProducerTime.txt"), 0052 0053 0054 # Number of event to skip after occurence of an error which is expected 0055 # to be persitent 0056 onErrorDisablingEvtCnt = cms.int32(0) 0057 ) 0058 0059
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