Warning, /FWCore/MessageService/doc/Activities.doc is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To
0002 ------------------------------------------
0004 This is based on ActivityRegistry.h, and is current per Mar 18, 2009
0006 Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry
0007 in order to monitor the activity of the application.
0009 Each possible callback has some defined signature, which we here list in
0010 angle brackets, e.g., <void, edm::EventID const&, edm::Timestamp const&>.
0011 We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those
0012 callbacks {0}, {1}, or {2}.
0014 <void> {0}
0015 PostBeginJob after all modules have gotten their beginJob called
0016 PostEndJob after all modules have gotten their endJob called
0017 PreSource before the source starts creating an Event
0018 PostSource after the source starts creating an Event [sic]
0019 PreSourceLumi before the source starts creating a Lumi
0020 PostSourceLumi after the source starts creating a Lumi [sic]
0021 PreSourceRun before the source starts creating a Run
0022 PostSourceRun after the source starts creating a Run [sic]
0023 PreOpenFile before the **source** opens a file
0024 PostOpenFile after the **source** opens a file
0025 PreCloseFile before the **source** closes a file
0026 PostCloseFile after the **source** closes a file
0027 JobFailure if event processing or end-of-job processing fails
0028 with an uncaught exception
0030 <void, edm::EventID const&, edm::Timestamp const&> {2}
0031 PreProcessEvent after the Event has been created by the InputSource
0032 but before any modules have seen the Event
0034 <void, Event const&, EventSetup const&> {2}
0035 PostProcessEvent after all modules have finished processing the Event
0037 <void, edm::RunID const&, edm::Timestamp const&> {2}
0038 PreBeginRun after the Run has been created by the InputSource
0039 but before any modules have seen the Run
0040 PreEndRun before the endRun is processed
0042 <void, Run const&, EventSetup const&> {2}
0043 PostBeginRun after all modules have finished processing the beginRun
0044 PostEndRun after all modules have finished processing the Run
0046 <void, edm::LuminosityBlockID const&, edm::Timestamp const&> {2}
0047 PreBeginLumi after the LuminosityBlock has been created by the InputSource
0048 but before any modules have seen the LuminosityBlock
0049 PreEndLumi before the endLuminosityBlock is processed
0051 <void, LuminosityBlock const&, EventSetup const&> {2}
0052 PostBeginLumi after all modules have finished processing the beginLuminosityBlock
0053 PostEndLumi after all modules have finished processing the LuminosityBlock
0055 <void, std::string const&> {1}
0056 PreProcessPath before starting to process a Path for an event
0057 PrePathBeginRun before starting to process a Path for beginRun
0058 PrePathEndRun before starting to process a Path for endRun
0059 PrePathBeginLumi before starting to process a Path for beginLumi
0060 PrePathEndLumi before starting to process a Path for endLumi
0062 <void, std::string const&, HLTPathStatus const&> {1}
0063 PostProcessPath after all modules have finished for the Path for an event
0064 PostPathBeginRun after all modules have finished for the Path for beginRun
0065 PostPathEndRun after all modules have finished for the Path for endRun
0066 PostPathBeginLumi after all modules have finished for the Path for beginLumi
0067 PostPathEndLumi after all modules have finished for the Path for endLumi
0069 <void, ModuleDescription const&> {1}
0070 PreModuleConstruction before the module is constructed
0071 PostModuleConstruction after the module was constructed
0072 PreModuleBeginJob before the module does beginJob
0073 PostModuleBeginJob after the module had done beginJob
0074 PreModuleEndJob before the module does endJob
0075 PostModuleEndJob after the module had done endJob
0076 PreModule before the module starts processing the Event
0077 PostModule after the module finished processing the Event
0078 PreModuleBeginRun before the module starts processing beginRun
0079 PostModuleBeginRun after the module finished processing beginRun
0080 PreModuleEndRun before the module starts processing endRun
0081 PostModuleEndRun after the module finished processing endRun
0082 PreModuleBeginLumi before the module starts processing beginLumi
0083 PostModuleBeginLumi after the module finished processing beginLumi
0084 PreModuleEndLumi before the module starts processing endLumi
0085 PostModuleEndLumi after the module finished processing endLumi
0086 PreSourceConstruction before the source is constructed
0087 PostSourceConstruction after the source was constructed
0090 Assuming every module did things in every possible phase (which of course
0091 is not realistic), the order of normal phases would be the following.
0092 (Note - the relation between file opens and run/lumi assumed here, that
0093 a Run contains possibly multiple Lumis and that a Lumi consists of possibly
0094 multiple files, may not be correct.)
0097 PostBeginJob
0098 PreSourceConstruction
0099 PostSourceConstruction
0100 --- per module ---
0101 PreModuleConstruction
0102 PostModuleConstruction
0103 PreModuleBeginJob
0104 PostModuleBeginJob
0105 --- per run ---
0106 PreSourceRun
0107 PostSourceRun
0108 PreBeginRun
0109 PrePathBeginRun
0110 -- per module ---
0111 PreModuleBeginRun
0112 PostModuleBeginRun
0113 PostPathBeginRun
0114 PostBeginRun
0115 --- per Lumi ---
0116 PreSourceLumi
0117 PostSourceLumi
0118 PreBeginLumi
0119 PrePathBeginLumi
0120 --- per module ---
0121 PreModuleBeginLumi
0122 PostModuleBeginLumi
0123 PostPathBeginLumi
0124 PostBeginLumi
0125 --- per file ---
0126 PreOpenFile
0127 PostOpenFile
0128 --- per event ---
0129 PreSource
0130 PostSource
0131 PreProcessEvent
0132 PreProcessPath
0133 --- per module ---
0134 PreModule
0135 PostModule
0136 PostProcessPath
0137 PostProcessEvent
0138 PreCloseFile
0139 PostCloseFile
0140 PreEndLumi
0141 PrePathEndLumi
0142 --- per module ---
0143 PreModuleEndLumi
0144 PostModuleEndLumi
0145 PostPathEndLumi
0146 PostEndLumi
0147 PreEndRun
0148 PrePathEndRun
0149 --- per module---
0150 PreModuleEndRun
0151 PostModuleEndRun
0152 PostPathEndRun
0153 PostEndRun
0154 --- per module ---
0155 PreModuleEndJob
0156 PostModuleEndJob
0157 PostEndJob