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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Package:     Framework
0004 // Class  :     ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices
0005 //
0006 // Implementation:
0007 //     <Notes on implementation>
0008 //
0009 // Author:      Chris Jones
0010 // Created:     Thu Mar 31 14:31:13 EST 2005
0011 //
0013 // system include files
0014 #include <cassert>
0015 #include <algorithm>
0017 // user include files
0018 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices.h"
0019 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ComponentDescription.h"
0021 //
0022 // constants, enums and typedefs
0023 //
0025 namespace edm::eventsetup {
0026   ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices::ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices(std::vector<EventSetupRecordKey> iRecords)
0027       : recordKeys_{std::move(iRecords)} {
0028     assert(std::is_sorted(recordKeys_.begin(), recordKeys_.end()));
0029     recordOffsets_.reserve(recordKeys_.size() + 1);
0030     recordOffsets_.push_back(0);
0031   }
0033   unsigned int ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices::dataKeysInRecord(
0034       unsigned int iRecordIndex,
0035       EventSetupRecordKey const& iRecord,
0036       std::vector<DataKey> const& iDataKeys,
0037       std::vector<ComponentDescription const*> const& iComponents) {
0038     assert(iRecord == recordKeys_[iRecordIndex]);
0039     assert(iDataKeys.size() == iComponents.size());
0040     assert(iRecordIndex + 1 == recordOffsets_.size());
0041     dataKeys_.insert(dataKeys_.end(), iDataKeys.begin(), iDataKeys.end());
0042     ++iRecordIndex;
0043     components_.insert(components_.end(), iComponents.begin(), iComponents.end());
0044     recordOffsets_.push_back(dataKeys_.size());
0045     return iRecordIndex;
0046   }
0048   //
0049   // const member functions
0050   //
0051   ESResolverIndex ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices::indexInRecord(EventSetupRecordKey const& iRK,
0052                                                                    DataKey const& iDK) const noexcept {
0053     auto it = std::lower_bound(recordKeys_.begin(), recordKeys_.end(), iRK);
0054     if (it == recordKeys_.end() or *it != iRK) {
0055       return ESResolverIndex::noResolverConfigured();
0056     }
0058     auto beginOffset = recordOffsets_[std::distance(recordKeys_.begin(), it)];
0059     ++it;
0060     auto endOffset = recordOffsets_[std::distance(recordKeys_.begin(), it)];
0062     auto itDK = std::lower_bound(dataKeys_.begin() + beginOffset, dataKeys_.begin() + endOffset, iDK);
0063     if (itDK == dataKeys_.begin() + endOffset or *itDK != iDK) {
0064       return ESResolverIndex::noResolverConfigured();
0065     }
0067     return ESResolverIndex{static_cast<int>(std::distance(dataKeys_.begin() + beginOffset, itDK))};
0068   }
0070   ESRecordIndex ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices::recordIndexFor(EventSetupRecordKey const& iRK) const noexcept {
0071     auto it = std::lower_bound(recordKeys_.begin(), recordKeys_.end(), iRK);
0072     if (it == recordKeys_.end() or *it != iRK) {
0073       return missingRecordIndex();
0074     }
0075     return ESRecordIndex{static_cast<ESRecordIndex::Value_t>(it - recordKeys_.begin())};
0076   }
0078   ComponentDescription const* ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices::component(EventSetupRecordKey const& iRK,
0079                                                                            DataKey const& iDK) const noexcept {
0080     auto it = std::lower_bound(recordKeys_.begin(), recordKeys_.end(), iRK);
0081     if (it == recordKeys_.end() or *it != iRK) {
0082       return nullptr;
0083     }
0085     auto beginOffset = recordOffsets_[std::distance(recordKeys_.begin(), it)];
0086     ++it;
0087     auto endOffset = recordOffsets_[std::distance(recordKeys_.begin(), it)];
0089     auto itDK = std::lower_bound(dataKeys_.begin() + beginOffset, dataKeys_.begin() + endOffset, iDK);
0090     if (itDK == dataKeys_.begin() + endOffset or *itDK != iDK) {
0091       return nullptr;
0092     }
0093     return components_[std::distance(dataKeys_.begin(), itDK)];
0094   }
0096   ESTagGetter ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices::makeTagGetter(EventSetupRecordKey const& iRK,
0097                                                                TypeTag const& iTT) const {
0098     auto recIndex = recordIndexFor(iRK);
0099     if (recIndex == missingRecordIndex()) {
0100       return ESTagGetter();
0101     }
0103     auto const beginIndex = recordOffsets_[recIndex.value()];
0104     auto const endIndex = recordOffsets_[recIndex.value() + 1];
0105     auto keyIndex = beginIndex;
0107     std::vector<ESTagGetter::Info> returnValue;
0108     returnValue.reserve(endIndex - beginIndex);
0109     bool foundFirstIndex = false;
0110     while (keyIndex < endIndex) {
0111       if (dataKeys_[keyIndex].type() != iTT) {
0112         if (foundFirstIndex) {
0113           //we are now past any further matches
0114           break;
0115         }
0116       } else {
0117         foundFirstIndex = true;
0118         returnValue.emplace_back(
0119             keyIndex - beginIndex,
0120             dataKeys_[keyIndex].name().value(),
0121             components_[keyIndex] ? std::string_view(components_[keyIndex]->label_) : std::string_view());
0122       }
0123       ++keyIndex;
0124     }
0125     return returnValue;
0126   }
0128   std::pair<std::vector<DataKey>::const_iterator, std::vector<DataKey>::const_iterator>
0129   ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices::keysForRecord(EventSetupRecordKey const& iRK) const noexcept {
0130     auto recIndex = recordIndexFor(iRK);
0131     if (recIndex == missingRecordIndex()) {
0132       return std::make_pair(dataKeys_.end(), dataKeys_.end());
0133     }
0134     auto const beginIndex = recordOffsets_[recIndex.value()];
0135     auto const endIndex = recordOffsets_[recIndex.value() + 1];
0136     return std::make_pair(dataKeys_.begin() + beginIndex, dataKeys_.begin() + endIndex);
0137   }
0139 }  // namespace edm::eventsetup