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0001 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/validateTopLevelParameterSets.h"
0003 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ThreadsInfo.h"
0009 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
0011 #include <sstream>
0012 #include <vector>
0013 #include <string>
0015 namespace edm {
0017   // NOTE: The defaults given here are not actually used when running cmsRun
0018   // Those come from hard coded values in the Python code in
0019   // The defaults here are used when running the edmPluginHelp utility so
0020   // it is important the defaults in both places are consistent.
0022   void fillOptionsDescription(ParameterSetDescription& description) {
0023     description.addUntracked<unsigned int>("numberOfThreads", s_defaultNumberOfThreads)
0024         ->setComment("If zero, let TBB use its default which is normally the number of CPUs on the machine");
0025     description.addUntracked<unsigned int>("numberOfStreams", 0)
0026         ->setComment(
0027             "If zero, then set the number of streams to be the same as the number of "
0028             "Threads (except always 1 if there is a looper)");
0029     description.addUntracked<unsigned int>("numberOfConcurrentLuminosityBlocks", 0)
0030         ->setComment(
0031             "If zero, use Framework default (currently 2 when the number of streams >= 2, otherwise 1). "
0032             "In all cases, the number of concurrent luminosity blocks will be reset to "
0033             "be the same as the number of streams if it is greater than the "
0034             "numbers of streams.");
0035     description.addUntracked<unsigned int>("numberOfConcurrentRuns", 1)
0036         ->setComment(
0037             "If zero or greater than the number of concurrent luminosity blocks, this will be reset to "
0038             "be the same as the number of concurrent luminosity blocks.");
0040     edm::ParameterSetDescription eventSetupDescription;
0041     eventSetupDescription.addUntracked<unsigned int>("numberOfConcurrentIOVs", 0)
0042         ->setComment(
0043             "If zero, use the Framework default which currently means the same as the "
0044             "number of concurrent luminosity blocks. Can be overridden by a hard coded "
0045             "static in a record C++ definition or by forceNumberOfConcurrentIOVs. "
0046             "In all cases, the number of concurrent IOVs will be reset to be the "
0047             "same as the number of concurrent luminosity blocks if greater than the "
0048             "number of concurrent luminosity blocks.");
0049     edm::ParameterSetDescription nestedDescription;
0050     nestedDescription.addWildcardUntracked<unsigned int>("*")->setComment(
0051         "Parameter names should be record names and the values are the number of concurrent IOVS for each record."
0052         " Overrides all other methods of setting number of concurrent IOVs.");
0053     eventSetupDescription.addUntracked<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("forceNumberOfConcurrentIOVs", nestedDescription);
0054     description.addUntracked<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("eventSetup", eventSetupDescription);
0056     description.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>>("accelerators", {"*"})
0057         ->setComment(
0058             "Specify the set of compute accelerator(s) the job is allowed to use. The values can contain the direct "
0059             "names of accelerators supported by the ProcessAccelerators defined in the configuration, or patterns "
0060             "matching to them (patterns use '*' and '?' wildcards similar to shell). The actual set of accelerators to "
0061             "be used is determined on the worker node based on the available hardware. A CPU fallback with the name "
0062             "'cpu' is always included in the set of available accelerators. If no accelerator matching to the patterns "
0063             "are available on the worker node, the job is terminated with a specific error code. Same happens if an "
0064             "empty value is given in the configuration. Default value is pattern '*', which implies use of any "
0065             "supported and available hardware (including the CPU fallback).");
0066     description.addUntracked<bool>("wantSummary", false)
0067         ->setComment("Set true to print a report on the trigger decisions and timing of modules");
0068     description.addUntracked<std::string>("fileMode", "FULLMERGE")
0069         ->setComment("Legal values are 'NOMERGE' and 'FULLMERGE'");
0070     description.addUntracked<bool>("forceEventSetupCacheClearOnNewRun", false);
0071     description.addUntracked<bool>("throwIfIllegalParameter", true)
0072         ->setComment("Set false to disable exception throws when configuration validation detects illegal parameters");
0073     description.addUntracked<bool>("printDependencies", false)->setComment("Print data dependencies between modules");
0074     description.addUntracked<bool>("deleteNonConsumedUnscheduledModules", true)
0075         ->setComment(
0076             "Delete modules that are unscheduled, i.e. only in Tasks, whose products are not consumed by any other "
0077             "otherwise-running module");
0079     // No default for this one because the parameter value is
0080     // actually used in the main function in cmsRun.cpp before
0081     // the parameter set is validated here.
