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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 rivetAnalyzer = cms.EDAnalyzer('RivetAnalyzer',
0004   AnalysisNames = cms.vstring('CMS_2010_S8808686', 'MC_DIPHOTON', 'MC_JETS', 'MC_GENERIC'),
0005   HepMCCollection = cms.InputTag('generator:unsmeared'),
0006   GenEventInfoCollection = cms.InputTag('generator'),
0007   genLumiInfo = cms.InputTag("generator"),
0008   # Info: useLHEWeights will create BIG yoda files with Rivet 3.
0009   # Default plotting fails with too many histos, use -m/M options
0010   useLHEweights = cms.bool(False),
0011   weightCap = cms.double(0.),
0012   NLOSmearing = cms.double(0.),
0013   skipMultiWeights = cms.bool(False),
0014   setIgnoreBeams = cms.bool(False),
0015   selectMultiWeights = cms.string(''),
0016   deselectMultiWeights = cms.string(''),
0017   setNominalWeightName = cms.string(''),
0018   LHECollection = cms.InputTag('externalLHEProducer'),
0019   CrossSection = cms.double(-1),
0020   DoFinalize = cms.bool(True),
0021   OutputFile = cms.string('out.yoda')
0022 )