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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:11:55

0001 #include "FWCore/Common/interface/Provenance.h"
0002 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProcessConfiguration.h"
0003 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/Registry.h"
0006 namespace edm {
0007   static std::string const triggerResults("TriggerResults");
0008   static std::string const source("source");
0009   static std::string const triggerResultsInserter("TriggerResultsInserter");
0011   ParameterSet const& parameterSet(StableProvenance const& provenance, ProcessHistory const& history) {
0012     ProcessConfiguration pc;
0013     history.getConfigurationForProcess(provenance.processName(), pc);
0014     ParameterSet const& processParameterSet = *pset::Registry::instance()->getMapped(pc.parameterSetID());
0015     std::string const& label = provenance.moduleLabel();
0016     if (!processParameterSet.existsAs<ParameterSet>(label)) {
0017       // Trigger results and input sources are special cases
0018       if (label == triggerResults) {
0019         return processParameterSet.getParameterSet("@trigger_paths");
0020       } else if (label == source) {
0021         return processParameterSet.getParameterSet("@main_input");
0022       }
0023     }
0024     return processParameterSet.getParameterSet(label);
0025   }
0027   std::string moduleName(StableProvenance const& provenance, ProcessHistory const& history) {
0028     // Trigger results ia a special case
0029     if (provenance.moduleLabel() == triggerResults) {
0030       return triggerResultsInserter;
0031     }
0032     return parameterSet(provenance, history).getParameter<std::string>("@module_type");
0033   }
0034 }  // namespace edm