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0001 //-*-c++-*-
0002 //-*-QQ.h-*-
0003 //   Written by James Monk and Andrew Pilkington
0004 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0005 #ifndef QQ_HH
0006 #define QQ_HH
0008 #include "GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/interface/TwoSpace.h"
0010 namespace Exhume {
0011   class QQ : public TwoSpace {
0012   public:
0013     QQ(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0015     //declare inherited functions
0016     double SubProcess() override;
0017     void LIPS2Amp() override;
0018     void Amp2LIPS() override;
0019     void SetQuarkType(const int&);
0021   private:
0022     double InvSinTheta;
0024     /*
0025     void SetPartons();
0026     void SetSubParameters();
0027     double SubParameterWeight();
0028     void MaximiseSubParameters();
0029     double SubParameterRange();
0031     //declare sub-process specific functions
0032     void SetThetaMin(const double&);
0033         void SetQuarkType(const int&);
0034   private:
0035     //internal functions
0036     double WeightFunc(const double&);
0037     //internal Parameters
0038     double qMass,qMassSq;
0039     double CosTheta,CosThetaMin,CosThetaMax;
0040     double ThetaMin,ThetaMax, SinThetaMin;
0041     double Theta,SinTheta,InvSinTheta; 
0042     double E,P,Px,Py,Pz,Phi;
0043     double SubWgt;
0044     */
0045   };
0046 }  // namespace Exhume
0047 #endif