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0001 C=====================================================================
0002 C  This routine was modified from the PYTHIA 6.420 code, which is
0003 C              (C) Torbjorn Sjostrand, Lund 2008.
0004 C
0005 C  The modifications are part of the HARDCOL package for 
0006 C  hard color singlet exchange, and refer to PYTHIA version 6.418.
0007 C  Modifications implemented by Rikard Enberg, 2001-2003 and 2008.  
0008 C  See      
0009 C
0010 C The modification for PYTHIA v6.420 was implemented by Sheila Amaral
0011 C Modified: 16 Oct 2009
0012 C=====================================================================
0014 C*********************************************************************
0015 C*********************************************************************
0016 C*                                                                  **
0017 C*                                                  February 2009   **
0018 C*                                                                  **
0019 C*                       The Lund Monte Carlo                       **
0020 C*                                                                  **
0021 C*                        PYTHIA version 6.4                        **
0022 C*                                                                  **
0023 C*                        Torbjorn Sjostrand                        **
0024 C*                 Department of Theoretical Physics                **
0025 C*                         Lund University                          **
0026 C*               Solvegatan 14A, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden              **
0027 C*                    E-mail                    **
0028 C*                                                                  **
0029 C*                  SUSY and Technicolor parts by                   **
0030 C*                         Stephen Mrenna                           **
0031 C*                       Computing Division                         ** 
0032 C*            Generators and Detector Simulation Group              **
0033 C*              Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory               **
0034 C*                 MS 234, Batavia, IL  60510, USA                  **
0035 C*                   phone + 1 - 630 - 840 - 2556                   **
0036 C*                      E-mail                      **
0037 C*                                                                  **
0038 C*         New multiple interactions and more SUSY parts by         **
0039 C*                          Peter Skands                            **
0040 C*                  Theoretical Physics Department                  **
0041 C*              Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory               **
0042 C*                 MS 106, Batavia, IL  60510, USA                  **
0043 C*                               and                                **
0044 C*               CERN/PH, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland               **
0045 C*                    phone +41 - 22 - 767 24 59                    **
0046 C*                      E-mail                      **
0047 C*                                                                  **
0048 C*         Several parts are written by Hans-Uno Bengtsson          **
0049 C*          PYSHOW is written together with Mats Bengtsson          **
0050 C*               PYMAEL is written by Emanuel Norrbin               **
0051 C*     advanced popcorn baryon production written by Patrik Eden    **
0052 C*    code for virtual photons mainly written by Christer Friberg   **
0053 C*    code for low-mass strings mainly written by Emanuel Norrbin   **
0054 C*        Bose-Einstein code mainly written by Leif Lonnblad        **
0055 C*      CTEQ  parton distributions are by the CTEQ collaboration    **
0056 C*      GRV 94 parton distributions are by Glueck, Reya and Vogt    **
0057 C*   SaS photon parton distributions together with Gerhard Schuler  **
0058 C*     g + g and q + qbar -> t + tbar + H code by Zoltan Kunszt     **
0059 C*         MSSM Higgs mass calculation code by M. Carena,           **
0060 C*           J.R. Espinosa, M. Quiros and C.E.M. Wagner             **
0061 C*  UED implementation by M. Elkacimi, D. Goujdami, H. Przysiezniak **
0062 C*         PYGAUS adapted from CERN library (K.S. Kolbig)           **
0063 C*        NRQCD/colour octet production of onium by S. Wolf         **
0064 C*                                                                  **
0065 C*   The latest program version and documentation is found on WWW   **
0066 C*             **
0067 C*                                                                  **
0068 C*        Copyright Torbjorn Sjostrand, Lund (and CERN) 2008        **
0069 C*                                                                  **
0070 C*********************************************************************
0071 C*********************************************************************
0072 C                                                                    *
0073 C  List of subprograms in order of appearance, with main purpose     *
0074 C  (S = subroutine, F = function, B = block data)                    *
0075 C                                                                    *
0076 C  B   PYDATA   to contain all default values                        *
0077 C  S   PYCKBD   to check that BLOCK DATA has been correctly loaded   *
0078 C  S   PYTEST   to test the proper functioning of the package        *
0079 C  S   PYHEPC   to convert between /PYJETS/ and /HEPEVT/ records     *
0080 C                                                                    *
0081 C  S   PYINIT   to administer the initialization procedure           *
0082 C  S   PYEVNT   to administer the generation of an event             *
0083 C  S   PYEVNW   ditto, for new multiple interactions scenario        *
0084 C  S   PYSTAT   to print cross-section and other information         *
0085 C  S   PYUPEV   to administer the generation of an LHA hard process  *
0086 C  S   PYUPIN   to provide initialization needed for LHA input       *
0087 C  S   PYLHEF   to produce a Les Houches Event File from run         *
0088 C  S   PYINRE   to initialize treatment of resonances                *
0089 C  S   PYINBM   to read in beam, target and frame choices            *
0090 C  S   PYINKI   to initialize kinematics of incoming particles       *
0091 C  S   PYINPR   to set up the selection of included processes        *
0092 C  S   PYXTOT   to give total, elastic and diffractive cross-sect.   *
0093 C  S   PYMAXI   to find differential cross-section maxima            *
0094 C  S   PYPILE   to select multiplicity of pileup events              *
0095 C  S   PYSAVE   to save alternatives for gamma-p and gamma-gamma     *
0096 C  S   PYGAGA   to handle lepton -> lepton + gamma branchings        *
0097 C  S   PYRAND   to select subprocess and kinematics for event        *
0098 C  S   PYSCAT   to set up kinematics and colour flow of event        *
0099 C  S   PYEVOL   handler for pT-ordered ISR and multiple interactions *
0100 C  S   PYSSPA   to simulate initial state spacelike showers          *
0101 C  S   PYPTIS   to do pT-ordered initial state spacelike showers     *
0102 C  S   PYMEMX   auxiliary to PYSSPA/PYPTIS for ME correction maximum *
0103 C  S   PYMEWT   auxiliary to PYSSPA/.. for matrix element correction *
0104 C  S   PYPTMI   to do pT-ordered multiple interactions               *
0105 C  F   PYFCMP   to give companion quark x*f distribution             *
0106 C  F   PYPCMP   to calculate momentum integral for companion quarks  *
0107 C  S   PYUPRE   to rearranges contents of the HEPEUP commonblock     *
0108 C  S   PYADSH   to administrate sequential final-state showers       *
0109 C  S   PYVETO   to allow the generation of an event to be aborted    *
0110 C  S   PYRESD   to perform resonance decays                          *
0111 C  S   PYMULT   to generate multiple interactions - old scheme       *
0112 C  S   PYREMN   to add on target remnants - old scheme               *
0113 C  S   PYMIGN   to generate multiple interactions - new scheme       *
0114 C  S   PYMIHK   to connect colours in mult. int. - new scheme        *
0115 C  S   PYCTTR   to translate PYTHIA colour information to LHA1 tags  *
0116 C  S   PYMIHG   to collapse two pairs of LHA1 colour tags.           *
0117 C  S   PYMIRM   to add on target remnants in mult. int.- new scheme  *
0118 C  S   PYFSCR   to perform final state colour reconnections - -"-    *
0119 C  S   PYDIFF   to set up kinematics for diffractive events          *
0120 C  S   PYDISG   to set up kinematics, remnant and showers for DIS    *
0121 C  S   PYDOCU   to compute cross-sections and handle documentation   *
0122 C  S   PYFRAM   to perform boosts between different frames           *
0123 C  S   PYWIDT   to calculate full and partial widths of resonances   *
0124 C  S   PYOFSH   to calculate partial width into off-shell channels   *
0125 C  S   PYRECO   to handle colour reconnection in W+W- events         *
0126 C  S   PYKLIM   to calculate borders of allowed kinematical region   *
0127 C  S   PYKMAP   to construct value of kinematical variable           *
0128 C  S   PYSIGH   to calculate differential cross-sections             *
0129 C  S   PYSGQC   auxiliary to PYSIGH for QCD processes                *
0130 C  S   PYSGHF   auxiliary to PYSIGH for heavy flavour processes      *
0131 C  S   PYSGWZ   auxiliary to PYSIGH for W and Z processes            *
0132 C  S   PYSGHG   auxiliary to PYSIGH for Higgs processes              *
0133 C  S   PYSGSU   auxiliary to PYSIGH for supersymmetry processes      *
0134 C  S   PYSGTC   auxiliary to PYSIGH for technicolor processes        *
0135 C  S   PYSGEX   auxiliary to PYSIGH for various exotic processes     *
0136 C  S   PYPDFU   to evaluate parton distributions                     *
0137 C  S   PYPDFL   to evaluate parton distributions at low x and Q^2    *
0138 C  S   PYPDEL   to evaluate electron parton distributions            *
0139 C  S   PYPDGA   to evaluate photon parton distributions (generic)    *
0140 C  S   PYGGAM   to evaluate photon parton distributions (SaS sets)   *
0141 C  S   PYGVMD   to evaluate VMD part of photon parton distributions  *
0142 C  S   PYGANO   to evaluate anomalous part of photon PDFs            *
0143 C  S   PYGBEH   to evaluate Bethe-Heitler part of photon PDFs        *
0144 C  S   PYGDIR   to evaluate direct contribution to photon PDFs       *
0145 C  S   PYPDPI   to evaluate pion parton distributions                *
0146 C  S   PYPDPR   to evaluate proton parton distributions              *
0147 C  F   PYCTEQ   to evaluate the CTEQ 3 proton parton distributions   *
0148 C  S   PYGRVL   to evaluate the GRV 94L proton parton distributions  *
0149 C  S   PYGRVM   to evaluate the GRV 94M proton parton distributions  *
0150 C  S   PYGRVD   to evaluate the GRV 94D proton parton distributions  *
0151 C  F   PYGRVV   auxiliary to the PYGRV* routines                     *
0152 C  F   PYGRVW   auxiliary to the PYGRV* routines                     *
0153 C  F   PYGRVS   auxiliary to the PYGRV* routines                     *
0154 C  F   PYCT5L   to evaluate the CTEQ 5L proton parton distributions  *
0155 C  F   PYCT5M   to evaluate the CTEQ 5M1 proton parton distributions *
0156 C  S   PYPDPO   to evaluate old proton parton distributions          *
0157 C  F   PYHFTH   to evaluate threshold factor for heavy flavour       *
0158 C  S   PYSPLI   to find flavours left in hadron when one removed     *
0159 C  F   PYGAMM   to evaluate ordinary Gamma function Gamma(x)         *
0160 C  S   PYWAUX   to evaluate auxiliary functions W1(s) and W2(s)      *
0161 C  S   PYI3AU   to evaluate auxiliary function I3(s,t,u,v)           *
0162 C  F   PYSPEN   to evaluate Spence (dilogarithm) function Sp(x)      *
0163 C  S   PYQQBH   to evaluate matrix element for g + g -> Q + Qbar + H *
0164 C  S   PYSTBH   to evaluate matrix element for t + b + H processes   *
0165 C  S   PYTBHB   auxiliary to PYSTBH                                  *
0166 C  S   PYTBHG   auxiliary to PYSTBH                                  *
0167 C  S   PYTBHQ   auxiliary to PYSTBH                                  *
0168 C  F   PYTBHS   auxiliary to PYSTBH                                  *
0169 C                                                                    *
0170 C  S   PYMSIN   to initialize the supersymmetry simulation           *
0171 C  S   PYSLHA   to interface to SUSY spectrum and decay calculators  *
0172 C  S   PYAPPS   to determine MSSM parameters from SUGRA input        *
0173 C  S   PYSUGI   to determine MSSM parameters using ISASUSY           *
0174 C  S   PYFEYN   to determine MSSM Higgs parameters using FEYNHIGGS   *
0175 C  F   PYRNMQ   to determine running squark masses                   *
0176 C  S   PYTHRG   to calculate sfermion third-gen. mass eigenstates    *
0177 C  S   PYINOM   to calculate neutralino/chargino mass eigenstates    *
0178 C  F   PYRNM3   to determine running M3, gluino mass                 *
0179 C  S   PYEIG4   to calculate eigenvalues and -vectors in 4*4 matrix  *
0180 C  S   PYHGGM   to determine Higgs mass spectrum                     *
0181 C  S   PYSUBH   to determine Higgs masses in the MSSM                *
0182 C  S   PYPOLE   to determine Higgs masses in the MSSM                *
0183 C  S   PYRGHM   auxiliary to PYPOLE                                  *
0184 C  S   PYGFXX   auxiliary to PYRGHM                                  *
0185 C  F   PYFINT   auxiliary to PYPOLE                                  *
0186 C  F   PYFISB   auxiliary to PYFINT                                  *
0187 C  S   PYSFDC   to calculate sfermion decay partial widths           *
0188 C  S   PYGLUI   to calculate gluino decay partial widths             *
0189 C  S   PYTBBN   to calculate 3-body decay of gluino to neutralino    *
0190 C  S   PYTBBC   to calculate 3-body decay of gluino to chargino      *
0191 C  S   PYNJDC   to calculate neutralino decay partial widths         *
0192 C  S   PYCJDC   to calculate chargino decay partial widths           *
0193 C  F   PYXXZ6   auxiliary for ino 3-body decays                      *
0194 C  F   PYXXGA   auxiliary for ino -> ino + gamma decay               *
0195 C  F   PYX2XG   auxiliary for ino -> ino + gauge boson decay         *
0196 C  F   PYX2XH   auxiliary for ino -> ino + Higgs decay               *
0197 C  S   PYHEXT   to calculate non-SM Higgs decay partial widths       *
0198 C  F   PYH2XX   auxiliary for H -> ino + ino decay                   *
0199 C  F   PYGAUS   to perform Gaussian integration                      *
0200 C  F   PYGAU2   copy of PYGAUS to allow two-dimensional integration  *
0201 C  F   PYSIMP   to perform Simpson integration                       *
0202 C  F   PYLAMF   to evaluate the lambda kinematics function           *
0203 C  S   PYTBDY   to perform 3-body decay of gauginos                  *
0204 C  S   PYTECM   to calculate techni_rho/omega masses                 *
0205 C  S   PYXDIN   to initialize Universal Extra Dimensions             *
0206 C  S   PYUEDC   to compute UED mass radiative corrections            *
0207 C  S   PYXUED   to compute UED cross sections                        *
0208 C  S   PYGRAM   to generate UED G* (excited graviton) mass spectrum  *
0209 C  F   PYGRAW   to compute UED partial widths to G*                  *
0210 C  F   PYWDKK   to compute UED differential partial widths to G*     *
0211 C  S   PYEICG   to calculate eigenvalues of a 4*4 complex matrix     *
0212 C  S   PYCMQR   auxiliary to PYEICG                                  *
0213 C  S   PYCMQ2   auxiliary to PYEICG                                  *
0214 C  S   PYCDIV   auxiliary to PYCMQR                                  *
0215 C  S   PYCSRT   auxiliary to PYCMQR                                  *
0216 C  S   PYTHAG   auxiliary to PYCMQR                                  *
0217 C  S   PYCBAL   auxiliary to PYEICG                                  *
0218 C  S   PYCBA2   auxiliary to PYEICG                                  *
0219 C  S   PYCRTH   auxiliary to PYEICG                                  *
0220 C  S   PYLDCM   auxiliary to PYSIGH, for technicolor in QCD 2 -> 2   *
0221 C  S   PYBKSB   auxiliary to PYSIGH, for technicolor in QCD 2 -> 2   *
0222 C  S   PYWIDX   to calculate decay widths from within PYWIDT         *
0223 C  S   PYRVSF   to calculate R-violating sfermion decay widths       *
0224 C  S   PYRVNE   to calculate R-violating neutralino decay widths     *
0225 C  S   PYRVCH   to calculate R-violating chargino decay widths       *
0226 C  S   PYRVGL   to calculate R-violating gluino decay widths         *
0227 C  F   PYRVSB   auxiliary to PYRVSF                                  *
0228 C  S   PYRVGW   to calculate R-Violating 3-body widths               *
0229 C  F   PYRVI1   auxiliary to PYRVGW, to do PS integration for res.   *
0230 C  F   PYRVI2   auxiliary to PYRVGW, to do PS integration for LR-int.*
0231 C  F   PYRVI3   auxiliary to PYRVGW, to do PS X integral for int.    *
0232 C  F   PYRVG1   auxiliary to PYRVI1, general matrix element, res.    *
0233 C  F   PYRVG2   auxiliary to PYRVI2, general matrix element, LR-int. *
0234 C  F   PYRVG3   auxiliary to PYRVI3, to do PS Y integral for int.    *
0235 C  F   PYRVG4   auxiliary to PYRVG3, general matrix element, int.    *
0236 C  F   PYRVR    auxiliary to PYRVG1, Breit-Wigner                    *
0237 C  F   PYRVS    auxiliary to PYRVG2 & PYRVG4                         *
0238 C                                                                    *
0239 C  S   PY1ENT   to fill one entry (= parton or particle)             *
0240 C  S   PY2ENT   to fill two entries                                  *
0241 C  S   PY3ENT   to fill three entries                                *
0242 C  S   PY4ENT   to fill four entries                                 *
0243 C  S   PY2FRM   to interface to generic two-fermion generator        *
0244 C  S   PY4FRM   to interface to generic four-fermion generator       *
0245 C  S   PY6FRM   to interface to generic six-fermion generator        *
0246 C  S   PY4JET   to generate a shower from a given 4-parton config    *
0247 C  S   PY4JTW   to evaluate the weight od a shower history for above *
0248 C  S   PY4JTS   to set up the parton configuration for above         *
0249 C  S   PYJOIN   to connect entries with colour flow information      *
0250 C  S   PYGIVE   to fill (or query) commonblock variables             *
0251 C  S   PYONOF   to allow easy control of particle decay modes        *
0252 C  S   PYTUNE   to select a predefined 'tune' for min-bias and UE    *
0253 C  S   PYEXEC   to administrate fragmentation and decay chain        *
0254 C  S   PYPREP   to rearrange showered partons along strings          *
0255 C  S   PYSTRF   to do string fragmentation of jet system             *
0256 C  S   PYJURF   to find boost to string junction rest frame          *
0257 C  S   PYINDF   to do independent fragmentation of one or many jets  *
0258 C  S   PYDECY   to do the decay of a particle                        *
0259 C  S   PYDCYK   to select parton and hadron flavours in decays       *
0260 C  S   PYKFDI   to select parton and hadron flavours in fragm        *
0261 C  S   PYNMES   to select number of popcorn mesons                   *
0262 C  S   PYKFIN   to calculate falvour prod. ratios from input params. *
0263 C  S   PYPTDI   to select transverse momenta in fragm                *
0264 C  S   PYZDIS   to select longitudinal scaling variable in fragm     *
0265 C  S   PYSHOW   to do m-ordered timelike parton shower evolution     *
0266 C  S   PYPTFS   to do pT-ordered timelike parton shower evolution    *
0267 C  F   PYMAEL   auxiliary to PYSHOW & PYPTFS: gluon emission ME's    *
0268 C  S   PYBOEI   to include Bose-Einstein effects (crudely)           *
0269 C  S   PYBESQ   auxiliary to PYBOEI                                  *
0270 C  F   PYMASS   to give the mass of a particle or parton             *
0271 C  F   PYMRUN   to give the running MSbar mass of a quark            *
0272 C  S   PYNAME   to give the name of a particle or parton             *
0273 C  F   PYCHGE   to give three times the electric charge              *
0274 C  F   PYCOMP   to compress standard KF flavour code to internal KC  *
0275 C  S   PYERRM   to write error messages and abort faulty run         *
0276 C  F   PYALEM   to give the alpha_electromagnetic value              *
0277 C  F   PYALPS   to give the alpha_strong value                       *
0278 C  F   PYANGL   to give the angle from known x and y components      *
0279 C  F   PYR      to provide a random number generator                 *
0280 C  S   PYRGET   to save the state of the random number generator     *
0281 C  S   PYRSET   to set the state of the random number generator      *
0282 C  S   PYROBO   to rotate and/or boost an event                      *
0283 C  S   PYEDIT   to remove unwanted entries from record               *
0284 C  S   PYLIST   to list event record or particle data                *
0285 C  S   PYLOGO   to write a logo                                      *
0286 C  S   PYUPDA   to update particle data                              *
0287 C  F   PYK      to provide integer-valued event information          *
0288 C  F   PYP      to provide real-valued event information             *
0289 C  S   PYSPHE   to perform sphericity analysis                       *
0290 C  S   PYTHRU   to perform thrust analysis                           *
0291 C  S   PYCLUS   to perform three-dimensional cluster analysis        *
0292 C  S   PYCELL   to perform cluster analysis in (eta, phi, E_T)       *
0293 C  S   PYJMAS   to give high and low jet mass of event               *
