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0001 #ifndef CosmicMuonParameters_h
0002 #define CosmicMuonParameters_h
0003 //
0004 // Parameters for CosmicMuonGenerator by droll (05/DEC/2005)
0005 //
0006 //
0007 // added plug and clay(moraine) specific constants, sonne (15/Jan/2009)
0008 //
0009 #include "TMath.h"
0011 // flags
0012 const bool Debug = false;        // debugging printout
0013 const bool EventDisplay = true;  // display single events (if ROOT_INTERACTIVE is defined as true)
0015 // algorithmic constants
0016 const double MinStepSize = 10.;  // minimal propagation step size [mm] must be small compared to target size
0017 // mathematical constants
0018 const double Pi = acos(-1.);       // [rad]
0019 const double TwoPi = 2.0 * Pi;     // [rad]
0020 const double Deg2Rad = Pi / 180.;  // [deg] -> [rad]
0021 const double Rad2Deg = 180. / Pi;  // [rad] -> [deg]
0022 // physical constants
0023 const double SpeedOfLight = 299.792458;  // [mm/ns]
0024 const double MuonMass = 0.105658357;     // [GeV/c^2]
0025 //const double ChargeFrac = 0.545454545; // n(mu+)/n(mu-) ~ 1.2 defined in CMSCGEN
0026 // geometry
0027 const double SurfaceOfEarth = 88874.;  // Y-distance to surface of earth [mm]
0028 const double Z_PX56 = -14000.;         // [mm] Z position of PX56 centre [mm]
0029 /*
0030 // densities of materials
0031 const double RhoAir  = 0.001214; // [g cm^-3]
0032 const double RhoWall = 2.5; // [g cm^-3]
0033 const double RhoRock = 2.5; // [g cm^-3]
0034 const double RhoClay = 2.3; // [g cm^-3]
0035 const double RhoPlug = 2.5; // [g cm^-3]
0036 */
0037 // width of clay layer between surface and rock
0038 const double DefaultClayWidth = 50000.;  // [mm]
0040 //plug constants
0041 const double PlugWidth = 2250.;        // [mm]
0042 const double PlugXlength = 20600.;     // [mm]
0043 const double PlugZlength = 16000.;     // [mm]
0044 const double PlugNoseXlength = 6400.;  // [mm]
0045 const double PlugNoseZlength = 1800.;  // [mm]
0046 const double PlugOnShaftVx = 0.;       // [mm]
0047 const double PlugOnShaftVz = Z_PX56;   // [mm]
0049 // cylinder around CMS (with R, +-Z)
0050 // WARNING: These values will be set to tracker-only setup if "TrackerOnly=true" in .cfg-file.
0051 // This means R=1200 and Z=2800, no material or B-field outside is considered
0052 const double RadiusCMS = 8000.;      // [mm]
0053 const double Z_DistCMS = 15000.;     // [mm]
0054 const double RadiusTracker = 1200.;  // [mm]
0055 const double Z_DistTracker = 2800.;  // [mm]
0056 // cylinder actually used in the code
0057 //const double RadiusTarget = RadiusCMS; // [mm]  //now controlled by cfg-file!!!
0058 //const double Z_DistTarget = Z_DistCMS; // [mm]  //now controlled by cfg-file!!!
0060 //define different materials
0061 enum { Unknown = 0, Plug, Wall, Air, Clay, Rock };
0063 //Parameters for upward muons from neutrinos
0064 const double N_A = 6.022e23;       //mol^-1
0065 const double alpha = 2.;           //MeV/(g/cm^2)
0066 const double beta_const = 3.9e-6;  //(g/cm^2)^-1
0067 const double epsilon = alpha / beta_const;
0068 const double Rearth = 6370.e6;  //mm
0070 //Multi Muon relevant parameters
0071 const double NorthCMSzDeltaPhi = 3. / 8. * Pi;  //rad (Pi/2 if CMS -x = North)
0072 const int max_Trials = 200000;
0074 #endif