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Warning, /GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Bs_Jpsif0_mumupipi.dec is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # This is the decay file for the decay BS0 -> PSI(-> MU+ MU-) f0(-> pi+ pi-)
0002 #
0003 # Descriptor: [B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (f0(980) -> pi+ pi-)]
0004 #
0005 # NickName: Bs_Jpsif0
0006 #
0007 # Physics: Currently using phase space for Bs decays
0008 #
0009 # Tested: Yes
0010 # By: Alberto Hernandez Almada, Eduard de la Cruz Burelo
0011 # Date: 17 Feb 2012
0012 #
0013 Alias      MyB_s0   B_s0
0014 Alias      Myanti-B_s0   anti-B_s0
0015 ChargeConj Myanti-B_s0   MyB_s0 
0016 Alias      MyJ/psi  J/psi
0017 Alias      Myf_0    f_0
0018 ChargeConj MyJ/psi  MyJ/psi
0019 ChargeConj Myf_0    Myf_0
0020 #
0021 Decay MyB_s0
0022   1.000         MyJ/psi     Myf_0         PHSP;
0023 Enddecay
0024 #
0025 Decay Myanti-B_s0
0026   1.000         MyJ/psi     Myf_0         PHSP;
0027 Enddecay
0028 #
0029 Decay MyJ/psi
0030   1.000         mu+         mu-           PHOTOS VLL;
0031 Enddecay
0032 #
0033 Decay Myf_0
0034   1.000         pi+          pi-          PHSP;
0035 Enddecay
0036 #
0037 End