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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:12:47

0001 #!/bin/bash
0003 #sed on Linux and OS X have different command line options
0004 case `uname` in Darwin) SED_OPT="-i '' -E";;*) SED_OPT="-i -r";; esac ;
0006 status=0
0007 if [ "$UBSAN_OPTIONS" != "" ] ; then export UBSAN_OPTIONS="log_path=ubsan.log:${UBSAN_OPTIONS}"; fi
0008 rm -f u20_cerr.log FrameworkJobReport.xml
0010 cmsRun -e ${SCRAM_TEST_PATH}/ 2> u20_cerr.log || exit $?
0011 sed -n '/Disabling gnu++: clang has no __float128 support on this target!/!p' u20_cerr.log > tmpf && mv tmpf u20_cerr.log # remove clang output
0013 for file in u20_cerr.log FrameworkJobReport.xml   
0014 do
0015   sed $SED_OPT -f ${SCRAM_TEST_PATH}/filter-timestamps.sed $file
0016   diff ${SCRAM_TEST_PATH}/unit_test_outputs/$file ./$file
0017   if [ $? -ne 0 ]  
0018   then
0019     echo The above discrepancies concern $file 
0020     status=1
0021   fi
0022 done
0024 exit $status