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0001 #ifndef FWCore_MessageService_MessageServicePSetValidation_h
0002 #define FWCore_MessageService_MessageServicePSetValidation_h
0004 // -*- C++ -*-
0005 //
0006 // Package:     Services
0007 // Class  :     MessageServicePSetValidation_h
0008 //
0009 /**\class MessageLogger MessageServicePSetValidation.h FWCore/MessageService/interface/MessageServicePSetValidation.h
0011  Description: Checking MessageService PSet in file for subtle problems
0013  Usage:
0014    MessageServicePSetValidation v;
0015    std::string valresults = v(iPS);
0016      where iPS is (passed by const reference) the MessageService PSet
0017    If valresults is not empty, then problems were found.
0018      (This is later checked in preSourceConstructor or preModuleConstructor)
0020 */
0021 //
0022 // Original Author:  M. Fischler
0023 //         Created:  Tue May 19  2009
0024 //
0026 // system include files
0028 #include <string>
0029 #include <sstream>
0030 #include <vector>
0032 // user include files
0034 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0035 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0037 // forward declarations
0039 namespace edm {
0040   namespace service {
0042     class MessageServicePSetValidation {
0043     public:
0044       std::string operator()(ParameterSet const& pset);
0046     private:
0047       typedef std::string String;
0048       typedef std::vector<String> vString;
0050       void messageLoggerPSet(ParameterSet const& pset);
0051       void psetLists(ParameterSet const& pset);
0052       void suppressionLists(ParameterSet const& pset);
0053       bool validateThreshold(std::string const& thresh, std::string const& psetName);
0054       bool checkThreshold(std::string const& thresh);
0055       void noDuplicates(vString const& v, std::string const& psetName, std::string const& parameterLabel);
0056       void noDuplicates(vString const& v1,
0057                         vString const& v2,
0058                         std::string const& psetName,
0059                         std::string const& p1,
0060                         std::string const& p2);
0061       void noCoutCerrClash(vString const& v, std::string const& psetName, std::string const& parameterLabel);
0062       void noKeywords(vString const& v, std::string const& psetName, std::string const& parameterLabel);
0063       bool keywordCheck(std::string const& word);
0064       void noNonPSetUsage(ParameterSet const& pset,
0065                           vString const& v,
0066                           std::string const& psetName,
0067                           std::string const& parameterLabel);
0068       void noBadParams(vString const& v,
0069                        vString const& params,
0070                        std::string const& psetName,
0071                        std::string const& parameterLabel,
0072                        std::string const& type);
0073       void vStringsCheck(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName);
0074       bool wildcard(vString const& v);
0075       bool allowedVstring(std::string const& s);
0076       void noOtherPsets(ParameterSet const& pset);
0077       void noNoncategoryPsets(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName);
0078       bool lookForMatch(vString const& v, std::string const& s);
0079       void destinationPSets(ParameterSet const& pset);
0080       void destinationPSet(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName);
0081       void defaultPSet(ParameterSet const& main_pset);
0082       void statisticsPSets(ParameterSet const& pset);
0083       void statisticsPSet(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName);
0084       void categoryPSets(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName);
0085       void categoryPSet(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& OuterPsetName, std::string const& categoryName);
0086       void catInts(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName, std::string const& categoryName);
0087       void catNoPSets(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName, std::string const& categoryName);
0088       void catBoolRestriction(ParameterSet const& pset,
0089                               std::string const& psetName,
0090                               std::string const& categoryName,
0091                               std::string const& type);
0093       template <typename T>
0094       T check(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName, std::string const& parameterLabel) {
0095         T val = T();
0096         try {
0097           if (!pset.exists(parameterLabel))
0098             return val;
0099           if (pset.existsAs<T>(parameterLabel, false)) {
0100             val = pset.getUntrackedParameter<T>(parameterLabel, val);
0101             return val;
0102           }
0103           if (pset.existsAs<T>(parameterLabel, true)) {
0104             flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n" << parameterLabel << " is declared as tracked - needs to be untracked \n";
0105             val = pset.getParameter<T>(parameterLabel);
0106           } else {
0107             flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n" << parameterLabel << " is declared with incorrect type \n";
0108           }
0109           return val;
0110         } catch (cms::Exception& e) {
0111           flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0112                  << parameterLabel << " is declared but causes an exception when processed: \n"
0113                  << e.what() << "\n";
0114           return val;
0115         }
0116       }  // check()
0118       template <typename T>
0119       void disallowedParam(ParameterSet const& pset,
0120                            vString const& v,
0121                            std::string const& psetName,
0122                            std::string const& parameterLabel,
0123                            std::string const& type) {
0124         vString params = pset.getParameterNamesForType<T>(true);
0125         noBadParams(v, params, psetName, parameterLabel, type);
0126         params = pset.getParameterNamesForType<T>(false);
0127         noBadParams(v, params, psetName, parameterLabel, type);
0128       }  // disallowedParam()
0130       template <typename T>
0131       void noneExcept(ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName, std::string const& type) {
0132         vString x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(false);
0133         vString::const_iterator end = x.end();
0134         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0135           flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0136                  << (*i) << " is used as a " << type << "\n"