0294 C  S   PYFOWO   to give Fox-Wolfram moments                          *
0295 C  S   PYTABU   to analyze events, with tabular output               *
0296 C                                                                    *
0297 C  S   PYEEVT   to administrate the generation of an e+e- event      *
0298 C  S   PYXTEE   to give the total cross-section at given CM energy   *
0299 C  S   PYRADK   to generate initial state photon radiation           *
0300 C  S   PYXKFL   to select flavour of primary qqbar pair              *
0301 C  S   PYXJET   to select (matrix element) jet multiplicity          *
0302 C  S   PYX3JT   to select kinematics of three-jet event              *
0303 C  S   PYX4JT   to select kinematics of four-jet event               *
0304 C  S   PYXDIF   to select angular orientation of event               *
0305 C  S   PYONIA   to perform generation of onium decay to gluons       *
0306 C                                                                    *
0307 C  S   PYBOOK   to book a histogram                                  *
0308 C  S   PYFILL   to fill an entry in a histogram                      *
0309 C  S   PYFACT   to multiply histogram contents by a factor           *
0310 C  S   PYOPER   to perform operations between histograms             *
0311 C  S   PYHIST   to print and reset all histograms                    *
0312 C  S   PYPLOT   to print a single histogram                          *
0313 C  S   PYNULL   to reset contents of a single histogram              *
0314 C  S   PYDUMP   to dump histogram contents onto a file               *
0315 C                                                                    *
0316 C  S   PYSTOP   routine to handle Fortran STOP condition             *
0317 C                                                                    *
0318 C  S   PYKCUT   dummy routine for user kinematical cuts              *
0319 C  S   PYEVWT   dummy routine for weighting events                   *
0320 C  S   UPINIT   dummy routine to initialize user processes           *
0321 C  S   UPEVNT   dummy routine to generate a user process event       *
0322 C  S   UPVETO   dummy routine to abort event at parton level         *
0323 C  S   PDFSET   dummy routine to be removed when using PDFLIB        *
0324 C  S   STRUCTM  dummy routine to be removed when using PDFLIB        *
0325 C  S   STRUCTP  dummy routine to be removed when using PDFLIB        *
0326 C  S   SUGRA    dummy routine to be removed when linking with ISAJET *
0327 C  F   VISAJE   dummy functn. to be removed when linking with ISAJET *
0328 C  S   SSMSSM   dummy routine to be removed when linking with ISAJET *
0329 C  S   FHSETFLAGS  dummy routine          -"-              FEYNHIGGS *
0330 C  S   FHSETPARA   dummy routine          -"-              FEYNHIGGS *
0331 C  S   FHHIGGSCORR dummy routine          -"-              FEYNHIGGS *
0332 C  S   PYTAUD   dummy routine for interface to tau decay libraries   *
0333 C  S   PYTIME   dummy routine for giving date and time               *
0334 C                                                                    *
0335 C*********************************************************************
0338 C...PYDATA
0339 C...Default values for switches and parameters,
0340 C...and particle, decay and process data.
0344 C...Double precision and integer declarations.
0348 C...Commonblocks.
0349       COMMON/PYDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200)
0350       COMMON/PYDAT2/KCHG(500,4),PMAS(500,4),PARF(2000),VCKM(4,4)
0351       COMMON/PYDAT3/MDCY(500,3),MDME(8000,2),BRAT(8000),KFDP(8000,5)
0352       COMMON/PYDAT4/CHAF(500,2)
0353       CHARACTER CHAF*16
0354       COMMON/PYDATR/MRPY(6),RRPY(100)
0355       COMMON/PYSUBS/MSEL,MSELPD,MSUB(500),KFIN(2,-40:40),CKIN(200)
0356       COMMON/PYPARS/MSTP(200),PARP(200),MSTI(200),PARI(200)
0357       COMMON/PYINT1/MINT(400),VINT(400)
0358       COMMON/PYINT2/ISET(500),KFPR(500,2),COEF(500,20),ICOL(40,4,2)
0359       COMMON/PYINT3/XSFX(2,-40:40),ISIG(1000,3),SIGH(1000)
0360       COMMON/PYINT4/MWID(500),WIDS(500,5)
0361       COMMON/PYINT5/NGENPD,NGEN(0:500,3),XSEC(0:500,3)
0362       COMMON/PYINT6/PROC(0:500)
0363       CHARACTER PROC*28
0364       COMMON/PYINT7/SIGT(0:6,0:6,0:5)
0365       COMMON/PYMSSM/IMSS(0:99),RMSS(0:99)
0366       COMMON/PYSSMT/ZMIX(4,4),UMIX(2,2),VMIX(2,2),SMZ(4),SMW(2),
0367      &SFMIX(16,4),ZMIXI(4,4),UMIXI(2,2),VMIXI(2,2)
0368       COMMON/PYMSRV/RVLAM(3,3,3), RVLAMP(3,3,3), RVLAMB(3,3,3)
0369       COMMON/PYTCSM/ITCM(0:99),RTCM(0:99)
0370       COMMON/PYPUED/IUED(0:99),RUED(0:99)
0371       COMMON/PYBINS/IHIST(4),INDX(1000),BIN(20000)
0372       COMMON/PYLH3P/MODSEL(200),PARMIN(100),PAREXT(200),RMSOFT(0:100),
0373      &     AU(3,3),AD(3,3),AE(3,3)
0374       COMMON/PYLH3C/CPRO(2),CVER(2)
0375       CHARACTER CPRO*12,CVER*12
0377      &/PYPARS/,/PYINT1/,/PYINT2/,/PYINT3/,/PYINT4/,/PYINT5/,
0379      &/PYBINS/,/PYLH3P/,/PYLH3C/
0381 C...PYDAT1, containing status codes and most parameters.
0382       DATA MSTU/
0383      &   0,    0,    0, 4000,10000,  500, 8000,    0,    0,    2,
0384      1   6,    0,    1,    0,    0,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0385      2   2,   10,    0,    0,    1,   10,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0386      3   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0387      4   2,    2,    1,    4,    2,    1,    1,    0,    0,    0,
0388      5  25,   24,    0,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0389      6   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0390      7  30*0,
0391      1   1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0392      2   1,    5,    3,    5,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0393      &  80*0/
0394       DATA (PARU(I),I=1,100)/
0395      &  3.141592653589793D0, 6.283185307179586D0,
0396      &  0.197327D0, 5.06773D0, 0.389380D0, 2.56819D0,  4*0D0,
0397      1  0.001D0, 0.09D0, 0.01D0, 2D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0398      2  0D0,   0D0,   0D0,   0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,
0399      3  0D0,   0D0,   0D0,   0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,
0400      4  2.0D0,  1.0D0, 0.25D0,  2.5D0, 0.05D0,
0401      4  0D0,   0D0, 0.0001D0, 0D0,   0D0,
0402      5  2.5D0,1.5D0,7.0D0,1.0D0,0.5D0,2.0D0,3.2D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0403      6  40*0D0/
0404       DATA (PARU(I),I=101,200)/
0405      &  0.00729735D0, 0.232D0, 0.007764D0, 1.0D0, 1.16639D-5,
0406      &  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,  0D0,
0407      1  0.20D0, 0.25D0, 1.0D0, 4.0D0, 10D0, 0D0, 0D0,  0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0408      2 -0.693D0, -1.0D0, 0.387D0, 1.0D0, -0.08D0,
0409      2 -1.0D0,  1.0D0,  1.0D0,  1.0D0,  0D0,
0410      3  1.0D0,-1.0D0, 1.0D0,-1.0D0, 1.0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0411      4  5.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0,  0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0,  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0412      5  1.0D0,   0D0,   0D0,   0D0,   0D0,   0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0413      6  1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0414      7  1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0D0,0D0,0D0,
0415      8  1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0D0,0D0,0D0,
0416      9  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 1.0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0/
0417       DATA MSTJ/
0418      &  1,    3,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0419      1  4,    2,    0,    1,    0,    2,    2,   20,    0,    0,
0420      2  2,    1,    1,    2,    1,    2,    2,    0,    0,    0,
0421      3  0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0422      4  2,    2,    4,    2,    5,    3,    3,    0,    0,    3,
0423      5  0,    3,    0,    2,    0,    0,    1,    0,    0,    0,
0424      6  40*0,
0425      &  5,    2,    7,    5,    1,    1,    0,    2,    0,    2,
0426      1  0,    0,    0,    0,    1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,
0427      2  80*0/
0428       DATA PARJ/
0429      &  0.10D0, 0.30D0, 0.40D0, 0.05D0, 0.50D0,
0430      &  0.50D0, 0.50D0,   0.6D0,   1.2D0,   0.6D0,
0431      1  0.50D0,0.60D0,0.75D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0D0,
0432      2  0.36D0, 1.0D0,0.01D0, 2.0D0,1.0D0,0.4D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0433      3  0.10D0, 1.0D0, 0.8D0, 1.5D0,0D0,2.0D0,0.2D0, 0D0,0.08D0,1D0,
0434      4  0.3D0, 0.58D0, 0.5D0, 0.9D0,0.5D0,1.0D0,1.0D0,1.5D0,1D0,10D0,
0435      5  0.77D0, 0.77D0, 0.77D0, -0.05D0, -0.005D0,
0436      5  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 1.0D0, 0D0,
0437      6  4.5D0, 0.7D0, 0D0,0.003D0, 0.5D0, 0.5D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0438      7  10D0, 1000D0, 100D0, 1000D0, 0D0, 0.7D0,10D0, 0D0,0D0,0.5D0,
0439      8  0.29D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0,  0D0,  10D0, 10D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,1D-4,
0440      9  0.02D0, 1.0D0, 0.2D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
0441      &  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,   0D0,   0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,
0442      1  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,   0D0,   0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,
0443      2  1.0D0, 0.25D0,91.187D0,2.489D0, 0.01D0,
0444      2  2.0D0,  1.0D0, 0.25D0,0.002D0,   0D0,
0445      3  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0.01D0, 0.99D0, 0D0, 0D0,  0.2D0,   0D0,
0446      4  10*0D0,
0447      5  10*0D0,
0448      6  10*0D0,
0449      7  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, -0.693D0,
0450      8 -1.0D0, 0.387D0, 1.0D0, -0.08D0, -1.0D0,
0451      8  1.0D0,  1.0D0, -0.693D0, -1.0D0, 0.387D0,
0452      9  1.0D0, -0.08D0, -1.0D0,   1.0D0, 1.0D0,
0453      9  5*0D0/
0455 C...PYDAT2, with particle data and flavour treatment parameters.
0456       DATA (KCHG(I,1),I=   1, 500)/-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,2*0,-3,0,-3,0,   
0457      &-3,0,-3,6*0,3,9*0,3,2*0,3,4*0,-1,41*0,2,-1,20*0,3*3,7*0,3*3,3*0,  
0458      &3*3,3*0,3*3,6*0,3*3,3*0,3*3,4*0,-2,-3,2*1,2*0,4,2*3,6,2*-2,2*-3,  
0459      &0,2*1,2*0,2*3,-2,2*-3,2*0,-3,2*1,2*0,3,0,2*4,2*3,2*6,3,2*1,2*0,   
0460      &2*3,2*0,4,2*3,2*6,2*3,6,2*-2,2*-3,0,-3,0,2*1,2*0,2*3,0,3,2*-2,    
0461      &2*-3,2*0,2*-3,0,2*1,2*0,2*3,2*0,2*3,-2,2*-3,2*0,2*-3,2*0,-3,2*0,  
0462      &2*3,4*0,2*3,2*0,2*3,2*0,2*3,4*0,2*3,2*0,2*3,3*0,3,2*0,3,0,3,0,3,  
0463      &2*0,3,0,3,3*0,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,-3,0,-3,0,-3,4*0,3,2*0,3,0,-1,2,-1,  
0464      &2,-1,2,-3,0,-3,0,-3,2*0,3,3*0,3,8*0,-1,2,-3,6*0,3,2*6,0,3,4*0,3,  
0465      &7*0,3,
0466 C...UED singlet and doublet quarks, leptons, and KK g, gamma, Z, and W
0467      &81*0,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2, 
0468      &3*-3,0,-3,0,-3,0,-3,
0469      &3*0,3, 
0470      &25*0/
0471       DATA (KCHG(I,2),I=   1, 500)/8*1,12*0,2,20*0,1,107*0,-1,0,2*-1,   
0472      &2*0,-1,3*0,2*-1,3*0,2*-1,4*0,-1,5*0,2*-1,4*0,2*-1,5*0,2*-1,6*0,   
0473      &-1,7*0,2*-1,5*0,2*-1,6*0,2*-1,7*0,2*-1,8*0,-1,56*0,6*1,6*0,2,7*0, 
0474      &6*1,9*0,2,3*0,2,0,5*2,2*1,17*0,6*2,
0475      &83*0,12*1,9*0,2,3*0,25*0/
0476       DATA (KCHG(I,3),I=   1, 500)/8*1,2*0,8*1,5*0,1,9*0,1,2*0,1,3*0,   
0477      &2*1,39*0,1,0,2*1,20*0,3*1,4*0,6*1,3*0,9*1,3*0,12*1,4*0,100*1,2*0, 
0478      &2*1,2*0,4*1,2*0,6*1,2*0,8*1,3*0,1,0,2*1,0,3*1,0,4*1,3*0,12*1,3*0, 
0479      &1,2*0,1,0,12*1,0,1,3*0,1,8*0,4*1,5*0,3*1,0,1,3*0,2*1,7*0,1,
0480      &81*0,21*1,3*0,1,25*0/
0481       DATA (KCHG(I,4),I=   1, 290)/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, 
0482      &16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,   
0483      &37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,   
0484      &58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,   
0485      &79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,   
0486      &100,110,111,113,115,130,211,213,215,221,223,225,310,311,313,315,  
0487      &321,323,325,331,333,335,411,413,415,421,423,425,431,433,435,441,  
0488      &443,445,511,513,515,521,523,525,531,533,535,541,543,545,551,553,  
0489      &555,990,1103,1114,2101,2103,2112,2114,2203,2212,2214,2224,3101,   
0490      &3103,3112,3114,3122,3201,3203,3212,3214,3222,3224,3303,3312,3314, 
0491      &3322,3324,3334,4101,4103,4112,4114,4122,4132,4201,4203,4212,4214, 
0492      &4222,4224,4232,4301,4303,4312,4314,4322,4324,4332,4334,4403,4412, 
0493      &4414,4422,4424,4432,4434,4444,5101,5103,5112,5114,5122,5132,5142, 
0494      &5201,5203,5212,5214,5222,5224,5232,5242,5301,5303,5312,5314,5322, 
0495      &5324,5332,5334,5342,5401,5403,5412,5414,5422,5424,5432,5434,5442, 
0496      &5444,5503,5512,5514,5522,5524,5532,5534,5542,5544,5554,10111,     
0497      &10113,10211,10213,10221,10223,10311,10313,10321,10323,10331,      
0498      &10333,10411,10413,10421,10423,10431,10433,10441,10443,10511,      
0499      &10513,10521,10523,10531,10533,10541,10543,10551,10553,20113,      
0500      &20213,20223,20313,20323,20333,20413,20423,20433,20443,20513/      
0501       DATA (KCHG(I,4),I= 291, 500)/20523,20533,20543,20553,100443,      
0502      &100553,1000001,1000002,1000003,1000004,1000005,1000006,1000011,   
0503      &1000012,1000013,1000014,1000015,1000016,1000021,1000022,1000023,  
0504      &1000024,1000025,1000035,1000037,1000039,2000001,2000002,2000003,  
0505      &2000004,2000005,2000006,2000011,2000012,2000013,2000014,2000015,  
0506      &2000016,3000111,3000211,3000221,3000331,3000113,3000213,3000223,  
0507      &3100021,3100111,3200111,3100113,3200113,3300113,3400113,4000001,  
0508      &4000002,4000011,4000012,5000039,9900012,9900014,9900016,9900023,  
0509      &9900024,9900041,9900042,9900110,9900210,9900220,9900330,9900440,  
0510      &9902110,9902210,9900443,9900441,9910441,9900553,9900551,9910551,  
0511      &3000115,3000215,
0512      &81*0,
0513 C...UED singlet and doublet quarks and leptons, and KK g, gamma, Z, and W.
0514      &6100001,6100002,6100003,6100004,6100005,6100006, 
0515      &5100001,5100002,5100003,5100004,5100005,5100006, 
0516      &6100011,6100013,6100015,
0517      &5100012,5100011,5100014,5100013,5100016,5100015, 
0518      &5100021,5100022,5100023,5100024,
0519      &25*0/ 
0520       DATA (PMAS(I,1),I=   1, 217)/2*0.33D0,0.5D0,1.5D0,4.8D0,175D0,    
0521      &2*400D0,2*0D0,0.00051D0,0D0,0.10566D0,0D0,1.777D0,0D0,400D0,      
0522      &5*0D0,91.188D0,80.45D0,115D0,6*0D0,500D0,900D0,500D0,3*300D0,     
0523      &3*0D0,5000D0,200D0,40*0D0,1D0,2D0,5D0,16*0D0,0.13498D0,0.7685D0,  
0524      &1.318D0,0.49767D0,0.13957D0,0.7669D0,1.318D0,0.54745D0,0.78194D0, 
0525      &1.275D0,2*0.49767D0,0.8961D0,1.432D0,0.4936D0,0.8916D0,1.425D0,   
0526      &0.95777D0,1.0194D0,1.525D0,1.8693D0,2.01D0,2.46D0,1.8645D0,       
0527      &2.0067D0,2.46D0,1.9685D0,2.1124D0,2.5735D0,2.9798D0,3.09688D0,    
0528      &3.5562D0,5.2792D0,5.3248D0,5.83D0,5.2789D0,5.3248D0,5.83D0,       
0529      &5.3693D0,5.4163D0,6.07D0,6.594D0,6.602D0,7.35D0,9.4D0,9.4603D0,   
0530      &9.9132D0,0D0,0.77133D0,1.234D0,0.57933D0,0.77133D0,0.93957D0,     
0531      &1.233D0,0.77133D0,0.93827D0,1.232D0,1.231D0,0.80473D0,0.92953D0,  
0532      &1.19744D0,1.3872D0,1.11568D0,0.80473D0,0.92953D0,1.19255D0,       
0533      &1.3837D0,1.18937D0,1.3828D0,1.09361D0,1.3213D0,1.535D0,1.3149D0,  
0534      &1.5318D0,1.67245D0,1.96908D0,2.00808D0,2.4521D0,2.5D0,2.2849D0,   
0535      &2.4703D0,1.96908D0,2.00808D0,2.4535D0,2.5D0,2.4529D0,2.5D0,       
0536      &2.4656D0,2.15432D0,2.17967D0,2.55D0,2.63D0,2.55D0,2.63D0,2.704D0, 
0537      &2.8D0,3.27531D0,3.59798D0,3.65648D0,3.59798D0,3.65648D0,          
0538      &3.78663D0,3.82466D0,4.91594D0,5.38897D0,5.40145D0,5.8D0,5.81D0,   
0539      &5.641D0,5.84D0,7.00575D0,5.38897D0,5.40145D0,5.8D0,5.81D0,5.8D0/  
0540       DATA (PMAS(I,1),I= 218, 500)/5.81D0,5.84D0,7.00575D0,5.56725D0,   
0541      &5.57536D0,5.96D0,5.97D0,5.96D0,5.97D0,6.12D0,6.13D0,7.19099D0,    
0542      &6.67143D0,6.67397D0,7.03724D0,7.0485D0,7.03724D0,7.0485D0,        
0543      &7.21101D0,7.219D0,8.30945D0,8.31325D0,10.07354D0,10.42272D0,      
0544      &10.44144D0,10.42272D0,10.44144D0,10.60209D0,10.61426D0,           
0545      &11.70767D0,11.71147D0,15.11061D0,0.9835D0,1.231D0,0.9835D0,       
0546      &1.231D0,1D0,1.17D0,1.429D0,1.29D0,1.429D0,1.29D0,2*1.4D0,2.272D0, 
0547      &2.424D0,2.272D0,2.424D0,2.5D0,2.536D0,3.4151D0,3.46D0,5.68D0,     
0548      &5.73D0,5.68D0,5.73D0,5.92D0,5.97D0,7.25D0,7.3D0,9.8598D0,9.875D0, 
0549      &2*1.23D0,1.282D0,2*1.402D0,1.427D0,2*2.372D0,2.56D0,3.5106D0,     
0550      &2*5.78D0,6.02D0,7.3D0,9.8919D0,3.686D0,10.0233D0,32*500D0,        
0551      &3*110D0,350D0,3*210D0,500D0,125D0,250D0,400D0,2*350D0,300D0,      
0552      &4*400D0,1000D0,3*500D0,1200D0,750D0,2*200D0,7*0D0,3*3.1D0,        
0553      &3*9.5D0,2*250D0,
0554      &81*0,
0555 C...UED
0556      &586.,588.,586.,588.,586.,586.,6*598.,
0557      &3*505.,6*516.,640.,501.,536.,536.,25*0.D0/
0558       DATA (PMAS(I,2),I=   1, 500)/5*0D0,1.39816D0,16*0D0,2.47813D0,    
0559      &2.07115D0,0.00367D0,6*0D0,14.54029D0,0D0,16.66099D0,8.38842D0,    
0560      &3.3752D0,4.17669D0,3*0D0,417.29147D0,0.39162D0,60*0D0,0.151D0,   
0561      &0.107D0,2*0D0,0.149D0,0.107D0,0D0,0.00843D0,0.185D0,2*0D0,        
0562      &0.0505D0,0.109D0,0D0,0.0498D0,0.098D0,0.0002D0,0.00443D0,0.076D0, 
0563      &2*0D0,0.023D0,2*0D0,0.023D0,2*0D0,0.015D0,0.0013D0,0D0,0.002D0,   
0564      &2*0D0,0.02D0,2*0D0,0.02D0,2*0D0,0.02D0,2*0D0,0.02D0,5*0D0,0.12D0, 
0565      &3*0D0,0.12D0,2*0D0,2*0.12D0,3*0D0,0.0394D0,4*0D0,0.036D0,0D0,     
0566      &0.0358D0,2*0D0,0.0099D0,0D0,0.0091D0,74*0D0,0.06D0,0.142D0,       
0567      &0.06D0,0.142D0,0D0,0.36D0,0.287D0,0.09D0,0.287D0,0.09D0,0.25D0,   
0568      &0.08D0,0.05D0,0.02D0,0.05D0,0.02D0,0.05D0,0D0,0.014D0,0.01D0,     
0569      &8*0.05D0,0D0,0.01D0,2*0.4D0,0.025D0,2*0.174D0,0.053D0,3*0.05D0,   
0570      &0.0009D0,4*0.05D0,3*0D0,19*1D0,0D0,7*1D0,0D0,1D0,0D0,1D0,0D0,     
0571      &0.0208D0,0.01195D0,0.03705D0,0.09511D0,1.89978D0,1.60746D0,       
0572      &0.13396D0,200.47294D0,0.02296D0,0.18886D0,94.66794D0,6.08718D0,   
0573      &0D0,2.17482D0,2.59359D0,2.59687D0,0.42896D0,0.41912D0,0.14153D0,  
0574      &2*0.00098D0,0.00097D0,26.7245D0,21.74916D0,0.88159D0,0.88001D0,   
0575      &7*0D0,6*0.01D0,0.25499D0,0.28446D0,131*0D0/                       
0576       DATA (PMAS(I,3),I=   1, 500)/5*0D0,13.98156D0,16*0D0,24.78129D0,  
0577      &20.71149D0,0.03669D0,6*0D0,145.40294D0,0D0,166.60993D0,           
0578      &83.88423D0,33.75195D0,41.76694D0,3*0D0,4172.91467D0,3.91621D0,    
0579      &60*0D0,0.4D0,0.25D0,2*0D0,0.4D0,0.25D0,0D0,0.1D0,0.17D0,2*0D0,    
0580      &0.2D0,0.12D0,0D0,0.2D0,0.12D0,0.002D0,0.015D0,0.2D0,2*0D0,0.12D0, 
0581      &2*0D0,0.12D0,2*0D0,0.05D0,0.005D0,0D0,0.01D0,2*0D0,0.05D0,2*0D0,  
0582      &0.05D0,2*0D0,0.05D0,2*0D0,0.05D0,5*0D0,0.14D0,3*0D0,0.14D0,2*0D0, 
0583      &2*0.14D0,3*0D0,0.04D0,4*0D0,0.035D0,0D0,0.035D0,2*0D0,0.05D0,0D0, 
0584      &0.05D0,74*0D0,0.05D0,0.25D0,0.05D0,0.25D0,0D0,0.2D0,0.4D0,        
0585      &0.005D0,0.4D0,0.01D0,0.35D0,0.001D0,0.1D0,0.08D0,0.1D0,0.08D0,    
0586      &0.1D0,0D0,0.05D0,0.02D0,6*0.1D0,0.05D0,0.1D0,0D0,0.02D0,2*0.3D0,  
0587      &0.05D0,2*0.3D0,0.02D0,2*0.1D0,0.03D0,0.001D0,4*0.1D0,3*0D0,       
0588      &19*10D0,0.00001D0,7*10D0,0.00001D0,10D0,0.00001D0,10D0,0.00001D0, 
0589      &0.20797D0,0.11949D0,0.37048D0,0.95114D0,18.99785D0,16.07463D0,    
0590      &1.33964D0,450D0,0.22959D0,1.88863D0,360D0,60.8718D0,0D0,          
0591      &21.74824D0,25.93594D0,25.96873D0,4.28961D0,4.19124D0,1.41528D0,   
0592      &0.00977D0,0.00976D0,0.00973D0,267.24501D0,217.49162D0,8.81592D0,  
0593      &8.80013D0,13*0D0,2.54987D0,2.84456D0,
0594      &81*0,
0595 C...UED
0596      &12*0.2D0,9*0.1D0,0.2,10.,0.07,0.3,25*0.D0/
0597       DATA (PMAS(I,4),I=   1, 500)/12*0D0,658654D0,0D0,0.0872D0,68*0D0, 
0598      &0.1D0,0.387D0,16*0D0,0.00003D0,2*0D0,15500D0,7804.5D0,5*0D0,      
0599      &26.762D0,3*0D0,3709D0,5*0D0,0.317D0,2*0D0,0.1244D0,2*0D0,0.14D0,  
0600      &5*0D0,0.468D0,2*0D0,0.462D0,2*0D0,0.483D0,2*0D0,0.15D0,18*0D0,    
0601      &44.34D0,0D0,78.88D0,4*0D0,23.96D0,2*0D0,49.1D0,0D0,87.1D0,0D0,    
0602      &24.6D0,4*0D0,0.0618D0,0.029D0,6*0D0,0.106D0,6*0D0,0.019D0,2*0D0,  
0603      &7*0.1D0,4*0D0,0.342D0,2*0.387D0,6*0D0,2*0.387D0,6*0D0,0.387D0,    
0604      &0D0,0.387D0,2*0D0,8*0.387D0,0D0,9*0.387D0,120*0D0,131*0D0/        
0606       DATA PARF/
0607      &  0.5D0,0.25D0, 0.5D0,0.25D0, 1D0, 0.5D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0,
0608      1  0.5D0,  0D0, 0.5D0,  0D0,  1D0,  1D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0,
0609      2  0.5D0,  0D0, 0.5D0,  0D0,  1D0,  1D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0,
0610      3  0.5D0,  0D0, 0.5D0,  0D0,  1D0,  1D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0,
0611      4  0.5D0,  0D0, 0.5D0,  0D0,  1D0,  1D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0,
0612      5  0.5D0,  0D0, 0.5D0,  0D0,  1D0,  1D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0,
0613      6  0.75D0, 0.5D0, 0D0,0.1667D0,0.0833D0,0.1667D0,0D0,0D0,0D0, 0D0,
0614      7  0D0,  0D0,  1D0,0.3333D0,0.6667D0,0.3333D0,0D0,0D0,0D0, 0D0,
0615      8  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0,
0616      9  0.0099D0, 0.0056D0, 0.199D0, 1.23D0, 4.17D0, 165D0,  4*0D0,
0617      & 0.325D0,0.325D0,0.5D0,1.6D0, 5.0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0,
0618      1 0D0,0.11D0,0.16D0,0.048D0,0.50D0,0.45D0,0.55D0,0.60D0,0D0,0D0,
0619      2 0.2D0, 0.1D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0,  0D0, 0D0,
