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0001 #include "PhysicsToBitConverter.h"
0003 namespace l1t {
0004   PhysicsToBitConverter::PhysicsToBitConverter() {
0005     for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++) {
0006       for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
0007         words32bitLink[m][n] = 0;
0008       }
0009     }
0010     for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++) {
0011       for (int n = 0; n < 192; n++) {
0012         bitsLink[m][n] = 0;
0013       }
0014     }
0015   }
0017   void PhysicsToBitConverter::Convert() {
0018     for (int iword = 0; iword < 6; iword++) {
0019       for (int ibit = 0; ibit < 32; ibit++) {
0020         //bitsLink[0].push_back(ReadBitInInt(ibit,words32bitLink[0][iword]));

0021         //bitsLink[1].push_back(ReadBitInInt(ibit,words32bitLink[1][iword]));

0022         bitsLink[0][ibit + iword * 32] = ReadBitInInt(ibit, words32bitLink[0][iword]);
0023         bitsLink[1][ibit + iword * 32] = ReadBitInInt(ibit, words32bitLink[1][iword]);
0024       }
0025     }
0026   }
0028   void PhysicsToBitConverter::Extract32bitwords() {
0029     //link,words

0031     for (int ilink = 0; ilink < 2; ilink++) {
0032       for (int iword = 0; iword < 6; iword++) {
0033         words32bitLink[ilink][iword] = BuildDecimalValue(iword * 32, 32, ilink);
0034       }
0035     }
0036   }
0038   int PhysicsToBitConverter::GetObject(rctDataBase::rctObjectType t, int firstindex, int secondindex) {
0039     int mystart = databaseobject.GetIndices(t, firstindex, secondindex);
0040     int mylength = databaseobject.GetLength(t);
0041     int mylink = databaseobject.GetLink(t);
0043     return BuildDecimalValue(mystart, mylength, mylink);
0044   }
0046   void PhysicsToBitConverter::SetObject(rctDataBase::rctObjectType t, int value, int firstindex, int secondindex) {
0047     int mystart = databaseobject.GetIndices(t, firstindex, secondindex);
0048     int mylength = databaseobject.GetLength(t);
0049     int mylink = databaseobject.GetLink(t);
0051     if (value > (pow(2, mylength) - 1))
0052       std::cout << "The value you are trying to set has more bins than expected " << std::endl;
0053     for (int i = 0; i < mylength; i++)
0054       bitsLink[mylink][i + mystart] = (value >> i) & 0x1;
0055   }
0057   int PhysicsToBitConverter::ReadBitInInt(int bit, int value) {
0058     std::bitset<32> foo(value);
0059     return foo[bit];
0060   }
0062   int PhysicsToBitConverter::BuildDecimalValue(int firstbit, int bitlength, int linkid) {
0063     int myvalue = 0;
0064     int counter = 0;
0066     for (int m = firstbit; m < firstbit + bitlength; m++) {
0067       myvalue |= (bitsLink[linkid][m] & (0x1)) << counter;
0068       counter++;
0069     }
0070     return myvalue;
0071   }
0072 }  // namespace l1t