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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Package:     FWCore/Framework
0004 // Class  :     edm::stream::ProducingModuleAdaptorBase
0005 //
0006 // Implementation:
0007 //     [Notes on implementation]
0008 //
0009 // Original Author:  Chris Jones
0010 //         Created:  Fri, 02 Aug 2013 21:43:44 GMT
0011 //
0013 // system include files
0014 #include <array>
0015 #include <cassert>
0017 // user include files
0018 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/stream/ProducingModuleAdaptorBase.h"
0019 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/LuminosityBlock.h"
0020 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Run.h"
0021 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/LuminosityBlockPrincipal.h"
0022 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0023 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/RunPrincipal.h"
0024 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/PreallocationConfiguration.h"
0025 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/TransitionInfoTypes.h"
0026 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventForTransformer.h"
0027 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/ESParentContext.h"
0029 //
0030 // constants, enums and typedefs
0031 //
0033 //
0034 // static data member definitions
0035 //
0037 //
0038 // constructors and destructor
0039 //
0040 namespace edm {
0041   namespace stream {
0042     template <typename T>
0043     ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::ProducingModuleAdaptorBase() {}
0045     template <typename T>
0046     ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::~ProducingModuleAdaptorBase() {
0047       for (auto m : m_streamModules) {
0048         delete m;
0049       }
0050     }
0052     template <typename T>
0053     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::deleteModulesEarly() {
0054       for (auto m : m_streamModules) {
0055         delete m;
0056       }
0057       m_streamModules.clear();
0058     }
0060     //
0061     // member functions
0062     //
0064     template <typename T>
0065     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::doPreallocate(PreallocationConfiguration const& iPrealloc) {
0066       m_streamModules.resize(iPrealloc.numberOfStreams(), static_cast<T*>(nullptr));
0067       setupStreamModules();
0068       preallocRuns(iPrealloc.numberOfRuns());
0069       preallocLumis(iPrealloc.numberOfLuminosityBlocks());
0070     }
0072     template <typename T>
0073     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::registerProductsAndCallbacks(ProducingModuleAdaptorBase const*,
0074                                                                      SignallingProductRegistry* reg) {
0075       auto firstMod = m_streamModules[0];
0076       if (firstMod->registrationCallback() and m_streamModules.size() > 1) {
0077         //we have a callback so we will collect all callbacks and create a new callback which calls them all.
0079         std::vector<std::function<void(ProductDescription const&)>> callbacks;
0080         callbacks.reserve(m_streamModules.size());
0082         for (auto mod : m_streamModules) {
0083           callbacks.push_back(mod->registrationCallback());
0084         }
0085         //Since only the first module will actually do the registration
0086         // we will change its callback to call all the callbacks
0087         firstMod->callWhenNewProductsRegistered([callbacks](ProductDescription const& iBD) {
0088           for (const auto& c : callbacks) {
0089             c(iBD);
0090           }
0091         });
0092       }
0093       firstMod->registerProducts(firstMod, reg, moduleDescription_);
0094     }
0096     template <typename T>
0097     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::itemsToGet(BranchType iType,
0098                                                    std::vector<ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit>& iIndices) const {
0099       assert(not m_streamModules.empty());
0100       m_streamModules[0]->itemsToGet(iType, iIndices);
0101     }
0103     template <typename T>
0104     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::itemsMayGet(BranchType iType,
0105                                                     std::vector<ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit>& iIndices) const {
0106       assert(not m_streamModules.empty());
0107       m_streamModules[0]->itemsMayGet(iType, iIndices);
0108     }
0110     template <typename T>
0111     std::vector<edm::ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit> const& ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::itemsToGetFrom(
0112         BranchType iType) const {
0113       assert(not m_streamModules.empty());
0114       return m_streamModules[0]->itemsToGetFrom(iType);
0115     }
0117     template <typename T>
0118     std::vector<ESResolverIndex> const& ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::esGetTokenIndicesVector(
0119         edm::Transition iTrans) const {
0120       assert(not m_streamModules.empty());
0121       return m_streamModules[0]->esGetTokenIndicesVector(iTrans);
0122     }
0124     template <typename T>
0125     std::vector<ESRecordIndex> const& ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::esGetTokenRecordIndicesVector(
0126         edm::Transition iTrans) const {
0127       assert(not m_streamModules.empty());
0128       return m_streamModules[0]->esGetTokenRecordIndicesVector(iTrans);
0129     }
0131     template <typename T>
0132     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed(
0133         std::array<std::vector<ModuleDescription const*>*, NumBranchTypes>& modules,
0134         std::vector<ModuleProcessName>& modulesInPreviousProcesses,
0135         ProductRegistry const& preg,
0136         std::map<std::string, ModuleDescription const*> const& labelsToDesc,
0137         std::string const& processName) const {
0138       assert(not m_streamModules.empty());
0139       return m_streamModules[0]->modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed(
0140           modules, modulesInPreviousProcesses, preg, labelsToDesc, processName);
0141     }
0143     template <typename T>
0144     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::convertCurrentProcessAlias(std::string const& processName) {
0145       for (auto mod : m_streamModules) {
0146         mod->convertCurrentProcessAlias(processName);
0147       }
0148     }
0150     template <typename T>
0151     std::vector<edm::ConsumesInfo> ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::consumesInfo() const {
0152       assert(not m_streamModules.empty());
