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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 process = cms.Process("READ")
0005 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
0006     fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring("file:testSubProcess.root")
0007 )
0009 process.out = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
0010     fileName = cms.untracked.string(
0011       'readSubprocessOutput.root'
0012     )
0013 )
0016 # Reusing some code I used for testing merging, although in this
0017 # context it has nothing to do with merging.
0018 # Here we are checking the event, run, and lumi products
0019 # from the last subprocess in the chain of subprocesses
0020 # are there.
0021 process.testproducts = cms.EDAnalyzer("TestMergeResults",
0023     expectedBeginRunProd = cms.untracked.vint32(
0024         10001,   10002,  10003,   # end run 1
0025         10001,   10002,  10003,   # end run 2
0026         10001,   10002,  10003    # end run 3
0027     ),
0029     expectedEndRunProd = cms.untracked.vint32(
0030         100001,   100002,  100003,   # end run 1
0031         100001,   100002,  100003,   # end run 2
0032         100001,   100002,  100003    # end run 3
0033     ),
0035     expectedBeginLumiProd = cms.untracked.vint32(
0036         101,       102,    103    # end run 1 lumi 1
0037 # There are more, but all with the same pattern as the first        
0038     ),
0040     expectedEndLumiProd = cms.untracked.vint32(
0041         1001,     1002,   1003    # end run 1 lumi 1
0042     ),
0044     expectedProcessHistoryInRuns = cms.untracked.vstring(
0045         'PROD',            # Run 1
0046         'PROD2',
0047         'READ',
0048         'PROD',            # Run 2
0049         'PROD2',
0050         'READ',
0051         'PROD',            # Run 3
0052         'PROD2',
0053         'READ'
0054     ),
0055     verbose = cms.untracked.bool(True)
0056 )
0058 process.test = cms.EDAnalyzer('RunLumiEventAnalyzer',
0059     verbose = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0060     expectedRunLumiEvents = cms.untracked.vuint32(
0061 1,   0,   0,
0062 1,   1,   0,
0063 1,   1,   1,
0064 1,   1,   2,
0065 1,   1,   3,
0066 1,   1,   4,
0067 1,   1,   0,
0068 1,   2,   0,
0069 1,   2,   5,
0070 1,   2,   6,
0071 1,   2,   7,
0072 1,   2,   8,
0073 1,   2,   0,
0074 1,   3,   0,
0075 1,   3,   9,
0076 1,   3,   10,
0077 1,   3,   0,
0078 1,   0,   0,
0079 2,   0,   0,
0080 2,   1,   0,
0081 2,   1,   1,
0082 2,   1,   2,
0083 2,   1,   3,
0084 2,   1,   4,
0085 2,   1,   0,
0086 2,   2,   0,
0087 2,   2,   5,
0088 2,   2,   6,
0089 2,   2,   7,
0090 2,   2,   8,
0091 2,   2,   0,
0092 2,   3,   0,
0093 2,   3,   9,
0094 2,   3,   10,
0095 2,   3,   0,
0096 2,   0,   0,
0097 3,   0,   0,
0098 3,   1,   0,
0099 3,   1,   1,
0100 3,   1,   2,
0101 3,   1,   3,
0102 3,   1,   4,
0103 3,   1,   0,
0104 3,   2,   0,
0105 3,   2,   5,
0106 3,   2,   6,
0107 3,   2,   7,
0108 3,   2,   8,
0109 3,   2,   0,
0110 3,   3,   0,
0111 3,   3,   9,
0112 3,   3,   10,
0113 3,   3,   0,
0114 3,   0,   0
0115 )
0116 )
0118 process.path1 = cms.Path(process.test*process.testproducts)
0120 process.ep = cms.EndPath(process.out)
0123 read2Process = cms.Process("READ2")
0124 process.addSubProcess(cms.SubProcess(read2Process,
0125     outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring(
0126         "keep *", 
0127         "drop *_putInt2_*_*"
0128     )
0129 ))
0131 read2Process.getInt = cms.EDAnalyzer("TestFindProduct",
0132   inputTags = cms.untracked.VInputTag(
0133       cms.InputTag("putInt3")
0134   ),
0135   expectedSum = cms.untracked.int32(180),
0136   inputTagsNotFound = cms.untracked.VInputTag(
0137       cms.InputTag("putInt2")
0138   )
0139 )
0141 read2Process.path1 = cms.Path(read2Process.getInt)