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0001 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0002 // definition of Entry's function members
0003 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0005 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0006 // prerequisite source files and headers
0007 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0009 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/Entry.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0012 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/types.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Digest.h"
0015 #include <map>
0016 #include <sstream>
0017 #include <ostream>
0018 #include <cassert>
0019 #include <iostream>
0020 #include <string_view>
0022 enum : char {
0023   kTbool = 'B',
0024   kTvBool = 'b',
0025   kTint32 = 'I',
0026   kTvint32 = 'i',
0027   kTuint32 = 'U',
0028   kTvuint32 = 'u',
0029   kTint64 = 'L',
0030   kTvint64 = 'l',
0031   kTuint64 = 'X',
0032   kTvuint64 = 'x',
0033   kTstringHex = 'S',
0034   kTvstringHex = 's',
0035   kTstringRaw = 'Z',
0036   kTvstringRaw = 'z',
0037   kTdouble = 'D',
0038   kTvdouble = 'd',
0039   kTPSet = 'P',
0040   kTvPSet = 'p',
0041   kTpath = 'T',
0042   kTFileInPath = 'F',
0043   kTInputTag = 't',
0044   kTVInputTag = 'v',
0045   kTESInputTag = 'g',
0046   kTVESInputTag = 'G',
0047   kTEventID = 'E',
0048   kTVEventID = 'e',
0049   kTLuminosityBlockID = 'M',
0050   kTVLuminosityBlockID = 'm',
0051   kTLuminosityBlockRange = 'A',
0052   kTVLuminosityBlockRange = 'a',
0053   kTEventRange = 'R',
0054   kTVEventRange = 'r'
0055 };
0057 static constexpr const std::array<std::string_view, 32> s_types = {{"bool",
0058                                                                     "double",
0059                                                                     "int32",
0060                                                                     "int64",
0061                                                                     "path",
0062                                                                     "string",
0063                                                                     "deprecated_string",
0064                                                                     "uint32",
0065                                                                     "uint64",
0066                                                                     "vdouble",
0067                                                                     "vint32",
0068                                                                     "vint64",
0069                                                                     "vstring",
0070                                                                     "vstring_deprecated",
0071                                                                     "vuint32",
0072                                                                     "vuint64",
0073                                                                     "vBool",
0074                                                                     "vPSet",
0075                                                                     "EventID",
0076                                                                     "EventRange",
0077                                                                     "ESInputTag",
0078                                                                     "FileInPath",
0079                                                                     "InputTag",
0080                                                                     "LuminosityBlockID",
0081                                                                     "LuminosityBlockRange",
0082                                                                     "PSet",
0083                                                                     "VEventID",
0084                                                                     "VEventRange",
0085                                                                     "VESInputTag",
0086                                                                     "VInputTag",
0087                                                                     "VLuminosityBlockID",
0088                                                                     "VLuminosityBlockRange"}};
0090 static constexpr const std::array<char, 32> s_codes = {{kTbool,
0091                                                         kTdouble,
0092                                                         kTint32,
0093                                                         kTint64,
0094                                                         kTpath,
0095                                                         kTstringRaw,
0096                                                         kTstringHex,
0097                                                         kTuint32,
0098                                                         kTuint64,
0099                                                         kTvdouble,
0100                                                         kTvint32,
0101                                                         kTvint64,
0102                                                         kTvstringRaw,
0103                                                         kTvstringHex,
0104                                                         kTvuint32,
0105                                                         kTvuint64,
0106                                                         kTvBool,
0107                                                         kTvPSet,
0108                                                         kTEventID,
0109                                                         kTEventRange,
0110                                                         kTESInputTag,
0111                                                         kTFileInPath,
0112                                                         kTInputTag,
0113                                                         kTLuminosityBlockID,
0114                                                         kTLuminosityBlockRange,
0115                                                         kTPSet,
