Warning, /GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface/test/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 1. testReader_cfg.py OK
0002 2. testWriter_cfg.py uses output of (1) Incorrect comments in the output
0003 3. dumpLHE_cfg.py uses output of (1); type "scram b" OK (run info is printed after the events)
0004 4. convertLHE2HepMC_cfg.py uses output of (1); type "cp lhe.root gen.root" fails, to be corrected
0005 5. testExternalLHEProducer_cfg.py tries to run gridpack fails, gridpack not found
0006 6. testExternalLHEAsciiDumper_cfg.py uses output of (5) depends on (5)