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Warning, /GeneratorInterface/Herwig7Interface/test/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ##################################################
0002 # Example generator based on LHC parameters
0003 # usage: Herwig read
0004 ##################################################
0005 read snippets/
0006 ##################################################
0007 # Technical parameters for this run
0008 ##################################################
0009 cd /Herwig/Generators
0010 set EventGenerator:NumberOfEvents 10000000
0011 set EventGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator:Seed 31122001
0012 set EventGenerator:DebugLevel 0
0013 set EventGenerator:PrintEvent 10
0014 set EventGenerator:MaxErrors 10000
0015 ##################################################
0016 #   Create the Les Houches file handler and reader
0017 ##################################################
0018 cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
0019 library
0020 # create the event handler
0021 create ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler LesHouchesHandler
0022 # set the various step handlers
0023 set LesHouchesHandler:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor
0024 set LesHouchesHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler
0025 set LesHouchesHandler:DecayHandler /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler
0026 set LesHouchesHandler:HadronizationHandler /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterHadHandler
0027 # set the weight option (e.g. for MC@NLO)
0028 set LesHouchesHandler:WeightOption VarNegWeight
0029 # set event hander as one to be used
0030 set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler /Herwig/EventHandlers/LesHouchesHandler
0031 # Set up an EMPTY CUTS object
0032 # Normally you will have imposed any cuts you want
0033 # when generating the event file and don't want any more
0034 # in particular for POWHEG and MC@NLO you must not apply cuts on the
0035 # the extra jet
0036 create ThePEG::Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/NoCuts
0037 # You may wish to use the same PDF as the events were generated with
0038 create ThePEG::LHAPDF /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF
0039 set /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF:PDFName NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
0040 set /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF:RemnantHandler /Herwig/Partons/HadronRemnants
0041 set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF
0042 set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF
0043 set /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor:FirstPDF  /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF
0044 set /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF
0045 # We would recommend the shower uses the default PDFs with which it was tuned.
0046 # However it can be argued that the same set as for the sample should be used for
0047 # matched samples, i.e. MC@NLO (and less so POWHEG)
0048 #set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF
0049 #set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFB /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF
0050 # You can in principle also change the PDFs for the remnant extraction and
0051 # multiple scattering. As the generator was tuned with the default values
0052 # this is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED without retuning the MPI parameters
0053 # create the reader and set cuts
0054 create ThePEG::LesHouchesFileReader LesHouchesReader
0055 # the file can be compressed (gziped,bziped)
0056 set LesHouchesReader:FileName cmsgrid_final.lhe
0057 set LesHouchesReader:AllowedToReOpen No
0058 set LesHouchesReader:InitPDFs 0
0059 set LesHouchesReader:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/NoCuts
0060 # option to ensure momentum conservation is O.K. due rounding errors (recommended)
0061 set LesHouchesReader:MomentumTreatment RescaleEnergy
0062 # set the pdfs
0063 set LesHouchesReader:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF
0064 set LesHouchesReader:PDFB /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF
0065 # if using BSM models with QNUMBER info
0066 #set LesHouchesReader:QNumbers Yes
0067 #set LesHouchesReader:Decayer /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
0068 # and add to handler
0069 insert LesHouchesHandler:LesHouchesReaders 0 LesHouchesReader
0070 ##################################################
0071 #  Shower parameters
0072 ##################################################
0073 # normally, especially for POWHEG, you want
0074 # the scale supplied in the event files (SCALUP)
0075 # to be used as a pT veto scale in the parton shower
0076 set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:MaxPtIsMuF Yes
0077 set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:RestrictPhasespace Yes
0078 # Shower parameters
0079 # treatment of wide angle radiation
0080 set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:PartnerMethod Random
0081 set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:ScaleChoice Partner
0082 # fix issue before 7.0.5 (not needed after this)
0083 set /Herwig/Shower/GtoQQbarSplitFn:AngularOrdered Yes
0084 set /Herwig/Shower/GammatoQQbarSplitFn:AngularOrdered Yes
0085 # with MC@NLO these parameters are required for consistency of the subtraction terms
0086 # suggested parameters (give worse physics results with POWHEG)
0087 #set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:InitialInitialBoostOption LongTransBoost
0088 #set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:ReconstructionOption General
0089 #set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:FinalStateReconOption Default
0090 #set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:InitialStateReconOption Rapidity
0091 #set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:SpinCorrelations No
0092 ##################################################
0093 # LHC physics parameters (override defaults here) 
0094 ##################################################
0095 # e.g if different top mass used
0096 #set /Herwig/Particles/t:NominalMass 173.0
0097 ##################################################
0098 # Save run for later usage with 'Herwig run'
0099 ##################################################
0100 cd /Herwig/Generators
0101 saverun LHE EventGenerator