0116                                                         kTVEventID,
0117                                                         kTVEventRange,
0118                                                         kTVESInputTag,
0119                                                         kTVInputTag,
0120                                                         kTVLuminosityBlockID,
0121                                                         kTVLuminosityBlockRange}};
0123 //a compile time function to convert code to type
0124 // not used at runtime since does linear search
0125 static constexpr std::string_view c2t(char iCode) {
0126   static_assert(s_codes.size() == s_types.size());
0127   for (size_t index = 0; index < s_codes.size(); ++index) {
0128     if (s_codes[index] == iCode) {
0129       return s_types[index];
0130     }
0131   }
0132   return std::string_view();
0133 }
0135 static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 255> fillTable() {
0136   std::array<std::string_view, 255> table_ = {{std::string_view()}};
0137   static_assert(not c2t(kTvBool).empty());
0138   table_[kTvBool] = c2t(kTvBool);
0139   static_assert(not c2t(kTbool).empty());
0140   table_[kTbool] = c2t(kTbool);
0141   static_assert(not c2t(kTvint32).empty());
0142   table_[kTvint32] = c2t(kTvint32);
0143   static_assert(not c2t(kTint32).empty());
0144   table_[kTint32] = c2t(kTint32);
0145   static_assert(not c2t(kTvuint32).empty());
0146   table_[kTvuint32] = c2t(kTvuint32);
0147   static_assert(not c2t(kTuint32).empty());
0148   table_[kTuint32] = c2t(kTuint32);
0149   static_assert(not c2t(kTvint64).empty());
0150   table_[kTvint64] = c2t(kTvint64);
0151   static_assert(not c2t(kTint64).empty());
0152   table_[kTint64] = c2t(kTint64);
0153   static_assert(not c2t(kTvuint64).empty());
0154   table_[kTvuint64] = c2t(kTvuint64);
0155   static_assert(not c2t(kTuint64).empty());
0156   table_[kTuint64] = c2t(kTuint64);
0157   static_assert(not c2t(kTvstringRaw).empty());
0158   table_[kTvstringRaw] = c2t(kTvstringRaw);
0159   static_assert(not c2t(kTvstringHex).empty());
0160   table_[kTvstringHex] = c2t(kTvstringHex);
0161   static_assert(not c2t(kTstringRaw).empty());
0162   table_[kTstringRaw] = c2t(kTstringRaw);
0163   static_assert(not c2t(kTstringHex).empty());
0164   table_[kTstringHex] = c2t(kTstringHex);
0165   static_assert(not c2t(kTvdouble).empty());
0166   table_[kTvdouble] = c2t(kTvdouble);
0167   static_assert(not c2t(kTdouble).empty());
0168   table_[kTdouble] = c2t(kTdouble);
0169   static_assert(not c2t(kTvPSet).empty());
0170   table_[kTvPSet] = c2t(kTvPSet);
0171   static_assert(not c2t(kTPSet).empty());
0172   table_[kTPSet] = c2t(kTPSet);
0173   static_assert(not c2t(kTpath).empty());
0174   table_[kTpath] = c2t(kTpath);
0175   static_assert(not c2t(kTFileInPath).empty());
0176   table_[kTFileInPath] = c2t(kTFileInPath);
0177   static_assert(not c2t(kTInputTag).empty());
0178   table_[kTInputTag] = c2t(kTInputTag);
0179   static_assert(not c2t(kTVInputTag).empty());
0180   table_[kTVInputTag] = c2t(kTVInputTag);
0181   static_assert(not c2t(kTESInputTag).empty());
0182   table_[kTESInputTag] = c2t(kTESInputTag);
0183   static_assert(not c2t(kTVESInputTag).empty());
0184   table_[kTVESInputTag] = c2t(kTVESInputTag);
0185   static_assert(not c2t(kTVEventID).empty());
0186   table_[kTVEventID] = c2t(kTVEventID);
0187   static_assert(not c2t(kTFileInPath).empty());
0188   table_[kTEventID] = c2t(kTEventID);
0189   static_assert(not c2t(kTVLuminosityBlockID).empty());
0190   table_[kTVLuminosityBlockID] = c2t(kTVLuminosityBlockID);
0191   static_assert(not c2t(kTLuminosityBlockID).empty());
0192   table_[kTLuminosityBlockID] = c2t(kTLuminosityBlockID);
0193   static_assert(not c2t(kTVLuminosityBlockRange).empty());
0194   table_[kTVLuminosityBlockRange] = c2t(kTVLuminosityBlockRange);
0195   static_assert(not c2t(kTLuminosityBlockRange).empty());
0196   table_[kTLuminosityBlockRange] = c2t(kTLuminosityBlockRange);
0197   static_assert(not c2t(kTVEventRange).empty());
0198   table_[kTVEventRange] = c2t(kTVEventRange);
0199   static_assert(not c2t(kTEventRange).empty());
0200   table_[kTEventRange] = c2t(kTEventRange);
0201   return table_;
0202 }
0204 static constexpr const std::array<std::string_view, 255> s_table = fillTable();
0206 static constexpr std::string_view typeFromCode(char iCode) { return s_table[iCode]; }
0208 static char codeFromType(std::string_view iType) {
0209   auto itFound = std::lower_bound(s_types.begin(), s_types.end(), iType);
0210   if (itFound == s_types.end() or *itFound != iType) {
0211     throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "bad type name used for Entry : " << iType;
0212   }
0213   return s_codes[itFound - s_types.begin()];
0214 }
0215 namespace edm {
0216   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0217   // consistency-checker
0218   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0220   void Entry::validate() const {
0221     // tracked
0222     assert(tracked_ == '+' || tracked_ == '-');
0223     //     if(tracked_ != '+' && tracked_ != '-')
0224     //       throw EntryError(std::string("invalid tracked code ") + tracked_);
0226     // type and rep
0227     switch (type_) {
0228       case kTbool: {  // Bool
0229         bool val;
0230         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0231           throwEntryError("bool", rep_);
0232         break;
0233       }
0234       case kTvBool: {  // vBool
0235         std::vector<bool> val;
0236         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0237           throwEntryError("vector<bool>", rep_);
0238         break;
0239       }
0240       case kTint32: {  // Int32
0241         int val;
0242         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0243           throwEntryError("int", rep_);
0244         break;
0245       }
0246       case kTvint32: {  // vInt32
0247         std::vector<int> val;
0248         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0249           throwEntryError("vector<int>", rep_);
0250         break;
0251       }
0252       case kTuint32: {  // Uint32
0253         unsigned val;
0254         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0255           throwEntryError("unsigned int", rep_);
