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Warning, /EventFilter/Utilities/scripts/exceptionGeneratorTest is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #!/usr/bin/env perl
0003 ################################################################################
0004 #
0005 # exceptionGeneratorTest
0006 # ----------
0007 #
0008 # Run Exception generator tests on FU EventFilter Processor
0009 #
0010 #                          05/16/2012 Srecko Morovic
0011 ################################################################################
0013 my $usage =
0014   "USAGE:\nexceptionGeneratorTest - run tests on ExceptionGenerator in slave EP's         \n\n" .
0015   "\t-help                (print this                                           )\n" .
0016   "\t-host                (host to run on               [default: local host   ])\n" .
0017   "\t-port                (port to connect to           [default: 40002        ])\n" .
0018   "\t-mask                (mask of slave slots to test  [default: 0xffffffff   ])\n" .
0019   "\t-lid                 (EP local id                  [default: 50           ])\n" .
0020   "\t-action              (Exception action id          [default: 8 (segv)     ])\n" .
0021   "\t-qualifier           (parameter to action id       [default: 0            ])\n" .
0022   "\n";
0023 die $usage if($ARGV[0] eq "-help");
0024 die $usage if($ARGV[0] eq "");
0026 print "\n============================================================";
0027 print "\nexceptionGeneratorTest...";
0028 print "\n============================================================\n";
0030 # set variables
0031 my $hostname = `hostname -f`;
0032 chop($hostname);
0033 my $EPport = 40002;
0034 my $EPappname = "evf::FUEventProcessor";
0035 my $EPid=50;
0037 my $mask=0xffffffff;
0038 my $testtype=8;
0039 my $testqual=0;
0041 foreach $param (@ARGV) {
0042     if    ($param eq "-host")        { $hostname="fillme";}
0043     elsif ($hostname eq "fillme")    { $hostname=$param;  }
0044     elsif ($param eq "-port")        { $EPport="fillme";}
0045     elsif ($EPport eq "fillme")      { $EPport=$param;  }
0046     elsif ($param eq "-mask")        { $mask="fillme";}
0047     elsif ($mask eq "fillme")        { $mask=hex($param);  }
0048     elsif ($param eq "-lid")         { $EPid="fillme";}
0049     elsif ($EPid eq "fillme")        { $EPid=$param;  }
0050     elsif ($param eq "-action")      { $testtype="fillme";}
0051     elsif ($testtype eq "fillme")    { $testtype=$param;  }
0052     elsif ($param eq "-qualifier")   { $testqual="fillme";}
0053     elsif ($testqual eq "fillme")    { $testqual=$param;  }
0054 } 
0056 my $EPs = "http://$hostname:$EPport/urn:xdaq-application:lid=$EPid/getSlavePids";
0057 my $pids = `curl -s $EPs`;
0058 print "\ngot slave EP pids: $pids ...\n\n";
0059 @tokens = split(/,/,$pids);
0061 my $EPx = "http://$hostname:$EPport/urn:xdaq-application:lid=$EPid/SubWeb?process=";
0062 my $count = 0;
0064 foreach my $token (@tokens) {
0065    if ((1<<$count) & $mask) {
0066     my $cmd = $EPx.$token."&method=moduleWeb&module=ExceptionGenerator&exceptionType=$testtype"."&qualifier=$testqual";
0067      print "calling exception for http://".$hostname.":".$EPport."/urn:xdaq-application:lid=$EPid test $testtype qualifier:$testqual \n";
0068     `curl -s "$cmd"`;
0069    }
0070    $count = $count+1;
0071 }