0620      3 60*0D0,
0621      4 0.2D0,  0.5D0,  8*0D0,
0622      5 1800*0D0/
0623       DATA ((VCKM(I,J),J=1,4),I=1,4)/
0624      &  0.95113D0,  0.04884D0,  0.00003D0,  0.00000D0,
0625      &  0.04884D0,  0.94940D0,  0.00176D0,  0.00000D0,
0626      &  0.00003D0,  0.00176D0,  0.99821D0,  0.00000D0,
0627      &  0.00000D0,  0.00000D0,  0.00000D0,  1.00000D0/
0629 C...PYDAT3, with particle decay parameters and data.
0630       DATA (MDCY(I,1),I=   1, 500)/5*0,3*1,6*0,1,0,1,5*0,3*1,6*0,1,0,   
0631      &4*1,3*0,2*1,40*0,3*1,16*0,3*1,2*0,9*1,0,32*1,2*0,1,3*0,1,2*0,2*1, 
0632      &2*0,3*1,2*0,4*1,0,5*1,2*0,4*1,2*0,5*1,2*0,6*1,0,7*1,2*0,5*1,2*0,  
0633      &6*1,2*0,7*1,2*0,8*1,0,75*1,0,7*1,0,1,0,1,0,26*1,7*0,8*1,
0634      &81*0,
0635 C...UED
0636      &5*1,0,5*1,0,13*1,25*0/
0637       DATA (MDCY(I,2),I=   1, 351)/1,9,17,25,33,41,56,66,2*0,76,80,82,  
0638      &87,89,143,145,150,2*0,153,162,174,190,210,6*0,289,0,311,334,420,  
0639      &503,3*0,530,539,40*0,540,541,545,16*0,554,556,561,570,579,581,    
0640      &583,590,598,604,613,615,617,620,630,636,639,650,656,667,673,736,  
0641      &739,747,808,810,818,851,853,857,858,861,863,899,900,908,944,945,  
0642      &953,992,993,997,1028,1029,1033,1034,1043,2*0,1045,3*0,1046,2*0,   
0643      &1049,1052,2*0,1053,1055,1058,2*0,1062,1063,1066,1069,0,1072,1077, 
0644      &1079,1082,1084,2*0,1088,1089,1090,1166,2*0,1170,1171,1172,1173,   
0645      &1174,2*0,1178,1179,1181,1182,1184,1188,0,1189,1193,1197,1201,     
0646      &1205,1209,1213,2*0,1217,1218,1219,1236,1245,2*0,1254,1255,1256,   
0647      &1257,1258,1267,2*0,1276,1277,1278,1279,1280,1289,1290,2*0,1299,   
0648      &1308,1317,1326,1335,1344,1353,1362,0,1371,1380,1389,1398,1407,    
0649      &1416,1425,1434,1443,1452,1453,1454,1455,1456,1461,1464,1466,1471, 
0650      &1473,1478,1485,1489,1491,1493,1495,1497,1499,1501,1503,1504,1506, 
0651      &1508,1510,1512,1514,1516,1518,1520,1522,1523,1525,1527,1541,1543, 
0652      &1545,1549,1551,1553,1555,1557,1559,1561,1563,1565,1567,1578,1592, 
0653      &1637,1661,1706,1730,1775,1802,1833,1859,1891,1917,1949,1975,2162, 
0654      &2331,2595,2826,3106,3402,0,3657,3706,3734,3783,3811,3860,3888,0,  
0655      &3924,0,3960,0,3996,4004,4012,4020,4217,4243,4270,4023,4029,4036,  
0656      &4043,4050,4056,4062,4071,4075,4079,4082,4084,4104,4126,4148,4170/ 
0657       DATA (MDCY(I,2),I= 352, 500)/4185,4197,4204,7*0,4211,4212,4213,   
0658      &4214,4215,4216,4296,4322,
0659      &81*0,
0660 C...UED
0661      %5001,5003,5005,5007,5009,5011,5013,5016,5019,5022,5025,5028,
0662      &5031,5032,5033,
0663      &5034,5035,5036,5037,5038,5039,5040,5064,5065,5083,
0664      &25*0/
0665       DATA (MDCY(I,3),I=   1, 500)/5*8,15,2*10,2*0,4,2,5,2,54,2,5,3,    
0666      &2*0,9,12,16,20,79,6*0,22,0,23,86,83,27,3*0,9,1,40*0,1,4,9,16*0,2, 
0667      &5,2*9,2*2,7,8,6,9,2*2,3,10,6,3,11,6,11,6,63,3,8,61,2,8,33,2,4,1,  
0668      &3,2,36,1,8,36,1,8,39,1,4,31,1,4,1,9,2,2*0,1,3*0,3,2*0,3,1,2*0,2,  
0669      &3,4,2*0,1,3*3,0,5,2,3,2,4,2*0,2*1,76,4,2*0,4*1,4,2*0,1,2,1,2,4,1, 
0670      &0,7*4,2*0,2*1,17,2*9,2*0,4*1,2*9,2*0,4*1,9,1,9,2*0,8*9,0,9*9,4*1, 
0671      &5,3,2,5,2,5,7,4,7*2,1,9*2,1,2*2,14,2*2,4,9*2,11,14,45,24,45,24,   
0672      &45,27,31,26,32,26,32,26,187,169,264,231,280,296,255,0,49,28,49,   
0673      &28,49,28,36,0,36,0,36,0,3*8,3,26,27,26,6,3*7,2*6,9,2*4,3,2,20,    
0674      &3*22,15,12,2*7,7*0,6*1,26,30,
0675      &81*0,
0676 C...UED
0677      &6*2,6*3,9*1,24,1,18,6,25*0/                                 
0678       DATA (MDME(I,1),I=   1,8000)/6*1,-1,7*1,-1,7*1,-1,7*1,-1,7*1,-1,  
0679      &7*1,-1,1,7*-1,8*1,2*-1,8*1,2*-1,73*1,-1,2*1,-1,5*1,0,2*-1,6*1,0,  
0680      &2*-1,3*1,-1,6*1,2*-1,6*1,2*-1,3*1,-1,3*1,-1,3*1,5*-1,3*1,-1,6*1,  
0681      &2*-1,3*1,-1,5*1,62*1,6*1,2*-1,6*1,8*-1,3*1,-1,3*1,-1,3*1,5*-1,   
0682      &3*1,4*-1,6*1,2*-1,3*1,-1,12*1,62*1,6*1,2*-1,3*1,-1,9*1,62*1,    
0683      &3*1,-1,3*1,-1,1,18*1,4*1,2*-1,2*1,-1,1249*1,2*-1,377*1,2*-1,     
0684      &1921*1,2*-1,6*1,2*-1,133*1,2*-1,6*1,2*-1,10*1,-1,3*1,-1,3*1,5*-1, 
0685      &3*1,-1,16*1,2*-1,6*1,2*-1,16*1,2*-1,6*1,2*-1,13*1,-1,3*1,-1,3*1,  
0686      &5*-1,3*1,-1,
0687      &649*0,
0688 C...UED
0689      &10*1,2*0,15*1,3*0,9*1,5*1,0,5*1,0,5*1,0,5*1,0,
0690      &1,24*1,2912*0/
0691       DATA (MDME(I,2),I=   1,8000)/43*102,4*0,102,0,6*53,3*102,4*0,102, 
0692      &2*0,3*102,4*0,102,2*0,6*102,42,6*102,2*42,2*0,8*41,2*0,36*41,     
0693      &8*102,0,102,0,102,2*0,21*102,8*32,8*0,16*32,4*0,8*32,9*0,62*53,   
0694      &8*32,14*0,16*32,7*0,8*32,16*0,62*53,8*32,13*0,62*53,4*32,5*0,     
0695      &18*53,6*32,4*0,12,2*42,2*11,9*42,0,2,3,15*0,4*42,5*0,3,12*0,2,    
0696      &3*0,1,0,3,16*0,2*3,15*0,2*42,2*3,18*0,2*3,3*0,1,11*0,22*42,41*0,  
0697      &2*3,9*0,16*42,45*0,3,10*0,10*42,20*0,2*13,6*0,12,2*0,12,0,12,     
0698      &14*42,16*0,48,3*13,2*42,9*0,14*42,16*0,48,3*13,2*42,9*0,14*42,    
0699      &19*0,48,3*13,2*42,6*0,2*11,28*42,5*0,32,3*0,4*32,2*4,0,32,45*0,   
0700      &14*42,52*0,10*13,2*42,2*11,4*0,2*42,2*11,6*0,2*42,2*11,0,2*42,    
0701      &2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11, 
0702      &2*0,3*42,8*0,48,3*13,20*42,4*0,18*42,4*0,9*42,0,162*42,50*0,2*12, 
0703      &17*0,2*32,33*0,12,9*0,32,2*0,12,11*0,4*32,2*4,5*0,2404*53,4*32,   
0704      &3*0,6*32,3*0,4*32,3*0,50*32,3*53,12*0,8*32,12*0,66*51,6*32,9*0,   
0705      &9*32,17*0,6*51,10*0,8*32,15*0,16*32,14*0,8*32,18*0,8*32,18*0,     
0706      &16*32,
0707 C...UED
0708      &653*0,30*0,9*0,12*0,37*0,2912*0/
0709       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I=   1, 348)/43*0D0,0.00003D0,0.001765D0,         
0710      &0.998205D0,35*0D0,1D0,6*0D0,0.1783D0,0.1735D0,0.1131D0,0.2494D0,  
0711      &0.003D0,0.09D0,0.0027D0,0.01D0,0.0014D0,0.0012D0,2*0.00025D0,     
0712      &0.0071D0,0.012D0,0.0004D0,0.00075D0,0.00006D0,2*0.00078D0,        
0713      &0.0034D0,0.08D0,0.011D0,0.0191D0,0.00006D0,0.005D0,0.0133D0,      
0714      &0.0067D0,0.0005D0,0.0035D0,0.0006D0,0.0015D0,0.00021D0,0.0002D0,  
0715      &0.00075D0,0.0001D0,0.0002D0,0.0011D0,3*0.0002D0,0.00022D0,        
0716      &0.0004D0,0.0001D0,2*0.00205D0,2*0.00069D0,0.00025D0,0.00051D0,    
0717      &0.00025D0,35*0D0,0.153995D0,0.11942D0,0.153984D0,0.119259D0,      
0718      &0.152272D0,3*0D0,0.033576D0,0.066806D0,0.033576D0,0.066806D0,     
0719      &0.0335D0,0.066806D0,2*0D0,0.321369D0,0.016494D0,2*0D0,0.016502D0, 
0720      &0.320615D0,2*0D0,0.00001D0,0.000591D0,6*0D0,2*0.108166D0,         
0721      &0.108087D0,0D0,0.000001D0,0D0,0.000353D0,0.04359D0,0.795274D0,    
0722      &4*0D0,0.000339D0,0.095746D0,0D0,0.060724D0,0.003054D0,0.000919D0, 
0723      &64*0D0,0.145835D0,0.113276D0,0.145835D0,0.113271D0,0.145781D0,    
0724      &0.049002D0,2*0D0,0.032025D0,0.063642D0,0.032025D0,0.063642D0,     
0725      &0.032022D0,0.063642D0,8*0D0,0.251225D0,0.0129D0,0.000006D0,0D0,   
0726      &0.0129D0,0.250764D0,0.00038D0,0D0,0.000008D0,0.000465D0,          
0727      &0.215418D0,5*0D0,2*0.085312D0,0.08531D0,7*0D0,0.000029D0,         
0728      &0.000536D0,5*0D0,0.000074D0,0D0,0.000417D0,0.000015D0,0.000061D0/ 
0729       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I= 349, 655)/0.306789D0,0.689189D0,0D0,0.00289D0, 
0730      &69*0D0,0.000001D0,0.000072D0,0.001333D0,4*0D0,0.000001D0,         
0731      &0.000184D0,0D0,0.003108D0,0.000015D0,0.000003D0,2*0D0,0.995284D0, 
0732      &66*0D0,0.000014D0,0.082234D0,2*0D0,0.000013D0,0.003746D0,0D0,     
0733      &0.913992D0,18*0D0,3*0.215119D0,0.214724D0,2*0D0,0.06996D0,        
0734      &0.069959D0,0D0,2*1D0,2*0.08D0,0.76D0,0.08D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,     
0735      &0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,0.988D0,0.012D0,       
0736      &0.998739D0,0.00079D0,0.00038D0,0.000046D0,0.000045D0,2*0.34725D0, 
0737      &0.144D0,0.104D0,0.0245D0,2*0.01225D0,0.0028D0,0.0057D0,0.2112D0,  
0738      &0.1256D0,2*0.1939D0,2*0.1359D0,0.002D0,0.001D0,0.0006D0,          
0739      &0.999877D0,0.000123D0,0.99955D0,0.00045D0,2*0.34725D0,0.144D0,    
0740      &0.104D0,0.049D0,0.0028D0,0.0057D0,0.3923D0,0.321D0,0.2317D0,      
0741      &0.0478D0,0.0049D0,0.0013D0,0.0003D0,0.0007D0,0.89D0,0.08693D0,    
0742      &0.0221D0,0.00083D0,2*0.00007D0,0.564D0,0.282D0,0.072D0,0.028D0,   
0743      &0.023D0,2*0.0115D0,0.005D0,0.003D0,0.6861D0,0.3139D0,2*0.5D0,     
0744      &0.665D0,0.333D0,0.002D0,0.333D0,0.166D0,0.168D0,0.084D0,0.087D0,  
0745      &0.043D0,0.059D0,2*0.029D0,0.002D0,0.6352D0,0.2116D0,0.0559D0,     
0746      &0.0173D0,0.0482D0,0.0318D0,0.666D0,0.333D0,0.001D0,0.332D0,       
0747      &0.166D0,0.168D0,0.084D0,0.086D0,0.043D0,0.059D0,2*0.029D0,        
0748      &2*0.002D0,0.437D0,0.208D0,0.302D0,0.0302D0,0.0212D0,0.0016D0/     
0749       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I= 656, 831)/0.48947D0,0.34D0,3*0.043D0,0.027D0,  
0750      &0.0126D0,0.0013D0,0.0003D0,0.00025D0,0.00008D0,0.444D0,2*0.222D0, 
0751      &0.104D0,2*0.004D0,0.07D0,0.065D0,2*0.005D0,2*0.011D0,5*0.001D0,   
0752      &0.07D0,0.065D0,2*0.005D0,2*0.011D0,5*0.001D0,0.026D0,0.019D0,     
0753      &0.066D0,0.041D0,0.045D0,0.076D0,0.0073D0,2*0.0047D0,0.026D0,      
0754      &0.001D0,0.0006D0,0.0066D0,0.005D0,2*0.003D0,2*0.0006D0,2*0.001D0, 
0755      &0.006D0,0.005D0,0.012D0,0.0057D0,0.067D0,0.008D0,0.0022D0,        
0756      &0.027D0,0.004D0,0.019D0,0.012D0,0.002D0,0.009D0,0.0218D0,0.001D0, 
0757      &0.022D0,0.087D0,0.001D0,0.0019D0,0.0015D0,0.0028D0,0.683D0,       
0758      &0.306D0,0.011D0,0.3D0,0.15D0,0.16D0,0.08D0,0.13D0,0.06D0,0.08D0,  
0759      &0.04D0,0.034D0,0.027D0,2*0.002D0,2*0.004D0,2*0.002D0,0.034D0,     
0760      &0.027D0,2*0.002D0,2*0.004D0,2*0.002D0,0.0365D0,0.045D0,0.073D0,   
0761      &0.062D0,3*0.021D0,0.0061D0,0.015D0,0.025D0,0.0088D0,0.074D0,      
0762      &0.0109D0,0.0041D0,0.002D0,0.0035D0,0.0011D0,0.001D0,0.0027D0,     
0763      &2*0.0016D0,0.0018D0,0.011D0,0.0063D0,0.0052D0,0.018D0,0.016D0,    
0764      &0.0034D0,0.0036D0,0.0009D0,0.0006D0,0.015D0,0.0923D0,0.018D0,     
0765      &0.022D0,0.0077D0,0.009D0,0.0075D0,0.024D0,0.0085D0,0.067D0,       
0766      &0.0511D0,0.017D0,0.0004D0,0.0028D0,0.619D0,0.381D0,0.3D0,0.15D0,  
0767      &0.16D0,0.08D0,0.13D0,0.06D0,0.08D0,0.04D0,0.01D0,2*0.02D0,0.03D0, 
0768      &2*0.005D0,2*0.02D0,0.03D0,2*0.005D0,0.015D0,0.037D0,0.028D0/      
0769       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I= 832, 997)/0.079D0,0.095D0,0.052D0,0.0078D0,    
0770      &4*0.001D0,0.028D0,0.033D0,0.026D0,0.05D0,0.01D0,4*0.005D0,0.25D0, 
0771      &0.0952D0,0.94D0,0.06D0,2*0.4D0,2*0.1D0,1D0,0.0602D0,0.0601D0,     
0772      &0.8797D0,0.135D0,0.865D0,0.02D0,0.055D0,2*0.005D0,0.008D0,        
0773      &0.012D0,0.02D0,0.055D0,2*0.005D0,0.008D0,0.012D0,0.01D0,0.03D0,   
0774      &0.0035D0,0.011D0,0.0055D0,0.0042D0,0.009D0,0.018D0,0.015D0,       
0775      &0.0185D0,0.0135D0,0.025D0,0.0004D0,0.0007D0,0.0008D0,0.0014D0,    
0776      &0.0019D0,0.0025D0,0.4291D0,0.08D0,0.07D0,0.02D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,  
0777      &1D0,0.3D0,0.15D0,0.16D0,0.08D0,0.13D0,0.06D0,0.08D0,0.04D0,       
0778      &0.02D0,0.055D0,2*0.005D0,0.008D0,0.012D0,0.02D0,0.055D0,          
0779      &2*0.005D0,0.008D0,0.012D0,0.01D0,0.03D0,0.0035D0,0.011D0,         
0780      &0.0055D0,0.0042D0,0.009D0,0.018D0,0.015D0,0.0185D0,0.0135D0,      
0781      &0.025D0,0.0004D0,0.0007D0,0.0008D0,0.0014D0,0.0019D0,0.0025D0,    
0782      &0.4291D0,0.08D0,0.07D0,0.02D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,1D0,0.3D0,0.15D0,   
0783      &0.16D0,0.08D0,0.13D0,0.06D0,0.08D0,0.04D0,0.02D0,0.055D0,         
0784      &2*0.005D0,0.008D0,0.012D0,0.02D0,0.055D0,2*0.005D0,0.008D0,       
0785      &0.012D0,0.01D0,0.03D0,0.0035D0,0.011D0,0.0055D0,0.0042D0,0.009D0, 
0786      &0.018D0,0.015D0,0.0185D0,0.0135D0,0.025D0,2*0.0002D0,0.0007D0,    
0787      &2*0.0004D0,0.0014D0,0.001D0,0.0009D0,0.0025D0,0.4291D0,0.08D0,    
0788      &0.07D0,0.02D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,1D0,2*0.3D0,2*0.2D0,0.047D0/        
0789       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I= 998,1188)/0.122D0,0.006D0,0.012D0,0.035D0,     
0790      &0.012D0,0.035D0,0.003D0,0.007D0,0.15D0,0.037D0,0.008D0,0.002D0,   
0791      &0.05D0,0.015D0,0.003D0,0.001D0,0.014D0,0.042D0,0.014D0,0.042D0,   
0792      &0.24D0,0.065D0,0.012D0,0.003D0,0.001D0,0.002D0,0.001D0,0.002D0,   
0793      &0.014D0,0.003D0,1D0,2*0.3D0,2*0.2D0,1D0,0.0252D0,0.0248D0,        
0794      &0.0267D0,0.015D0,0.045D0,0.015D0,0.045D0,0.7743D0,0.029D0,0.22D0, 
0795      &0.78D0,1D0,0.331D0,0.663D0,0.006D0,0.663D0,0.331D0,0.006D0,1D0,   
0796      &0.999D0,0.001D0,0.88D0,2*0.06D0,0.639D0,0.358D0,0.002D0,0.001D0,  
0797      &1D0,0.88D0,2*0.06D0,0.516D0,0.483D0,0.001D0,0.88D0,2*0.06D0,      
0798      &0.9988D0,0.0001D0,0.0006D0,0.0004D0,0.0001D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,     
0799      &0.9954D0,0.0011D0,0.0035D0,0.333D0,0.667D0,0.676D0,0.234D0,       
0800      &0.085D0,0.005D0,2*1D0,0.018D0,2*0.005D0,0.003D0,0.002D0,          
0801      &2*0.006D0,0.018D0,2*0.005D0,0.003D0,0.002D0,2*0.006D0,0.0066D0,   
0802      &0.025D0,0.016D0,0.0088D0,2*0.005D0,0.0058D0,0.005D0,0.0055D0,     
0803      &4*0.004D0,2*0.002D0,2*0.004D0,0.003D0,0.002D0,2*0.003D0,          
0804      &3*0.002D0,2*0.001D0,0.002D0,2*0.001D0,2*0.002D0,0.0013D0,         
0805      &0.0018D0,5*0.001D0,4*0.003D0,2*0.005D0,2*0.002D0,2*0.001D0,       
0806      &2*0.002D0,2*0.001D0,0.2432D0,0.057D0,2*0.035D0,0.15D0,2*0.075D0,  
0807      &0.03D0,2*0.015D0,2*0.08D0,0.76D0,0.08D0,4*1D0,2*0.08D0,0.76D0,    
0808      &0.08D0,1D0,2*0.5D0,1D0,2*0.5D0,2*0.08D0,0.76D0,0.08D0,1D0/        
0809       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I=1189,1381)/2*0.08D0,0.76D0,3*0.08D0,0.76D0,     
0810      &3*0.08D0,0.76D0,3*0.08D0,0.76D0,3*0.08D0,0.76D0,3*0.08D0,0.76D0,  
0811      &3*0.08D0,0.76D0,0.08D0,2*1D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.0077D0,0.02D0,    
0812      &0.0235D0,0.0285D0,0.0435D0,0.0011D0,0.0022D0,0.0044D0,0.4291D0,   
0813      &0.08D0,0.07D0,0.02D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.5D0,      
0814      &0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.5D0,      
0815      &0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,4*1D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,      
0816      &0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,      
0817      &0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,4*1D0,2*0.105D0,       
0818      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,1D0,2*0.105D0,  
0819      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,      
0820      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,      
0821      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,      
0822      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,      
0823      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,      
0824      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,      
0825      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,      
0826      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,      
0827      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,      
0828      &0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0/      
0829       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I=1382,1582)/0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,   
0830      &0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,      
0831      &0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,      
0832      &0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,      
0833      &0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,      
0834      &0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,      
0835      &0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,      
0836      &0.015D0,0.005D0,2*0.105D0,0.04D0,0.5D0,0.08D0,0.14D0,0.01D0,      
0837      &0.015D0,0.005D0,4*1D0,0.52D0,0.26D0,0.11D0,2*0.055D0,0.333D0,     
0838      &0.334D0,0.333D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,0.28D0,0.14D0,0.313D0,0.157D0,    
0839      &0.11D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,0.28D0,0.14D0,0.313D0,0.157D0,0.11D0,      
0840      &0.36D0,0.18D0,0.03D0,2*0.015D0,2*0.2D0,4*0.25D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,  
0841      &0.667D0,0.333D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,4*0.5D0,0.007D0,  
0842      &0.993D0,1D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,      
0843      &0.667D0,0.333D0,8*0.5D0,0.02D0,0.98D0,1D0,4*0.5D0,3*0.146D0,      
0844      &3*0.05D0,0.15D0,2*0.05D0,4*0.024D0,0.066D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,       
0845      &0.667D0,0.333D0,4*0.25D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,2*0.5D0, 
0846      &0.273D0,0.727D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,0.667D0,0.333D0,4*0.5D0,0.35D0,   
0847      &0.65D0,2*0.0083D0,0.1866D0,0.324D0,0.184D0,0.027D0,0.001D0,       
0848      &0.093D0,0.087D0,0.078D0,0.0028D0,3*0.014D0,0.008D0,0.024D0/       
0849       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I=1583,4150)/0.008D0,0.024D0,0.425D0,0.02D0,      
0850      &0.185D0,0.088D0,0.043D0,0.067D0,0.066D0,2404*0D0,0.024396D0,      
0851      &0.045285D0,0.83119D0,2*0D0,0.000349D0,0.09878D0,0D0,0.019884D0,   
0852      &0.02341D0,0.362776D0,0.550787D0,2*0D0,0.000152D0,0.042991D0,      
0853      &0.013695D0,0.025421D0,0.466595D0,2*0D0,0.000196D0,0.055451D0,     
0854      &0.438642D0,0.445781D0,0D0,0.554219D0,4*0.00335D0,0.522257D0,      
0855      &0.464343D0,6*0D0,1D0,6*0D0,1D0,4*0.013853D0,0.562703D0,           
0856      &0.376702D0,0.00518D0,4*0.006254D0,0.974985D0,7*0D0,4*0.148299D0,  
0857      &0.015351D0,0D0,0.182109D0,0.167099D0,0.042247D0,0.850973D0,       
0858      &0.005411D0,0.045025D0,0.098591D0,0.849898D0,0.021617D0,           
0859      &0.030018D0,0.098466D0,0.294448D0,0.10945D0,0.596102D0,0.389906D0, 
0860      &0.610094D0,3*0.0633D0,0.063299D0,0.063295D0,0.056281D0,2*0D0,     
0861      &6*0.020495D0,2*0D0,0.327919D0,0.04099D0,0.045236D0,0.090112D0,    
0862      &0.19874D0,0.010204D0,0.000003D0,0.010205D0,0.198356D0,0.000151D0, 
0863      &0.000006D0,0.000367D0,0.081967D0,0.19874D0,0.010204D0,0.000003D0, 
0864      &0.010205D0,0.198356D0,0.000151D0,0.000006D0,0.000367D0,           
0865      &0.081967D0,4*0D0,0.198776D0,0.010206D0,0.000003D0,0.010207D0,     
0866      &0.19839D0,0.000151D0,0.000006D0,0.000367D0,0.081893D0,0.198776D0, 
0867      &0.010206D0,0.000003D0,0.010207D0,0.19839D0,0.000151D0,0.000006D0, 
0868      &0.000367D0,0.081893D0,4*0D0,0.199344D0,0.010234D0,0.000003D0/     
0869       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I=4151,4281)/0.010236D0,0.198928D0,0.000149D0,    
0870      &0.000006D0,0.000368D0,0.080733D0,0.199344D0,0.010234D0,           
0871      &0.000003D0,0.010236D0,0.198928D0,0.000149D0,0.000006D0,           
0872      &0.000368D0,0.080733D0,4*0D0,0.184738D0,0.104588D0,0.184738D0,     
0873      &0.104587D0,0.184731D0,0.09582D0,0.022902D0,0.008429D0,0.015602D0, 
0874      &0.022902D0,0.008429D0,0.015602D0,0.022902D0,0.008429D0,           
0875      &0.015602D0,0.28959D0,0.01487D0,0.000008D0,0.01487D0,0.289061D0,   
0876      &0.000492D0,0.000009D0,0.000536D0,0.27911D0,2*0.037151D0,          
0877      &0.03715D0,0.090266D0,2*0.001805D0,0.090266D0,0.001805D0,          
0878      &0.812263D0,0.00179D0,0.090428D0,0.001809D0,0.001808D0,0.090428D0, 
0879      &0.001808D0,0.81372D0,0D0,6*1D0,0.095602D0,2*0.338272D0,           
0880      &0.156896D0,0.019193D0,0.017993D0,0.001168D0,0.001462D0,           
0881      &0.009608D0,0.003306D0,0.002132D0,0.003127D0,0.002132D0,           
0882      &0.003127D0,0.00213D0,3*0D0,0.001411D0,0.00045D0,0.001411D0,       
0883      &0.00045D0,0.001411D0,0.00045D0,2*0D0,0.097996D0,0.399787D0,       
0884      &0.262464D0,0.185427D0,0.022683D0,0.007648D0,0.004259D0,           
0885      &0.005925D0,0.000304D0,2*0D0,0.000304D0,0.005914D0,0.000002D0,     
0886      &2*0D0,0.000011D0,0.001258D0,5*0D0,3*0.002005D0,0D0,0.272178D0,    
0887      &0.022112D0,0.255165D0,0.015534D0,2*0.108965D0,0.031557D0,         
0888      &0.005562D0,0.044965D0,0.004674D0,0.007637D0,0.020597D0/           
0889       DATA (BRAT(I)  ,I=4282,8000)/0.007636D0,0.020595D0,0.007616D0,    
0890      &3*0D0,0.017298D0,0.004782D0,0.017298D0,0.004782D0,0.017297D0,     
0891      &0.004782D0,2*0D0,0.055332D0,2*0.319757D0,0.121576D0,2*0.001556D0, 
0892      &4*0D0,0.0277D0,0.021481D0,0.027699D0,0.021477D0,0.027658D0,3*0D0, 
0893      &0.006071D0,0.01208D0,0.006071D0,0.01208D0,0.006069D0,0.01208D0,   
0894      &2*0D0,0.035891D0,0.209476D0,0.129084D0,0.286631D0,0.10742D0,      
0895      &0.109486D0,4*0D0,0.035282D0,0.001812D0,2*0D0,0.001812D0,          
0896      &0.035215D0,0.000021D0,0D0,0.000001D0,0.000065D0,0.011965D0,5*0D0, 
0897      &2*0.011947D0,0.011946D0,0D0,
0898      &649*0.D0,
0899 C....UED
0900      &0.001D0,0.999D0,0.001D0,0.999D0,0.001D0,0.999D0,
0901      &0.001D0,0.999D0,0.001D0,0.999D0,0.001D0,0.999D0, 
0902      &0.33D0,0.66D0,0.01D0,0.33D0,0.66D0,0.01D0,0.33D0,0.66D0,0.01D0,
0903      &0.33D0,0.66D0,0.01D0,0.98D0,0.D0,0.02D0,0.33D0,0.66D0,0.01D0,
0904      &9*1.D0,              
0905      &24*0.0416667,        
0906      &1.,                  
0907      &3*0.D0,6*0.08333D0, 
0908      &3*0.D0,6*0.08333D0,
0909      &6*0.166667D0,        
0910      &2912*0.D0/
0911       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=   1, 377)/21,22,23,4*-24,25,21,22,23,4*24,25,  
0912      &21,22,23,4*-24,25,21,22,23,4*24,25,21,22,23,4*-24,25,21,22,23,    
0913      &4*24,25,37,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000021,1000039,21,22, 
0914      &23,4*-24,25,2*-37,21,22,23,4*24,25,2*37,22,23,-24,25,23,24,-12,   
0915      &22,23,-24,25,23,24,-12,-14,48*16,22,23,-24,25,23,24,22,23,-24,25, 
0916      &-37,23,24,37,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,21,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13,15,17,1,2,  
0917      &3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,4*-1,4*-3,4*-5,4*-7,-11,-13,  
0918      &-15,-17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13,15,17,21,2*22,23,24,1000022,        
0919      &2*1000023,3*1000025,4*1000035,2*1000024,2*1000037,1000001,        
0920      &2000001,1000001,-1000001,1000002,2000002,1000002,-1000002,        
0921      &1000003,2000003,1000003,-1000003,1000004,2000004,1000004,         
0922      &-1000004,1000005,2000005,1000005,-1000005,1000006,2000006,        
0923      &1000006,-1000006,1000011,2000011,1000011,-1000011,1000012,        
0924      &2000012,1000012,-1000012,1000013,2000013,1000013,-1000013,        
0925      &1000014,2000014,1000014,-1000014,1000015,2000015,1000015,         
0926      &-1000015,1000016,2000016,1000016,-1000016,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,  
0927      &13,14,15,16,17,18,24,37,2*23,25,35,4*-1,4*-3,4*-5,4*-7,-11,-13,   
0928      &-15,-17,3*24,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13,15,17,21,2*22,23,24,23,25,24,  
0929      &37,23,25,36,1000022,2*1000023,3*1000025,4*1000035,2*1000024,      
0930      &2*1000037,1000001,2000001,1000001,-1000001,1000002,2000002/       
0931       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I= 378, 580)/1000002,-1000002,1000003,2000003,    
0932      &1000003,-1000003,1000004,2000004,1000004,-1000004,1000005,        
0933      &2000005,1000005,-1000005,1000006,2000006,1000006,-1000006,        
0934      &1000011,2000011,1000011,-1000011,1000012,2000012,1000012,         
0935      &-1000012,1000013,2000013,1000013,-1000013,1000014,2000014,        
0936      &1000014,-1000014,1000015,2000015,1000015,-1000015,1000016,        
0937      &2000016,1000016,-1000016,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13,15,17,21,2*22,23,  
0938      &24,23,25,24,37,1000022,2*1000023,3*1000025,4*1000035,2*1000024,   
0939      &2*1000037,1000001,2000001,1000001,-1000001,1000002,2000002,       
0940      &1000002,-1000002,1000003,2000003,1000003,-1000003,1000004,        
0941      &2000004,1000004,-1000004,1000005,2000005,1000005,-1000005,        
0942      &1000006,2000006,1000006,-1000006,1000011,2000011,1000011,         