0137                  << "Usage of " << type << " is not recognized here\n";
0138         }
0139         x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(true);
0140         end = x.end();
0141         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0142           if ((*i) == "@service_type")
0143             continue;
0144           flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0145                  << (*i) << " is used as a tracked " << type << "\n"
0146                  << "Tracked parameters not allowed here, "
0147                  << " and even untracked it would not be recognized\n";
0148         }
0149       }  // noneExcept()
0151       template <typename T>
0152       void noneExcept(ParameterSet const& pset,
0153                       std::string const& psetName,
0154                       std::string const& type,
0155                       std::string const& ok) {
0156         vString x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(false);
0157         vString::const_iterator end = x.end();
0158         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0159           const std::string& val = (*i);
0160           if (val != ok) {
0161             flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0162                    << val << " is used as a " << type << "\n"
0163                    << "This usage is not recognized in this type of PSet\n";
0164           }
0165         }
0166         x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(true);
0167         end = x.end();
0168         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0169           if ((*i) == "@service_type")
0170             continue;
0171           flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0172                  << (*i) << " is used as a tracked " << type << "\n"
0173                  << "Tracked parameters not allowed here\n";
0174         }
0175       }  // noneExcept(okValue)
0177       template <typename T>
0178       void noneExcept(
0179           ParameterSet const& pset, std::string const& psetName, std::string const& type, T const& ok1, T const& ok2) {
0180         vString x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(false);
0181         vString::const_iterator end = x.end();
0182         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0183           const std::string& val = (*i);
0184           if ((val != ok1) && (val != ok2)) {
0185             flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0186                    << val << " is used as a " << type << "\n"
0187                    << "This usage is not recognized in this type of PSet\n";
0188           }
0189         }
0190         x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(true);
0191         end = x.end();
0192         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0193           if ((*i) == "@service_type")
0194             continue;
0195           flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0196                  << (*i) << " is used as a tracked " << type << "\n"
0197                  << "Tracked parameters not allowed here\n";
0198         }
0199       }  // noneExcept(okValue1, okValue2)
0201       template <typename T>
0202       void noneExcept(ParameterSet const& pset,
0203                       std::string const& psetName,
0204                       std::string const& type,
0205                       vString const& vok) {
0206         vString x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(false);
0207         vString::const_iterator end = x.end();
0208         vString::const_iterator vend = vok.end();
0209         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0210           bool found = false;
0211           for (vString::const_iterator vit = vok.begin(); vit != vend; ++vit) {
0212             if (*i == *vit)
0213               found = true;
0214           }
0215           if (!found) {
0216             flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0217                    << *i << " is used as a " << type << "\n"
0218                    << "This usage is not recognized in this type of PSet\n";
0219           }
0220         }
0221         x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(true);
0222         end = x.end();
0223         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0224           if ((*i) == "@service_type")
0225             continue;
0226           flaws_ << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0227                  << (*i) << " is used as a tracked " << type << "\n"
0228                  << "Tracked parameters not allowed here\n";
0229         }
0230       }  // noneExcept(vok)
0232       template <typename T>
0233       void catNone(ParameterSet const& pset,
0234                    std::string const& psetName,
0235                    std::string const& categoryName,
0236                    std::string const& type) {
0237         vString x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(false);
0238         vString::const_iterator end = x.end();
0239         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0240           flaws_ << categoryName << " category PSet nested in " << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0241                  << (*i) << " is used as a " << type << "\n"
0242                  << "Usage of " << type << " is not recognized here\n";
0243         }
0244         x = pset.template getParameterNamesForType<T>(true);
0245         end = x.end();
0246         for (vString::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
0247           flaws_ << categoryName << " category PSet nested in " << psetName << " PSet: \n"
0248                  << (*i) << " is used as a tracked " << type << "\n"
0249                  << "Tracked parameters not allowed here, "
0250                  << " and even untracked it would not be recognized\n";
0251         }
0252       }  // catNone()
0254       // private data
0255       std::ostringstream flaws_;
0256       std::vector<std::string> destinations_;
0257       std::vector<std::string> statistics_;
0258       std::vector<std::string> categories_;
0259       std::vector<std::string> debugModules_;
0260       std::vector<std::string> suppressInfo_;
0261       std::vector<std::string> suppressFwkInfo_;
0262       std::vector<std::string> suppressDebug_;
0263       std::vector<std::string> suppressWarning_;
0264       std::vector<std::string> suppressError_;
0266     };  // MessageServicePSetValidation
0268   }  // namespace service
0270 }  // namespace edm
0272 #endif  // FWCore_MessageService_MessageServicePSetValidation_h