0256         break;
0257       }
0258       case kTvuint32: {  // vUint32
0259         std::vector<unsigned> val;
0260         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0261           throwEntryError("vector<unsigned int>", rep_);
0262         break;
0263       }
0264       case kTint64: {  // Int64
0265         long long int val;
0266         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0267           throwEntryError("int64", rep_);
0268         break;
0269       }
0270       case kTvint64: {  // vInt64
0271         std::vector<long long int> val;
0272         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0273           throwEntryError("vector<int64>", rep_);
0274         break;
0275       }
0276       case kTuint64: {  // Uint64
0277         unsigned long long int val;
0278         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0279           throwEntryError("unsigned int64", rep_);
0280         break;
0281       }
0282       case kTvuint64: {  // vUint64
0283         std::vector<unsigned long long int> val;
0284         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0285           throwEntryError("vector<unsigned int64>", rep_);
0286         break;
0287       }
0288       case kTstringRaw: {  // String
0289         std::string val;
0290         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0291           throwEntryError("string", rep_);
0292         break;
0293       }
0294       case kTvstringRaw: {  // vString
0295         std::vector<std::string> val;
0296         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0297           throwEntryError("vector<string>", rep_);
0298         break;
0299       }
0300       case kTstringHex: {  // String
0301         std::string val;
0302         if (!decode_deprecated(val, rep_))
0303           throwEntryError("string_hex", rep_);
0304         break;
0305       }
0306       case kTvstringHex: {  // vString
0307         std::vector<std::string> val;
0308         if (!decode_deprecated(val, rep_))
0309           throwEntryError("vector<string_hex>", rep_);
0310         break;
0311       }
0313       case kTFileInPath: {  // FileInPath
0314         FileInPath val;
0315         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0316           throwEntryError("FileInPath", rep_);
0317         break;
0318       }
0319       case kTInputTag: {  // InputTag
0320         InputTag val;
0321         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0322           throwEntryError("InputTag", rep_);
0323         break;
0324       }
0325       case kTVInputTag: {  // VInputTag
0326         std::vector<InputTag> val;
0327         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0328           throwEntryError("VInputTag", rep_);
0329         break;
0330       }
0331       case kTESInputTag: {  //ESInputTag
0332         ESInputTag val;
0333         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0334           throwEntryError("ESInputTag", rep_);
0335         break;
0336       }
0337       case kTVESInputTag: {  //ESInputTag
0338         std::vector<ESInputTag> val;
0339         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0340           throwEntryError("VESInputTag", rep_);
0341         break;
0342       }
0343       case kTEventID: {  // EventID
0344         EventID val;
0345         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0346           throwEntryError("EventID", rep_);
0347         break;
0348       }
0349       case kTVEventID: {  // VEventID
0350         std::vector<EventID> val;
0351         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0352           throwEntryError("VEventID", rep_);
0353         break;
0354       }
0355       case kTLuminosityBlockID: {  // LuminosityBlockID
0356         LuminosityBlockID val;
0357         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0358           throwEntryError("LuminosityBlockID", rep_);
0359         break;
0360       }
0361       case kTVLuminosityBlockID: {  // VLuminosityBlockID
0362         std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> val;
0363         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0364           throwEntryError("VLuminosityBlockID", rep_);
0365         break;
0366       }
0367       case kTdouble: {  // Double
0368         double val;
0369         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0370           throwEntryError("double", rep_);
0371         break;
0372       }
0373       case kTvdouble: {  // vDouble
0374         std::vector<double> val;
0375         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0376           throwEntryError("vector<double>", rep_);
0377         break;
0378       }
0379       case kTPSet: {  // ParameterSet
0380         ParameterSet val;
0381         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0382           throwEntryError("ParameterSet", rep_);
0383         break;
0384       }
0385       case kTvPSet: {  // vParameterSet
0386         std::vector<ParameterSet> val;
0387         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0388           throwEntryError("vector<ParameterSet>", rep_);
0389         break;
0390       }
0391       case kTLuminosityBlockRange: {  // LuminosityBlockRange
0392         LuminosityBlockRange val;
0393         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0394           throwEntryError("LuminosityBlockRange", rep_);
0395         break;
0396       }
0397       case kTVLuminosityBlockRange: {  // VLuminosityBlockRange
0398         std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> val;
0399         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0400           throwEntryError("VLuminosityBlockRange", rep_);
0401         break;
0402       }
0403       case kTEventRange: {  // EventRange
0404         EventRange val;
0405         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0406           throwEntryError("EventRange", rep_);
0407         break;
0408       }
0409       case kTVEventRange: {  // VEventRange
0410         std::vector<EventRange> val;
0411         if (!decode(val, rep_))
0412           throwEntryError("VEventRange", rep_);
0413         break;
0414       }
0415       default: {
0416         // We should never get here.