0943      &-1000011,1000012,2000012,1000012,-1000012,1000013,2000013,        
0944      &1000013,-1000013,1000014,2000014,1000014,-1000014,1000015,        
0945      &2000015,1000015,-1000015,1000016,2000016,1000016,-1000016,-1,-3,  
0946      &-5,-7,-11,-13,-15,-17,24,2*1000022,2*1000023,2*1000025,2*1000035, 
0947      &1000006,2000006,1000006,2000006,-1000001,-1000003,-1000011,       
0948      &-1000013,-1000015,-2000015,1,2,3,4,5,6,11,13,15,2,82,-11,-13,2*2, 
0949      &-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,2*22,211,111,221,13,11,213,-213,221,  
0950      &223,321,130,310,111,331,111,211,-12,12,-14,14,211,111,22,-13,-11/ 
0951       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I= 581, 992)/2*211,213,113,221,223,321,211,331,   
0952      &22,111,211,2*22,211,22,111,211,22,211,221,111,11,211,111,2*211,   
0953      &321,130,310,221,111,211,111,130,310,321,2*311,321,311,323,313,    
0954      &323,313,321,3*311,-13,3*211,12,14,311,2*321,311,321,313,323,313,  
0955      &323,311,4*321,211,111,3*22,111,321,130,-213,113,213,211,22,111,   
0956      &11,13,211,321,130,310,221,211,111,11*-11,11*-13,-311,-313,-311,   
0957      &-313,-20313,2*-311,-313,-311,-313,2*111,2*221,2*331,2*113,2*223,  
0958      &2*333,-311,-313,2*-321,211,-311,-321,333,-311,-313,-321,211,      
0959      &2*-321,2*-311,-321,211,113,421,2*411,421,411,423,413,423,413,421, 
0960      &411,8*-11,8*-13,-321,-323,-321,-323,-311,2*-313,-311,-313,2*-311, 
0961      &-321,-10323,-321,-323,-321,-311,2*-313,211,111,333,3*-321,-311,   
0962      &-313,-321,-313,310,333,211,2*-321,-311,-313,-311,211,-321,3*-311, 
0963      &211,113,321,2*421,411,421,413,423,413,423,411,421,-15,5*-11,      
0964      &5*-13,221,331,333,221,331,333,10221,211,213,211,213,321,323,321,  
0965      &323,2212,221,331,333,221,2*2,2*431,421,411,423,413,82,11,13,82,   
0966      &443,82,6*12,6*14,2*16,3*-411,3*-413,2*-411,2*-413,2*441,2*443,    
0967      &2*20443,2*2,2*4,2,4,511,521,511,523,513,523,513,521,511,6*12,     
0968      &6*14,2*16,3*-421,3*-423,2*-421,2*-423,2*441,2*443,2*20443,2*2,    
0969      &2*4,2,4,521,511,521,513,523,513,523,511,521,6*12,6*14,2*16,       
0970      &3*-431,3*-433,2*-431,2*-433,3*441,3*443,3*20443,2*2,2*4,2,4,531/  
0971       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I= 993,1402)/521,511,523,513,16,2*4,2*12,2*14,    
0972      &2*16,4*2,4*4,2*-11,2*-13,2*-1,2*-3,2*-11,2*-13,2*-1,541,511,521,  
0973      &513,523,21,11,13,15,1,2,3,4,21,22,553,21,2112,2212,2*2112,2212,   
0974      &2112,2*2212,2112,-12,3122,3212,3112,2212,2*2112,-12,2*3122,3222,  
0975      &3112,2212,2112,2212,3122,3222,3212,3122,3112,-12,-14,-12,3322,    
0976      &3312,2*3122,3212,3322,3312,3122,3322,3312,-12,2*4122,7*-11,7*-13, 
0977      &2*2224,2*2212,2*2214,2*3122,2*3212,2*3214,5*3222,4*3224,2*3322,   
0978      &3324,2*2224,7*2212,5*2214,2*2112,2*2114,2*3122,2*3212,2*3214,     
0979      &2*3222,2*3224,4*2,3,2*2,1,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,4*4122,-11,-13,2*2,     
0980      &3*4132,3*4232,-11,-13,2*2,4332,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,   
0981      &2*2,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,2*5122,-12,   
0982      &-14,-16,5*4122,441,443,20443,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,    
0983      &2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,4*5122,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,   
0984      &2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,2*5132,2*5232,-12,-14,-16, 
0985      &2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,5332,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,     
0986      &2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,     
0987      &2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,  
0988      &-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,   
0989      &-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,  
0990      &2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2/     
0991       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=1403,1713)/2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2, 
0992      &-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,   
0993      &-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,221,223,221,  
0994      &223,211,111,321,130,310,213,113,-213,321,311,321,311,323,313,     
0995      &2*311,321,311,321,313,323,321,211,111,321,130,310,2*211,313,-313, 
0996      &323,-323,421,411,423,413,411,421,413,423,411,421,423,413,443,     
0997      &2*82,521,511,523,513,511,521,513,523,521,511,523,513,511,521,513, 
0998      &523,553,2*21,213,-213,113,213,10211,10111,-10211,2*221,213,2*113, 
0999      &-213,2*321,2*311,113,323,2*313,323,313,-313,323,-323,423,2*413,   
1000      &2*423,413,443,82,523,2*513,2*523,2*513,523,553,21,11,13,82,4*443, 
1001      &10441,20443,445,441,11,13,15,1,2,3,4,21,22,2*553,10551,20553,555, 
1002      &1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,        
1003      &1000002,2000002,1000002,2000002,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,  
1004      &12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,   
1005      &1000039,1000024,1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000001,  
1006      &2000001,1000001,2000001,1000021,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,        
1007      &1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,        
1008      &1000004,2000004,1000004,2000004,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,  
1009      &12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,   
1010      &1000039,1000024,1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000003/  
1011       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=1714,1984)/2000003,1000003,2000003,1000021,     
1012      &3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,      
1013      &1000023,1000025,1000035,1000006,2000006,1000006,2000006,1000021,  
1014      &3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,   
1015      &15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,1000039,1000024,1000037,1000022,1000023,  
1016      &1000025,1000035,1000005,2000005,1000005,2000005,1000021,1000022,  
1017      &1000016,-1000015,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,1000039,-1000024,      
1018      &-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000012,2000012,1000012, 
1019      &2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-14,3*-16,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,1000024,        
1020      &1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000011,2000011,1000011,  
1021      &2000011,3*-13,3*-15,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,     
1022      &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000014,2000014,1000014,2000014,  
1023      &2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-12,3*-16,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,1000024,        
1024      &1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000013,2000013,1000013,  
1025      &2000013,3*-11,3*-15,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,     
1026      &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000016,2000016,1000016,2000016,  
1027      &2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-12,3*-14,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,1000024,        
1028      &1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000015,2000015,1000015,  
1029      &2000015,3*-11,3*-13,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,1000039,1000001,-1000001,      
1030      &2000001,-2000001,1000002,-1000002,2000002,-2000002,1000003/       
1031       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=1985,2321)/-1000003,2000003,-2000003,1000004,   
1032      &-1000004,2000004,-2000004,1000005,-1000005,2000005,-2000005,      
1033      &1000006,-1000006,2000006,-2000006,6*1000022,6*1000023,6*1000025,  
1034      &6*1000035,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,     
1035      &1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,-12,12,-11,11, 
1036      &-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,   
1037      &-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-14,14,-13,13,   
1038      &-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,   
1039      &-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-16,16,-15,15,   
1040      &-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,   
1041      &-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,  
1042      &-4,4,-4,4,-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,5*1000039,4,1,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12, 
1043      &-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,   
1044      &-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,   
1045      &-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,   
1046      &-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,   
1047      &-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,   
1048      &-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,   
1049      &-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,   
1050      &-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,-4,4,-4/ 
1051       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=2322,2573)/4,-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,5*1000039,     
1052      &16*1000022,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,    
1053      &1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000037,       
1054      &-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,      
1055      &1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000024,-1000024,1000037,       
1056      &-1000037,1000001,-1000001,2000001,-2000001,1000002,-1000002,      
1057      &2000002,-2000002,1000003,-1000003,2000003,-2000003,1000004,       
1058      &-1000004,2000004,-2000004,1000005,-1000005,2000005,-2000005,      
1059      &1000006,-1000006,2000006,-2000006,1000011,-1000011,2000011,       
1060      &-2000011,1000012,-1000012,2000012,-2000012,1000013,-1000013,      
1061      &2000013,-2000013,1000014,-1000014,2000014,-2000014,1000015,       
1062      &-1000015,2000015,-2000015,1000016,-1000016,2000016,-2000016,      
1063      &5*1000021,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-14,14,-14,   
1064      &14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,   
1065      &16,-16,16,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,   
1066      &11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,   
1067      &12,-11,11,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,   
1068      &13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,   
1069      &14,-13,13,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,   
1070      &15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16/   
1071       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=2574,2892)/16,-15,15,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,-4,4,-4,4,  
1072      &-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,2*1000039,6*1000022,6*1000023,6*1000025,      
1073      &6*1000035,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000002,2000002,        
1074      &-1000001,-2000001,1000004,2000004,-1000003,-2000003,1000006,      
1075      &2000006,-1000005,-2000005,1000012,2000012,-1000011,-2000011,      
1076      &1000014,2000014,-1000013,-2000013,1000016,2000016,-1000015,       
1077      &-2000015,2*1000021,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,   
1078      &-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-14,-13,-14,-13,-14,-13,-14,14,-13,-14,14,  
1079      &-13,-14,14,-13,-16,-15,-16,-15,-16,-15,-16,-15,-16,-15,-16,-15,   
1080      &-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12, 
1081      &-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-14,2*-13,14, 
1082      &-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14, 
1083      &-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16, 
1084      &-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16, 
1085      &-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,2,-1,2,-1,2*2,-1,2,-1,3*2,-1,2*4,-3,    
1086      &3*4,-3,2*6,5*1000039,16*1000022,16*1000023,1000024,-1000024,      
1087      &1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,       
1088      &-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,      
1089      &1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,       
1090      &-1000037,1000024,-1000024,1000037,-1000037,1000001,-1000001/      
1091       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=2893,3182)/2000001,-2000001,1000002,-1000002,   
1092      &2000002,-2000002,1000003,-1000003,2000003,-2000003,1000004,       
1093      &-1000004,2000004,-2000004,1000005,-1000005,2000005,-2000005,      
1094      &1000006,-1000006,2000006,-2000006,1000011,-1000011,2000011,       
1095      &-2000011,1000012,-1000012,2000012,-2000012,1000013,-1000013,      
1096      &2000013,-2000013,1000014,-1000014,2000014,-2000014,1000015,       
1097      &-1000015,2000015,-2000015,1000016,-1000016,2000016,-2000016,      
1098      &5*1000021,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-14,14,-14,   
1099      &14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,   
1100      &16,-16,16,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,   
1101      &11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,   
1102      &12,-11,11,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,   
1103      &13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,   
1104      &14,-13,13,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,   
1105      &15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,   
1106      &16,-15,15,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,-4,4,-4,4,-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,5*1000039, 
1107      &16*1000022,16*1000023,16*1000025,1000024,-1000024,1000024,        
1108      &-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,      
1109      &1000024,-1000024,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,       
1110      &-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037/      
1111       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=3183,3459)/1000024,-1000024,1000037,-1000037,   
1112      &1000001,-1000001,2000001,-2000001,1000002,-1000002,2000002,       
1113      &-2000002,1000003,-1000003,2000003,-2000003,1000004,-1000004,      
1114      &2000004,-2000004,1000005,-1000005,2000005,-2000005,1000006,       
1115      &-1000006,2000006,-2000006,1000011,-1000011,2000011,-2000011,      
1116      &1000012,-1000012,2000012,-2000012,1000013,-1000013,2000013,       
1117      &-2000013,1000014,-1000014,2000014,-2000014,1000015,-1000015,      
1118      &2000015,-2000015,1000016,-1000016,2000016,-2000016,5*1000021,-12, 
1119      &12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,   
1120      &14,-14,14,-14,14,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-12,   
1121      &12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,   
1122      &11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-14,   
1123      &14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,   
1124      &13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-16,   
1125      &16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,   
1126      &15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-2,2,  
1127      &-2,2,-2,2,-4,4,-4,4,-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,2*1000039,15*1000024,     
1128      &6*1000022,6*1000023,6*1000025,6*1000035,1000022,1000023,1000025,  
1129      &1000035,1000002,2000002,-1000001,-2000001,1000004,2000004,        
1130      &-1000003,-2000003,1000006,2000006,-1000005,-2000005,1000012/      
1131       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=3460,3782)/2000012,-1000011,-2000011,1000014,   
1132      &2000014,-1000013,-2000013,1000016,2000016,-1000015,-2000015,      
1133      &2*1000021,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11, 
1134      &-12,12,-11,-14,14,-13,-14,14,-13,-14,14,-13,-14,14,-13,-14,14,    
1135      &-13,-14,14,-13,-16,16,-15,-16,16,-15,-16,16,-15,-16,16,-15,-16,   
1136      &16,-15,-16,16,-15,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,     
1137      &2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12, 
1138      &2*-11,12,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14, 
1139      &2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-16, 
1140      &2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16, 
1141      &2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,2,-1,2,-1,2*2,-1, 
1142      &2,-1,3*2,-1,2*4,-3,3*4,-3,2*6,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,  
1143      &1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000001,1000002,2000002,1000002,        
1144      &2000002,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,  
1145      &14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,1000039,1000024,1000037,   
1146      &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000002,1000001,2000001,        
1147      &1000001,2000001,1000021,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,1000039,        
1148      &-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000003,      
1149      &1000004,2000004,1000004,2000004,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,  
1150      &12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6/   
1151       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=3783,4156)/1000039,1000024,1000037,1000022,     
1152      &1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000004,1000003,2000003,1000003,        
1153      &2000003,1000021,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,1000039,-1000024,       
1154      &-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000005,1000006,       
1155      &2000006,1000006,2000006,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,12,11,12, 
1156      &11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,1000039,    
1157      &1000024,1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000006,        
1158      &1000005,2000005,1000005,2000005,1000021,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,   
1159      &-3,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,     
1160      &4*1000011,1000012,2000012,1000012,2000012,2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-14,   
1161      &3*-16,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,   
1162      &1000025,1000035,4*1000013,1000014,2000014,1000014,2000014,2*12,   
1163      &2*14,2*16,3*-12,3*-16,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,   
1164      &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000015,1000016,2000016,        
1165      &1000016,2000016,2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-12,3*-14,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,3,4,5,  
1166      &6,11,13,15,21,2*4,2,4,24,-11,-13,-15,3,4,5,6,11,13,15,21,5,6,21,  
1167      &1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,21,1,2,3,4,5,6,21,1,2,3,4,5,6,21,1,2,3,4, 
1168      &5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,21,3100111,3200111,21,22,23,-24,21,   
1169      &22,23,24,22,23,-24,23,24,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 
1170      &21,22,23,24,9*11,9*-11,2*11,2*-11,9*13,9*-13,2*13,2*-13,9*15/     
1171       DATA (KFDP(I,1),I=4157,8000)/9*-15,2*15,2*-15,1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,  
1172      &9900012,13,14,9900014,15,16,9900016,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,-11,-13,-15,   
1173      &3*-11,2*-13,-15,24,3*-11,2*-13,-15,9900024,3*443,3*553,2*24,      
1174      &2*3000211,2*22,2*23,22,23,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,   
1175      &18,2*24,3*3000211,2*24,4*-1,4*-3,4*-5,4*-7,-11,-13,-15,-17,22,23, 
1176      &22,23,24,3000211,24,3000211,22,23,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15, 
1177      &16,17,18,2*24,-24,23,2*22,24,-24,2*23,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,   
1178      &14,15,16,17,18,2*22,23,2*24,23,22,2*24,23,4*-1,4*-3,4*-5,4*-7,    
1179      &-11,-13,-15,-17,
1180      &649*0,
1181 C...UED
1182      &5100023,5100022,5100023,5100022,5100023,5100022,
1183      &5100023,5100022,5100023,5100022,5100023,5100022, 
1184      &5100023,-5100024,5100022,5100023,5100024,5100022,
1185      &5100023,-5100024,5100022,5100023,5100024,5100022,
1186      &5100023,-5100024,5100022,5100023,5100024,5100022, 
1187      &9*5100022, 
1188      &6100001,6100002,6100003,6100004,6100005,6100006,
1189      &5100001,5100002,5100003,5100004,5100005,5100006,
1190      &-6100001,-6100002,-6100003,-6100004,-6100005,-6100006,
1191      &-5100001,-5100002,-5100003,-5100004,-5100005,-5100006, 
1192      &39, 
1193      &6100011,6100013,6100015,
1194      &5100011,5100013,5100015,
1195      %5100012,5100014,5100016,
1196      &-6100011,-6100013,-6100015,
1197      &-5100011,-5100013,-5100015,
1198      %-5100012,-5100014,-5100016,
1199      &-5100011,-5100013,-5100015,
1200      &5100012,5100014,5100016,
1201      &2912*0/
1202       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I=   1, 339)/3*1,2,4,6,8,1,3*2,1,3,5,7,2,3*3,2,4, 
1203      &6,8,3,3*4,1,3,5,7,4,3*5,2,4,6,8,5,3*6,1,3,5,7,6,5,6*1000006,3*7,  
1204      &2,4,6,8,7,4,6,3*8,1,3,5,7,8,5,7,2*11,12,11,12,2*11,2*13,14,13,14, 
1205      &13,11,13,-211,-213,-211,-213,-211,-213,-211,-213,2*-211,-321,     
1206      &-323,-321,2*-323,3*-321,4*-211,-213,-211,-213,-211,-213,-211,     
1207      &-213,-211,-213,3*-211,-213,4*-211,-323,-321,2*-211,2*-321,3*-211, 
1208      &2*15,16,15,16,15,2*17,18,17,2*18,2*17,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,21, 
1209      &-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-13,-15,-17,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,  
1210      &-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,  
1211      &12,14,16,18,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-13,-15,-17,21,22,2*23,   
1212      &-24,2*1000022,1000023,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000022,1000023,    
1213      &1000025,1000035,-1000024,-1000037,-1000024,-1000037,-1000001,     
1214      &2*-2000001,2000001,-1000002,2*-2000002,2000002,-1000003,          
1215      &2*-2000003,2000003,-1000004,2*-2000004,2000004,-1000005,          
1216      &2*-2000005,2000005,-1000006,2*-2000006,2000006,-1000011,          
1217      &2*-2000011,2000011,-1000012,2*-2000012,2000012,-1000013,          
1218      &2*-2000013,2000013,-1000014,2*-2000014,2000014,-1000015,          
1219      &2*-2000015,2000015,-1000016,2*-2000016,2000016,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6, 
1220      &-7,-8,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,-24,-37,22,25,2*36,2,4,6,8, 
1221      &2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,12,14,16,18,23,22,25,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6/   
1222       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I= 340, 533)/-7,-8,-11,-13,-15,-17,21,22,2*23,    
1223      &-24,2*25,-37,-24,3*36,2*1000022,1000023,1000022,1000023,1000025,  
1224      &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,-1000024,-1000037,-1000024,       
1225      &-1000037,-1000001,2*-2000001,2000001,-1000002,2*-2000002,2000002, 
1226      &-1000003,2*-2000003,2000003,-1000004,2*-2000004,2000004,-1000005, 
1227      &2*-2000005,2000005,-1000006,2*-2000006,2000006,-1000011,          
1228      &2*-2000011,2000011,-1000012,2*-2000012,2000012,-1000013,          
1229      &2*-2000013,2000013,-1000014,2*-2000014,2000014,-1000015,          
1230      &2*-2000015,2000015,-1000016,2*-2000016,2000016,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6, 
1231      &-7,-8,-11,-13,-15,-17,21,22,2*23,-24,2*25,-37,-24,2*1000022,      
1232      &1000023,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,  
1233      &-1000024,-1000037,-1000024,-1000037,-1000001,2*-2000001,2000001,  
1234      &-1000002,2*-2000002,2000002,-1000003,2*-2000003,2000003,-1000004, 
