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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import EventFilter.GctRawToDigi.gctRawToDigi_cfi
0004 l1GctHwDigis = EventFilter.GctRawToDigi.gctRawToDigi_cfi.gctRawToDigi.clone()
0005 l1GctHwDigis.inputLabel = cms.InputTag("rawDataCollector")
0006 l1GctHwDigis.gctFedId = cms.untracked.int32(745)
0007 l1GctHwDigis.hltMode = cms.bool(False)
0008 l1GctHwDigis.numberOfGctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32(1) 
0009 l1GctHwDigis.numberOfRctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32(1)
0010 l1GctHwDigis.unpackSharedRegions = cms.bool(False)
0011 l1GctHwDigis.unpackerVersion = cms.uint32(0)  #  ** SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS OF THIS OPTION **
0012 l1GctHwDigis.verbose = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0014 # Details of "unpackerVersion" option:
0015 # 
0016 #   value   |                        Unpacker/RAW Format Version 
0017 #-----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0018 #     0     |   Auto-detects RAW Format in use - the recommended option.
0019 #     1     |   Force usage of the Monte-Carlo Legacy unpacker (unpacks DigiToRaw events).
0020 #     2     |   Force usage of the RAW Format V35 unpacker.
0021 #     3     |   Force usage of the RAW Format V38 unpacker.