0417         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration) << "Unknown ParameterSet Entry type encoding: '" << type_
0418                                                          << "'.\n This could be caused by reading a file which was "
0419                                                             "written using a newer incompatible software release.";
0420         break;
0421       }
0422     }  // switch(type)
0423   }    // Entry::validate()
0425   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0426   // constructors
0427   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0429   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0430   // Bool
0432   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, bool val, bool is_tracked)
0433       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTbool), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0434     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0435       throwEncodeError("bool");
0436     validate();
0437   }
0439   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0440   // Int32
0442   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, int val, bool is_tracked)
0443       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTint32), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0444     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0445       throwEncodeError("int");
0446     validate();
0447   }
0449   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0450   // vInt32
0452   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<int> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0453       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTvint32), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0454     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0455       throwEncodeError("vector<int>");
0456     validate();
0457   }
0459   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0460   // Uint32
0462   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, unsigned val, bool is_tracked)
0463       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTuint32), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0464     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0465       throwEncodeError("unsigned int");
0466     validate();
0467   }
0469   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0470   // vUint32
0472   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<unsigned> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0473       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTvuint32), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0474     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0475       throwEncodeError("vector<unsigned int>");
0476     validate();
0477   }
0479   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0480   // Int64
0482   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, long long val, bool is_tracked)
0483       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTint64), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0484     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0485       throwEncodeError("int64");
0486     validate();
0487   }
0489   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0490   // vInt64
0492   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<long long> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0493       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTvint64), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0494     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0495       throwEncodeError("vector<int64>");
0496     validate();
0497   }
0499   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0500   // Uint64
0502   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, unsigned long long val, bool is_tracked)
0503       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTuint64), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0504     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0505       throwEncodeError("unsigned int64");
0506     validate();
0507   }
0509   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0510   // vUint64
0512   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<unsigned long long> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0513       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTvuint64), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0514     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0515       throwEncodeError("vector<unsigned int64>");
0516     validate();
0517   }
0519   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0520   // Double
0522   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, double val, bool is_tracked)
0523       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTdouble), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0524     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0525       throwEncodeError("double");
0526     validate();
0527   }
0529   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0530   // vDouble
0532   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<double> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0533       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTvdouble), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0534     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0535       throwEncodeError("vector<double>");
0536     validate();
0537   }
0539   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0540   // String
0542   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::string const& val, bool is_tracked)
0543       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTstringRaw), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0544     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0545       throwEncodeError("string");
0546     validate();
0547   }
0549   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0550   // vString
0552   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<std::string> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0553       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTvstringRaw), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0554     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0555       throwEncodeError("vector<string>");
0556     validate();
0557   }
0559   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0560   // FileInPath
0562   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, FileInPath const& val, bool is_tracked)
0563       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTFileInPath), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0564     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0565       throwEncodeError("FileInPath");
