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0001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version:
0003 # replace fastSimProducer.SimulateMuons = false
0004 # The digis are needed for the L1 simulation
0005 # replace caloRecHits.RecHitsFactory.doDigis=true
0007 # histos limits and binning
0009 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0011 process = cms.Process("PROD")
0012 # Include the RandomNumberGeneratorService definition
0013 process.load("IOMC.RandomEngine.IOMC_cff")
0015 # Generate H -> ZZ -> l+l- l'+l'- (l,l'=e or mu), with mH=180GeV/c2
0016 # include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/HZZllll.cfi"
0017 # Generate ttbar events
0018 #  include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/ttbar.cfi"
0019 # Generate multijet events with different ptHAT bins
0020 #  include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/QCDpt80-120.cfi"
0021 #  include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/QCDpt600-800.cfi"
0022 # Generate Minimum Bias Events
0023 #  include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/MinBiasEvents.cfi"
0024 # Generate muons with a flat pT particle gun, and with pT=10.
0025 # include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/FlatPtMuonGun.cfi"
0026 # replace FlatRandomPtGunProducer.PGunParameters.PartID={130}
0027 # Generate di-electrons with pT=35 GeV
0028 process.load("FastSimulation.Configuration.DiElectrons_cfi")
0030 # Famos sequences (no HLT here)
0031 process.load("FastSimulation.Configuration.CommonInputsFake_cff")
0034 # Set the early collions 10TeV parameters (as in the standard RelVals)
0035 process.fastSimProducer.VertexGenerator.SigmaZ=cms.double(3.8)
0036 process.fastSimProducer.VertexGenerator.Emittance = cms.double(7.03e-08)
0037 process.fastSimProducer.VertexGenerator.BetaStar = cms.double(300.0)
0040 #     
0041 # Keep the logging output to a nice level #
0042 process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi")
0044 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0045     input = cms.untracked.int32(10000)
0046 )
0047 process.gsfElectronAnalysis = cms.EDAnalyzer("GsfElectronMCAnalyzer",
0048     electronCollection = cms.InputTag("pixelMatchGsfElectrons"),
0049     Nbinxyz = cms.int32(50),
0050     Nbineop2D = cms.int32(30),
0051     Nbinp = cms.int32(50),
0052     Nbineta2D = cms.int32(50),
0053     Etamin = cms.double(-2.5),
0054     Nbinfhits = cms.int32(20),
0055     Dphimin = cms.double(-0.01),
0056     Pmax = cms.double(300.0),
0057     Phimax = cms.double(3.2),
0058     Phimin = cms.double(-3.2),
0059     Eopmax = cms.double(5.0),
0060     mcTruthCollection = cms.InputTag("source"),
0061     # efficiency cuts
0062     MaxPt = cms.double(100.0),
0063     Nbinlhits = cms.int32(5),
0064     Nbinpteff = cms.int32(19),
0065     Nbinphi2D = cms.int32(32),
0066     Nbindetamatch2D = cms.int32(50),
0067     Nbineta = cms.int32(50),
0068     DeltaR = cms.double(0.05),
0069     outputFile = cms.string('gsfElectronHistos.root'),
0070     Nbinp2D = cms.int32(50),
0071     Nbindeta = cms.int32(100),
0072     Nbinpt2D = cms.int32(50),
0073     Nbindetamatch = cms.int32(100),
0074     Fhitsmax = cms.double(20.0),
0075     Lhitsmax = cms.double(10.0),
0076     Nbinphi = cms.int32(64),
0077     Eopmaxsht = cms.double(3.0),
0078     MaxAbsEta = cms.double(2.5),
0079     Nbindphimatch = cms.int32(100),
0080     Detamax = cms.double(0.005),
0081     Nbinpt = cms.int32(50),
0082     Nbindphimatch2D = cms.int32(50),
0083     Etamax = cms.double(2.5),
0084     Dphimax = cms.double(0.01),
0085     Dphimatchmax = cms.double(0.2),
0086     Detamatchmax = cms.double(0.05),
0087     Nbindphi = cms.int32(100),
0088     Detamatchmin = cms.double(-0.05),
0089     Ptmax = cms.double(100.0),
0090     Nbineop = cms.int32(50),
0091     Dphimatchmin = cms.double(-0.2),
0092     Detamin = cms.double(-0.005)
0093 )
0095 process.Timing = cms.Service("Timing")
0097 process.o1 = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
0098     outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('keep *', 
0099         'drop *_mix_*_*'),
0100     fileName = cms.untracked.string('MyFirstFamosFile.root')
0101 )
0103 process.p1 = cms.Path(process.famosWithElectrons*process.gsfElectronAnalysis)
0104 process.outpath = cms.EndPath(process.o1)
0105 process.famosPileUp.PileUpSimulator.averageNumber = 0.0
0106 #process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.MagneticField_40T_cff")
0107 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.MagneticField_38T_cff")
0108 process.VolumeBasedMagneticFieldESProducer.useParametrizedTrackerField = True
0109 process.fastSimProducer.SimulateCalorimetry = True
0110 for layer in process.fastSimProducer.detectorDefinition.BarrelLayers: 
0111     layer.interactionModels = cms.untracked.vstring("pairProduction", "nuclearInteraction", "bremsstrahlung", "energyLoss", "multipleScattering", "trackerSimHits")
0112 for layer in process.fastSimProducer.detectorDefinition.ForwardLayers: 
0113     layer.interactionModels = cms.untracked.vstring("pairProduction", "nuclearInteraction", "bremsstrahlung", "energyLoss", "multipleScattering", "trackerSimHits")
0114 process.MessageLogger.cerr.enable = False
0115 process.MessageLogger.files.detailedInfo=dict(extension='txt')