1235      &2*-2000004,2000004,-1000005,2*-2000005,2000005,-1000006,          
1236      &2*-2000006,2000006,-1000011,2*-2000011,2000011,-1000012,          
1237      &2*-2000012,2000012,-1000013,2*-2000013,2000013,-1000014,          
1238      &2*-2000014,2000014,-1000015,2*-2000015,2000015,-1000016,          
1239      &2*-2000016,2000016,2,4,6,8,12,14,16,18,25,1000024,1000037,        
1240      &1000024,1000037,1000024,1000037,1000024,1000037,2*-1000005,       
1241      &2*-2000005,1000002,1000004,1000012,1000014,2*1000016,-3,-4,-5,-6/ 
1242       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I= 534, 938)/-7,-8,-13,-15,-17,11,-82,12,14,-1,   
1243      &-3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,22,11,-211,2*22,-13,-11,-211,211,111,211, 
1244      &-321,130,310,22,2*111,-211,11,-11,13,-13,-211,111,22,14,12,111,   
1245      &22,111,3*211,-311,22,211,22,111,-211,211,11,-211,13,22,-211,111,  
1246      &-211,22,111,-11,-211,111,2*-211,-321,130,310,221,111,-211,111,    
1247      &2*0,-211,111,22,-211,111,-211,111,-211,211,-213,113,223,221,14,   
1248      &111,211,111,-11,-13,211,111,22,211,111,211,111,2*211,213,113,223, 
1249      &221,22,-211,111,113,223,22,111,-321,310,211,111,2*-211,221,22,    
1250      &-11,-13,-211,-321,130,310,221,-211,111,11*12,11*14,2*211,2*213,   
1251      &211,20213,2*321,2*323,211,213,211,213,211,213,211,213,211,213,    
1252      &211,213,3*211,213,211,2*321,8*211,2*113,3*211,111,22,211,111,211, 
1253      &111,4*211,8*12,8*14,2*211,2*213,2*111,221,2*113,223,333,20213,    
1254      &211,2*321,323,2*311,313,-211,111,113,2*211,321,2*211,311,321,310, 
1255      &211,-211,4*211,321,4*211,113,2*211,-321,111,22,-211,111,-211,111, 
1256      &-211,211,-211,211,16,5*12,5*14,3*211,3*213,211,2*111,2*113,       
1257      &2*-311,2*-313,-2112,3*321,323,2*-1,22,111,321,311,321,311,-82,    
1258      &-11,-13,-82,22,-82,6*-11,6*-13,2*-15,211,213,20213,211,213,20213, 
1259      &431,433,431,433,311,313,311,313,311,313,-1,-4,-3,-4,-1,-3,22,     
1260      &-211,111,-211,111,-211,211,-211,211,6*-11,6*-13,2*-15,211,213,    
1261      &20213,211,213,20213,431,433,431,433,321,323,321,323,321,323,-1/   
1262       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I= 939,1352)/-4,-3,-4,-1,-3,22,211,111,211,111,   
1263      &4*211,6*-11,6*-13,2*-15,211,213,20213,211,213,20213,431,433,431,  
1264      &433,221,331,333,221,331,333,221,331,333,-1,-4,-3,-4,-1,-3,22,     
1265      &-321,-311,-321,-311,-15,-3,-1,2*-11,2*-13,2*-15,-1,-4,-3,-4,-3,   
1266      &-4,-1,-4,2*12,2*14,2,3,2,3,2*12,2*14,2,1,22,411,421,411,421,21,   
1267      &-11,-13,-15,-1,-2,-3,-4,2*21,22,21,2*-211,111,22,111,211,22,211,  
1268      &-211,11,2*-211,111,-211,111,22,11,22,111,-211,211,111,211,22,211, 
1269      &111,211,-211,22,11,13,11,-211,2*111,2*22,111,211,-321,-211,111,   
1270      &11,2*-211,7*12,7*14,-321,-323,-311,-313,-311,-313,211,213,211,    
1271      &213,211,213,111,221,331,113,223,111,221,113,223,321,323,321,-211, 
1272      &-213,111,221,331,113,223,333,10221,111,221,331,113,223,211,213,   
1273      &211,213,321,323,321,323,321,323,311,313,311,313,2*-1,-3,-1,2203,  
1274      &3201,3203,2203,2101,2103,12,14,-1,-3,2*111,2*211,12,14,-1,-3,22,  
1275      &111,2*22,111,22,12,14,-1,-3,22,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,  
1276      &-3,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,-3,2*-211,11,13,  
1277      &15,-211,-213,-20213,-431,-433,3*3122,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,  
1278      &4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,2*111,2*211,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,   
1279      &13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,4*22,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,22,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,  
1280      &1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1, 
1281      &3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3/ 
1282       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I=1353,1815)/11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3, 
1283      &4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4, 
1284      &1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1, 
1285      &3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3, 
1286      &2*111,2*211,-211,111,-321,130,310,-211,111,211,-211,111,-213,113, 
1287      &-211,111,223,211,111,213,113,211,111,223,-211,111,-321,130,310,   
1288      &2*-211,-311,311,-321,321,211,111,211,111,-211,111,-211,111,311,   
1289      &2*321,311,22,2*-82,-211,111,-211,111,211,111,211,111,-321,-311,   
1290      &-321,-311,411,421,411,421,22,2*21,-211,2*211,111,-211,111,2*211,  
1291      &111,-211,211,111,211,-321,2*-311,-321,22,-211,111,211,111,-311,   
1292      &311,-321,321,211,111,-211,111,321,311,22,-82,-211,111,211,111,    
1293      &-321,-311,411,421,22,21,-11,-13,-82,211,111,221,111,4*22,-11,-13, 
1294      &-15,-1,-2,-3,-4,2*21,211,111,3*22,1,2*2,4*1,2*-24,2*-37,2*1,3,5,  
1295      &1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,-3,-5,-3,-5,-3,   
1296      &-5,2,2*1,4*2,2*24,2*37,2,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,3,2*4,4*3,     
1297      &2*-24,2*-37,3,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,  
1298      &5,6,-1,-5,-1,-5,-1,-5,4,2*3,4*4,2*24,2*37,4,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3, 
1299      &2*-5,5,2*6,4*5,2*-24,2*-37,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3, 
1300      &4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,-1,-3,-1,-3,-1,-3,6,2*5,4*6,2*24,2*37,6,4,-15,  
1301      &16,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,11,2*12,4*11,2*-24,-37,13,15,11,15/  
1302       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I=1816,2317)/11,13,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5, 
1303      &1,3,5,12,2*11,4*12,2*24,2*37,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5, 
1304      &13,2*14,4*13,2*-24,2*-37,13,15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3, 
1305      &5,1,3,5,1,3,5,14,2*13,4*14,2*24,2*37,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,5,1,3, 
1306      &5,1,3,5,15,2*16,4*15,2*-24,2*-37,13,15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,   
1307      &13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,16,2*15,4*16,2*24,2*37,11,13,15,11,13,15, 
1308      &1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,21,-1,1,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-3,3,-3,3,-4,4,-4,4,-5,  
1309      &5,-5,5,-6,6,-6,6,1,3,5,2,4,6,1,3,5,2,4,6,1,3,5,2,4,6,1,3,5,2,4,6, 
1310      &1,-1,3,-3,5,-5,1,-1,3,-3,5,-5,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3, 
1311      &-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2, 
1312      &-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5, 
1313      &-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4, 
1314      &-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1, 
1315      &-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,22,23,25,35,36,-1,-3,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,    
1316      &-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,   
1317      &-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1, 
1318      &1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6, 
1319      &6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5, 
1320      &5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4, 
1321      &4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3/ 
1322       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I=2318,2770)/3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,22,  
1323      &23,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,-24,24,11, 
1324      &-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,-3,-24,24,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,   
1325      &-3,-37,37,-37,37,-1,1,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-3,3,-3,3,-4,4,-4,4,-5,5,-5, 
1326      &5,-6,6,-6,6,-11,11,-11,11,-12,12,-12,12,-13,13,-13,13,-14,14,-14, 
1327      &14,-15,15,-15,15,-16,16,-16,16,1,3,5,2,4,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,    
1328      &-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,   
1329      &-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1, 
1330      &1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6, 
1331      &6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5, 
1332      &5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4, 
1333      &4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3, 
1334      &3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,24,37,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,    
1335      &-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,4*37, 
1336      &2*-1,2*2,2*-3,2*4,2*-5,2*6,2*-11,2*12,2*-13,2*14,2*-15,2*16,-1,   
1337      &-3,-13,14,2*-13,14,2*-13,14,-13,-15,16,2*-15,16,2*-15,16,-15,     
1338      &6*-11,-15,16,2*-15,16,2*-15,16,-15,6*-11,6*-13,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,  
1339      &-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,   
1340      &-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,   
1341      &-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-1,-2,-1/  
1342       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I=2771,3221)/2,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,  
1343      &-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,2,-1,2,-1, 
1344      &2*4,-3,4,-3,3*6,-5,2*4,-3,3*6,-5,2*6,22,23,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,  
1345      &15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4, 
1346      &25,35,36,-24,24,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,-3,-24,24,11,-11,13,  
1347      &-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,-3,-37,37,-37,37,-1,1,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-3,3,-3,3, 
1348      &-4,4,-4,4,-5,5,-5,5,-6,6,-6,6,-11,11,-11,11,-12,12,-12,12,-13,13, 
1349      &-13,13,-14,14,-14,14,-15,15,-15,15,-16,16,-16,16,1,3,5,2,4,-13,   
1350      &13,-13,13,-13,13,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-15,   
1351      &15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-1,1,  
1352      &-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6, 
1353      &-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3, 
1354      &-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2, 
1355      &-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5, 
1356      &-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,22,23,25,35,36, 
1357      &22,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,15,12,14,  
1358      &16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36, 
1359      &-24,24,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,-3,-24,24,11,-11,13,-13,15,    
1360      &-15,1,-1,3,-3,-37,37,-37,37,-1,1,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-3,3,-3,3,-4,4,   
1361      &-4,4,-5,5,-5,5,-6,6,-6,6,-11,11,-11,11,-12,12,-12,12,-13,13,-13/  
1362       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I=3222,3669)/13,-14,14,-14,14,-15,15,-15,15,-16,  
1363      &16,-16,16,1,3,5,2,4,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,    
1364      &-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,   
1365      &-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,  
1366      &3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2, 
1367      &2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5, 
1368      &5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4, 
1369      &4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1, 
1370      &1,-1,1,-3,3,24,37,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,24,-11, 
1371      &-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,   
1372      &-13,-15,-1,-3,4*37,2*-1,2*2,2*-3,2*4,2*-5,2*6,2*-11,2*12,2*-13,   
1373      &2*14,2*-15,2*16,-1,-3,-13,14,2*-13,14,2*-13,14,-13,-15,16,2*-15,  
1374      &16,2*-15,16,-15,-11,12,2*-11,12,2*-11,12,-11,-15,16,2*-15,16,     
1375      &2*-15,16,-15,-11,12,2*-11,12,2*-11,12,-11,-13,14,2*-13,14,2*-13,  
1376      &14,-13,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-3, 
1377      &-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,   
1378      &-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,  
1379      &6,-5,-6,-5,6,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,   
1380      &-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,2,-1,2,-1,2*4,   
1381      &-3,4,-3,3*6,-5,2*4,-3,3*6,-5,2*6,1,2*2,4*1,23,25,35,36,2*-24/     
1382       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I=3670,4183)/2*-37,2*1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5, 
1383      &6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,-3,-5,-3,-5,-3,-5,2,2*1,4*2,23,25,35,   
1384      &36,2*24,2*37,2,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,3,2*4,4*3,23,25,35,36,   
1385      &2*-24,2*-37,3,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,  
1386      &5,6,-1,-5,-1,-5,-1,-5,4,2*3,4*4,23,25,35,36,2*24,2*37,4,1,3,5,1,  
1387      &3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,5,2*6,4*5,23,25,35,36,2*-24,2*-37,5,1,3,5,1,3,  
1388      &5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,-1,-3,-1,-3,-1,-3,6,  
1389      &2*5,4*6,23,25,35,36,2*24,2*37,6,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,11,     
1390      &2*12,4*11,23,25,35,36,2*-24,2*-37,13,15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,  
1391      &13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,13,2*14,4*13,23,25,35,36,2*-24,2*-37,13,  
1392      &15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,15,2*16,4*15,  
1393      &23,25,35,36,2*-24,2*-37,13,15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,  
1394      &5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,-4,-5,-6,-11,-13,-15,21,-1,-3,2*-5,5,12,14,16,   
1395      &-3,-4,-5,-6,-11,-13,-15,21,-5,-6,21,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-1,-2,-3,   
1396      &-4,-5,-6,21,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,21,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,21,-1,-2,-3,   
1397      &-4,-5,-6,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,3*21,3*1,4*2,1,2*11, 
1398      &2*12,11,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,  
1399      &21,22,23,-24,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,3*1,3*3,3*5,2*-13,2*15,3*-1,3*-3,     
1400      &3*-5,3*1,3*3,3*5,2*-11,2*15,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,3*1,3*3,3*5,2*-11,     
1401      &2*13,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-11,-12,9900012,-13,-14,9900014,-15,-16/   
1402       DATA (KFDP(I,2),I=4184,8000)/9900016,2,4,6,2,4,6,2,4,6,9900012,   
1403      &9900014,9900016,-11,-13,-15,-13,2*-15,24,-11,-13,-15,-13,2*-15,   
1404      &9900024,6*21,-24,-3000211,-24,-3000211,3000111,3000221,3000111,   
1405      &3000221,2*23,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17, 
1406      &-18,23,3000111,23,3000111,22,3000221,22,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,  
1407      &2,4,6,8,12,14,16,18,2*3000111,2*3000221,-3000211,2*-24,-3000211,  
1408      &2*23,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,-24, 
1409      &-3000211,3000211,3000221,3000113,3000223,-3000213,3000213,        
1410      &3000113,3000223,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,  
1411      &-17,-18,24,3000211,24,3000111,3000221,3000211,3000213,3000113,    
1412      &3000223,3000213,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,12,14,16,18,      
1413      &649*0,
1414 C...UED     
1415      &1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6, 
1416      &1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,3,4,3,4,5,6,5,6,5,6,
1417      &11,13,15,12,11,14,13,16,15, 
1418      &-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,
1419      &1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6, 
1420      &22, 
1421      &-11,-13,-15,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,
1422      &11,13,15,11,13,15,12,14,16,
1423      &12,14,16,-11,-13,-15, 
1424      &2912*0/
1425       DATA (KFDP(I,3),I=   1,1021)/81*0,14,6*0,2*16,2*0,6*111,310,130,  
1426      &2*0,3*111,310,130,321,113,211,223,221,2*113,2*211,2*223,2*221,    
1427      &2*113,221,2*113,2*213,-213,113,2*111,310,130,310,130,2*310,130,   
1428      &402*0,4*3,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,0,-11,8*0,-211,5*0,2*111,211,-211,211,    
1429      &-211,10*0,111,4*0,2*111,-211,-11,11,-13,22,111,3*0,22,3*0,111,    
1430      &211,4*0,111,11*0,111,-211,6*0,-211,3*111,7*0,111,-211,5*0,2*221,  
1431      &3*0,111,5*0,111,11*0,-311,-313,-311,-321,-313,-323,111,221,331,   
1432      &113,223,-311,-313,-311,-321,-313,-323,111,221,331,113,223,22*0,   
1433      &111,113,2*211,-211,-311,211,111,3*211,-211,7*211,7*0,111,-211,    
1434      &111,-211,-321,-323,-311,-321,-313,-323,-211,-213,-321,-323,-311,  
1435      &-321,-313,-323,-211,-213,22*0,111,113,-311,2*-211,211,-211,310,   
1436      &-211,2*111,211,2*-211,-321,-211,2*211,-211,111,-211,2*211,6*0,    
1437      &111,-211,111,-211,0,221,331,333,321,311,221,331,333,321,311,20*0, 
1438      &3,13*0,-411,-413,-10413,-10411,-20413,-415,-411,-413,-10413,      
1439      &-10411,-20413,-415,-411,-413,16*0,-4,-1,-4,-3,2*-2,5*0,111,-211,  
1440      &111,-211,-421,-423,-10423,-10421,-20423,-425,-421,-423,-10423,    
1441      &-10421,-20423,-425,-421,-423,16*0,-4,-1,-4,-3,2*-2,5*0,111,-211,  
1442      &111,-211,-431,-433,-10433,-10431,-20433,-435,-431,-433,-10433,    
1443      &-10431,-20433,-435,-431,-433,19*0,-4,-1,-4,-3,2*-2,8*0,441,443,   
1444      &441,443,441,443,-4,-1,-4,-3,-4,-3,-4,-1,531,533,531,533,3,2,3,2/  
1445       DATA (KFDP(I,3),I=1022,2223)/511,513,511,513,1,2,13*0,2*21,11*0,  
1446      &2112,6*0,2212,12*0,2*3122,3212,10*0,3322,2*0,3122,3212,3214,2112, 
1447      &2114,2212,2112,3122,3212,3214,2112,2114,2212,2112,52*0,3*3,1,6*0, 
1448      &4*3,4*0,4*3,6*0,4*3,0,28*3,2*0,3*4122,8*0,4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,  
1449      &2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*0,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*0,4*4,1,4,3,  
1450      &2*2,0,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,    
1451      &4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,  
1452      &3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,    
1453      &4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,  
1454      &3,2*2,31*0,211,111,45*0,-211,2*111,-211,3*111,-211,111,211,30*0,  
1455      &-211,111,13*0,2*21,-211,111,199*0,2*5,210*0,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,-6,-1, 
1456      &-3,-5,-2,-4,-6,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,-6,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,-6,-2,2,-4,4,-6,  
1457      &6,-2,2,-4,4,-6,6,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,  
1458      &-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5, 
1459      &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5, 
1460      &-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1, 
1461      &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,   
1462      &-5,5,-5,5,5*0,11,12,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11, 
1463      &-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,   
1464      &-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3/ 
1465       DATA (KFDP(I,3),I=2224,2783)/-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,  
1466      &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5, 
1467      &-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1, 
1468      &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,   
1469      &-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,7*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,  
1470      &-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-12,12,-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,2*0,-12,12, 
1471      &-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,52*0,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15, 
1472      &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,   
1473      &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,  
1474      &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5, 
1475      &-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1, 
1476      &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1, 
1477      &-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,-5,5,   
1478      &-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,3*0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2, 
1479      &4,0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2,4,28*0,2,4,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,  
1480      &-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,11,14,13,16,15,12,-11,11, 
1481      &14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,11,14,13,16,15,12,11,14,13,16,15,2*2,1,-1, 
1482      &2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,   
1483      &2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,   
1484      &2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1/   
1485       DATA (KFDP(I,3),I=2784,3354)/2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3, 
1486      &2*6,5,-5,3,-3,5,-5,1,3,-3,5,-5,1,3,5,-5,1,5,-5,1,3,5,-5,1,3,7*0,  
1487      &-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,   
1488      &-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-12,12,-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,2*0,-12,12, 
1489      &-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,52*0,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15, 
1490      &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,   
1491      &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,  
1492      &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5, 
1493      &-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1, 
1494      &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1, 
1495      &-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,-5,5,   
1496      &-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,7*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,   
1497      &-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,    
1498      &-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-12,12,-14,14,-16,16,  
1499      &-2,2,-4,4,2*0,-12,12,-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,52*0,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4, 
1500      &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,   
1501      &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1, 
1502      &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1, 
1503      &-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3, 
1504      &-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3/ 
1505       DATA (KFDP(I,3),I=3355,8000)/-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,  
1506      &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,   
1507      &-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,3*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,   
1508      &4*0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2,4,    
1509      &28*0,2,4,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,    
1510      &-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,  
1511      &15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,   
1512      &2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,   
1513      &2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,   
1514      &2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,   
1515      &2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,3,-3,5,-5,  
1516      &1,3,-3,5,-5,1,3,5,-5,1,5,-5,1,3,5,-5,1,3,351*0,-5,95*0,2,4,6,2,4, 
1517      &6,2,4,6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,2*9900014,2*9900016,2,4,6,2,4, 
1518      &6,2,4,6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,2*9900012,2*9900016,2,4,6,2,4, 
1519      &6,2,4,6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,2*9900012,2*9900014,3831*0/    
