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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 import Geometry.CSCGeometryBuilder.cscGeometryDB_cfi
0004 #
0005 # This cff provides a CSCGeometry with the label 'idealForDigi' that is for sure matching
0006 # the ideal one and thus should be used in the digitisers.
0007 #
0008 idealForDigiCSCGeometry = Geometry.CSCGeometryBuilder.cscGeometryDB_cfi.CSCGeometryESModule.clone()
0009 # The es_module providing fake (i.e. empty) alignment constants:
0010 from Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.fakeForIdealAlignmentProducer_cfi import *
0011 # need to set to False, see below:
0012 idealForDigiCSCGeometry.applyAlignment = False
0013 # Label of the produced CSCGeometry:
0014 idealForDigiCSCGeometry.appendToDataLabel = 'idealForDigi'
0015 # Alignments are looked for with this label:
0016 idealForDigiCSCGeometry.alignmentsLabel = 'fakeForIdeal'
0017 # would need conversion
0018 #es_source fakeCSCAlignmentSource = EmptyESSource {
0019 #    string recordName = "CSCAlignmentRcd"
0020 #    vuint32 firstValid = {1}
0021 #    bool iovIsRunNotTime = true
0022 #}
0023 #es_source fakeCSCAlignmentErrorSource = EmptyESSource {
0024 #    string recordName = "CSCAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd"
0025 #    vuint32 firstValid = {1}
0026 #    bool iovIsRunNotTime = true
0027 #}
0028 ## care: This might lead to a duplication with DT and tracker equivalents of this file:
0029 #es_source fakeGlobalPositionSource = EmptyESSource {
0030 #    string recordName = "GlobalPositionRcd"
0031 #    vuint32 firstValid = {1}
0032 #    bool iovIsRunNotTime = true
0033 #}
0035 # Comments by GF:
0036 # - In anticipation of the removal of the applyAlignment flag, I'd like to keep it true.
0037 # - Then we would need to get IOVs for the fake alignments,
0038 #   * either using FakeAlignmentSource instead of FakeAlignmentProducer in fakeForIdealAlignmentProducer.cfi
0039 #   * or by using the commented IOV settings above.
0040 # - But this causes problems in co-existence with e.g. GlobalTag: 
0041 #   Both Globaltag as well as FakeAlignmentSource provide IOV - it is not distinguished to provide IOV for 
0042 #   a given label only (e.g. 'fakeForIdeal' compared to '').
0043 # - I'll try to contact framework people for CMSSW_2_2_0 and above.