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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from EventFilter.SiPixelRawToDigi.SiPixelRawToDigi_cfi import siPixelDigis
0005 siPixelDigisTask = cms.Task(
0006     # SwitchProducer wrapping the legacy pixel digis producer or an alias combining the pixel digis information converted from SoA
0007     siPixelDigis
0008 )
0010 # copy the pixel digis (except errors) and clusters to the host
0011 from EventFilter.SiPixelRawToDigi.siPixelDigisSoAFromCUDA_cfi import siPixelDigisSoAFromCUDA as _siPixelDigisSoAFromCUDA
0012 siPixelDigisSoA = _siPixelDigisSoAFromCUDA.clone(
0013     src = "siPixelClustersPreSplittingCUDA"
0014 )
0016 # copy the pixel digis errors to the host
0017 from EventFilter.SiPixelRawToDigi.siPixelDigiErrorsSoAFromCUDA_cfi import siPixelDigiErrorsSoAFromCUDA as _siPixelDigiErrorsSoAFromCUDA
0018 siPixelDigiErrorsSoA = _siPixelDigiErrorsSoAFromCUDA.clone(
0019     src = "siPixelClustersPreSplittingCUDA"
0020 )
0022 # convert the pixel digis errors to the legacy format
0023 from EventFilter.SiPixelRawToDigi.siPixelDigiErrorsFromSoA_cfi import siPixelDigiErrorsFromSoA as _siPixelDigiErrorsFromSoA
0024 siPixelDigiErrors = _siPixelDigiErrorsFromSoA.clone()
0026 # use the Phase 1 settings
0027 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase1Pixel_cff import phase1Pixel
0028 phase1Pixel.toModify(siPixelDigiErrors,
0029     UsePhase1 = True
0030 )
0032 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.gpu_cff import gpu
0033 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_tracker_cff import phase2_tracker
0034 (gpu & ~phase2_tracker).toReplaceWith(siPixelDigisTask, cms.Task(
0035     # copy the pixel digis (except errors) and clusters to the host
0036     siPixelDigisSoA,
0037     # copy the pixel digis errors to the host
0038     siPixelDigiErrorsSoA,
0039     # convert the pixel digis errors to the legacy format
0040     siPixelDigiErrors,
0041     # SwitchProducer wrapping the legacy pixel digis producer or an alias combining the pixel digis information converted from SoA
0042     siPixelDigisTask.copy()
0043 ))
0045 # Remove siPixelDigis until we have phase2 pixel digis
0046 phase2_tracker.toReplaceWith(siPixelDigisTask, cms.Task()) #FIXME