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Warning, /FWCore/MessageService/test/unit_test_outputs/DBG/u19_debugs.log is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 Begin processing the 1st record. Run 1, Event 1, LumiSection 1 on stream 0 at {Timestamp} 
0002 %MSG-d ridiculously_long_category_name_to_make_header_wrap_A:   UnitTestClient_N:sendSomeMessages Run: 1 Event: 1
0003 LogDebug was used to send this message
0004 %MSG
0005 %MSG-d ridiculously_long_category_name_to_make_header_wrap_B:   UnitTestClient_N:sendSomeMessages Run: 1 Event: 1
0006 LogDebug was used to send this other message
0007 %MSG
0008 %MSG-i ridiculously_long_category_name_to_make_header_wrap_A:   UnitTestClient_N:sendSomeMessages Run: 1 Event: 1
0009 LogInfo was used to send this message
0010 %MSG
0011 %MSG-i ridiculously_long_category_name_to_make_header_wrap_B:   UnitTestClient_N:sendSomeMessages Run: 1 Event: 1
0012 LogInfo was used to send this other message
0013 %MSG
0014 Begin processing the 2nd record. Run 1, Event 2, LumiSection 1 on stream 0 at {Timestamp} 
0015 %MSG-d ridiculously_long_category_name_to_make_header_wrap_A:   UnitTestClient_N:sendSomeMessages Run: 1 Event: 2
0016 LogDebug was used to send this message
0017 %MSG
0018 %MSG-d ridiculously_long_category_name_to_make_header_wrap_B:   UnitTestClient_N:sendSomeMessages Run: 1 Event: 2
0019 LogDebug was used to send this other message
0020 %MSG
0021 %MSG-i ridiculously_long_category_name_to_make_header_wrap_A:   UnitTestClient_N:sendSomeMessages Run: 1 Event: 2
0022 LogInfo was used to send this message
0023 %MSG
0024 %MSG-i ridiculously_long_category_name_to_make_header_wrap_B:   UnitTestClient_N:sendSomeMessages Run: 1 Event: 2
0025 LogInfo was used to send this other message
0026 %MSG