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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Package:     Core
0004 // Class  :     FWInteractionList
0005 //
0006 // Implementation:
0007 //     [Notes on implementation]
0008 //
0009 // Original Author:  Alja Mrak-Tadel
0010 //         Created:  Mon Apr 19 12:48:18 CEST 2010
0011 //
0013 // user include files
0014 #include <cassert>
0015 #include "TEveCompound.h"
0016 #include "TEveManager.h"
0017 #include "TEveSelection.h"
0019 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWInteractionList.h"
0020 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWEventItem.h"
0021 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWModelIdFromEveSelector.h"
0022 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWModelId.h"
0024 //
0025 // constants, enums and typedefs
0026 //
0028 //
0029 // static data member definitions
0030 //
0032 //
0033 // constructors and destructor
0034 //
0035 FWInteractionList::FWInteractionList(const FWEventItem* item) : m_item(item) {}
0037 // FWInteractionList::FWInteractionList(const FWInteractionList& rhs)
0038 // {
0039 //    // do actual copying here;
0040 // }
0042 FWInteractionList::~FWInteractionList() {
0043   for (std::vector<TEveCompound*>::iterator i = m_compounds.begin(); i != m_compounds.end(); ++i) {
0044     // Interaction are created only in the standard use case, where user data is FWFromEveSelectorBase.
0045     // This is defined with return value of virtual function FWPRoxyBuilderBase::willHandleInteraction().
0047     if ((*i)->GetUserData())
0048       delete reinterpret_cast<FWFromEveSelectorBase*>((*i)->GetUserData());
0050     (*i)->RemoveElements();
0051     (*i)->DecDenyDestroy();
0052   }
0053 }
0055 //
0056 // member functions
0057 //
0059 /** This function is called from FWProxyBuilderBase::build() function (e.g. on next event).
0060     The PB build function creates TEveElement for each element of collection and calls
0061     this function to add the element to "master" element, which is a TEveCompound.
0062 */
0063 void FWInteractionList::added(TEveElement* el, unsigned int idx) {
0064   // In the case a compound for the given index already exists, just add
0065   // the TEveElement to it, otherwise create a new one.
0066   if (idx < m_compounds.size()) {
0067     m_compounds[idx]->AddElement(el);
0068     return;
0069   }
0071   // Prepare name for the tooltip on mouseover in GL viewer.Value of
0072   // tooltip is TEveElement::fTitle
0073   std::string name = m_item->modelName(idx);
0074   if (m_item->haveInterestingValue())
0075     name += m_item->modelInterestingValueAsString(idx);
0077   TEveCompound* c = new TEveCompound(name.c_str(), name.c_str());
0078   c->EnableListElements(m_item->defaultDisplayProperties().isVisible());
0079   c->SetMainColor(m_item->defaultDisplayProperties().color());
0080   c->SetMainTransparency(m_item->defaultDisplayProperties().transparency());
0082   // Set flags to propagat attributes.
0083   c->CSCImplySelectAllChildren();
0084   c->CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren();
0085   c->CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren();
0087   // TEveElement is auto-destroyed if is is not added to any parent. Alternative could
0088   // be to use increase/decrease reference count.
0089   c->IncDenyDestroy();
0090   //  FWModelIdFromEveSelector is needed for interaction from Eve to Fireworks.
0091   //  FWEveViewManager gets ROOT signals with selected objects (TEveCompound)
0092   //  then cals doSelect() on the compound's user data.
0093   c->SetUserData(new FWModelIdFromEveSelector(FWModelId(m_item, idx)));
0094   // Order does not matter. What is added to TEveCompound is not concern of interaction list.
0095   // Interaction list operates ony with the compound.
0096   m_compounds.push_back(c);
0097   m_compounds.back()->AddElement(el);
0098   // printf("%s[%d] FWInteractionList::added has childern %d\n",m_item->name().c_str(), idx,  m_compounds[idx]->NumChildren());
0099 }
0101 /** This method is called from FWEveViewManager::modelChanges(), which
0102      has modelChanges callback same as all other view maangers.
0103 */
0104 void FWInteractionList::modelChanges(const FWModelIds& iIds) {
0105   assert(m_compounds.size() >= m_item->size());
0107   for (std::set<FWModelId>::const_iterator it = iIds.begin(); it != iIds.end(); ++it) {
0108     const FWEventItem::ModelInfo& info = m_item->modelInfo(it->index());
0109     // std::cout <<" FWInteractionList::modelChanges  color "<< info.displayProperties().color()  << "(*it).index() " <<(*it).index() << "  " << m_item->name() <<std::endl;
0110     const FWDisplayProperties& p = info.displayProperties();
0111     TEveElement* comp = m_compounds[it->index()];
0112     comp->EnableListElements(p.isVisible(), p.isVisible());
0113     comp->SetMainColor(p.color());
0114     comp->SetMainTransparency(p.transparency());
0116     if (info.isSelected()) {
0117       if (comp->GetSelectedLevel() != 1)
0118         gEve->GetSelection()->AddElement(comp);
0119     } else {
0120       if (comp->GetSelectedLevel() == 1)
0121         gEve->GetSelection()->RemoveElement(comp);
0122     }
0123   }
0124 }
0126 /**
0127   This method is called from FWEveViewManager::itemChanged(), which is a callback of
0128   signal FWEventItem::itemChanged_.
0129 */
0130 void FWInteractionList::itemChanged() {
0131   for (size_t i = 0, e = m_item->size(); i < e; ++i) {
0132     // Assert for sizes is not necessary, becuse it is already in a
0133     // proxy builder.
0134     TEveElement* comp = m_compounds[i];
0136     std::string name = m_item->modelName(i);
0137     if (m_item->haveInterestingValue())
0138       name += m_item->modelInterestingValueAsString(i);
0140     comp->SetElementTitle(name.c_str());
0142     const FWEventItem::ModelInfo& info = m_item->modelInfo(i);
0143     const FWDisplayProperties& p = info.displayProperties();
0145     if (p.isVisible() != comp->GetRnrSelf())
0146       comp->EnableListElements(p.isVisible(), p.isVisible());
0148     if (p.color() != comp->GetMainColor())
0149       comp->SetMainColor(p.color());
0151     if (p.transparency() != comp->GetMainTransparency())
0152       comp->SetMainTransparency(p.transparency());
0153   }
0154 }