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0103 <div class="twikiBeforeText"></div><div class="patternContent"><div class="patternTopic"> <h1><a name="CmsShow_Online_Help"></a><a name="_CmsShow_Online_Help"></a> CmsShow Online Help </h1>
0104 <p>
0105 </p><h1><a name="Invocation"></a> Invocation </h1>
0106 <p>
0107 CmsShow is invoked as follows:
0108 </p><p>
0109 </p><pre>./cmsShow.exe [options] &lt;data file&gt;</pre>
0110 <p>
0111 For most uses, no options are required.
0112 <p />
0113 Allowed options:
0114 <pre>
0116   -i &#91; --input-file ] arg   Input root file
0117   -c &#91; --config-file ] arg  Include configuration file
0118   -g &#91; --geom-file ] arg    Include geometry file
0119   -n &#91; --noconfig ]         Don&#39;t load any configuration file
0120   -p &#91; --play ] arg         Start in auto playback mode with given interval
0121                             between events in seconds
0122   --port arg                Listen to port for new data files to open
0123   --eve                     Show Eve browser to help debug problems
0124   -r &#91; --root-interactive ] Enable root prompt.  
0125   -d &#91; --debug ]            Start the display from a debugger and producer a
0126                             crash report
0127   -s &#91; --shine ]            Use advance options to improve rendering quality
0128                             (anti-alias etc)
0129   --soft                    Try to force software rendering to avoid problems
0130                             with bad hardware drivers
0131   -h &#91; --help ]             Display help message
0133 </pre>
0134 <p />
0135 <h1><a name="Viewing_an_event"></a> Viewing an event </h1>
0136 <p>
0137 </p><h4><a name="What_is_shown"></a><a name="What_is_shown_"></a> What is shown? </h4>
0138 <p>
0139 In the default configuration, CmsShow knows about the following objects:
0140 </p><p> </p><ul>
0141 <li> ECal energy
0142 </li> <li> HCal energy
0143 </li> <li> jets
0144 </li> <li> electrons
0145 </li> <li> muons
0146 </li> <li> MET
0147 </li> <li> tracks
0148 </li> <li> primary vertices
0149 </li> <li> DT muon segments
0150 </li> <li> CSC muon segments
0151 </li> <li> L1 jets
0152 </li> <li> L1 EM objects
0153 </li> <li> L1 muons
0154 </li> <li> L1 MET
0155 </li> <li> generator-level particles
0156 </li></ul> 
0157 <p>
0158 Not all these objects are visible by default; see <i>Visible and invisible
0159 items</i> below.  Each type of object has a color, which can be used to
0160 distinguish it from other objects.  The color is the same across views; for
0161 example, the default jet color is yellow, and jets show up in yellow in all
0162 views.  See <i>Controlling object properties</i> to learn how to manipulate
0163 the object properties (visibility and color).
0164 </p><p>
0165 </p><h4><a name="Views"></a> Views </h4>
0166 <p>
0167 Multiple <i>views</i> of the event are available.  
0168 </p><p> </p><ul>
0169 <li> <strong>Glimpse View</strong>: to give the user a "glimpse" of the
0170 event, the glimpse view shows the high-level objects (jets, electrons,
0171 muons, MET). The size of the object is proportional to its energy.
0172 </li> <li> <strong>rho-phi</strong> and <strong>rho-z</strong> projections
0173 </li> <li> <strong>3D Lego</strong>: calo towers are show as stacked
0174 lego plots (HCal on top of ECal). This view is available in 2D (energy
0175 proportional to tower area) or 3D (energy proportional to height). To
0176 switch between 2D and 3D, rotate the view with the left mouse button.
0177 The segmentation of the view adapts to the zoom (mouse wheel or right
0178 mouse button). Also shown are MET (solid line), -MET (dashed line),
0179 jets (circles) and muons (crosses).
0180 </li> <li> <strong>Table views</strong>: tables containing detailed
0181 information about physics objects, triggers and tracking are available
0182 by clicking the tabs above the graphics view area. To sort the tables,
0183 click on the column headers.
0184 </li> <li> <strong>List view</strong>: the list view to the left of
0185 the graphics view area contains a list of all objects known to the
0186 event display. This list can be used to control which objects are
0187 visible (see <i>Visible and invisible items</i>) and to     select objects (see <i>Selecting</i>).
0188 </li></ul> 
0189 <p>
0190 To keep track of objects, two handy features are available.  Hovering over an
0191 object with the mouse in any view makes the object light up in all other views
0192 (as well as displaying a small information window about the object).  Clicking
0193 on an object selects it (see <i>Selecting</i> below) in all views.
0194 </p><p>
0195 The view area is divided into one "big" area and multiple "small" areas; the
0196 icon in the top left corner of each view swaps that view into the big area.  The
0197 graphical views and tables can be "undocked" from the main CmsShow window by
0198 clicking the "undock" icon.  This is handy if you want to see the graphical
0199 views of the event and the detailed information in the tables side-by-side, for
0200 example, or if you want to show several views in large windows.  
0201 </p><p>
0202 Some views have additional properties.  These can be changed with the <i>View
0203 Controller</i>, which is brought up by clicking on the view title bar.
0204 </p><p>
0205 Views can be removed (with the icon in the top right corner of the view) or
0206 added (through the File -&gt; New Viewer menu).
0207 </p><p>
0208 For some objects, more detail is available through <i>detailed views</i>.  These
0209 detailed views can be opened by selecting an object (by clicking on it), then
0210 pushing the "Open Detailed View" button in the Object Display Controller (for
0211 more information about the Object Display Controller, see <i>Controlling object
0212 properties</i>). 