1520       DATA (KFDP(I,4),I=   1,8000)/94*0,4*111,6*0,111,2*0,-211,0,-211,  
1521      &3*0,111,2*-211,0,111,0,2*111,113,221,2*111,-213,-211,211,113,     
1522      &6*111,310,2*130,402*0,13*81,41*0,-11,10*0,111,-211,4*0,111,62*0,  
1523      &111,211,111,211,7*0,111,211,111,211,35*0,2*-211,2*111,211,111,    
1524      &-211,2*211,2*-211,13*0,-211,111,-211,111,4*0,-211,111,-211,111,   
1525      &34*0,111,-211,3*111,3*-211,2*111,3*-211,14*0,-321,-311,3*0,-321,  
1526      &-311,20*0,-3,43*0,6*1,39*0,6*2,42*0,6*3,14*0,8*4,4*0,4*-5,4*0,    
1527      &2*-5,67*0,-211,111,5*0,-211,111,52*0,2101,2103,2*2101,6*0,4*81,   
1528      &4*0,4*81,6*0,4*81,0,28*81,13*0,6*2101,18*81,4*0,18*81,4*0,9*81,0, 
1529      &162*81,31*0,-211,111,6516*0/                                      
1530       DATA (KFDP(I,5),I=   1,8000)/96*0,2*111,17*0,111,7*0,2*111,0,     
1531      &3*111,0,111,597*0,-211,2*111,-211,111,-211,111,65*0,111,-211,     
1532      &3*111,-211,111,7193*0/                                            
1534 C...PYDAT4, with particle names (character strings).
1535       DATA (CHAF(I,1),I=   1, 202)/'d','u','s','c','b','t','b''','t''', 
1536      &2*' ','e-','nu_e','mu-','nu_mu','tau-','nu_tau','tau''-',         
1537      &'nu''_tau',2*' ','g','gamma','Z0','W+','h0',6*' ','Z''0','Z"0',   
1538      &'W''+','H0','A0','H+',' ','Graviton',' ','R0','LQ_ue',38*' ',     
1539      &'specflav','rndmflav','phasespa','c-hadron','b-hadron',2*' ',     
1540      &'junction',' ','system','cluster','string','indep.','CMshower',   
1541      &'SPHEaxis','THRUaxis','CLUSjet','CELLjet','table',' ','reggeon',  
1542      &'pi0','rho0','a_20','K_L0','pi+','rho+','a_2+','eta','omega',     
1543      &'f_2','K_S0','K0','K*0','K*_20','K+','K*+','K*_2+','eta''','phi', 
1544      &'f''_2','D+','D*+','D*_2+','D0','D*0','D*_20','D_s+','D*_s+',     
1545      &'D*_2s+','eta_c','J/psi','chi_2c','B0','B*0','B*_20','B+','B*+',  
1546      &'B*_2+','B_s0','B*_s0','B*_2s0','B_c+','B*_c+','B*_2c+','eta_b',  
1547      &'Upsilon','chi_2b','pomeron','dd_1','Delta-','ud_0','ud_1','n0',  
1548      &'Delta0','uu_1','p+','Delta+','Delta++','sd_0','sd_1','Sigma-',   
1549      &'Sigma*-','Lambda0','su_0','su_1','Sigma0','Sigma*0','Sigma+',    
1550      &'Sigma*+','ss_1','Xi-','Xi*-','Xi0','Xi*0','Omega-','cd_0',       
1551      &'cd_1','Sigma_c0','Sigma*_c0','Lambda_c+','Xi_c0','cu_0','cu_1',  
1552      &'Sigma_c+','Sigma*_c+','Sigma_c++','Sigma*_c++','Xi_c+','cs_0',   
1553      &'cs_1','Xi''_c0','Xi*_c0','Xi''_c+','Xi*_c+','Omega_c0',          
1554      &'Omega*_c0','cc_1','Xi_cc+','Xi*_cc+','Xi_cc++','Xi*_cc++'/       
1555       DATA (CHAF(I,1),I= 203, 332)/'Omega_cc+','Omega*_cc+',            
1556      &'Omega*_ccc++','bd_0','bd_1','Sigma_b-','Sigma*_b-','Lambda_b0',  
1557      &'Xi_b-','Xi_bc0','bu_0','bu_1','Sigma_b0','Sigma*_b0','Sigma_b+', 
1558      &'Sigma*_b+','Xi_b0','Xi_bc+','bs_0','bs_1','Xi''_b-','Xi*_b-',    
1559      &'Xi''_b0','Xi*_b0','Omega_b-','Omega*_b-','Omega_bc0','bc_0',     
1560      &'bc_1','Xi''_bc0','Xi*_bc0','Xi''_bc+','Xi*_bc+','Omega''_bc0',   
1561      &'Omega*_bc0','Omega_bcc+','Omega*_bcc+','bb_1','Xi_bb-',          
1562      &'Xi*_bb-','Xi_bb0','Xi*_bb0','Omega_bb-','Omega*_bb-',            
1563      &'Omega_bbc0','Omega*_bbc0','Omega*_bbb-','a_00','b_10','a_0+',    
1564      &'b_1+','f_0','h_1','K*_00','K_10','K*_0+','K_1+','f''_0','h''_1', 
1565      &'D*_0+','D_1+','D*_00','D_10','D*_0s+','D_1s+','chi_0c','h_1c',   
1566      &'B*_00','B_10','B*_0+','B_1+','B*_0s0','B_1s0','B*_0c+','B_1c+',  
1567      &'chi_0b','h_1b','a_10','a_1+','f_1','K*_10','K*_1+','f''_1',      
1568      &'D*_1+','D*_10','D*_1s+','chi_1c','B*_10','B*_1+','B*_1s0',       
1569      &'B*_1c+','chi_1b','psi''','Upsilon''','~d_L','~u_L','~s_L',       
1570      &'~c_L','~b_1','~t_1','~e_L-','~nu_eL','~mu_L-','~nu_muL',         
1571      &'~tau_1-','~nu_tauL','~g','~chi_10','~chi_20','~chi_1+',          
1572      &'~chi_30','~chi_40','~chi_2+','~Gravitino','~d_R','~u_R','~s_R',  
1573      &'~c_R','~b_2','~t_2','~e_R-','~nu_eR','~mu_R-','~nu_muR',         
1574      &'~tau_2-','~nu_tauR','pi_tc0','pi_tc+','pi''_tc0','eta_tc0'/      
1575       DATA (CHAF(I,1),I= 333, 500)/'rho_tc0','rho_tc+','omega_tc',      
1576      &'V8_tc','pi_22_1_tc','pi_22_8_tc','rho_11_tc','rho_12_tc',        
1577      &'rho_21_tc','rho_22_tc','d*','u*','e*-','nu*_e0','Graviton*',     
1578      &'nu_Re','nu_Rmu','nu_Rtau','Z_R0','W_R+','H_L++','H_R++',         
1579      &'rho_diff0','pi_diffr+','omega_di','phi_diff','J/psi_di',         
1580      &'n_diffr0','p_diffr+','cc~[3S18]','cc~[1S08]','cc~[3P08]',        
1581      &'bb~[3S18]','bb~[1S08]','bb~[3P08]','a_tc0','a_tc+',
1582      &81*' ',
1583 C...UED    
1584      &'d*_S','u*_S','s*_S','c*_S','b*_S','t*_S',
1585      &'d*_D','u*_D','s*_D','c*_D','b*_D','t*_D',
1586      &'e*_S-','mu*_S-','tau*_S-',
1587      &'nu*_eD','e*_D-','nu*_muD','mu*_D-','nu*_tauD','tau*_D-',
1588      &'g*','gamma*','Z*0','W*+',25*' '/               
1589       DATA (CHAF(I,2),I=   1, 205)/'dbar','ubar','sbar','cbar','bbar',  
1590      &'tbar','b''bar','t''bar',2*' ','e+','nu_ebar','mu+','nu_mubar',   
1591      &'tau+','nu_taubar','tau''+','nu''_taubar',5*' ','W-',9*' ',       
1592      &'W''-',2*' ','H-',3*' ','Rbar0','LQ_uebar',39*' ','rndmflavbar',  
1593      &' ','c-hadronbar','b-hadronbar',20*' ','pi-','rho-','a_2-',4*' ', 
1594      &'Kbar0','K*bar0','K*_2bar0','K-','K*-','K*_2-',3*' ','D-','D*-',  
1595      &'D*_2-','Dbar0','D*bar0','D*_2bar0','D_s-','D*_s-','D*_2s-',      
1596      &3*' ','Bbar0','B*bar0','B*_2bar0','B-','B*-','B*_2-','B_sbar0',   
1597      &'B*_sbar0','B*_2sbar0','B_c-','B*_c-','B*_2c-',4*' ','dd_1bar',   
1598      &'Deltabar+','ud_0bar','ud_1bar','nbar0','Deltabar0','uu_1bar',    
1599      &'pbar-','Deltabar-','Deltabar--','sd_0bar','sd_1bar','Sigmabar+', 
1600      &'Sigma*bar+','Lambdabar0','su_0bar','su_1bar','Sigmabar0',        
1601      &'Sigma*bar0','Sigmabar-','Sigma*bar-','ss_1bar','Xibar+',         
1602      &'Xi*bar+','Xibar0','Xi*bar0','Omegabar+','cd_0bar','cd_1bar',     
1603      &'Sigma_cbar0','Sigma*_cbar0','Lambda_cbar-','Xi_cbar0','cu_0bar', 
1604      &'cu_1bar','Sigma_cbar-','Sigma*_cbar-','Sigma_cbar--',            
1605      &'Sigma*_cbar--','Xi_cbar-','cs_0bar','cs_1bar','Xi''_cbar0',      
1606      &'Xi*_cbar0','Xi''_cbar-','Xi*_cbar-','Omega_cbar0',               
1607      &'Omega*_cbar0','cc_1bar','Xi_ccbar-','Xi*_ccbar-','Xi_ccbar--',   
1608      &'Xi*_ccbar--','Omega_ccbar-','Omega*_ccbar-','Omega*_cccbar-'/    
1609       DATA (CHAF(I,2),I= 206, 325)/'bd_0bar','bd_1bar','Sigma_bbar+',   
1610      &'Sigma*_bbar+','Lambda_bbar0','Xi_bbar+','Xi_bcbar0','bu_0bar',   
1611      &'bu_1bar','Sigma_bbar0','Sigma*_bbar0','Sigma_bbar-',             
1612      &'Sigma*_bbar-','Xi_bbar0','Xi_bcbar-','bs_0bar','bs_1bar',        
1613      &'Xi''_bbar+','Xi*_bbar+','Xi''_bbar0','Xi*_bbar0','Omega_bbar+',  
1614      &'Omega*_bbar+','Omega_bcbar0','bc_0bar','bc_1bar','Xi''_bcbar0',  
1615      &'Xi*_bcbar0','Xi''_bcbar-','Xi*_bcbar-','Omega''_bcba',           
1616      &'Omega*_bcbar0','Omega_bccbar-','Omega*_bccbar-','bb_1bar',       
1617      &'Xi_bbbar+','Xi*_bbbar+','Xi_bbbar0','Xi*_bbbar0','Omega_bbbar+', 
1618      &'Omega*_bbbar+','Omega_bbcbar0','Omega*_bbcbar0',                 
1619      &'Omega*_bbbbar+',2*' ','a_0-','b_1-',2*' ','K*_0bar0','K_1bar0',  
1620      &'K*_0-','K_1-',2*' ','D*_0-','D_1-','D*_0bar0','D_1bar0',         
1621      &'D*_0s-','D_1s-',2*' ','B*_0bar0','B_1bar0','B*_0-','B_1-',       
1622      &'B*_0sbar0','B_1sbar0','B*_0c-','B_1c-',3*' ','a_1-',' ',         
1623      &'K*_1bar0','K*_1-',' ','D*_1-','D*_1bar0','D*_1s-',' ',           
1624      &'B*_1bar0','B*_1-','B*_1sbar0','B*_1c-',3*' ','~d_Lbar',          
1625      &'~u_Lbar','~s_Lbar','~c_Lbar','~b_1bar','~t_1bar','~e_L+',        
1626      &'~nu_eLbar','~mu_L+','~nu_muLbar','~tau_1+','~nu_tauLbar',3*' ',  
1627      &'~chi_1-',2*' ','~chi_2-',' ','~d_Rbar','~u_Rbar','~s_Rbar',      
1628      &'~c_Rbar','~b_2bar','~t_2bar','~e_R+','~nu_eRbar','~mu_R+'/       
1629       DATA (CHAF(I,2),I= 326, 500)/'~nu_muRbar','~tau_2+',              
1630      &'~nu_tauRbar',' ','pi_tc-',3*' ','rho_tc-',8*' ','d*bar','u*bar', 
1631      &'e*bar+','nu*_ebar0',5*' ','W_R-','H_L--','H_R--',' ',            
1632      &'pi_diffr-',3*' ','n_diffrbar0','p_diffrbar-',7*' ','a_tc-',     
1633      &81*' ',
1634 C...UED
1635      &'d*_Sbar','u*_Sbar','s*_Sbar','c*_Sbar','b*_Sbar','t*_Sbar',
1636      &'d*_Dbar','u*_Dbar','s*_Dbar','c*_Dbar','b*_Dbar','t*_Dbar',
1637      &'e*_Sbar+','mu*_Sbar+','tau*_Sbar+',
1638      &'nu*_eDbar','e*_Dbar+',
1639      &'nu*_muDbar','mu*_Dbar+',
1640      &'nu*_tauDbar','tau*_Dbar+',
1641      &'g*','gamma*','Z*0','W*-',25*' '/            
1643 C...PYDATR, with initial values for the random number generator.
1644       DATA MRPY/19780503,0,0,97,33,0/
1646 C...Default values for allowed processes and kinematics constraints.
1647       DATA MSEL/1/
1648       DATA MSUB/500*0/
1649       DATA ((KFIN(I,J),J=-40,40),I=1,2)/16*0,4*1,4*0,6*1,5*0,5*1,0,
1650      &5*1,5*0,6*1,4*0,4*1,16*0,16*0,4*1,4*0,6*1,5*0,5*1,0,5*1,5*0,
1651      &6*1,4*0,4*1,16*0/
1652       DATA CKIN/
1653      &  2.0D0, -1.0D0,  0.0D0, -1.0D0,  1.0D0,
1654      &  1.0D0,  -10D0,   10D0,  -40D0,   40D0,
1655      1  -40D0,   40D0,  -40D0,   40D0,  -40D0,
1656      1   40D0, -1.0D0,  1.0D0, -1.0D0,  1.0D0,
1657      2  0.0D0,  1.0D0,  0.0D0,  1.0D0, -1.0D0,
1658      2  1.0D0, -1.0D0,  1.0D0,    0D0,    0D0,
1659      3  2.0D0, -1.0D0,    0D0,    0D0,  0.0D0,
1660      3 -1.0D0,  0.0D0, -1.0D0,  4.0D0, -1.0D0,
1661      4 12.0D0, -1.0D0, 12.0D0, -1.0D0, 12.0D0,
1662      4 -1.0D0, 12.0D0, -1.0D0,    0D0,    0D0,
1663      5  0.0D0, -1.0D0,  0.0D0, -1.0D0,  0.0D0,
1664      5 -1.0D0,    0D0,    0D0,    0D0,    0D0,
1665      6 0.0001D0, 0.99D0, 0.0001D0, 0.99D0,    0D0,
1666      6   -1D0,    0D0,   -1D0,    0D0,   -1D0,
1667      7    0D0,   -1D0, 0.0001D0, 0.99D0, 0.0001D0,
1668      7 0.99D0,    2D0,   -1D0,    0D0,    0D0,
1669      8  120*0D0/
1671 C...Default values for main switches and parameters. Reset information.
1672       DATA (MSTP(I),I=1,100)/
1673      &  3,    1,    2,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1674      1  1,    0,    1,   30,    0,    1,    4,    3,    4,    3,
1675      2  1,    0,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    1,
1676      3  1,    8,    0,    1,    0,    2,    1,    5,    2,    0,
1677      4  2,    1,    3,    7,    3,    1,    1,    0,    1,    0,
1678      5  7,    1,    3,    1,    5,    1,    1,    5,    1,    7,
1679      6  2,    3,    2,    2,    1,    5,    2,    3,    0,    0,
1680      7  1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1681      8  1,    4,  100,    1,    1,    2,    4,    1,    1,    0,
1682      9  1,    3,    1,    3,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0/
1683       DATA (MSTP(I),I=101,200)/
1684      &  3,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1685      1  1,    1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1686      2  0,    1,    2,    1,    1,  100,    0,    0,   10,    0,
1687      3  0,    4,    0,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1688      4  0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1689      5  0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1690      6  0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1691      7  0,    2,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1692      8  6,  420, 2009,   02,   20,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1693 C=====================================================================
1695 C=====================================================================
1696      9  0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    2,    0,    0/
1697 C=====================================================================
1699 C=====================================================================
1700       DATA (PARP(I),I=1,100)/
1701      &  0.25D0,  10D0, 8*0D0,
1702      1  0D0, 0D0, 1.0D0, 0.01D0, 0.5D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.4D0, 2*0D0,
1703      2  10*0D0,
1704      3  1.5D0,2.0D0,0.075D0,1.0D0,0.2D0,0D0,1.0D0,0.70D0,0.006D0,0D0,
1705      4  0.02D0,2.0D0,0.10D0,1000D0,2054D0,123D0,246D0,50D0,0D0,0.054D0,
1706      5  10*0D0,
1707      6  0.25D0, 1.0D0,0.25D0, 1.0D0, 2.0D0,1D-3, 4.0D0,1D-3,2*0D0,
1708      7  4.0D0, 0.25D0, 5*0D0, 0.025D0, 2.0D0, 0.1D0,
1709      8  1.90D0, 2.0D0, 0.5D0, 0.4D0, 0.90D0,
1710      8  0.95D0, 0.7D0, 0.5D0, 1800D0, 0.16D0,
1711      9  2.0D0,0.40D0,5.0D0,1.0D0,0.0D0,3.0D0,1.0D0,0.75D0,1.0D0,5.0D0/
1712       DATA (PARP(I),I=101,200)/
1713      &  0.5D0, 0.28D0,  1.0D0, 0.8D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 1D0,
1714      1  2.0D0, 3*0D0, 1.5D0, 0.5D0, 0.6D0, 2.5D0, 2.0D0, 1.0D0,
1715      2  1.0D0,  0.4D0, 8*0D0,
1716      3  0.01D0, 9*0D0,
1717      4  1.16D0, 0.0119D0, 0.01D0, 0.01D0, 0.05D0, 
1718      4  9.28D0, 0.15D0, 0.02D0, 0.48D0, 0.09D0,
1719      5  0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0,
1720      6  2.20D0, 23.6D0, 18.4D0, 11.5D0, 0.5D0, 0D0, 0D0, 0D0, 2*0D0,
