Warning, /FastSimulation/ParticleDecay/test/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 Run test_pythiadecays.sh to validate decays in FastSim with particle gun samples.
0002 This script first defines a list of particle ids.
0003 Then it performs the following for each particle id in the list:
0005 1. A CMSSW cfg file is created that configures CMSSW to generate events with a particle gun,
0006 configured for the respective particle id. The particle gun does not perform any decays.
0007 In other words all decays are generated inside FastSim.
0009 2. Run CMSSW with this configuration
0011 3. Analyse the output of the above
0012 - create histograms with the generated life times, masses and branching ratios
0013 - create histograms with the predicted life times, masses and branching ratios,
0014 with predictions taken from the pythia8 particle data table
0015 These histograms are provided for particle ids specified inside the analyzer
0016 (FastSimulation/ParticleDecay/plugins/TestPythiaDecays.cc)
0017 This analyzers tracks not only the decays of the initial particles, comming from the particle gun.
0018 It also tracks all subsequent decays.
0020 4. Draw comparisons between the generated and the predicted observables.
0021 Find results in figures/pgun_<PID>/*.png
0023 NOTE:
0025 i)
0026 the mass of the original particle, comming from the particle gun, is defined outside the FastSim decay machinery (in the particle gun itself)
0028 ii)
0029 the life times of all particles are defined outside the decay machinery, in the ParticlePropagator class