0566     validate();
0567   }
0569   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0570   // InputTag
0572   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, InputTag const& val, bool is_tracked)
0573       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTInputTag), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0574     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0575       throwEncodeError("InputTag");
0576     validate();
0577   }
0579   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0580   // VInputTag
0582   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<InputTag> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0583       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTVInputTag), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0584     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0585       throwEncodeError("VInputTag");
0586     validate();
0587   }
0589   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0590   // ESInputTag
0592   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, ESInputTag const& val, bool is_tracked)
0593       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTESInputTag), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0594     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0595       throwEncodeError("InputTag");
0596     validate();
0597   }
0599   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0600   // VESInputTag
0602   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<ESInputTag> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0603       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTVESInputTag), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0604     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0605       throwEncodeError("VESInputTag");
0606     validate();
0607   }
0609   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0610   //  EventID
0612   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, EventID const& val, bool is_tracked)
0613       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTEventID), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0614     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0615       throwEncodeError("EventID");
0616     validate();
0617   }
0619   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0620   // VEventID
0622   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<EventID> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0623       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTVEventID), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0624     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0625       throwEncodeError("VEventID");
0626     validate();
0627   }
0629   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0630   //  LuminosityBlockID
0632   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, LuminosityBlockID const& val, bool is_tracked)
0633       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTLuminosityBlockID), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0634     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0635       throwEncodeError("LuminosityBlockID");
0636     validate();
0637   }
0639   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0640   // VLuminosityBlockID
0642   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0643       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTVLuminosityBlockID), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0644     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0645       throwEncodeError("VLuminosityBlockID");
0646     validate();
0647   }
0649   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0650   //  LuminosityBlockRange
0652   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, LuminosityBlockRange const& val, bool is_tracked)
0653       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTLuminosityBlockRange), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0654     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0655       throwEncodeError("LuminosityBlockRange");
0656     validate();
0657   }
0659   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0660   // VLuminosityBlockRange
0662   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0663       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTVLuminosityBlockRange), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0664     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0665       throwEncodeError("VLuminosityBlockRange");
0666     validate();
0667   }
0669   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0670   //  EventRange
0672   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, EventRange const& val, bool is_tracked)
0673       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTEventRange), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0674     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0675       throwEncodeError("EventRange");
0676     validate();
0677   }
0679   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0680   // VEventRange
0682   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<EventRange> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0683       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTVEventRange), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0684     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0685       throwEncodeError("VEventRange");
0686     validate();
0687   }
0689   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0690   // ParameterSet
0692   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, ParameterSet const& val, bool is_tracked)
0693       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTPSet), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0694     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0695       throwEncodeError("ParameterSet");
0696     validate();
0697   }
0699   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0700   // vPSet
0702   Entry::Entry(std::string const& name, std::vector<ParameterSet> const& val, bool is_tracked)
0703       : name_(name), rep_(), type_(kTvPSet), tracked_(is_tracked ? '+' : '-') {
0704     if (!encode(rep_, val))
0705       throwEncodeError("vector<ParameterSet>");
0706     validate();
0707   }
0709   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0710   // coded string
0712   Entry::Entry(std::string name, std::string_view code) : name_(std::move(name)), rep_(), type_('?'), tracked_('?') {
0713     if (!fromString(code.begin(), code.end()))
0714       throwEncodeError("coded string");
0715     validate();
0716   }
