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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
0005 from GeneratorInterface.Hydjet2Interface.hydjet2DefaultParameters_cff import *
0007 generator = cms.EDFilter("Hydjet2GeneratorFilter",
0008     collisionParameters5020GeV,
0009     qgpParametersLHC,
0010     hydjet2Parameters,
0011     fNhsel  = cms.int32(2), # Flag to include jet (J)/jet quenching (JQ) and hydro (H) state production, fNhsel (0 H on & J off, 1 H/J on & JQ off, 2 H/J/HQ on, 3 J on & H/JQ off, 4 H off & J/JQ on)
0012     PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(PythiaDefaultBlock,
0013         parameterSets = cms.vstring(
0014             #'pythiaUESettings',
0015             'ProQ2Otune',
0016             'hydjet2PythiaDefault',
0017             #'pythiaJets',
0018             #'pythiaPromptPhotons',
0019             #'myParameters',
0020             #'pythiaZjets',
0021             #'pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD',
0022             #'pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD',
0023             #'pythiaQuarkoniaSettings',
0024             #'pythiaWeakBosons',
0025             #'TDB'
0026         )
0027     ),
0029     maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),
0030     pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
0032     fIfb    = cms.int32(1),     # Flag of type of centrality generation, fBfix (=0 is fixed by fBfix, >0 distributed [fBfmin, fBmax])
0033     fBmin   = cms.double(0.),   # Minimal impact parameter, fBmin (fm)
0034     fBmax   = cms.double(21.),  # Maximal impact parameter, fBmax (fm)
0035     fBfix   = cms.double(0.),   # Fixed impact parameter, fBfix (fm)
0037 )
0038 '''
0039 RA(Pb) ~= 6.813740957 fm
0040 RA(Au) ~= 6.691445048 fm
0042         RHIC           LHC
0043 % centrality    b/RA(Au)           b/RA(Pb)
0044 ---------------------------------------------
0045 0               0                  0
0046 ---------------------------------------------
0047 5               0.5                0.51
0048 ---------------------------------------------
0049 6               0.55               0.57
0050 ---------------------------------------------
0051 10              0.72               0.74
0052 ---------------------------------------------
0053 12              0.79               0.81
0054 ---------------------------------------------
0055 15          0.89               0.91
0056 ---------------------------------------------
0057 20              1.02               1.05
0058 ---------------------------------------------
0059 25          1.15               1.18
0060 ---------------------------------------------
0061 30              1.26               1.29
0062 ---------------------------------------------
0063 35              1.36               1.39
0064 ---------------------------------------------
0065 40              1.46               1.49
0066 ---------------------------------------------
0067 45          1.55               1.58
0068 ---------------------------------------------
0069 50          1.63               1.67
0070 ---------------------------------------------
0071 55          1.71               1.75
0072 ---------------------------------------------
0073 60              1.79               1.83
0074 ---------------------------------------------
0075 65          1.86               1.90
0076 ---------------------------------------------
0077 70          1.93               1.97
0078 ---------------------------------------------
0079 75          2.01               2.06
0081 '''