0082     description.addOptionalUntracked<unsigned int>("sizeOfStackForThreadsInKB");
0084     std::vector<std::string> emptyVector;
0086     description.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>>("Rethrow", emptyVector);
0087     description.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>>("TryToContinue", emptyVector);
0088     description.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>>("IgnoreCompletely", emptyVector);
0090     description.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>>("modulesToCallForTryToContinue", emptyVector)
0091         ->setComment("Labels of modules which should still be called when an exception in TryToContinue list happens.");
0093     description.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>>("canDeleteEarly", emptyVector)
0094         ->setComment("Branch names of products that the Framework can try to delete before the end of the Event");
0096     {
0097       edm::ParameterSetDescription validator;
0098       validator.add<std::string>("product");
0099       validator.add<std::vector<std::string>>("references")
0100           ->setComment("All the branch names for products to which 'product' contains a reference.");
0101       description.addVPSetUntracked("holdsReferencesToDeleteEarly", validator, std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>{})
0102           ->setComment(
0103               "The 'product' branch name of product which internally hold references to data in another product");
0104     }
0105     description.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>>("modulesToIgnoreForDeleteEarly", emptyVector)
0106         ->setComment(
0107             "labels of modules whose consumes information will be ingored when determing lifetime for delete early "
0108             "data products");
0109     description.addUntracked<bool>("dumpOptions", false)
0110         ->setComment(
0111             "Print values of selected Framework parameters. The Framework might modify the values "
0112             "in the options parameter set and this prints the values after that modification.");
0114     description.addOptionalUntracked<bool>("allowUnscheduled")
0115         ->setComment(
0116             "Obsolete. Has no effect. Allowed only for backward compatibility for old Python configuration files.");
0117     description.addOptionalUntracked<std::string>("emptyRunLumiMode")
0118         ->setComment(
0119             "Obsolete. Has no effect. Allowed only for backward compatibility for old Python configuration files.");
0120     description.addOptionalUntracked<bool>("makeTriggerResults")
0121         ->setComment(
0122             "Obsolete. Has no effect. Allowed only for backward compatibility for old Python configuration files.");
0123   }
0125   void fillMaxEventsDescription(ParameterSetDescription& description) {
0126     description.addUntracked<int>("input", -1)->setComment("Default of -1 implies no limit.");
0128     ParameterSetDescription nestedDescription;
0129     nestedDescription.addWildcardUntracked<int>("*");
0130     description.addOptionalNode(ParameterDescription<int>("output", false) xor
0131                                     ParameterDescription<ParameterSetDescription>("output", nestedDescription, false),
0132                                 false);
0133   }
0135   void fillMaxLuminosityBlocksDescription(ParameterSetDescription& description) {
0136     description.addUntracked<int>("input", -1)->setComment("Default of -1 implies no limit.");
0137   }
0139   void fillMaxSecondsUntilRampdownDescription(ParameterSetDescription& description) {
0140     description.addUntracked<int>("input", -1)->setComment("Default of -1 implies no limit.");
0141   }
0143   void validateTopLevelParameterSets(ParameterSet* processParameterSet) {
0144     std::string processName = processParameterSet->getParameter<std::string>("@process_name");
0146     std::vector<std::string> psetNames{"options", "maxEvents", "maxLuminosityBlocks", "maxSecondsUntilRampdown"};
0148     for (auto const& psetName : psetNames) {
0149       bool isTracked{false};
0150       ParameterSet* pset = processParameterSet->getPSetForUpdate(psetName, isTracked);
0151       if (pset == nullptr) {
0152         ParameterSet emptyPset;
0153         processParameterSet->addUntrackedParameter<ParameterSet>(psetName, emptyPset);
0154         pset = processParameterSet->getPSetForUpdate(psetName, isTracked);
0155       }
0156       if (isTracked) {
0157         throw Exception(errors::Configuration) << "In the configuration the top level parameter set named \'"
0158                                                << psetName << "\' in process \'" << processName << "\' is tracked.\n"
0159                                                << "It must be untracked";
0160       }
0162       ParameterSetDescription description;
0163       if (psetName == "options") {
0164         fillOptionsDescription(description);
0165       } else if (psetName == "maxEvents") {
0166         fillMaxEventsDescription(description);
0167       } else if (psetName == "maxLuminosityBlocks") {
0168         fillMaxLuminosityBlocksDescription(description);
0169       } else if (psetName == "maxSecondsUntilRampdown") {
0170         fillMaxSecondsUntilRampdownDescription(description);
0171       }
0173       try {
0174         description.validate(*pset);
0175       } catch (cms::Exception& ex) {
0176         std::ostringstream ost;
0177         ost << "Validating top level \'" << psetName << "\' ParameterSet for process \'" << processName << "\'";
0178         ex.addContext(ost.str());
0179         throw;
0180       }
0181     }
0182   }
0184   void dumpOptionsToLogFile(unsigned int nThreads,
0185                             unsigned int nStreams,
0186                             unsigned int nConcurrentLumis,
0187                             unsigned int nConcurrentRuns) {
0188     LogAbsolute("Options") << "Number of Threads = " << nThreads << "\nNumber of Streams = " << nStreams
0189                            << "\nNumber of Concurrent Lumis = " << nConcurrentLumis
0190                            << "\nNumber of Concurrent Runs = " << nConcurrentRuns;
0191   }
0192 }  // namespace edm