0718   Entry::Entry(std::string name, std::string_view type, std::string_view value, bool is_tracked)
0719       : name_(std::move(name)), rep_(), type_('?'), tracked_('?') {
0720     std::string codedString(is_tracked ? "-" : "+");
0722     codedString += codeFromType(type);
0723     codedString += '(';
0724     codedString += value;
0725     codedString += ')';
0727     std::string_view v = codedString;
0728     if (!fromString(v.begin(), v.end())) {
0729       throw Exception(errors::Configuration) << "bad encoded Entry string " << codedString;
0730     }
0731     validate();
0732   }
0734   Entry::Entry(std::string name, std::string_view type, std::vector<std::string> const& value, bool is_tracked)
0735       : name_(std::move(name)), rep_(), type_('?'), tracked_('?') {
0736     std::string codedString(is_tracked ? "-" : "+");
0738     codedString += codeFromType(type);
0739     codedString += '(';
0740     codedString += '{';
0741     std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = value.begin();
0742     std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator e = value.end();
0743     std::string const kSeparator(",");
0744     std::string sep("");
0745     for (; i != e; ++i) {
0746       codedString += sep;
0747       codedString += *i;
0748       sep = kSeparator;
0749     }
0750     codedString += '}';
0751     codedString += ')';
0753     std::string_view v = codedString;
0754     if (!fromString(v.begin(), v.end())) {
0755       throw Exception(errors::Configuration) << "bad encoded Entry string " << codedString;
0756     }
0757     validate();
0758   }
0760   std::string_view Entry::bounds(std::string_view iView, std::size_t iEndHint) {
0761     if (iView.size() < 4) {
0762       return {};
0763     }
0764     if (iView[1] == kTPSet) {
0765       auto extent = edm::decode_pset_extent(iView.substr(3));
0766       if (not extent) {
0767         return {};
0768       }
0769       return iView.substr(0, extent->size() + 3 + 1);
0770     } else if (iView[1] == kTvPSet) {
0771       auto extent = edm::decode_vpset_extent(iView.substr(3));
0772       if (not extent) {
0773         return {};
0774       }
0775       return iView.substr(0, extent->size() + 3 + 1);
0776     } else if (iView[1] != kTstringRaw and iView[1] != kTvstringRaw) {
0777       return iView.substr(0, iEndHint);
0778     }
0779     if (iView[1] == kTstringRaw) {
0780       // is of the form
0781       // [trackiness][type](...\0)[endHintChar]
0782       // where decode returns the ...\0 part
0783       auto extent = edm::decode_string_extent(iView.substr(3));
0784       if (not extent) {
0785         return {};
0786       }
0787       return iView.substr(0, extent->size() + 3 + 1);
0788     }
0789     // is of the form
0790     // [trackiness][type]({...})[endHitChar]
0791     // where decode returns the {...} part
0792     auto extent = edm::decode_vstring_extent(iView.substr(3));
0793     if (not extent) {
0794       return {};
0795     }
0796     return iView.substr(0, extent->size() + 3 + 1);
0797   }
0799   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0800   // coding
0801   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0803   void Entry::toString(std::string& result) const {
0804     result.reserve(result.size() + sizeOfString());
0805     result += tracked_;
0806     result += type_;
0807     result += '(';
0808     result += rep_;
0809     result += ')';
0810   }
0812   void Entry::toDigest(cms::Digest& digest) const {
0813     digest.append(&tracked_, 1);
0814     digest.append(&type_, 1);
0815     digest.append("(", 1);
0816     digest.append(rep_);
0817     digest.append(")", 1);
0818   }
0820   std::string Entry::toString() const {
0821     std::string result;
0822     toString(result);
0823     return result;
0824   }
0826   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0828   bool Entry::fromString(std::string_view::const_iterator const b, std::string_view::const_iterator const e) {
0829     if (static_cast<unsigned int>(e - b) < 4u || b[2] != '(' || e[-1] != ')')
0831       return false;
0833     tracked_ = b[0];
0834     type_ = b[1];
0835     rep_ = std::string(b + 3, e - 1);
0837     return true;
0838   }  // from_string()
0840   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0841   // value accessors
0842   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0844   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0845   // Bool
0847   bool Entry::getBool() const {
0848     if (type_ != kTbool)
0849       throwValueError("bool");
0850     bool val;
0851     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0852       throwEntryError("bool", rep_);
0853     return val;
0854   }
0856   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0857   // Int32
0859   int Entry::getInt32() const {
0860     if (type_ != kTint32)
0861       throwValueError("int");
0862     int val;
0863     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0864       throwEntryError("int", rep_);
0865     return val;
0866   }
0868   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0869   // vInt32
0871   std::vector<int> Entry::getVInt32() const {
0872     if (type_ != kTvint32)
0873       throwValueError("vector<int>");
0874     std::vector<int> val;
0875     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0876       throwEntryError("vector<int>", rep_);
0877     return val;
0878   }
0880   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0881   // Int32
0883   long long Entry::getInt64() const {
0884     if (type_ != kTint64)
0885       throwValueError("int64");
0886     long long val;
0887     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0888       throwEntryError("int64", rep_);
0889     return val;
0890   }
0892   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0893   // vInt32
0895   std::vector<long long> Entry::getVInt64() const {
0896     if (type_ != kTvint64)
0897       throwValueError("vector<int64>");
0898     std::vector<long long> val;
0899     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0900       throwEntryError("vector<int64>", rep_);
0901     return val;
0902   }
0904   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0905   // Uint32
0907   unsigned Entry::getUInt32() const {
0908     if (type_ != kTuint32)
0909       throwValueError("unsigned int");
0910     unsigned val;
0911     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0912       throwEntryError("unsigned int", rep_);
0913     return val;
0914   }
0916   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0917   // vUint32
0919   std::vector<unsigned> Entry::getVUInt32() const {
0920     if (type_ != kTvuint32)
0921       throwValueError("vector<unsigned int>");
0922     std::vector<unsigned> val;
