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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:13:01

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0003 import sys
0004 from argparse import ArgumentParser
0005 from FWCore.PythonUtilities.LumiList import LumiList
0008 if __name__ == '__main__':
0010     parser = ArgumentParser()
0011     # required parameters
0012     cmdGroupTitle = parser.add_argument_group("Command Options")
0013     cmdGroup = cmdGroupTitle.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
0014     cmdGroup.add_argument('--and', dest='command', action='store_const',
0015                           const='and',
0016                           help = '"and" (i.e., take intersection) of two files')
0017     cmdGroup.add_argument('--or', dest='command', action='store_const',
0018                           const='or',
0019                           help = '"or" (i.e., take union) of two files')
0020     cmdGroup.add_argument('--sub', dest='command', action='store_const',
0021                           const='sub',
0022                           help = '"subtraction" (i.e., lumi sections in alpha not in beta) of two files')
0023     cmdGroup.add_argument('--diff', dest='command', action='store_const',
0024                           const='diff',
0025                           help = '"All differences" (i.e., alpha - beta AND beta - alpha) of two files. Output will only be to screen (not proper JSON format).')
0026     parser.add_argument("alpha", metavar="alpha.json", type=str)
0027     parser.add_argument("beta", metavar="beta.json", type=str)
0028     parser.add_argument("output", metavar="output.json", type=str, nargs='?', default=None)
0029     options = parser.parse_args()
0030     if not options.command:
0031         parser.error("Exactly one command option must be specified")
0033     alphaList = LumiList (filename = options.alpha)  # Read in first  JSON file
0034     betaList  = LumiList (filename = options.beta)  # Read in second JSON file
0036     ##################
0037     ## Diff Command ##
0038     ##################
0039     if options.command == 'diff':
0040         if options.output is not None:
0041             raise RuntimeError("Can not output to file with '--diff' option.  The output is not standard JSON.")
0042         firstOnly  = alphaList - betaList
0043         secondOnly = betaList  - alphaList
0044         if not firstOnly and not secondOnly:
0045             print("Files '%s' and '%s' are the same." % (options.alpha, options.beta))
0046             sys.exit()
0047         print("'%s'-only lumis:" % options.alpha)
0048         if firstOnly:
0049             print(firstOnly)
0050         else:
0051             print("None")
0052         print("\n'%s'-only lumis:" % options.beta)
0053         if secondOnly:
0054             print(secondOnly)
0055         else:
0056             print("None")
0057         sys.exit()
0059     ########################
0060     ## All other commands ##
0061     ########################
0062     if options.command == 'and':
0063         outputList = alphaList & betaList
0065     if options.command == 'or':
0066         outputList = alphaList | betaList
0068     if options.command == 'sub':
0069         outputList = alphaList - betaList
0071     if options.output is not None:
0072         outputList.writeJSON(options.output)
0073     else:
0074         # print to screen
0075         print(outputList)