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0001 cc ***************************************************** 
0002 cc  the common blocks pinput and cwdidth are for input parameters 
0003 cc  these parameters needed to be interfaced to other program  
0004       common/pinput/ hbcvm,hbcm,fmb,fmc,hbcp,wwpi,fbc,fb1,fb2,fb3,
0005      .  fb4,cbcp0,cbcp1,cbcp2,cbc1p1
0007 cc *****************************************************
0008 cc the following common blocks are for deduced parameters
0009 cc these parameters needed not to be interfaced to other program 
0010       common/cdeduce/ ffmcfmb 
0011       common/cmass2/fmc2,fmb2,hbcvm2,hbcm2,hbcm5,hbcm4,hbcm3,fmb3,
0012      &  fmc3 
0013       common/dmass/ dhbcvm2,dhbcm2