0923     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0924       throwEntryError("vector<unsigned int>", rep_);
0925     return val;
0926   }
0928   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0929   // Uint64
0931   unsigned long long Entry::getUInt64() const {
0932     if (type_ != kTuint64)
0933       throwValueError("uint64");
0934     unsigned long long val;
0935     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0936       throwEntryError("uint64", rep_);
0937     return val;
0938   }
0940   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0941   // vUint64
0943   std::vector<unsigned long long> Entry::getVUInt64() const {
0944     if (type_ != kTvuint64)
0945       throwValueError("vector<uint64>");
0946     std::vector<unsigned long long> val;
0947     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0948       throwEntryError("vector<uint64>", rep_);
0949     return val;
0950   }
0952   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0953   // Double
0955   double Entry::getDouble() const {
0956     if (type_ != kTdouble)
0957       throwValueError("double");
0958     double val;
0959     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0960       throwEntryError("double", rep_);
0961     return val;
0962   }
0964   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0965   // vDouble
0967   std::vector<double> Entry::getVDouble() const {
0968     if (type_ != kTvdouble)
0969       throwValueError("vector<double>");
0970     std::vector<double> val;
0971     if (!decode(val, rep_))
0972       throwEntryError("vector<double>", rep_);
0973     return val;
0974   }
0976   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0977   // String
0979   std::string Entry::getString() const {
0980     if (type_ != kTstringRaw and type_ != kTstringHex)
0981       throwValueError("string");
0982     std::string val;
0983     if (type_ == kTstringHex) {
0984       if (!decode_deprecated(val, rep_)) {
0985         throwEntryError("string", rep_);
0986       }
0987     } else if (!decode(val, rep_)) {
0988       throwEntryError("string", rep_);
0989     }
0990     return val;
0991   }
0993   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0994   // vString
0996   std::vector<std::string> Entry::getVString() const {
0997     if (type_ != kTvstringRaw and type_ != kTvstringHex)
0998       throwValueError("vector<string>");
0999     std::vector<std::string> val;
1000     if (type_ == kTvstringHex) {
1001       if (!decode_deprecated(val, rep_))
1002         throwEntryError("vector<string>", rep_);
1003     } else if (!decode(val, rep_)) {
1004       throwEntryError("vector<string>", rep_);
1005     }
1006     return val;
1007   }
1009   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1010   // FileInPath
1012   FileInPath Entry::getFileInPath() const {
1013     if (type_ != kTFileInPath)
1014       throwValueError("FileInPath");
1015     FileInPath val;
1016     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1017       throwEntryError("FileInPath", rep_);
1018     return val;
1019   }
1021   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1022   // InputTag
1024   InputTag Entry::getInputTag() const {
1025     if (type_ != kTInputTag)
1026       throwValueError("InputTag");
1027     InputTag val;
1028     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1029       throwEntryError("InputTag", rep_);
1030     return val;
1031   }
1033   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1034   // VInputTag
1036   std::vector<InputTag> Entry::getVInputTag() const {
1037     if (type_ != kTVInputTag)
1038       throwValueError("VInputTag");
1039     std::vector<InputTag> val;
1040     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1041       throwEntryError("VInputTag", rep_);
1042     return val;
1043   }
1045   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1046   // ESInputTag
1048   ESInputTag Entry::getESInputTag() const {
1049     if (type_ != kTESInputTag)
1050       throwValueError("ESInputTag");
1051     ESInputTag val;
1052     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1053       throwEntryError("ESInputTag", rep_);
1054     return val;
1055   }
1057   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1058   // VESInputTag
1060   std::vector<ESInputTag> Entry::getVESInputTag() const {
1061     if (type_ != kTVESInputTag)
1062       throwValueError("VESInputTag");
1063     std::vector<ESInputTag> val;
1064     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1065       throwEntryError("VESInputTag", rep_);
1066     return val;
1067   }
1069   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1070   // EventID
1072   EventID Entry::getEventID() const {
1073     if (type_ != kTEventID)
1074       throwValueError("EventID");
1075     EventID val;
1076     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1077       throwEntryError("EventID", rep_);
1078     return val;
1079   }
1081   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1082   // VEventID
1084   std::vector<EventID> Entry::getVEventID() const {
1085     if (type_ != kTVEventID)
1086       throwValueError("VEventID");
1087     std::vector<EventID> val;
1088     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1089       throwEntryError("EventID", rep_);
1090     return val;
1091   }
1093   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1094   // LuminosityBlockID
1096   LuminosityBlockID Entry::getLuminosityBlockID() const {
1097     if (type_ != kTLuminosityBlockID)
1098       throwValueError("LuminosityBlockID");
1099     LuminosityBlockID val;
1100     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1101       throwEntryError("LuminosityBlockID", rep_);
1102     return val;
1103   }
1105   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1106   // VLuminosityBlockID
1108   std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> Entry::getVLuminosityBlockID() const {
1109     if (type_ != kTVLuminosityBlockID)
1110       throwValueError("VLuminosityBlockID");
1111     std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> val;
1112     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1113       throwEntryError("LuminosityBlockID", rep_);
1114     return val;
1115   }
1117   // LuminosityBlockRange
1119   LuminosityBlockRange Entry::getLuminosityBlockRange() const {
1120     if (type_ != kTLuminosityBlockRange)
1121       throwValueError("LuminosityBlockRange");
1122     LuminosityBlockRange val;
1123     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1124       throwEntryError("LuminosityBlockRange", rep_);
1125     return val;
1126   }
1128   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1129   // VLuminosityBlockRange
