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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 process = cms.Process("TEST")
0005 process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi")
0006 process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 1000
0007 process.MessageLogger.cerr.threshold = 'ERROR'
0009 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0010     input = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
0011 )
0013 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
0014     fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
0015         'file:testRunMergeMERGE100.root',
0016         'file:testRunMergeMERGE101.root',
0017         'file:testRunMergeMERGE102.root',
0018         'file:testRunMergeMERGE100.root',
0019         'file:testRunMergeMERGE101.root',
0020         'file:testRunMergeMERGE102.root'
0021     ),
0022     duplicateCheckMode = cms.untracked.string('noDuplicateCheck')
0023 )
0025 process.test = cms.EDAnalyzer("TestMergeResults",
0027     #   Check to see that the value we read matches what we know
0028     #   was written. Expected values listed below come in sets of three
0029     #      value expected in Thing
0030     #      value expected in ThingWithMerge
0031     #      value expected in ThingWithIsEqual
0032     #   Each set of 3 is tested at endRun for the expected
0033     #   run values or at endLuminosityBlock for the expected
0034     #   lumi values. And then the next set of three values
0035     #   is tested at the next endRun or endLuminosityBlock.
0036     #   When the sequence of parameter values is exhausted it stops checking
0038     expectedBeginRunProd = cms.untracked.vint32(
0039         10001,   40008,  10003,
0040         10001,   20004,  10003,
0041         10001,   40008,  10003,
0042         10001,   20004,  10003
0043     ),
0045     expectedEndRunProd = cms.untracked.vint32(
0046         100001,   400008,  100003,
0047         100001,   200004,  100003,
0048         100001,   400008,  100003,
0049         100001,   200004,  100003
0050     ),
0052     expectedEndRunProdImproperlyMerged = cms.untracked.vint32(
0053         0,   1,  0,
0054         0,   0,  0,
0055         0,   1,  0,
0056         0,   0,  0
0057     ),
0059     expectedBeginLumiProd = cms.untracked.vint32(
0060         101,       102,    103,
0061         101,       102,    103,
0062         101,       102,    103,
0063         101,       102,    103,
0064         101,       102,    103,
0065         101,       102,    103,
0066         101,       102,    103,
0067         101,       102,    103,
0068         101,       102,    103,
0069         101,       102,    103,
0070         101,       102,    103,
0071         101,       102,    103,
0072         101,       102,    103,
0073         101,       102,    103,
0074         101,       102,    103,
0075         101,       102,    103,
0076         101,       102,    103,
0077         101,       102,    103,
0078         101,       102,    103,
0079         101,       102,    103
0080     ),
0082     expectedEndLumiProd = cms.untracked.vint32(
0083         1001,       1002,    1003,
0084         1001,       1002,    1003,
0085         1001,       1002,    1003,
0086         1001,       1002,    1003,
0087         1001,       1002,    1003,
0088         1001,       1002,    1003,
0089         1001,       1002,    1003,
0090         1001,       1002,    1003,
0091         1001,       1002,    1003,
0092         1001,       1002,    1003,
0093         1001,       1002,    1003,
0094         1001,       1002,    1003,
0095         1001,       1002,    1003,
0096         1001,       1002,    1003,
0097         1001,       1002,    1003,
0098         1001,       1002,    1003,
0099         1001,       1002,    1003,
0100         1001,       1002,    1003,
0101         1001,       1002,    1003,
0102         1001,       1002,    1003
0103     ),
0105     expectedEndLumiProdImproperlyMerged = cms.untracked.vint32(
0106         0,   0,  0,
0107         0,   0,  0,
0108         0,   0,  0,
0109         0,   0,  0,
0110         0,   0,  0,
0111         0,   0,  0,
0112         0,   0,  0,
0113         0,   0,  0,
0114         0,   0,  0,
0115         0,   0,  0,
0116         0,   0,  0,
0117         0,   0,  0,
0118         0,   0,  0,
0119         0,   0,  0,
0120         0,   0,  0,
0121         0,   0,  0,
0122         0,   0,  0,
0123         0,   0,  0,
0124         0,   0,  0,
0125         0,   0,  0
0126     ),
0127     verbose = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0128 )
0130 process.thingWithMergeProducer = cms.EDProducer("ThingWithMergeProducer")
0131 process.task = cms.Task(process.thingWithMergeProducer)
0133 process.out = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
0134     fileName = cms.untracked.string('testRunMergeTEST100.root')
0135 )
0137 process.e = cms.EndPath(process.test * process.out, process.task)