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0001 #ifndef FWCore_Framework_ModuleTypeResolverMaker_h
0002 #define FWCore_Framework_ModuleTypeResolverMaker_h
0004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ModuleTypeResolverBase.h"
0006 namespace edm {
0007   class ParameterSet;
0009   /**
0010    * This class hierarchy implements an abstract factory pattern for
0011    * the creation of module type resolver objects (derived from
0012    * ModuleTypeResolverBase). This pattern allows the use of
0013    * information in the module PSet in the module type resolver in a
0014    * way that the PSet is parsed only once per module instance.
0015    *
0016    * Per-module setting is useful e.g. in the Alpaka use case to be
0017    * able to set the Alpaka backend separately for each module. This
0018    * ability is useful to have e.g. automatically-selected modules and
0019    * modules set to explicitly use a host backend in the same job for
0020    * physics comparisons, or for testing.
0021    *
0022    * A derived class of this abstract base class is meant to be owned
0023    * by the EventProcessor (or equivalent). The concrete object can be
0024    * created with a plugin factory (in case of EventProcessor the
0025    * plugin name comes from the configuration). The class provides a
0026    * factory function to create a concrete ModuleTypeResolverBase
0027    * object based on the module PSet.
0028    */
0029   class ModuleTypeResolverMaker {
0030   public:
0031     virtual ~ModuleTypeResolverMaker() = default;
0033     /**
0034      * This function creates an implementation of the ModuleTypeResolverBase class based on the module PSet.
0035      *
0036      * The return value reflects that the implementation
0037      * ModuleTypeResolverMaker may cache the ModuleTypeResolverBase objects if it
0038      * wants to.
0039      */
0040     virtual std::shared_ptr<ModuleTypeResolverBase const> makeResolver(edm::ParameterSet const& modulePSet) const = 0;
0041   };
0042 }  // namespace edm
0044 #endif