1721      7  0D0,   0D0,   0D0,  1.0D0, 6*0D0,
1722      8  0.1D0, 0.01D0, 0.01D0, 0.01D0, 0.1D0, 0.01D0, 0.01D0, 0.01D0,
1723      8  0.3D0, 0.64D0,
1724      9  0.64D0, 5.0D0, 1.0D4, 1.0D4, 6*0D0/
1725       DATA MSTI/200*0/
1726       DATA PARI/200*0D0/
1727       DATA MINT/400*0/
1728       DATA VINT/400*0D0/
1730 C...Constants for the generation of the various processes.
1731       DATA (ISET(I),I=1,100)/
1732      &  1,    1,    1,   -1,    3,   -1,   -1,    3,   -2,    2,
1733      1  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,   -1,    2,    2,    2,
1734      2 -1,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,   -1,    2,    2,    2,
1735      3  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,
1736      4 -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,
1737      5 -1,   -1,    2,    2,   -1,   -1,   -1,    2,   -1,   -1,
1738      6 -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,    2,    2,    2,
1739      7  4,    4,    4,   -1,   -1,    4,    4,   -1,   -1,    2,
1740      8  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,   -2,
1741      9  0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    9,   -2,   -2,    8,   -2/
1742       DATA (ISET(I),I=101,200)/
1743      & -1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    2,    2,   -2,    2,
1744      1  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -2,   -2,
1745      2  5,    5,    5,    5,   -2,   -2,   -2,   -2,   -2,   -2,
1746      3  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1747      4  1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   -2,
1748      5  1,    1,    1,   -2,   -2,    1,    1,    1,   -2,   -2,
1749      6  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,   -2,
1750      7  2,    2,    5,    5,   -2,    2,    2,    5,    5,   -2,
1751      8  5,    5,    2,    2,    2,    5,    5,    2,    2,    2,
1752      9  1,    1,    1,    2,    2,   -2,   -2,   -2,   -2,   -2/
1753       DATA (ISET(I),I=201,300)/
1754      &  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1755      1  2,    2,    2,    2,   -2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1756      2  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1757      3  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1758      4  2,    2,    2,    2,   -1,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1759      5  2,    2,    2,    2,   -1,    2,   -1,    2,    2,   -2,
1760      6  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,
1761      7  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1762      8  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1763      9  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2/
1764       DATA (ISET(I),I=301,500)/
1765      &  2, 9*-2, 9*2, 21*-2,
1766      4  1,    1,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1767      5  5,    5,    1,    1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,
1768      6  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,   -1,    2,
1769      7  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1770      8  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,   -2,   -2,
1771      9  1,    1,    2,    2,    2, 5*-2,
1772 C=====================================================================
1774 C=====================================================================
1775      &  5,    5,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 12*-2,
1776 C=====================================================================
1778 C=====================================================================
1779      2  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1780      3  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 21*-2,
1781      6  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,
1782      7  2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 21*-2/
1783       DATA ((KFPR(I,J),J=1,2),I=1,50)/
1784      &  23,    0,   24,    0,   25,    0,   24,    0,   25,    0,
1785      &  24,    0,   23,    0,   25,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1786      1   0,    0,    0,    0,   21,   21,   21,   22,   21,   23,
1787      1  21,   24,   21,   25,   22,   22,   22,   23,   22,   24,
1788      2  22,   25,   23,   23,   23,   24,   23,   25,   24,   24,
1789      2  24,   25,   25,   25,    0,   21,    0,   22,    0,   23,
1790      3   0,   24,    0,   25,    0,   21,    0,   22,    0,   23,
1791      3   0,   24,    0,   25,    0,   21,    0,   22,    0,   23,
1792      4   0,   24,    0,   25,    0,   21,    0,   22,    0,   23,
1793      4   0,   24,    0,   25,    0,   21,    0,   22,    0,   23/
1794       DATA ((KFPR(I,J),J=1,2),I=51,100)/
1795      5   0,   24,    0,   25,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1796      5   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1797      6   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1798      6   0,    0,    0,    0,   21,   21,   24,   24,   23,   24,
1799      7  23,   23,   24,   24,   23,   24,   23,   25,   22,   22,
1800      7  23,   23,   24,   24,   24,   25,   25,   25,    0,  211,
1801      8   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1802      8 443,   21,10441,   21,20443,   21,  445,   21,    0,    0,
1803      9   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1804      9   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0/
1805       DATA ((KFPR(I,J),J=1,2),I=101,150)/
1806      &  23,    0,   25,    0,   25,    0,10441,    0,  445,    0,
1807      & 443,   22,  443,   21,  443,   22,    0,    0,   22,   25,
1808      1  21,   25,    0,   25,   21,   25,   22,   22,   21,   22,
1809      1  22,   23,   23,   23,   24,   24,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1810      2  25,    6,   25,    6,   25,    0,   25,    0,    0,    0,
1811      2   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1812      3   0,   21,    0,   21,    0,   22,    0,   22,    0,    0,
1813      3   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1814      4  32,    0,   34,    0,   37,    0,   41,    0,   42,    0,
1815      4 4000011, 0, 4000001, 0, 4000002, 0, 3000331, 0,   0,    0/
1816       DATA ((KFPR(I,J),J=1,2),I=151,200)/
1817      5  35,    0,   35,    0,   35,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1818      5  36,    0,   36,    0,   36,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1819      6   6,   37,   42,    0,   42,   42,   42,   42,   11,    0,
1820      6  11,    0, 0, 4000001, 0, 4000002, 0, 4000011,    0,    0,
1821      7  23,   35,   24,   35,   35,    0,   35,    0,    0,    0,
1822      7  23,   36,   24,   36,   36,    0,   36,    0,    0,    0,
1823      8  35,    6,   35,    6,   21,   35,    0,   35,   21,   35,
1824      8  36,    6,   36,    6,   21,   36,    0,   36,   21,   36,
1825      9  3000113, 0, 3000213, 0, 3000223, 0, 11,    0,   11,    0,
1826      9   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0/
1827       DATA ((KFPR(I,J),J=1,2),I=201,240)/
1828      &  1000011,   1000011,   2000011,   2000011,   1000011,
1829      &  2000011,   1000013,   1000013,   2000013,   2000013,
1830      &  1000013,   2000013,   1000015,   1000015,   2000015,
1831      &  2000015,   1000015,   2000015,   1000011,   1000012,
1832      1  1000015,   1000016,   2000015,   1000016,   1000012,
1833      1  1000012,   1000016,   1000016,         0,         0,
1834      1  1000022,   1000022,   1000023,   1000023,   1000025,
1835      1  1000025,   1000035,   1000035,   1000022,   1000023,
1836      2  1000022,   1000025,   1000022,   1000035,   1000023,
1837      2  1000025,   1000023,   1000035,   1000025,   1000035,
1838      2  1000024,   1000024,   1000037,   1000037,   1000024,
1839      2  1000037,   1000022,   1000024,   1000023,   1000024,
1840      3  1000025,   1000024,   1000035,   1000024,   1000022,
1841      3  1000037,   1000023,   1000037,   1000025,   1000037,
1842      3  1000035,   1000037,   1000021,   1000022,   1000021,
1843      3  1000023,   1000021,   1000025,   1000021,   1000035/
1844       DATA ((KFPR(I,J),J=1,2),I=241,280)/
1845      4  1000021,   1000024,   1000021,   1000037,   1000021,
1846      4  1000021,   1000021,   1000021,         0,         0,
1847      4  1000002,   1000022,   2000002,   1000022,   1000002,
1848      4  1000023,   2000002,   1000023,   1000002,   1000025,
1849      5  2000002,   1000025,   1000002,   1000035,   2000002,
1850      5  1000035,   1000001,   1000024,   2000005,   1000024,
1851      5  1000001,   1000037,   2000005,   1000037,   1000002,
1852      5  1000021,   2000002,   1000021,         0,         0,
1853      6  1000006,   1000006,   2000006,   2000006,   1000006,
1854      6  2000006,   1000006,   1000006,   2000006,   2000006,
1855      6        0,         0,         0,         0,         0,
1856      6        0,         0,         0,         0,         0,
1857      7  1000002,   1000002,   2000002,   2000002,   1000002,
1858      7  2000002,   1000002,   1000002,   2000002,   2000002,
1859      7  1000002,   2000002,   1000002,   1000002,   2000002,
1860      7  2000002,   1000002,   1000002,   2000002,   2000002/
1861       DATA ((KFPR(I,J),J=1,2),I=281,350)/
1862      8  1000005,   1000002,   2000005,   2000002,   1000005,
1863      8  2000002,   1000005,   1000002,   2000005,   2000002,
1864      8  1000005,   2000002,   1000005,   1000005,   2000005,
1865      8  2000005,   1000005,   1000005,   2000005,   2000005,
1866      9  1000005,   1000005,   2000005,   2000005,   1000005,
1867      9  2000005,   1000005,   1000021,   2000005,   1000021,
1868      9  1000005,   2000005,        37,        25,        37,
1869      9       35,        36,        25,        36,        35,
1870      &       37,        37,      18*0,
1871 C...UED: 311-319
1872      &  5100021,   5100021, 
1873      &  5100002,   5100021, 
1874      &  5100002,   5100001,
1875      &  5100002,  -5100002, 
1876      &  5100002,  -5100002,
1877      &  5100002,  -6100001,
1878      &  5100002,  -5100001,
1879      &  5100002,   6100001,
1880      &  5100001,  -5100001,
1881      &  42*0,
1882      4  9900041,         0,   9900042,         0,   9900041,
1883      4       11,   9900042,        11,   9900041,        13,
1884      4  9900042,        13,   9900041,        15,   9900042,
1885      4       15,   9900041,   9900041,   9900042,   9900042/
1886       DATA ((KFPR(I,J),J=1,2),I=351,400)/
1887      5  9900041,         0,   9900042,         0,   9900023,
1888      5        0,   9900024,         0,         0,         0,
1889      5        0,         0,         0,         0,         0,
1890      5        0,         0,         0,         0,         0,
1891      6       24,        24,        24,   3000211,   3000211,
1892      6  3000211,        22,   3000111,        22,   3000221,
1893      6       23,   3000111,        23,   3000221,        24,
1894      6  3000211,         0,         0,        24,        23,
1895      7       24,   3000111,   3000211,        23,   3000211,
1896      7  3000111,        22,   3000211,        23,   3000211,
1897      7       24,   3000111,        24,   3000221,        22,
1898      7       24,        22,        23,        23,        23,
1899      8   0,    0,    0,    0,   21,   21,    0,   21,    0,    0,
1900      8  21,   21,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
1901      9  5000039,         0,   5000039,         0,        21,
1902      9  5000039,         0,   5000039,        21,   5000039,
1903      9     10*0/
1904       DATA ((KFPR(I,J),J=1,2),I=401,500)/
1905      &  37,    6,   37,    6,    36*0,
1906      2      443,        21,   9900443,        21,   9900441,
1907      2       21,   9910441,        21,         0,   9900443,
1908      2        0,   9900441,         0,   9910441,        21,
1909      2  9900443,        21,   9900441,        21,   9910441,
1910      3 10441, 21, 20443,  21,  445,   21,    0, 10441,   0, 20443,
1911      3   0,  445,   21, 10441,  21, 20443,  21,  445,  42*0,
1912      6      553,        21,   9900553,        21,   9900551,
1913      6       21,   9910551,        21,         0,   9900553,
1914      6        0,   9900551,         0,   9910551,        21,
1915      6  9900553,        21,   9900551,        21,   9910551,
1916      7 10551, 21, 20553,  21,  555,   21,    0, 10551,   0, 20553,
1917      7   0,  555,   21, 10551,  21, 20553,  21,  555, 42*0/
1918       DATA COEF/10000*0D0/
1919       DATA (((ICOL(I,J,K),K=1,2),J=1,4),I=1,40)/
1920      &4,0,3,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,2,0,0,1,4,0,0,3,3,0,0,4,1,0,0,2,
1921      &3,0,0,4,1,4,3,2,4,0,0,3,4,2,1,3,2,0,4,1,4,0,2,3,4,0,3,4,2,0,1,2,
1922      &3,2,1,0,1,4,3,0,4,3,3,0,2,1,1,0,3,2,1,4,1,0,0,2,2,4,3,1,2,0,0,1,
1923      &3,2,1,4,1,4,3,2,4,2,1,3,4,2,1,3,3,4,4,3,1,2,2,1,2,0,3,1,2,0,0,0,
1924      &4,2,1,0,0,0,1,0,3,0,0,3,1,2,0,0,4,0,0,4,0,0,1,2,2,0,0,1,4,4,3,3,
1925      &2,2,1,1,4,4,3,3,3,3,4,4,1,1,2,2,3,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,4,2,1,4,0,0,1,2,
1926      &4,0,0,0,4,0,1,3,0,0,3,0,2,4,3,0,3,4,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,3,4,2,0,0,2,
1927      &3,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,2,0,0,0,2,0,3,1,2,0,0,0,3,2,1,0,1,0,0,0,