0213 </p><p>
0214 </p><h4><a name="Controlling_object_properties"></a> Controlling object properties </h4>
0215 <p>
0216 Each object has two properties: color and visibility.  The user can select a
0217 non-default color for an object, for example to identify a "special" electron in
0218 all views.  The visibility flag is used primarily to keep low-energy objects
0219 from cluttering the views.  Both properties are controlled by the <i>Object
0220 Display Controller</i>.  This controller window opens the first time an object is
0221 selected (by clicking on an object); if it is subsequently closed, it can be
0222 re-opened from the Window -&gt; Show Object Display Controller menu.
0223 </p><p>
0224 </p><h4><a name="Controlling_collection_propertie"></a> Controlling collection properties </h4>
0225 <p>
0226 Collections have the same properties as individual objects: color and
0227 visibility.  The collection properties can be controlled from the <i>Collection
0228 Controller</i>.  To open this window, click a collection name in the list view or
0229 use the Window -&gt; Show Collection Controller menu.  The collection visibility
0230 flag is used to keep the views uncluttered by hiding some collections.
0231 </p><p>
0232 The Collection Controller can also filter and select items in a collection.
0233 (For example, it can make all jets with Et &lt; 15 GeV invisible.)  See <i>Filtering</i>
0234 and <i>Selecting</i> below.
0235 </p><p>
0236 </p><h4><a name="Filtering"></a> Filtering </h4>
0237 <p>
0238 To limit clutter in the views, it may be desirable to make low-energy objects
0239 invisible.  "Filtering" is accomplished by entering a filter expression in the
0240 <i>Collection Controller</i> window (see <i>Controlling collection properties</i> above).
0241 This expression is interpreted using CINT.  (For convenience, the special symbol
0242 $ can be used as shorthand for the collection name.)  The objects for which the
0243 filter expression is false become invisible in the graphical views; they are
0244 shaded in the text tables and moved to the end of the table.
0245 </p><p>
0246 </p><h4><a name="Selecting"></a> Selecting </h4>
0247 <p>
0248 Selection is a useful tool for keeping track of objects in the different views.
0249 An object can be selected by clicking on the object in any view.  The selection
0250 propagates to all other views.  Multiple objects can be selected by holding the
0251 Control key while clicking (this toggles selection).  For example, if a muon
0252 sparks the user's interest in the rho-phi view, the user can find out more about
0253 the muon by selecting it and reading the selected row in the muon table.  (It
0254 may be more convenient to have the rho-phi view and table in separate windows so
0255 they can be viewed side-by-side.  To do this, the table can be "undocked" from
0256 the CmsShow window with the "undock" button; see <i>Views</i> above.)
0257 </p><p>
0258 Objects can also be selected using the "Select" tab of the Collection Controller
0259 (see <i>Controlling collection properties</i> above).  The selection is performed by
0260 entering an expression.  See the description for the filter expression in
0261 <i>Filtering</i> above. 
0262 </p><p>
0263 </p><h4><a name="Adding_and_removing_items"></a> Adding and removing items </h4>
0264 <p>
0265 Collections can be removed from the event display by pushing the "Remove
0266 Collection" button in the "Data" tab of the Collection Controller (see
0267 <i>Controlling collection properties</i>).  
0268 </p><p>
0269 Additional collections can be added to the event display with the <i>Add
0270 Collection</i> feature.  This window is opened by clicking the + button above the
0271 list view or with the Window -&gt; Show Add Collection menu.  The user can pick a
0272 collection from a list of all collections present in the data file.  (To sort
0273 the list of collections, click on the column headers.)  A useful
0274 example application is to add jets that were clustered with a different
0275 algorithm than the default jets (iterativeCone5CaloJets), set their color to
0276 green, and compare the yellow and green jets in the lego view.
0277 </p><p>
0278 </p><h4><a name="Saving_and_loading_configuration"></a> Saving and loading configurations </h4>
0279 <p>
0280 The configuration of the event display (collection colors etc.) can be saved
0281 with the File -&gt; Save Configuration menu.  Likewise, a saved configuration can
0282 be loaded with the File -&gt; Load Configuration menu.
0283 </p><p>
0284 </p><h4><a name="Getting_a_hard_copy"></a> Getting a hard copy </h4>
0285 <p>
0286 To save a copy of a graphical view, use the File -&gt; Export Main Image menu or
0287 the Save Image button in the View Controller.  The tables can be dumped to the
0288 terminal or into a text file, or they can be piped to a print command (lpr or
0289 something fancier like enscript), using the buttons at the top of the table.
0290 </p><p>
0291 </p><h1><a name="Navigating_the_data"></a> Navigating the data </h1>
0292 <p>
0293 </p><h4><a name="Loading_a_file"></a> Loading a file </h4>
0294 <p>
0295 To open a data file, use the File -&gt; Open Data File menu.
0296 </p><p>
0297 </p><h4><a name="Going_to_an_event"></a> Going to an event </h4>
0298 <p>
0299 You can navigate between events with the arrow buttons above the list view or by
0300 entering a run and event number in the fields to the right of the navigation
0301 buttons. 
0302 </p><p>
0303 </p><h4><a name="Filtering_events"></a> Filtering events </h4>
0304 <p>
0305 To show only events that pass a filter, enter an expression in the "Filter"
0306 field to the right of the navigation buttons.  This expression is interpreted by
0307 CINT, and only events for which the expression is true are displayed.  For
0308 convenience, collections can be referred to by their CmsShow names (the names
0309 displayed in the list view) rather than their fwlite names.  Thus,
0310 "$ &gt; 10" would select events where there is at
0311 least one electron in the Electrons collection ("pixelMatchGsfElectrons" by
0312 default) with 10 GeV pt.</p></div><!-- /patternTopic-->
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