1131   std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> Entry::getVLuminosityBlockRange() const {
1132     if (type_ != kTVLuminosityBlockRange)
1133       throwValueError("VLuminosityBlockRange");
1134     std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> val;
1135     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1136       throwEntryError("LuminosityBlockRange", rep_);
1137     return val;
1138   }
1140   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1141   // EventRange
1143   EventRange Entry::getEventRange() const {
1144     if (type_ != kTEventRange)
1145       throwValueError("EventRange");
1146     EventRange val;
1147     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1148       throwEntryError("EventRange", rep_);
1149     return val;
1150   }
1152   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1153   // VEventRange
1155   std::vector<EventRange> Entry::getVEventRange() const {
1156     if (type_ != kTVEventRange)
1157       throwValueError("VEventRange");
1158     std::vector<EventRange> val;
1159     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1160       throwEntryError("EventRange", rep_);
1161     return val;
1162   }
1164   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1165   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1166   // ParameterSet
1168   ParameterSet Entry::getPSet() const {
1169     if (type_ != kTPSet)
1170       throwValueError("ParameterSet");
1171     ParameterSet val;
1172     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1173       throwEntryError("ParameterSet", rep_);
1174     return val;
1175   }
1177   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1178   // vPSet
1180   std::vector<ParameterSet> Entry::getVPSet() const {
1181     if (type_ != kTvPSet)
1182       throwValueError("vector<ParameterSet>");
1183     std::vector<ParameterSet> val;
1184     if (!decode(val, rep_))
1185       throwEntryError("vector<ParameterSet>", rep_);
1186     return val;
1187   }
1189   std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Entry const& entry) {
1190     os << typeFromCode(entry.typeCode()) << " " << (entry.isTracked() ? "tracked " : "untracked ") << " = ";
1192     // now handle the difficult cases
1193     switch (entry.typeCode()) {
1194       case kTPSet:  // ParameterSet
1195       {
1196         os << entry.getPSet();
1197         break;
1198       }
1199       case 'p':  // vector<ParameterSet>
1200       {
1201         // Make sure we get the representation of each contained
1202         // ParameterSet including *only* tracked parameters
1203         std::vector<ParameterSet> whole = entry.getVPSet();
1204         std::vector<ParameterSet>::const_iterator i = whole.begin();
1205         std::vector<ParameterSet>::const_iterator e = whole.end();
1206         std::string start = "";
1207         std::string const between(",\n");
1208         os << "{" << std::endl;
1209         for (; i != e; ++i) {
1210           os << start << *i;
1211           start = between;
1212         }
1213         if (!whole.empty()) {
1214           os << std::endl;
1215         }
1216         os << "}";
1217         break;
1218       }
1219       case kTstringRaw: {
1220         os << "'" << entry.getString() << "'";
1221         break;
1222       }
1223       case kTvstringRaw: {
1224         os << "{";
1225         std::string_view start = "'";
1226         std::string_view const between(",'");
1227         std::vector<std::string> strings = entry.getVString();
1228         for (auto const& s : strings) {
1229           os << start << s << "'";
1230           start = between;
1231         }
1232         os << "}";
1233         break;
1234       }
1235       case kTstringHex: {
1236         os << "'" << entry.getString() << "'";
1237         break;
1238       }
1239       case kTvstringHex: {
1240         os << "{";
1241         std::string_view start = "'";
1242         std::string_view const between(",'");
1243         std::vector<std::string> strings = entry.getVString();
1244         for (auto const& s : strings) {
1245           os << start << s << "'";
1246           start = between;
1247         }
1248         os << "}";
1249         break;
1250       }
1251       case kTint32: {
1252         os << entry.getInt32();
1253         break;
1254       }
1255       case kTuint32: {
1256         os << entry.getUInt32();
1257         break;
1258       }
1259       case kTVInputTag: {
1260         //VInputTag needs to be treated seperately because it is encode like
1261         // vector<string> rather than using the individual encodings of each InputTag
1262         os << "{";
1263         std::string start = "";
1264         std::string const between(",");
1265         std::vector<InputTag> tags = entry.getVInputTag();
1266         for (std::vector<InputTag>::const_iterator it = tags.begin(), itEnd = tags.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
1267           os << start << it->encode();
1268           start = between;
1269         }
1270         os << "}";
1271         break;
1272       }
1273       case kTVESInputTag: {
1274         //VESInputTag needs to be treated seperately because it is encode like
1275         // vector<string> rather than using the individual encodings of each ESInputTag
1276         os << "{";
1277         std::string start = "";
1278         std::string const between(",");
1279         std::vector<ESInputTag> tags = entry.getVESInputTag();
1280         for (std::vector<ESInputTag>::const_iterator it = tags.begin(), itEnd = tags.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
1281           os << start << it->encode();
1282           start = between;
1283         }
1284         os << "}";
1285         break;
1286       }
1287       default: {
1288         os << entry.rep_;
1289         break;
1290       }
1291     }
1293     return os;
1294   }
1296   // Helper functions for throwing exceptions
1298   void Entry::throwValueError(char const* expectedType) const {
1299     throw Exception(errors::Configuration, "ValueError")
1300         << "type of " << name_ << " is expected to be " << expectedType << " but declared as " << typeFromCode(type_);
1301   }
1303   void Entry::throwEntryError(char const* expectedType, std::string const& badRep) const {
1304     throw Exception(errors::Configuration, "EntryError") << "can not convert representation of " << name_ << ": "
1305                                                          << badRep << " to value of type " << expectedType << " ";
1306   }
1308   void Entry::throwEncodeError(char const* type) const {
1309     throw Exception(errors::Configuration, "EncodingError") << "can not encode " << name_ << " as type: " << type;
1310   }
1312 }  // namespace edm