1928      &4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
1929      &0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/
1931 C...Treatment of resonances.
1932       DATA (MWID(I)  ,I=   1, 500)/5*0,3*1,8*0,1,5*0,3*1,6*0,1,0,4*1,   
1933      &3*0,2*1,254*0,19*2,0,7*2,0,2,0,2,0,26*1,7*0,6*2,2*1,
1934      &81*0,21*1,4*1,25*0/
1936 C...Character constants: name of processes.
1937       DATA PROC(0)/                    'All included subprocesses   '/
1938       DATA (PROC(I),I=1,20)/
1939      &'f + fbar -> gamma*/Z0       ',  'f + fbar'' -> W+/-           ',
1940      &'f + fbar -> h0              ',  'gamma + W+/- -> W+/-        ',
1941      &'Z0 + Z0 -> h0               ',  'Z0 + W+/- -> W+/-           ',
1942      &'                            ',  'W+ + W- -> h0               ',
1943      &'                            ',  'f + f'' -> f + f'' (QFD)      ',
1944      1'f + f'' -> f + f'' (QCD)      ','f + fbar -> f'' + fbar''      ',
1945      1'f + fbar -> g + g           ',  'f + fbar -> g + gamma       ',
1946      1'f + fbar -> g + Z0          ',  'f + fbar'' -> g + W+/-       ',
1947      1'f + fbar -> g + h0          ',  'f + fbar -> gamma + gamma   ',
1948      1'f + fbar -> gamma + Z0      ',  'f + fbar'' -> gamma + W+/-   '/
1949       DATA (PROC(I),I=21,40)/
1950      2'f + fbar -> gamma + h0      ',  'f + fbar -> Z0 + Z0         ',
1951      2'f + fbar'' -> Z0 + W+/-      ', 'f + fbar -> Z0 + h0         ',
1952      2'f + fbar -> W+ + W-         ',  'f + fbar'' -> W+/- + h0      ',
1953      2'f + fbar -> h0 + h0         ',  'f + g -> f + g              ',
1954      2'f + g -> f + gamma          ',  'f + g -> f + Z0             ',
1955      3'f + g -> f'' + W+/-          ', 'f + g -> f + h0             ',
1956      3'f + gamma -> f + g          ',  'f + gamma -> f + gamma      ',
1957      3'f + gamma -> f + Z0         ',  'f + gamma -> f'' + W+/-      ',
1958      3'f + gamma -> f + h0         ',  'f + Z0 -> f + g             ',
1959      3'f + Z0 -> f + gamma         ',  'f + Z0 -> f + Z0            '/
1960       DATA (PROC(I),I=41,60)/
1961      4'f + Z0 -> f'' + W+/-         ', 'f + Z0 -> f + h0            ',
1962      4'f + W+/- -> f'' + g          ', 'f + W+/- -> f'' + gamma      ',
1963      4'f + W+/- -> f'' + Z0         ', 'f + W+/- -> f'' + W+/-       ',
1964      4'f + W+/- -> f'' + h0         ', 'f + h0 -> f + g             ',
1965      4'f + h0 -> f + gamma         ',  'f + h0 -> f + Z0            ',
1966      5'f + h0 -> f'' + W+/-         ', 'f + h0 -> f + h0            ',
1967      5'g + g -> f + fbar           ',  'g + gamma -> f + fbar       ',
1968      5'g + Z0 -> f + fbar          ',  'g + W+/- -> f + fbar''       ',
1969      5'g + h0 -> f + fbar          ',  'gamma + gamma -> f + fbar   ',
1970      5'gamma + Z0 -> f + fbar      ',  'gamma + W+/- -> f + fbar''   '/
1971       DATA (PROC(I),I=61,80)/
1972      6'gamma + h0 -> f + fbar      ',  'Z0 + Z0 -> f + fbar         ',
1973      6'Z0 + W+/- -> f + fbar''      ', 'Z0 + h0 -> f + fbar         ',
1974      6'W+ + W- -> f + fbar         ',  'W+/- + h0 -> f + fbar''      ',
1975      6'h0 + h0 -> f + fbar         ',  'g + g -> g + g              ',
1976      6'gamma + gamma -> W+ + W-    ',  'gamma + W+/- -> Z0 + W+/-   ',
1977      7'Z0 + Z0 -> Z0 + Z0          ',  'Z0 + Z0 -> W+ + W-          ',
1978      7'Z0 + W+/- -> Z0 + W+/-      ',  'Z0 + Z0 -> Z0 + h0          ',
1979      7'W+ + W- -> gamma + gamma    ',  'W+ + W- -> Z0 + Z0          ',
1980      7'W+/- + W+/- -> W+/- + W+/-  ',  'W+/- + h0 -> W+/- + h0      ',
1981      7'h0 + h0 -> h0 + h0          ',  'q + gamma -> q'' + pi+/-     '/
1982       DATA (PROC(I),I=81,100)/
1983      8'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar, mass  ',  'g + g -> Q + Qbar, massive  ',
1984      8'f + q -> f'' + Q, massive    ', 'g + gamma -> Q + Qbar, mass ',
1985      8'gamma + gamma -> F + Fbar, m',  'g + g -> J/Psi + g          ',
1986      8'g + g -> chi_0c + g         ',  'g + g -> chi_1c + g         ',
1987      8'g + g -> chi_2c + g         ',  '                            ',
1988      9'Elastic scattering          ',  'Single diffractive (XB)     ',
1989      9'Single diffractive (AX)     ',  'Double  diffractive         ',
1990      9'Low-pT scattering           ',  'Semihard QCD 2 -> 2         ',
1991      9'                            ',  '                            ',
1992      9'q + gamma* -> q             ',  '                            '/
1993       DATA (PROC(I),I=101,120)/
1994      &'g + g -> gamma*/Z0          ',  'g + g -> h0                 ',
1995      &'gamma + gamma -> h0         ',  'g + g -> chi_0c             ',
1996      &'g + g -> chi_2c             ',  'g + g -> J/Psi + gamma      ',
1997      &'gamma + g -> J/Psi + g      ',  'gamma+gamma -> J/Psi + gamma',
1998      &'                            ',  'f + fbar -> gamma + h0      ',
1999      1'q + qbar -> g + h0          ',  'q + g -> q + h0             ',
2000      1'g + g -> g + h0             ',  'g + g -> gamma + gamma      ',
2001      1'g + g -> g + gamma          ',  'g + g -> gamma + Z0         ',
2002      1'g + g -> Z0 + Z0            ',  'g + g -> W+ + W-            ',
2003      1'                            ',  '                            '/
2004       DATA (PROC(I),I=121,140)/
2005      2'g + g -> Q + Qbar + h0      ',  'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar + h0   ',
2006      2'f + f'' -> f + f'' + h0       ',
2007      2'f + f'' -> f" + f"'' + h0     ',
2008      2'                            ',  '                            ',
2009      2'                            ',  '                            ',
2010      2'                            ',  '                            ',
2011      3'f + gamma*_T -> f + g       ',  'f + gamma*_L -> f + g       ',
2012      3'f + gamma*_T -> f + gamma   ',  'f + gamma*_L -> f + gamma   ',
2013      3'g + gamma*_T -> f + fbar    ',  'g + gamma*_L -> f + fbar    ',
2014      3'gamma*_T+gamma*_T -> f+fbar ',  'gamma*_T+gamma*_L -> f+fbar ',
2015      3'gamma*_L+gamma*_T -> f+fbar ',  'gamma*_L+gamma*_L -> f+fbar '/
2016       DATA (PROC(I),I=141,160)/
2017      4'f + fbar -> gamma*/Z0/Z''0   ', 'f + fbar'' -> W''+/-          ',
2018      4'f + fbar'' -> H+/-           ', 'f + fbar'' -> R              ',
2019      4'q + l -> LQ                 ',  'e + gamma -> e*             ',
2020      4'd + g -> d*                 ',  'u + g -> u*                 ',
2021      4'g + g -> eta_tc             ',  '                            ',
2022      5'f + fbar -> H0              ',  'g + g -> H0                 ',
2023      5'gamma + gamma -> H0         ',  '                            ',
2024      5'                            ',  'f + fbar -> A0              ',
2025      5'g + g -> A0                 ',  'gamma + gamma -> A0         ',
2026      5'                            ',  '                            '/
2027       DATA (PROC(I),I=161,180)/
2028      6'f + g -> f'' + H+/-          ', 'q + g -> LQ + lbar          ',
2029      6'g + g -> LQ + LQbar         ',  'q + qbar -> LQ + LQbar      ',
2030      6'f + fbar -> f'' + fbar'' (g/Z)',
2031      6'f +fbar'' -> f" + fbar"'' (W) ',
2032      6'q + q'' -> q" + d*           ',  'q + q'' -> q" + u*           ',
2033      6'q + qbar -> e + e*          ',  '                            ',
2034      7'f + fbar -> Z0 + H0         ', 'f + fbar'' -> W+/- + H0      ',
2035      7'f + f'' -> f + f'' + H0       ',
2036      7'f + f'' -> f" + f"'' + H0     ',
2037      7'                            ',  'f + fbar -> Z0 + A0         ',
2038      7'f + fbar'' -> W+/- + A0      ',
2039      7'f + f'' -> f + f'' + A0       ',
2040      7'f + f'' -> f" + f"'' + A0     ',
2041      7'                            '/
2042       DATA (PROC(I),I=181,200)/
2043      8'g + g -> Q + Qbar + H0      ',  'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar + H0   ',
2044      8'q + qbar -> g + H0          ',  'q + g -> q + H0             ',
2045      8'g + g -> g + H0             ',  'g + g -> Q + Qbar + A0      ',
2046      8'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar + A0   ',  'q + qbar -> g + A0          ',
2047      8'q + g -> q + A0             ',  'g + g -> g + A0             ',
2048      9'f + fbar -> rho_tc0         ',  'f + f'' -> rho_tc+/-         ',
2049      9'f + fbar -> omega_tc0      ',  'f+fbar -> f''+fbar'' (ETC)  ',
2050      9'f+fbar'' -> f"+fbar"'' (ETC)','                          ',
2051      9'                            ',  '                            ',
2052      9'                            ',  '                            '/
2053       DATA (PROC(I),I=201,220)/
2054      &'f + fbar -> ~e_L + ~e_Lbar  ',  'f + fbar -> ~e_R + ~e_Rbar  ',
2055      &'f + fbar -> ~e_R + ~e_Lbar  ',  'f + fbar -> ~mu_L + ~mu_Lbar',
2056      &'f + fbar -> ~mu_R + ~mu_Rbar',  'f + fbar -> ~mu_L + ~mu_Rbar',
2057      &'f+fbar -> ~tau_1 + ~tau_1bar',  'f+fbar -> ~tau_2 + ~tau_2bar',
2058      &'f+fbar -> ~tau_1 + ~tau_2bar',  'q + qbar'' -> ~l_L + ~nulbar ',
2059      1'q+qbar''-> ~tau_1 + ~nutaubar', 'q+qbar''-> ~tau_2 + ~nutaubar',
2060      1'f + fbar -> ~nul + ~nulbar  ',  'f+fbar -> ~nutau + ~nutaubar',
2061      1'                            ',  'f + fbar -> ~chi1 + ~chi1   ',
2062      1'f + fbar -> ~chi2 + ~chi2   ',  'f + fbar -> ~chi3 + ~chi3   ',
2063      1'f + fbar -> ~chi4 + ~chi4   ',  'f + fbar -> ~chi1 + ~chi2   '/
2064       DATA (PROC(I),I=221,240)/
2065      2'f + fbar -> ~chi1 + ~chi3   ',  'f + fbar -> ~chi1 + ~chi4   ',
2066      2'f + fbar -> ~chi2 + ~chi3   ',  'f + fbar -> ~chi2 + ~chi4   ',
2067      2'f + fbar -> ~chi3 + ~chi4   ',  'f+fbar -> ~chi+-1 + ~chi-+1 ',
2068      2'f+fbar -> ~chi+-2 + ~chi-+2 ',  'f+fbar -> ~chi+-1 + ~chi-+2 ',
2069      2'q + qbar'' -> ~chi1 + ~chi+-1', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi2 + ~chi+-1',
2070      3'q + qbar'' -> ~chi3 + ~chi+-1', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi4 + ~chi+-1',
2071      3'q + qbar'' -> ~chi1 + ~chi+-2', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi2 + ~chi+-2',
2072      3'q + qbar'' -> ~chi3 + ~chi+-2', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi4 + ~chi+-2',
2073      3'q + qbar -> ~chi1 + ~g      ',  'q + qbar -> ~chi2 + ~g      ',
2074      3'q + qbar -> ~chi3 + ~g      ',  'q + qbar -> ~chi4 + ~g      '/
2075       DATA (PROC(I),I=241,260)/
2076      4'q + qbar'' -> ~chi+-1 + ~g   ', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi+-2 + ~g  ',
2077      4'q + qbar -> ~g + ~g         ',  'g + g -> ~g + ~g            ',
2078      4'                            ',  'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~chi1     ',
2079      4'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~chi1     ',  'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~chi2     ',
2080      4'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~chi2     ',  'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~chi3     ',
2081      5'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~chi3     ',  'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~chi4     ',
2082      5'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~chi4     ',  'qj + g -> ~qk_L + ~chi+-1   ',
2083      5'qj + g -> ~qk_R + ~chi+-1   ',  'qj + g -> ~qk_L + ~chi+-2   ',
2084      5'qj + g -> ~qk_R + ~chi+-2   ',  'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~g        ',
2085      5'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~g        ',  '                            '/
2086       DATA (PROC(I),I=261,300)/
2087      6'f + fbar -> ~t_1 + ~t_1bar  ',  'f + fbar -> ~t_2 + ~t_2bar  ',
2088      6'f + fbar -> ~t_1 + ~t_2bar  ',  'g + g -> ~t_1 + ~t_1bar     ',
2089      6'g + g -> ~t_2 + ~t_2bar     ',  '                            ',
2090      6'                            ',  '                            ',
2091      6'                            ',  '                            ',
2092      7'qi + qj -> ~qi_L + ~qj_L    ',  'qi + qj -> ~qi_R + ~qj_R    ',
2093      7'qi + qj -> ~qi_L + ~qj_R    ',  'qi+qjbar -> ~qi_L + ~qj_Lbar',
2094      7'qi+qjbar -> ~qi_R + ~qj_Rbar',  'qi+qjbar -> ~qi_L + ~qj_Rbar',
2095      7'f + fbar -> ~qi_L + ~qi_Lbar',  'f + fbar -> ~qi_R + ~qi_Rbar',
2096      7'g + g -> ~qi_L + ~qi_Lbar   ',  'g + g -> ~qi_R + ~qi_Rbar   ',
2097      8'b + qj -> ~b_1 + ~qj_L      ',  'b + qj -> ~b_2 + ~qj_R      ',
2098      8'b + qj -> ~b_1 + ~qj_R      ',  'b + qjbar -> ~b_1 + ~qj_Lbar',
2099      8'b + qjbar -> ~b_2 + ~qj_Rbar',  'b + qjbar -> ~b_1 + ~qj_Rbar',
2100      8'f + fbar -> ~b_1 + ~b_1bar  ',  'f + fbar -> ~b_2 + ~b_2bar  ',
2101      8'g + g -> ~b_1 + ~b_1bar     ',  'g + g -> ~b_2 + ~b_2bar     ',
2102      9'b + b -> ~b_1 + ~b_1        ',  'b + b -> ~b_2 + ~b_2        ',
2103      9'b + b -> ~b_1 + ~b_2        ',  'b + g -> ~b_1 + ~g          ',
2104      9'b + g -> ~b_2 + ~g          ',  'b + bbar -> ~b_1 + ~b_2bar  ',
2105      9'f + fbar'' -> H+/- + h0     ',  'f + fbar -> H+/- + H0       ',
2106      9'f + fbar -> A0 + h0         ',  'f + fbar -> A0 + H0         '/
2107       DATA (PROC(I),I=301,340)/
2108      &'f + fbar -> H+ + H-         ',
2109      &9*'                          ',  'g + g -> g* + g*            ',
2110      &'q + g -> q*_D + g*          ',  'qi + qj -> q*_Di + q*_Dj    ',
2111      &'g + g -> q*_D + q*_Dbar     ',  'q  + qbar -> q*_D + q*_Dbar ',
2112      &'qi + qbarj -> q*Di + q*Sbarj',  'qi + qjbar -> q*Di + q*Dbarj',
2113      &'qi + qj -> q*_Di + q*_Sj    ',  'qi + qibar -> q*Dj + q*Dbarj',
2114      &21*'                          '/
2115       DATA (PROC(I),I=341,380)/
2116      4'l + l -> H_L++/--           ',  'l + l -> H_R++/--           ',
2117      4'l + gamma -> H_L++/-- e-/+  ',  'l + gamma -> H_R++/-- e-/+  ',
2118      4'l + gamma -> H_L++/-- mu-/+ ',  'l + gamma -> H_R++/-- mu-/+ ',
2119      4'l + gamma -> H_L++/-- tau-/+',  'l + gamma -> H_R++/-- tau-/+',
2120      4'f + fbar -> H_L++ + H_L--   ',  'f + fbar -> H_R++ + H_R--   ',
2121      5'f + f -> f'' + f'' + H_L++/-- ',
2122      5'f + f -> f'' + f'' + H_R++/-- ','f + fbar -> Z_R0            ',
2123      5'f + fbar'' -> W_R+/-         ',5*'                            ',
2124      6'                            ',  'f + fbar -> W_L+ W_L-       ',
2125      6'f + fbar -> W_L+/- pi_T-/+  ',  'f + fbar -> pi_T+ pi_T-     ',
2126      6'f + fbar -> gamma pi_T0     ',  'f + fbar -> gamma pi_T0''    ',
2127      6'f + fbar -> Z0 pi_T0        ',  'f + fbar -> Z0 pi_T0''       ',
2128      6'f + fbar -> W+/- pi_T-/+    ',  '                            ',
2129      7'f + fbar'' -> W_L+/- Z_L0    ', 'f + fbar'' -> W_L+/- pi_T0   ',
2130      7'f + fbar'' -> pi_T+/- Z_L0   ', 'f + fbar'' -> pi_T+/- pi_T0  ',
2131      7'f + fbar'' -> gamma pi_T+/-  ', 'f + fbar'' -> Z0 pi_T+/-     ',
2132      7'f + fbar'' -> W+/- pi_T0     ',
2133      7'f + fbar'' -> W+/- pi_T0''    ',
2134      7'f + fbar'' -> gamma W+/-(ETC)','f + fbar -> gamma Z0 (ETC)',
2135      7'f + fbar -> Z0 Z0 (ETC)     '/
2136       DATA (PROC(I),I=381,420)/
2137      8'f + f'' -> f + f'' (ETC)      ','f + fbar -> f'' + fbar'' (ETC)',
2138      8'f + fbar -> g + g (ETC)     ',  'f + g -> f + g (ETC)        ',
2139      8'g + g -> f + fbar (ETC)     ',  'g + g -> g + g (ETC)        ',
2140      8'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar (ETC)  ',  'g + g -> Q + Qbar (ETC)     ',
2141      8'                            ',  '                            ',
2142      9'f + fbar -> G*              ',  'g + g -> G*                 ',
2143      9'q + qbar -> g + G*          ',  'q + g -> q + G*             ',
2144      9'g + g -> g + G*             ',  '                            ',
2145      9 4*'                         ',
2146      &'g + g -> t + b + H+/-       ',  'q + qbar -> t + b + H+/-    ',
2147 C=====================================================================
2149 C=====================================================================
2150      &'ff -> ff (MT colorsinglet)  ',  'fg -> fg (MT colorsinglet)  ',
2151      &'gg -> gg (MT colorsinglet)  ',
2152      &'ff -> ff (BFKL colorsinglet)',  'fg -> fg (BFKL colorsinglet)',
2153      &'gg -> gg (BFKL colorsinglet)',
2154      & 12*'                            '/
2155 C=====================================================================
2157 C=====================================================================
2158       DATA (PROC(I),I=421,460)/
2159      2'g + g  -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g   ',  'g + g  -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g   ',
2160      2'g + g  -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g   ',  'g + g  -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g   ',
2161      2'g + q  -> q + cc~[3S1(8)]   ',  'g + q  -> q + cc~[1S0(8)]   ',
2162      2'g + q  -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)]   ',  'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)]   ',
2163      2'q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)]   ',  'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)]   ',
2164      3'g + g  -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g   ',  'g + g  -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g   ',
2165      3'g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g   ',  'q + g  -> q + cc~[3P0(1)]   ',
2166      3'q + g  -> q + cc~[3P1(1)]   ',  'q + g  -> q + cc~[3P2(1)]   ',
2167      3'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)]   ',  'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)]   ',
2168      3'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)]   ',
2169      3     21 *'                            '/
2170       DATA (PROC(I),I=461,500)/
2171      6'g + g  -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g   ',  'g + g  -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g   ',
2172      6'g + g  -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g   ',  'g + g  -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g   ',
2173      6'g + q  -> q + bb~[3S1(8)]   ',  'g + q  -> q + bb~[1S0(8)]   ',
2174      6'g + q  -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)]   ',  'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)]   ',
2175      6'q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)]   ',  'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)]   ',
2176      7'g + g  -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g   ',  'g + g  -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g   ',
2177      7'g + g  -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g   ',  'q + g  -> q + bb~[3P0(1)]   ',
2178      7'q + g  -> q + bb~[3P1(1)]   ',  'q + g  -> q + bb~[3P2(1)]   ',
2179      7'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)]   ',  'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)]   ',
2180      7'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)]   ',
2181      7     21 *'                            '/
2183 C...Cross sections and slope offsets.
2184       DATA SIGT/294*0D0/
2186 C...Supersymmetry switches and parameters.
2187       DATA IMSS/0,
2188      &  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
2189      1  89*0/
2190       DATA RMSS/0D0,
2191      &  80D0,160D0,500D0,800D0,2D0,250D0,200D0,800D0,700D0,800D0,
2192      1  700D0,500D0,250D0,200D0,800D0,400D0,0D0,0.1D0,850D0,0.041D0,
2193      2   1D0,800D0,1D4,1D4,1D4,0D0,0D0,0D0,24D17,0D0,
2194      3  10*0D0,  
2195      4  0D0,1D0,8*0D0,  
2196      5  49*0D0/
2197 C...Initial values for R-violating SUSY couplings.
2198 C...Should not be changed here. See PYMSIN.
2199       DATA RVLAM/27*0D0/
2200       DATA RVLAMP/27*0D0/
2201       DATA RVLAMB/27*0D0/
2203 C...Technicolor switches and parameters
2204       DATA ITCM/0,
2205      &  4,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
2206      1  89*0/
2207       DATA RTCM/0D0,
2208      &  82D0,1.333D0,.333D0,0.408D0,1D0,1D0,.0182D0,1D0,0D0,1.333D0,
2209      1  .05D0,200D0,200D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,
2210      2  .283D0,.707D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,1.667D0,250D0,250D0,.707D0,0D0,
2211      3  .707D0,0D0,1D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,0D0,
2212      4  1000D0, 1D0, 1D0, 1D0, 1D0, 0D0, 1D0, 3*200D0,
2213      4  200D0, 48*0D0/
2215 C...UED switches and parameters.
2216 C... IUED(0) empty IUED vector element
2217 C... IUED(1) UED ON(=1)/OFF(=0) switch
2218 C... IUED(2) ON(=1)/OFF(=0) switch for gravity mediated decays
2219 C... IUED(3) NFLAVOURS Number of KK excitation quark flavours
2220 C... IUED(4) N the number of large extra dimensions
2221 C... IUED(5) Selects whether the code takes Lambda (=0)
2222 C...         or Lambda*R (=1) as input.
2223 C... IUED(6) With radiative corrections to the masses (=1)
2224 C...         or without (=0)
2225 C...
2226 C... RUED(0) empty RUED vector element
2227 C... RUED(1) RINV (1/R) the curvature of the extra dimension
2228 C... RUED(2) XMD the (4+N)-dimensional Planck scale
2229 C... RUED(3) LAMUED (Lambda cutoff scale)
2230 C... RUED(4) LAMUED/RINV (feasible values are order of 10-20)
2231 C...
2232       DATA IUED/0,0,0,5,6,0,1,93*0/
2233       DATA RUED/0.D0,1000D0,5000D0,20000.,20.,95*0D0/
2235 C...Data for histogramming routines.
2236       DATA IHIST/1000,20000,55,1/
2237       DATA INDX/1000*0/
2239 C...Data for SUSY Les Houches Accord.
2240       DATA CPRO/'PYTHIA      ','PYTHIA      '/
2241       DATA CVER/'6.4         ','6.4         '/
2242       DATA MODSEL/200*0/
2243       DATA PARMIN/100*0D0/
2244       DATA RMSOFT/101*0D0/
2245       DATA AU/9*0D0/
2246       DATA AD/9*0D0/
2247       DATA AE/9*0D0/
2249       END