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0001 #ifndef EvtGenTestAnalyzer_H
0002 #define EvtGenTestAnalyzer_H
0004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDAnalyzer.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0008 // forward declarations
0009 class TFile;
0010 class TH1D;
0012 class EvtGenTestAnalyzer : public edm::one::EDAnalyzer<edm::one::SharedResources> {
0013 public:
0014   //
0015   explicit EvtGenTestAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0016   ~EvtGenTestAnalyzer() override = default;  // no need to delete ROOT stuff
0017                                              // as it'll be deleted upon closing TFile
0019   void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
0020   void beginJob() override;
0021   void endJob() override;
0023 private:
0024   //
0025   std::string fOutputFileName;
0026   edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::HepMCProduct> tokenHepMC_;
0028   TFile* fOutputFile;
0029   TH1D* hGeneralId;
0030   TH1D* hIdPhiDaugs;
0031   TH1D* hIdJpsiMot;
0032   TH1D* hnB;
0033   TH1D* hnBz;
0034   TH1D* hnBzb;
0035   TH1D* hPtRadPho;
0036   TH1D* hPhiRadPho;
0037   TH1D* hEtaRadPho;
0038   TH1D* hnJpsi;
0039   TH1D* hMinvb;
0040   TH1D* hPtbs;
0041   TH1D* hPbs;
0042   TH1D* hPhibs;
0043   TH1D* hEtabs;
0044   TH1D* hPtmu;
0045   TH1D* hPmu;
0046   TH1D* hPhimu;
0047   TH1D* hEtamu;
0048   TH1D* htbJpsiKs;
0049   TH1D* htbbarJpsiKs;
0050   TH1D* htbPlus;
0051   TH1D* htbsUnmix;
0052   TH1D* htbsMix;
0053   TH1D* htbUnmix;
0054   TH1D* htbMix;
0055   TH1D* htbMixPlus;
0056   TH1D* htbMixMinus;
0057   TH1D* hmumuMassSqr;
0058   TH1D* hmumuMassSqrPlus;
0059   TH1D* hmumuMassSqrMinus;
0060   TH1D* hIdBsDaugs;
0061   TH1D* hIdBDaugs;
0062   TH1D* hCosTheta1;
0063   TH1D* hCosTheta2;
0064   TH1D* hPhi1;
0065   TH1D* hPhi2;
0066   TH1D* hCosThetaLambda;
0068   std::ofstream* decayed;
0069   std::ofstream* undecayed;
0070   int nevent, nbs;
0071 };
0073 #endif