0153       return m_streamModules[0]->consumesInfo();
0154     }
0156     template <typename T>
0157     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::updateLookup(BranchType iType,
0158                                                      ProductResolverIndexHelper const& iHelper,
0159                                                      bool iPrefetchMayGet) {
0160       for (auto mod : m_streamModules) {
0161         mod->updateLookup(iType, iHelper, iPrefetchMayGet);
0162       }
0163     }
0164     template <typename T>
0165     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::updateLookup(eventsetup::ESRecordsToProductResolverIndices const& iPI) {
0166       for (auto mod : m_streamModules) {
0167         mod->updateLookup(iPI);
0168       }
0169     }
0171     template <typename T>
0172     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::resolvePutIndicies(BranchType iBranchType,
0173                                                            ModuleToResolverIndicies const& iIndicies,
0174                                                            std::string const& moduleLabel) {
0175       for (auto mod : m_streamModules) {
0176         mod->resolvePutIndicies(iBranchType, iIndicies, moduleLabel);
0177       }
0178     }
0180     template <typename T>
0181     std::vector<edm::ProductResolverIndex> const& ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::indiciesForPutProducts(
0182         BranchType iBranchType) const {
0183       return m_streamModules[0]->indiciesForPutProducts(iBranchType);
0184     }
0186     template <typename T>
0187     ProductResolverIndex ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::transformPrefetch_(size_t iTransformIndex) const noexcept {
0188       return 0;
0189     }
0190     template <typename T>
0191     size_t ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::transformIndex_(edm::ProductDescription const& iBranch) const noexcept {
0192       return 0;
0193     }
0194     template <typename T>
0195     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::doTransformAsync(WaitingTaskHolder iTask,
0196                                                          size_t iTransformIndex,
0197                                                          EventPrincipal const& iEvent,
0198                                                          ActivityRegistry*,
0199                                                          ModuleCallingContext iMCC,
0200                                                          ServiceWeakToken const&) noexcept {}
0202     template <typename T>
0203     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::doBeginStream(StreamID id) {
0204       m_streamModules[id]->beginStream(id);
0205     }
0206     template <typename T>
0207     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::doEndStream(StreamID id) {
0208       m_streamModules[id]->endStream();
0209     }
0211     template <typename T>
0212     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::doStreamBeginRun(StreamID id,
0213                                                          RunTransitionInfo const& info,
0214                                                          ModuleCallingContext const* mcc) {
0215       RunPrincipal const& rp = info.principal();
0216       auto mod = m_streamModules[id];
0217       setupRun(mod, rp.index());
0219       Run r(rp, moduleDescription_, mcc, false);
0220       r.setConsumer(mod);
0221       ESParentContext parentC(mcc);
0222       const EventSetup c{
0223           info, static_cast<unsigned int>(Transition::BeginRun), mod->esGetTokenIndices(Transition::BeginRun), parentC};
0224       mod->beginRun(r, c);
0225     }
0227     template <typename T>
0228     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::doStreamEndRun(StreamID id,
0229                                                        RunTransitionInfo const& info,
0230                                                        ModuleCallingContext const* mcc) {
0231       auto mod = m_streamModules[id];
0232       Run r(info, moduleDescription_, mcc, true);
0233       r.setConsumer(mod);
0234       ESParentContext parentC(mcc);
0235       const EventSetup c{
0236           info, static_cast<unsigned int>(Transition::EndRun), mod->esGetTokenIndices(Transition::EndRun), parentC};
0237       mod->endRun(r, c);
0238       streamEndRunSummary(mod, r, c);
0239     }
0241     template <typename T>
0242     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::doStreamBeginLuminosityBlock(StreamID id,
0243                                                                      LumiTransitionInfo const& info,
0244                                                                      ModuleCallingContext const* mcc) {
0245       LuminosityBlockPrincipal const& lbp = info.principal();
0246       auto mod = m_streamModules[id];
0247       setupLuminosityBlock(mod, lbp.index());
0249       LuminosityBlock lb(lbp, moduleDescription_, mcc, false);
0250       lb.setConsumer(mod);
0251       ESParentContext parentC(mcc);
0252       const EventSetup c{info,
0253                          static_cast<unsigned int>(Transition::BeginLuminosityBlock),
0254                          mod->esGetTokenIndices(Transition::BeginLuminosityBlock),
0255                          parentC};
0256       mod->beginLuminosityBlock(lb, c);
0257     }
0259     template <typename T>
0260     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::doStreamEndLuminosityBlock(StreamID id,
0261                                                                    LumiTransitionInfo const& info,
0262                                                                    ModuleCallingContext const* mcc) {
0263       auto mod = m_streamModules[id];
0264       LuminosityBlock lb(info, moduleDescription_, mcc, true);
0265       lb.setConsumer(mod);
0266       ESParentContext parentC(mcc);
0267       const EventSetup c{info,
0268                          static_cast<unsigned int>(Transition::EndLuminosityBlock),
0269                          mod->esGetTokenIndices(Transition::EndLuminosityBlock),
0270                          parentC};
0271       mod->endLuminosityBlock(lb, c);
0272       streamEndLuminosityBlockSummary(mod, lb, c);
0273     }
0275     template <typename T>
0276     void ProducingModuleAdaptorBase<T>::doRegisterThinnedAssociations(ProductRegistry const& registry,
0277                                                                       ThinnedAssociationsHelper& helper) {
0278       assert(not m_streamModules.empty());
0279       auto mod = m_streamModules[0];
0280       mod->registerThinnedAssociations(registry, helper);
0281     }
0282   }  // namespace stream
0283 }  // namespace edm