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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 cepgenOutputModules = cms.untracked.PSet(
0004     # place here all CepGen modules steering for output
0005     # e.g. for a printout of every 1000th event:
0006     #dump = cms.PSet(printEvery = cms.uint32(1000))
0007 )
0009 cepgenPythia6BeamFragmenter = cms.untracked.PSet(
0010     pythia6 = cms.PSet(
0011         maxTrials = cms.int32(10),
0012         seed = cms.int32(42),
0013         preConfiguration = cms.vstring(
0014             'MSTU(21)=1     ! Check on possible errors during program execution',
0015             'MSTU(25)=0     ! No warnings are written',
0016             'MSTJ(22)=2     ! Decay those unstable particles',
0017             'PARJ(71)=10 .  ! for which ctau  10 mm',
0018             'MSTP(33)=0     ! no K factors in hard cross sections',
0019             'MSTP(2)=1      ! which order running alphaS',
0020             'MSTP(81)=0     ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default'
0021         )
0022     )
0023 )